Update + Interest Count
Hello all,
I just wanted to leave a note here to explain what happened to the Spring 2020 event. Not a lot of people joined in (less than 2) and my schedule with college went off the rails, so it ended up not going forward with it.
I have decided that I wanted to have another Secret Santa event this year, but I want to gauge the interest in it. If you’re interested in being a part of the Secret Santa event, just like this post.
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Hey, @crystem!! I was your back-up santa for the @hustlecatsecretsanta event. I love drawing Finley, so this was so fun to do!!
I hope you had a wonderful holiday, and a lovely new year  💖💖
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@buttercupandwestley here’s Finley and Mason, for Christmas! I hope it was worth the wait, and you have a very merry 2019!
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hey @holdinglines I was your secret santa! sorry this is a bit late, I ended up spilling my drink on my paper sketch that I was using, so this is actually my first time doing anything digital!! (I was planning to do a traditional sketch with colored pencils) 
I like to think that finley would love to recreate the long cat photo since she’s internet savvy B)
I’ve never drawn cats before either so this is a lot of firsts for me, and it was a lot of fun to do :) I hope you have a great end of the year!
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When posting your gifts, please remember to tag this blog or #hustlecatsecret so I can see them and reblog them. This is a way for me to keep track of everyone who received their gifts or not. Thank you!
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When posting your gifts, please remember to tag this blog or #hustlecatsecret so I can see them and reblog them. This is a way for me to keep track of everyone who received their gifts or not. Thank you!
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When posting your gifts, please remember to tag this blog or #hustlecatsecret so I can see them and reblog them. This is a way for me to keep track of everyone who received their gifts or not. Thank you!
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When posting your gifts, please remember to tag this blog or #hustlecatsecret so I can see them and reblog them. This is a way for me to keep track of everyone who received their gifts or not. Thank you!
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Hey @relicanth! I was your hustle cat secret santa for the @hustlecatsecretsanta event!
Here’s a very Avery/Graves gift exchange, complete with a seasonal Mochi sweater.
I hope you like it, and have a wonderful holiday 💖
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When posting your gifts, please remember to tag this blog or #hustlecatsecret so I can see them and reblog them. This is a way for me to keep track of everyone who received their gifts or not. Thank you!
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When posting your gifts, please remember to tag this blog or #hustlecatsecret so I can see them and reblog them. This is a way for me to keep track of everyone who received their gifts or not. Thank you!
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When posting your gifts, please remember to tag this blog or #hustlecatsecret so I can see them and reblog them. This is a way for me to keep track of everyone who received their gifts or not. Thank you!
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merry christmas @ghostnamedcasey ❣❣❣❣ 
i thought your idea of reese and avery meeting reese’s dad was suuuuuper cute!! you have exquisite taste
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For @ugxmi  for the @hustlecatsecretsanta
I hope that you like it!
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“Anyone Can Learn T’ Cook”
A Kinda-Shippy GravesXMason fanfic for Spacey! @elle-eedee​ on Tumblr.
After the whole ordeal with Nacht, it was common for A Cat’s Paw to close during the holidays for a brief period. With the staff no longer stuck in their cat forms outside of the cafe, they had families to visit for the holidays.
Well, most of them had families to visit for the holidays. Those who stayed behind to come into A Cat’s Paw, despite not working, were Avery, Mason, Graves, and Landry. Why the three stayed with Graves and didn’t choose to head home wasn’t something often discussed, but it was completely accepted. They were all considered family here by Graves, and if they wished to spend the holidays with him, they were perfectly welcome.
Outside, the weather was causing a thin layer of snow to be left on the ground around the cafe, and Graves may have sprinkled a little bit of magic around the cafe to make the warmth feel far more homely for the workers there, something he was obviously smug about despite not stating so. It was right there on his face: the knowing smirk, the slight delight in his eyes from knowing his spell had worked, and worst of all that pose he stood with when certain he had done something immensely great and talented.
“Hm.” The short mumble from the girl was met with a knowing smirk from Landry, who took this as an opportunity to speak up.
“You sensed it, too, Mason?” Landry’s face was just as smug as Graves’, you’d think having the two of them with this large an ego it wouldn’t fit into the cafe, but with Reese gone for the holidays there was definitely enough room. Not to mention, Finley likely contributed quite a bit to that measurement, too.
“Wait, sensed what?” Avery was clueless, learning by themself had left them lagging behind a bit with sensing these sorts of things, their face riddled with confusion and slight disappointment that they weren’t in on what was going on.
“S'Graves.” Mason began. “Coulda made more effort, used magic ‘nstead.” It was a little hard to tell with her usually stoic attitude, but she didn’t mind Graves’ lack of effort, her mocking of him was more playful than anything, a smirk gently creeping onto her face before she let it vanish again, placing her hands on her hips and giving him one bit of genuine criticism. “Coulda jus’ cooked homely food 'f ya wanted us feelin’ that.”
Graves placed a hand to his chest, mock offended. His expression turned to one of fake disdain, and he began a dramatic stride around the room, recounting his claims to them. “Unfortunately, Mason, I’ve no skillset for such things. Not in the same regards as you, of course.” He kept pacing, past the table Landry was sitting, then onto the couch, Avery slouched over it, placing a palm to their face as their boss paraded through the establishment. Then finally, toward Mason. “it wounds me to think you’d not recall that detail~” Definitely mock offended, and definitely trying to start some kind of one-upping of sass with his only chef.
Mason wasn’t usually one for retorting when it wasn’t necessary, but the amount of drama Graves had put on, she was very tempted. She resisted the urge to sass him back quite easily, though, simply giving him a blunt statement of “Anyone can learn t’ cook.” That statement was a mistake.
Graves’ smirk curled more, almost like a cat about to hunt it’s prey as he spotted the perfect opportunity to get in some holiday bonding, he twirled around in a flamboyant flair to move his hot chocolate over to the table near where Mason was leaning against the wall, before stating in the most persuasive voice he was capable of “Then teach me~”
“Now?” Avery wasn’t meant to be involved in this conversation, but their cluelessness with magic seems to also reside as cluelessness in social etiquette. Landry’s grin had doubled in size, he knew exactly what Mason and Graves were trying here. Despite Mason being quite, she didn’t just offer cooking lessons to anyone, she had to have some deeper feelings of trust in them to do so.
“S'not yer question.” Mason stated, a little blunt but in a more soft and kind tone to make sure Avery knew no malice was held. “Now’s fine. Don’t think paws’ll hold a pan well, though.” Mason gave a sly smirk. She knew Graves was that black cat, didn’t she? How long had she known Graves was the one transforming? He had never actually told anyone or transformed in front of them now that he thought about it.
He was definitely going to have to make sure he paid full attention when he was whisked away to the kitchen, but not until after an incredibly elegant and polite “Of course, I’ll be sure to retain my human appearance for this.” As the two left the floor of the cafe to bond together, Avery and Landry were the only two remaining, Landry kindly explaining to Avery, with a sly tone and a twinkle in his eyes.
“Those two are definitely getting along.”
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All Secret Santas have been sent out!
If you did not receive your person, don’t hesitate to contact me!
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Will submit your secret santas to you all soon!
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