huskykcd · 2 years
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I drew too much- also lele (mimikky) colored the second drawing!!!! It’s beautiful!!!! Q~Q
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huskykcd · 2 years
my best friend just started watching Gravity Falls and they asked who my favorite character is and its burning a hole in my chest because I can’t tell them that its this fucking 70 y/o gay exploring sarcastic demon hunting bitch because if i do,, i ruin the whole show but i’ve literally rewatched this show 800 times and honestly alex hirsch,, fuck you for giving us the best storyline of all time because if i tell anyone anything it spoils the whole show ahhahahahahhahhhhhhh
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the queer scientist in question
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huskykcd · 2 years
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Mabel showing Ford modern games :)
[click for better quality]
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huskykcd · 2 years
Stan twins fanfic reclist
Faves are italicized!
like they were a perfect fit (oneshot - 4224 words) by hapful - Regarding a certain photograph Stanford carried with him for roughly 30 years.
Untitled (oneshot - 2485 words) by @logicalbookthief - Stan pretends that he hasn’t gotten back his memories of Ford.  
Aftermath (oneshot - 2997 words): Deals with both Stan/memory loss and Ford/seizure (tw: seizure)
A Tale Of Three Stans (oneshot - 12413 words) by Beleriandings - Out adventuring on the Stan ‘O War II, Stan runs into another version of Ford.
Epileptic Ford AU (oneshot - 2352 words) - runs on the idea that Ford might have seizures in the future thanks to being electrocuted. (tw: vomit, injury, blood, seizures) 
Pulse (oneshot - 2474 words) by @miistrals - Bill fatally injures Stan. (tw: descriptions of blood, violence)
Haunt (oneshot - 7211 words) by Witete - Scars, new and old, torture the eldest Pines twins. (tw: siezures, panic attacks, PTSD)
it can’t rain forever (we’re on to better weather) (oneshot - 2098 words) by A_Beautiful_Beast - Stan and Ford hug it out.
Real Men (Don’t) Cry (oneshot - 2051 words) by Nicnac - Stan cries when Ford tells him to take the journal.
Harsh Reminder (oneshot - 3715 words) by @orangeoctopi7 - Post-finale, dealing with the return of Stan’s memories and Ford needing to go to a hospital.
Emergency Contact (oneshot - 3196 words) by madwriter223 - Ford receives news that Stan is in the hospital.
Forgotten Memories (oneshot - 1893 words) by nuttersincorporated - Stan and Ford dealing with Stan’s memory loss.
The Sum of Our Memories (oneshot - 3700 words) by Linelen (Linelenagain) - Stan regaining his memories.
our past ghosts always haunting (oneshot - 1347 words) by anonymousAlchemist - In which Stan never regains his memories.
When Did We Become Old Men? (oneshot - 6648 words) by Inkblot9 - Stan and Ford celebrate their first birthday together in over 40 years.
It’s All the Same (at the end of the day) (oneshot - 4360 words) by raritysdiamonds - Stan and Ford pay a visit to their mother.
Fear of the Dark (twoshot;complete - 7463 words) by @thesnadger - Written before the finale, on the premise that Ford actually would kick Stan out at the end of the summer. (tw: suicide attempt)
Fisherman’s Knot (multichapter;incomplete) by @scribefindegil - Stan and Ford, post-series.
Raising Stakes (multichapter;incomplete) by MaryPSue - AU with Stan as a vampire at the time Ford and he reunite.
The Time Wish (mutichapter;complete - 59420 words) by Sarah1281 - a Peggy Sue fic for Stan, in which he goes back to right before he reunites with Ford in 1982.
Cellular Memory (multichapter;complete - 31671 words) by Bgtea - Stan’s memories take a lot longer to return than they did in canon.
A Pound of Flesh (multichapter;complete - 10918 words) by LogicalBookThief - Stan and Ford discover the dark secret of a coastal village, as well as a more personal danger.
Perseverance (multichapter;incomplete) by Foil Candle - Regarding the time Stan spent stuck in the trunk of a car, as well as Stan’s and Ford’s relationship at that time.
Avarice (multichapter;incomplete) by Haberdasher - Transcendence AU AU in which Stan becomes a demon instead of Dipper.
In Search of Antidotes (multichapter;complete - 30200 words) by azhdarchidaen -  Historical AU set in the late 19thcentury.  (tw: violence, injury, blood, anxiety, suicide mention) 
Towards the Sun (multichapter;complete - 88258 words) by @pinesinthewoods and @notthistimespock  - [A now AU take on Bill’s defeat] In which Stan is trapped in the nightmare realm after sacrificing himself to defeat Bill, and Ford follows him.
Blind Faith (multichapter;complete - 21027 words) by pinesinthewoods - In which both Stan and Ford fall through the portal.  (tw: eye trauma)
Two Old Men and the Sea (multichapter;complete - 69409 words) by embulalia - Stan and Ford post-series. 
A Thousand Natural Shocks (multichapter;complete - 53750 words) by WDW - Stanley Pines made a deal; after Bill’s defeat, Ford uncovers the details of his brother’s disappearance.
Mystery Nerds AU (multichapter series;incomplete - 97460+ words) by babyblueavenger - In which Stan is sick when he reunites with Ford in 1982, and Ford reevaluates his treatment of his brother. (tw: mentions of prostitution, suicidal thoughts)
Brand of a Dreamer (multichapter series;incomplete - 54208+ words) by impish_nature - AU of the Weirdmageddon episodes in which Bill traps Stan in the Mindscape, and Ford has to rescue him.
a better place, a better time (multichapter series;incomplete - 49,002+ words) by @tallykale - A Mystery Trio fic in which Stan and Ford reunite while Ford’s at college.  Also includes Fiddauthor (+aromantic Stan!), but has good moments with Stan & Ford. (tw: mental illness, mentions of abuse)
A Little Bit Lost (series of oneshots;incomplete - 48539+ words) by @impishnature - Ford comes back from the portal more jumpy and paranoid than in canon, and has to readjust to his home dimension.
Wrong & Right (series of oneshots;incomplete - 8633 words) by  KarmaKelpie - Ford + self-denial.
Missing Parts - A Reverse Portal AU (series of oneshots;incomplete - 13072+ words) by @that-is-my-jam - An AU in which Stan falls through the portal instead of Ford.  Deals with the events following Stan’s return.
pieces (series of oneshots;incomplete - 22344+ words) by hapful - Stan and Ford reunite not long after Stan is kicked out, but they still have major communication issues. (tw: violence)
Khdo Doo Zrxqgv dqg Qhyhu Edfn Grzq (series of oneshots;complete - 19886  words) by Krasimer - Some missing moments for Stan and Ford, some dealing with Stan being kicked out.  
Other Gravity Falls reclists:  Pines twins Other Pines relationships  Other Gen Pacifica-centric Fiddauthor
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huskykcd · 2 years
Blind Faith AU for the ask?
I’m not very familiar with this AU (I believe I’ve read the original fic, but I don’t know much outside that) so if I contradict or repeat stuff that’s already been established, sorry!
1. While Stan’s sight eventually comes back, he doesn’t always see what other people see. Sometimes that means he doesn’t see things that are there. Sometimes that means he sees things that are really there, or that were really there once, or that will really be there, or that are really there, just one dimension over. It happens infrequently and it’s usually over quickly, but it’s nearly impossible to tell which of the above it is he’s seeing or what it means, and mostly it’s just a giant pain in the neck.
2. Because both Stan and Ford end up on the other side of the portal, there is no Mystery Shack. Shermie’s family ends up inheriting the house in Gravity Falls when Stan and Ford are both pronounced legally dead. Instead of going up to Gravity Falls to spend a summer with their great-uncle, Mabel and Dipper end up going up to Gravity Falls with their parents to clean out their dead relative’s house. It lends a whooooole different tenor to the summer, that’s for sure.
3. Actually, Stan not being around to open the Mystery Shack changes everything. Soos doesn’t get a strong male role model in his life who can be a father figure to him. Wendy’s not around for the summer of ‘12 because she’s away at logging camp. Gideon - Gideon would own Gravity Falls without any competition re: tourist traps. Would the town be worse off financially? Who would still be there? Would anyone have left? Would anyone new be there? Everything changes without the Mystery Shack. 
4. So without the Mystery Shack in town, Gideon and the Northwests would be locked in an power struggle of old vs. new money over who controls Gravity Falls, and both of them have ties to Bill - I’m guessing Bill is playing both sides off against each other, acting like he’s an ally to each of them, while still trying to get somebody to open the portal. And this is what Dipper and Mabel and their family walk into the middle of. And what Stan and Ford come back to. That’s gonna end well.
5. Ford still ends up with a stupid tattoo, mostly because they were both drunk and Stan goaded him into it. When Ford gives Stan hell for it, Stan protests that hey, Ford’s the one who asked the blind guy about his opinion on tattoo art.
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huskykcd · 2 years
Why are there no Blind Faith AU stories about when Stan and Ford make it back to gravity falls. I would love to see what the rest of the family thinks of their strange habits and co-dependency. I imagine seeing Ford freak out for the first time would be terrifying and potentially dangerous until Stan came in and calmed Ford down. I love 3rd person POV stories and I think their co-dependecy would be a neat thing to focus an outsider point of view story on.
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huskykcd · 2 years
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Day 24: Blind.
Hey, do you guys remember the blind faith AU? Cause I sure do.
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huskykcd · 2 years
Btw, do you have an Gravity Falls fanfiction references?
yesssss. im pretty new to this fandom, but here's some of my favorites so far!
Of Mutts and Men (stan is turned into a dog and adopted by ford. just so so so good) by @detectivejigsawpines 
Blind Faith by pinesinthewoods (Stan and Ford fall through the portal together. I had to take a minute and recover from this one wheew. a masterpiece. check out the warnings before reading though, v violent)
Flipside Au (stan goes to warn ford about bill earlier cause of stuff that happens lol. its super long and wonderful) also by detectivejigsaw
This is just a really cool collection of mostly stan twin centered comics by  @hellmandraws
The Natural Law of Weirdness Magnetism (Stan’s a werewolf) by TheArchaeologist
hide and seek by parsnipit (this was sweet. strange and sweet. stan and ford on the sea dealing with an odd aspect of Ford’s trauma)
1 Step Forward, 20 Years Back by Ppleater (stan gets turned into a kid on accident during their portal fight, but still has his memories. finished, long, v v good)
Back in Time by mythomagicallydelicious (another stan de-aging au, but to a teenager and its right before ford comes back)
so i guess what we’re seeing here is i like a good werewolf and/or time travel au.
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huskykcd · 2 years
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“It’s okay, Sixer, I’ve got you.“ Some days the memories wouldn’t leave.
Blind Faith AU Now this is where it gets complicated. This is inspired by a fanfiction by @impishnature, which was inspired by a comic, which was inspired by imp’s headcanons.
Occasionally, Ford can’t pull himself out of the memories that the campfire reminds him up. It’s a good thing Stan is there then.
Love how this turned out. The colors and all the subtle details (like not seeing Stan’s eyes anywhere but the last panel)! *tags @pinesinthewoods for creating this specific branch of the Blind Faith AU, and for scenes taken from the Blind Faith fanfic*
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huskykcd · 2 years
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Blind Faith AU
Based on @impishnature‘s amazing headcanons, especially the last one. As one of Stan’s eyes starts to heal, he doesn’t tell Ford immediately. He doesn’t want to bring it up not knowing if his vision will fade again and stir more unrest between them.
They are not good at communicating. Ford barely talks and Stan can’t see him. But occasionally, if Stan gets hold of Ford’s new journal, he’ll pretend to read aloud, making up crazy adventures. (They’re pretty amazing, and he can after all imitate Ford’s voice).
Then one day, if he squints, Stan can read one of the titles and he surprises Ford.
I had to draw it. It was a lot of fun! Took me a while, but I got to draw them changing over time!
Bonus under cut: closeup of favorite panel because their expressions are adorable.
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huskykcd · 2 years
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llorstel said:What if imagine, smallish shapeshifter on desk and fords back to him sorting done thing out. Shapeshifter notices frame photo on desk of stan twins when they were young. Stanford turns back to him and drops whatever he was holding. The shapeshifter out of curiosity shaped shifted into a young Stanley and there’s Ford with a look horror on his face and asks the him to ‘please change’, shapeshifter asks ‘why’ and than just shouts ‘CHANGE BACK NOW!!’. he does and just, the scene and I’m just sorry
You made me do this.
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huskykcd · 2 years
what's especially hilarious about Ford's clothes is he isn't JUST wearing a turtleneck sweater, but also a trenchcoat, pants, and boots. at least Mabel wears a loose sweater with a skirt and regular shoes, Ford is dressed for heavy winter. i kinda assume it might be cause he's used to wearing lots of clothes wherever he was in the portal since his outfit is similar to the one he came out with but maybe he's just hardcore like that.
yeah lol, he’s got the whooole shebang. I actually like the headcanon that he has a bunch of scars he’s covering up, which makes his outfit make more sense to me. Or like you said, it could also be out of habit, maybe he was wearing his trenchcoat for years in alien dimensions and feels weird wearing something else, it could make him feel exposed. I mean, those are just my headcanons, the real reason is probably the artists decided his outfit looked cool (which it does).
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huskykcd · 2 years
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huskykcd · 2 years
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You know he dead - part  ∞
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huskykcd · 2 years
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“Ford, its 103 degrees, why are you still wearing that stinking turtleneck.”
“Its the only thing that covers everything.”
My headcanon, Ford wears a turtleneck to cover all the scars he sustained from the other dimension 
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huskykcd · 2 years
Genre: Angst, Hurt/Comfort (kind of)
Warnings: description of scars and injuries, implied past torture
This fanfic was inspired by skidar‘s art of Ford hiding his scars. I really like that headcanon, and this short fic that just kind of came out after seeing the picture.
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huskykcd · 2 years
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had a strong urge to draw protective, reassuring Ford, don’t mind me
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