husktale-blog · 8 years
Chapter Two
The sound of panicked panting filled the air as the royal guards sent to the surface were running through the streets of the capital, covered in wounds. One had fainted and was being carried by another guard that had blood dripping out of the helmet around his eye. The unconscious one had bullet wounds and could crumble into dust any second. Undyne, who was waiting at a post saw the guards and ran towards them.
“What the hell happened!? Lupen, what did everyone do?” Undyne was worried but didn’t let it show. This was serious.
The guard carrying the fainted one pulled off his helmet, revealing a cut up dog’s head. “We went up… they were scared… too strong…” He was exhausted and about to drop the guard. Undyne took him from his arms.
“All of you! Get to the lab in Hotland! I’ll carry Lupus, alright?“ They all headed to Hotland.
“You can’t die, Lupus… please don’t die, please don’t die…” Lupen paced back and forth, having a panic attack. This was causing Alphys to get anxious while she bandaged an alligator like guard’s wounds, then headed over to a feline guard to treat their injured limbs.“He won’t die, Alphys will make sure of that.” Undyne said in a calm voice, masking her true emotions.
“Yeah! He’ll be fine, I promise!” Alphys stuttered, clicking her claws against each other nervously. She headed over to a cabinet and pulled some meds out, then handed them to the guards. “Here’s some antibiotics and painkillers, take the antibiotics once a day. You can go now, I’ll make sure he’s ok.“
The guards left but Lupen hesitated a bit. He looked at Alphys. “Don’t let my brother die, do whatever it takes to keep him alive…” He then headed after the others.
“Undyne, could you help me move him down to y-you know…” Alphys looked up at Undyne, sweat fogging up her glasses a bit.
“I know what place you’re talking about, you don’t have to say it. I know that incident left a bad memory of it.” Undyne carefully picked Lupus up and the two went into the elevator to head down to the true lab.
When they left the elevator they walked to a room with a few hospital beds in it and Undyne lightly put him down on it. Alphys immediately started hooking up medical equipment to Lupus. “Ok Alphys, don’t mess up… you can’t have another monster get hurt or…” Alphys started having a panic attack and Undyne attempted to calm her down.
“Hey, everything’s going to be ok Alphys! You won’t mess up, Unnie will make sure you don’t!”
“But what if I do? What if he becomes dust right in front of me?” Alphys started hyperventilating.
“Then I’ll be there for you, now stop overreacting. You’re going to have a heart attack if you keep on doing that!” Undyne picked Alphys up and hugged her tight. Alphys hugged back after calming down.
“Unnie’s gotta go talk to Asgore now, sorry I gotta go.” Undyne hesitantly put Alphys down and went upstairs to head to the castle.
“We need to do something about this. Almost the entire underground knows the barrier’s broken and we can’t just tell them their chance at freedom is gone.”
“I know Asgore, I just don’t know what to do. As much as I want to we can’t just force them to let us live on the surface but if we play nice they’re just going to try to kill us. Do you have any ideas?”
The room was silent except for the distant chirping of birds. Asgore took a sip of his tea and spoke.
“Well… what about disguises?”
“I’m pretty sure they’d notice a bunch of weird people in lots of clothes so-”
“Now hold on, I have an idea. It’s risky but if it works, then we’re all free and won’t have to worry about getting hurt.”
“Go on, I’m listening.”
“Remember how a long time ago there were monsters with extra magic that could change shape?”
“Yeah, they were too dangerous and we had to remove the excess magic. Why?”
“If the magic still works maybe we could give monsters small doses of it so they could disguise themselves.”
“It could work, but that magic’s at least a few decades old! I don’t know if it’s going to make a perfect disguise!”
“Well, we’ll cross that bridge when we get to it. Tell the royal scientist what we need.”
“Yes, Asgore.”
Undyne got up and walked out of the room. She felt terrible, she knew Alphys wouldn’t like giving monsters doses of anything dangerous after what happened with the determination. While nobody died they fused together into those… things.
But it was for the best.
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husktale-blog · 8 years
Chapter One
A group of monsters and a single human stood on a cliff, looking at the landscape and a small city in the distance. A tall fish like monster turned to the others.
“Now that we’re on the surface, we need a plan. I suggest we send some guards down there to introduce everyone and sort everything out. What do you think, King Asgore?”
The huge armored goat was zoning out, staring at a sunrise he’d never seen.
He snapped out of it and abruptly looked at her. “Oh, sorry Undyne. I think it’s a marvelous plan.” He seemed unsure and a curious skeleton was worried.
“Why yes, I just… I never thought we’d get to the surface and now that I’m here I don’t know what to do. So yes Undyne, you can send some royal guards down. Make sure the humans know we don’t want to fight, we just want to negotiate.”
Undyne got ready to go back into the underground to notify the guards but the skeleton stopped her. “UNDYNE, I’D BE PROUD TO INTRODUCE US TO THE HUMANS! SO MAY I?”
Undyne now felt terrible. She knew it was too dangerous for him but she didn’t want to tell him that. He was the type that didn’t take no as an answer too well. Luckily a small skeleton spoke up.
“but who’d make the humans spaghetti? i’m sure they’d love yours, papyrus.” He yawned halfway through the sentence.
“YOU’RE RIGHT, SANS! I’LL GO START MAKING SOME!” Papyrus quickly ran back into the underground. Undyne gave Sans a thumbs up.
“I’ll go tell the guards our plan. Hey Alphys! You should come along as well!”
A small reptilian in a lab coat looked at Undyne and stuttered. “Oh, uh o-ok!” She followed Undyne who swiftly picked her up and sat her on her shoulders.
Sans looked at the human. “welp, thanks for everything frisk. wanna go to grillby’s one last time?”
Frisk quietly nodded their head and said yes.
“and you wouldn’t mind if we took the long way, would you? i want to talk with you.”
Frisk said yes to this as well. Sans held their hand and they walked back into the underground’s darkness.
Asgore looked at another goat near him. “Toriel, do you want to-”
“No.” She walked back into the cave leading to the underground. Asgore sighed and walked behind her.
— Sans and Frisk walked side by side, passing by a waterfall. Sans stopped smiling for a second. “kid, please be honest with me. when are you going to reset? because i need to know. i can’t take it anymore. so just tell me.”
Frisk looked Sans in the eye sockets. “I won’t. Never again.”
“if you mean that, thank you.” Sans let out a breath of air in relief. “so how are the humans going to react to us? it’d probably be pretty surprising to see a bunch of us suddenly come out of the ground.”
“I really don’t know, but I’m sure they’ll adapt!”
Undyne stood on a table, looking over a crowd of monsters in armor.
“Alright! This is what we’ve been waiting for! We can’t mess this up! You will be representing all of monsterkind! Your actions will determine whether the humans accept us or not! If you feel you’re incapable of doing this right, leave now!”
Half of the crowd shuffled through the doors leading out of the room. Now at least a dozen guards were left.
“If you have not been in the royal guard for at least five years, leave now!”
Now only seven were left.
“You seven will go above ground and negotiate with the humans! You will not be allowed to bring weapons with you but you are advised to make sure your armor is in top shape! You are now dismissed!”
The remaining guards left and Undyne was alone with Alphys. She turned to her.
“Alphys, you have experience with treating wounds right?”
“Y-yeah! Why?”
“Be prepared for the worst. They sealed us underground once and they might try again.”
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