hvlfseelie-blog · 6 years
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     “nathan, runs off the tongue a bit better than hal i think.” she had half a mind to call him by that or something else rather than the name hal. “i see. cadogan, ‘tis not too bad either. i’m afraid you won’t ever know my real name.” it was a close guarded secret for the princess. “my mother puts her children first when it comes to her family, any other distant relations she doesn’t speak much of. you’re possibly descendant of a sibling or a cousin of her own.”
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“i guess,” agreed hal with a shrug. he’d never really thought so deeply about his name before. “all i know is that if i’m being called nathan it’s probably because i’m in trouble,” he explained, scratching at one of his pointed ears. “it’s cool. i think the concept of understanding most seelie customs is a little out of my depth anyway. i was raised as a mundane, so most of this stuff just flies right over my head.” really, it’s no wonder he doesn’t know how distant his relation to the princess happens to be.
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hvlfseelie-blog · 6 years
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hal isn’t much of a drinker nor is he a werewolf, but he spends a lot of time at the hunter’s moon anyway because of who his friends are. he’s familiar with enough of the regular patrons that he tends to feel comfortable taking a seat just about anywhere in the bar. today he’s at the counter beside a brunette he’s definitely seen around town once or twice before, but his attempts at putting a name to her pretty face are speculative at best. “whatcha drinking?” he finally greeted with a nod, figuring it would be much too impolite and obvious of him to continue sneaking glances at her without offering much of anything else.
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hvlfseelie-blog · 6 years
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     being as old as she was and forever in her princess mode she knew that her gaze could make others uncomfortable if used well enough. and she can see it affecting him as he stands in front of her. “hal. such a simple name. one syllable. how distant?” she asked, though some part of her remembered somewhere she had distant family members, but not many.
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“well, my name is actually nathan,” he explained to the princess, “my first name, that is. my, uh, my real name is cadogan. i’m only half - seelie, so it doesn’t really matter if i tell you.” as for how distant their relation is...hal’s mouth fell open as he tried to figure it out. “uh, i dunno.” he finally decided, “my mom doesn’t really talk about her family much. does yours?” 
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hvlfseelie-blog · 6 years
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technically he wasn’t hiding. he was just very carefully changing room depending on where hal was, so that didn’t count as hiding, didn’t it? “why?” he groaned, huffing to himself afterward when realized he just gave away his position. “i showered yesterday? i don’t need it now, c’mooon.”
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hal shouted victoriously as mason groaned. he finally had a general idea of where the werewolf was hiding. “you do realize that yesterday is the day before today, right?” retorted hal as if they don’t have this exact argument every single time he and caroline decide their rooommate needs to bathe.
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hvlfseelie-blog · 6 years
        one look at hal’s expression and she feels guilty. it’s a topic she can’t avoid, one that is on everyone’s lips, god she wishes it was one that wasn’t so close to her. “don’t-” she waves his words off with a smile. it’s not his fault. it’s hers. “it’s fine. it’s just…everyone’s pretty on edge. things aren’t right with ben. nobody knows who they can trust because there were downworlders working with him. hell, probably half the people in here think i was in on it.” she barks out an uneasy laugh. there were a few members of the pack that remembered her reluctance to join, her animosity with ben, and had drawn the wrong conclusion. “just stay clear of the institute yeah ?? it’s not safe.”
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“aren’t right,” he repeats questioningly, dark brows drawing together. his expression only contorts further as rory continues, eyes flickering around the bar more uneasily now. “you,” what is he, a parrot? no, he’s just taken aback. surely no one actually believes that rory of all people would be involved in whatever the hell is going on right now? he can’t fathom it. ��if you were in on it then you wouldn’t think that the institute isn’t safe. you’d be in there living it up right now,” argues hal, smiling comfortingly at the werewolf, “not stuck here talking to me.” 
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hvlfseelie-blog · 6 years
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     the seelie princess wasn’t overly fond of nicknames except from certain people and she took a deep breath when she heard it. turning toward the halfling, her gaze scrutinizing him slightly. “please never call me that again.” raising an eyebrow at him, “vaguely i suppose.” he did look familiar to her.
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adelina’s dark gaze is regal and censorious. hal immediately began to fidget beneath her stare, rocking back and forth on his heels as he struggled to answer her. “yeah, um, i — hal. we’re cousins...distantly.” for some reason he thought the distinction might help endear him to the princess. “remember?”
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hvlfseelie-blog · 6 years
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     “ you know what i can reach ? ” caroline asked before reaching to grab and yank at his ear a bit, making him bend a bit to get to her eye level. right then her face lit up with mischief and after a few seconds of looking back at her roommate she grinned, getting into action quickly and jumping on his back easily now that he had lowered himself. “ come on - ” she muttered, right before she could reach the box. as soon as she had it, she jumped down from his back, shaking the box in his face. “ when will you ever learn, hal ? ”
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hal probably could’ve stopped caroline if he really wanted to, but figured it would be wiser to let her get what she wanted if only to keep the peace. “ah!” he cried playfully as she yanked on his ear. “just so you know, this obsession you have with my ears is starting to get a little concerning. i feel like one day you’re gonna see what a full - blooded seelie’s ears look like and just spontaneously combust from the excitement or something.” hal scratched self - consciously at one of the points, rolling his eyes at caroline’s bragging, “eat your cereal,” he instructed with an indignant huff.
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hvlfseelie-blog · 6 years
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lucien chuckled, waving one of his hands dismissively. “it’s okay, time start to hardly matter after a while.” he hummed. “nathan, right?“ he raised a brow then, not really waiting for an answer as he kept talking. “but yes, i guess it was about time to check the…rest of the family if it can be called that, considering the time we are in.”
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“right...” he agreed slowly. even around his mother hal sometimes forgets that seelies ( his people, at least in part ) tend to live for quite some time, that aging works differently in their homeland. “hal,” he corrected, pulling a face at the use of his first name. “it’s only nathan when i’m in trouble.” his dark brows knit together as lucien continued. “so...you wanted to check up on me?”
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hvlfseelie-blog · 6 years
       she pushes a beer towards an awaiting customer before waving him away with a grumble. the bar itself was rammed and she’d been asked at the last second to hop behind and help - didn’t matter that she’d already had plans. resting against the counter, she leans towards hal, apologetic smile still formed on her lips. not exactly the catch up they’d anticipated. “you heard about-” she stops, not quite able to say his name. “you heard about the shadowhunter right ?? the one behind it all ??” even the topic turns her stomach but she does her best to put on a front.
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immediately hal can tell that rory is put off by the topic he’s asked after. “you’re probably sick of talking about it, huh?” he winces apologetically and scratches at one of his pointed ears, “yeah, i heard about that guy.” hal almost says the name, but thinks better of it at the last second. not here, in this bar crowded with very tipsy, very angry downworlders. “guess no one’s really taking the news all that well,” and why would they? hal frowns as he glances around the hunter’s moon again, at all the people who are suffering because of what’s happened.
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hvlfseelie-blog · 6 years
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     “ i. am. handling. this —- sheezus. ” caroline let each word out as a huff in between jumping in an attempt to grab the cereal box. “ who the hell put it up there ? ” she asked, turning around to look at hal with a defeated look on her face. “ welcome legolas. ” giving him a one armed hug, she then grinned. “ hey - you know what ? you should just give me a boost up there. ”
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“sure you are,” retorted hal dryly as caroline tried and failed yet again to reach for a cereal box on the shelf, “wasn’t me,” he answered the blonde’s question with a shake of his head. “you know i’m more of a waffles for breakfast type of guy. bet you can’t reach those, either,” pulling a humorous face as he looked down at his roommate, hal scoffed at her suggestion. “no way. we’re not forming the voltron just so you can reach a box of cereal, but nice try.”
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hvlfseelie-blog · 6 years
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“addie!” was that an acceptable way of addressing the seelie princess? probably not, but it’s too late now. “sorry...adelina,” hal corrected himself regardless, grinning apologetically at his cousin. “hey. you...uh, you remember me, right? hal?” he pointed to himself hopefully.
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hvlfseelie-blog · 6 years
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“mason!” this is ridiculous. their apartment isn’t very big and surely there aren’t many places his redheaded roommate could be hiding. yet, hal can’t find the guy. of course he can’t. “mason! c’mon! i got the shower running for you! the water’s hot and everything! where are you?!”
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hvlfseelie-blog · 6 years
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hal found caroline first when he got home from his shift at the library. she was in the kitchen, attempting to reach for something situated much too high on a shelf. typical. “okay, what am i getting for you?” he asked, glancing down at his roommate as he prepared to reach around her, “also, hey. i’m home.”
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hvlfseelie-blog · 6 years
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sure, they’re family, but hal doesn’t really know any of his cousins well enough to feel comfortable around them — not yet, anyway. “lucien,” he greeted the seelie prince with an awkward nod. his best attempt at being formal. “you...uh, you wanted to meet, right? i’m not super late, am i?”
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hvlfseelie-blog · 6 years
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“dude,” muttered hal in disbelief as he glanced around the crowded bar before returning is attention to rory, “you’ve gotta tell me what the hell is going on around here. i mean, i know there might be a war and all, but it’s been that way for a while, right? and none of these guys have ever looked this murder-y until now.”
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hvlfseelie-blog · 6 years
i think you all know me by now but if you don’t then hi~ i’m sam, she / her, twenty - one years old, from the est timezone and this is my newest character, hal! i also play ben, quill, and auden, but details about hal will be under the cut, so feel free to give that a look then message me here or over @mcrdices if you’d like to plot! let’s get started!
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hvlfseelie-blog · 6 years
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     “ huh, ” huffed rose at the boy’s words, having never pain enough attention or care at such things until he brought it up. “ so those bastards thought they were being mean to you by calling you names like that ? ” she asked, a grin on her face as she rolled her eyes. “ i myself do not take offence to such thing but each to their own. don’t like what someone calls you ? i suggest a punch to the nose should be efficient. and to answer your question – yes, like in harry potter. ”
“seemed like it,” hal confirmed, unsure how to feel about his fellow half - seelie’s flippancy regarding the term. “i mean, my mother did leave our...homeworld...” is that what the seelie realm is called? hal figures it makes sense, but the word still feels awkward to say outside of discussions about science fiction entertainment. “...because she knew how everyone would react to her wanting to be with a mundane.” the contemplative frown on his face twists into a grin as rose recommends...well, something he’d expect from raven before anybody else. “i’m not really really one to start fights, but, uh, thanks.”
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