hvnriks-archive · 4 years
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hvnriks-archive · 4 years
       “What do you want?” Ryder asked the crying baby in his arms, letting out a frustrated sigh, the idea of possibly needing to change his child’s diaper did not even crossing his head for a second. For someone like Ryder, a baby constantly crying, keeping him up, and not being able to fully informing him what they needed; this project was absolute torture. One day he wanted children, absolutely, but with the way his mind worked at the moment, he was having a hard time trying to figure out how he was going to make it through for this assignment. There weren’t many things that could hold Ryder’s attention, so it was becoming increasingly difficult to force himself to focus on caring for a baby (mechanical or not, it stressed him out a lot to know something bad could still happen to the little one), and for once, he really didn’t want to fail. 
     “Oh, I know!” He happily exclaimed, reaching into his bag for his lucky tiny spoon, “How’s this?” His hazel eyes watched the baby with a silent plea of hope, anything to get the little one to relax, but that hope quickly diminished the moment the crying got even louder. “I don’t know what you want from me!” Ryder groaned, sighing again. As his mind raced with what could have his mechanical baby so fussy, he spotted a someone heading in his direction and did not hesitate to approach them for some help. “Hey!” He called out to them, waving his free hand in the air, attempting to catch their attention. “Hey, quick question! How did you get your baby thing to shut up?”
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startling at the interruption, wendy looked up from where she was rooting through her bag and took quick stock of the situation. the crying baby. the panicked look in his eyes. the general frantic air. so, weirdly enough, not an uncommon sight on campus these days. while wendy herself had taken to the assignment like a duck to water, effortlessly juggling both parental duties and academic ones ( thanks in no small part to raising two younger brothers ) that seemed to be the exception, and the campus was a sea of bleary eyed miserable students.
sighing inwardly, wendy resigned herself to another day as the resident baby expert. this was hardly the first time she’d been asked advice, not even the first in 12 hours, and she suspected it would not be the last. “ it’s not exactly that hard. babies only ever want one or more of the following — attention, food, or a diaper change. or i suppose sleep is in there, too, ” she explained matter of factly. honestly, the student body wasn’t giving her much hope for the parents of the future. if they couldn’t accomplish what she was doing at ten, that did not bode well. “ if they’re fussing, it’s because they’re uncomfortable, and probably for one of those four reasons. then you just run through the list and see which works, unfortunately. ”
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hvnriks-archive · 4 years
it wasn’t exactly the fact that she was being listened to or anything. really, anna’s volume spoke, well, volumes. she was used to getting looks from people now that she was at sherwood and actually had her etiquette lessons to remember - not that she did or anything, but her loud voice had earned her a reprimand or two already. she didn’t need to stick out like a sore thumb here, but she was excited. things just happened. it was more the fact that the guy who talked to her now didn’t seem to mind that she was too loud !! a rare occurrence - so she said her goodbyes and hung up. “ no, no !! being ignored is terrible, i wouldn’t want you to get that feeling. ” anna would know. “ i mean, he’s doing okay at home, i know he has wonderful people to take care of him while i’m here, but i’d rather have him close … so i can see him too. ” then it dawned on her.
“ wait … i didn’t even realize. you understood me ?? do you speak norwegian ?? oh my gosh - ” and here’s when she switched to norwegian in her excitement. no one could really blame her, she hadn’t met anyone from her home country since moving to england and the only contact she had in her native tongue was over the phone. things were different in a face-to-face conversation, and the prospect of it made her over-excited and giggly. “ are you from norway too ?? what are the odds, i’ve barely met anyone from outside oslo, and the country is so big !! so it’s not likely we would’ve met before, but the possibility still exists, right ?? imagine that, it’d be so cool … but wait, ” she stammered, suddenly a bit more self-conscious than before, switching back to english. “ are you norwegian ?? ”
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henrik ... could definitely not say he related. he didn’t even have a horse he could miss, and the very idea of him somehow being posh enough to have stables back home was ludicrous. was that a normal thing ? pet horses ? he didn’t think so. she seemed about 10 times too sophisticated for him, from what he gathered, but he nodded along encouragingly anyway, still feeling a little awkward at being called out and not wanting to be rude. 
the mood then changed so quickly it gave him whiplash, though, and the rapid onset of her excitement left him blinking at the rapid fire questioning. it quickly became clear she didn’t even seem to need him to answer much, carrying on the conversation half by herself. every time she asked a new question and he opened his mouth to answer, she was already jumping on the next, before he finally just gave up and let her wear herself out. 
“ ah, ja, i understand you, ” henrik finally confirmed once he got the breathing room, half laughing. there was a certain charm to her rambling tirade — an innocent excitement. all the tension basically bled out of his shoulders; he wasn’t particularly worried about judgement coming from her, of all people. clearly they were cut from the same oversharing cloth. besides, there was a certain automatic bond between two countrymen in a foreign place. 
“ and i speak norweigan, and am from norway, ” he made sure to confirm as well, probably redundantly. “ nothing so exciting as oslo for me though, sorry to disappoint. i’m afraid you would all find me something of a country bumpkin. i’m from far, far up north, here on scholarship. ” slipping into the tongue of his home country was easier than he thought it would be after months, refreshing almost. he felt he could articulate himself far better, and there was a kind of confidence that came with that. “ i’m surprised you would leave oslo, though, it’s a beautiful city from what i’ve seen visiting, nothing like the icy pit of my hometown. and lots of well respected schools. are you enjoying your time away ? ” 
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hvnriks-archive · 4 years
anna knew that living with wendy wouldn’t be an ideal situation for either of the girls. they weren’t alike, anna was objectively messy, and wendy was … a lot like elsa. a bit uptight and controlling of her environment ( not of people !! anna would never accuse her of that ) and … well, she acted a lot like her big sister in many ways. their dynamic didn’t necessarily work at all times, but most of the time they didn’t really bother each other. she knew things could be a lot worse, so that was something to be grateful for.
something else to be grateful for ?? wendy’s willingness to help anna out of tricky situations like this one. “ thank you so much, ” she sighed, sifting through some other pens she pulled out of a pencil case. “ i brought it to class with me, but it wasn’t in my bag …  but i distinctly remember putting it in there !! it’s my favorite … it was a gift from when i was really young. you can refill it and everything, and the fluffy ball is very calming when you write with it. when i find it, you have to try it out !! ”
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wendy resisted the urge to pinch the bridge of her nose — she’d brought it to class with her ? that thing could be long gone by now. who’s to say it was even in the dorm and not collecting dust abandoned in some empty lecture hall ? and university students were known for being horrid pen thieves. “ well, i’d upend the entire bag first, if i were you, to make sure it hasn’t just fallen out of the case and gotten lost along the bottom. ” her eyes scanned the room once more, appraisingly. “ ... though it does seem to look like you’ve already upended several bags. ” and a desk drawer, and the entire wardrobe. really, everything was exactly where it wasn’t supposed to be. 
sentimental value, though — that was something wendy could understand. there were a rare few items her parents hadn’t deemed her grown out of, and she clung to those early relics desperately. she wasn’t sure what she’d do if her childhood copy of paddington bear disappeared suddenly. cry, probably. ( hence why she made sure to take good care of it, not carelessly tote it around ) it did soften her heart to anna’s plight, though. “ i’m sure your fluffy pen is ... lovely. i look forward to trying it, ” she agreed, reassuringly ? pen etiquette was unclear.  “ there’s always the lost and found in your classes building if we can’t find it here ? ”  
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hvnriks-archive · 4 years
anna liked to think of herself as chaotically organized. really, to an outsider, her part of the dorm might look like an absolute mess, but she knew exactly where everything was located. well… sometimes. really, she just watched too many ‘ how to organize your room ’ videos and got confused with all the systems, therefore deciding to adopt all of them. it wasn’t working so far.
and poor wendy had to deal with it. anna felt bad, really, but she was too stressed to think about anything else. “ oh, hi, wendy !! don’t worry, i’m not re-organizing our entire dorm !! i think our other roomie might kill me. but you see, i couldn’t find my pen with the orange fluffy ball on it and i thought i lost it… so i had to look for it. but i haven’t found it yet. ” she smiled sheepishly, shrugging her shoulders and looking around helplessly. “ would you mind giving me a hand ?? i’m sure it’s around here somewhere… ”
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wendy let the rambling explanation wash over her from her position at the door, hand still clinging to the handle. of course. a pen. somehow that seemed totally in character for the image she’d constructed of her new roommate so far. enthusiastic, yes, and always well intentioned, but rarely having it all together. it reminded her of her youngest brother, michael, honestly — forever misplacing things and bumbling through life, teasing her for having that mother ability to somehow always know where things were. and here she thought university was going to be a place to grow away from parenting.
resigning herself to helping, because that’s just what she did, wendy picked carefully across the room to kneel adjacent to anna and start sifting methodically through the items. how could one person own so many things ? “ now, where did you last see it ? ” she started with, the perfect imitation of a placating parent. “ and how desperate are you for that pen, specifically ? as far as i’m concerned, a pens relative fluffiness doesn’t impact how well it writes. ”
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hvnriks-archive · 4 years
open: @fyeahsherwood​
So far Merida’s experiences of Sherwood had consisted of a party (good), alcohol (also good) and a letter from the bloody dean of the school (not so good). She was on day five, had attended a single lesson and was already being threatened with expulsion. And she wouldn’t have minded, but she honestly had no clue what anyone was talking about and hadn’t been apart of any prank. Her mum was seriously gonna murder her if she got kicked out so soon, and she was pretty sure at least one brother would be loosing a bet. Blowing a strand of hair out of her face Merida picks up her sandwich, taking a bite. “’hole place might be fucking dramatic but the food supply is great.” It was the small things in life.
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stirring her protein shake with her straw, vidia frowned from her position lounging back in her seat. similarly to merida she was annoyed about the whole thing, yes, but considering vidia was generally displeased as a standard  — well, what else was new. it only solidified her intentions to continue to avoid the rest of the student population going forward. she tried not to wrinkle her nose too much at her companions poor manners, eying the sandwich. “ watch what you say, who knows who’s listening in  — maybe they’ll see fit to sabotage our precious lunch meats next, ” she drawled. “ i’m starting to think sherwood is hardly a step above primary school at this rate. you’d think they just let anyone in ”
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hvnriks-archive · 4 years
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hvnriks-archive · 4 years
Where: Outside the gym When: Afternoon (the day after the party) Open to: Everyone! @fyeahsherwood​
Kim wished she was one of those athletes who could look cute after a work out, to be so strong and so diligent while not even breaking a sweat. Unfortunately, that wasn’t the case as she started to walk back towards Clumber House, the epicenter of campus drama and utter doom, dabbing a towel on her forehead in case wandering eyes found their way to her face. “So what you’re saying is,” she stated to the person walking beside her, “had I been in charge of the party, maybe it wouldn’t have turned into such a disaster?” Teasing, of course, but now she couldn’t help but feel guilty that she wasn’t involved, instead she was wallowing on her own amongst her fighting roommates whilst wishing she was talking to Ron right about now.
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vidia couldn’t relate — unpleasant as she was, nobody could deny her uncanny ability to still look perfectly put together post work out. she could give it her all and somehow there wouldn’t even be a single hair out of place from her immaculate ponytail. ( honestly, the worst people always seemed to have it the best ) falling into step with her red faced roommate, vidia rolled her eyes as she picked a spare lint off her leggings, the picture of casual relaxation. “ that is absolutely not what i’m saying, and you know it, wonder girl. ” she wouldn’t deny kim was capable, and honestly if it wasn’t for her embarrassing super hero shtick vidia may even like her, but she certainly wasn’t going to give her that much credit. “ simply that perhaps if everyone had pulled their weight, maybe we wouldn’t be the laughing stock of the campus right now. ”
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hvnriks-archive · 4 years
Jack had been spending his morning walking around the halls and courtyards, a black clipboard in one hand and Zero’s harness leash in the other. Now that Halloween had come and gone, he had already started decorating his side of his dorm with various Christmas decorations ( along with a few little wall decals of menorahs and dreidels, to show his support for the Jewish population of Sherwood of course ) and had been struck with the realization that he still had Thanksgiving to get too.
With Zero’s bark drawing his attention towards a person walking passed that he had yet to question, Jack turned his stroll into a brisk walk until he was up by their side and pulled out his pen. “Hi, hello! Quick question; do you think there would be a demand for a Friendsgiving party on campus? ” He looked up from his clipboard, eyebrow cocked in curiosity. In Jack’s opinion, this was the best way to go about trying to plan any sort of get-together, with a census and written questionnaire. 
“ Because I know Thanksgiving is not the type of holiday I wish to endorse due to all the, you know, horrible atrocities towards the Native American people, but my moms taught me how to bake a mean pumpkin pie and I feel like that’s something everyone deserves to experience. ” Zero let out a happy yap, tail wagging and tongue out at the mention of his favorite under-the-table desert. “ Zero agrees with me, ” Jack said with a smile, clicking the end of novelty bat-covered pen with enthusiasm. 
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when the foreign barking reached his ears, erik reflexively tightened the grip on the leash he was holding. uh oh. he was currently out for a walk with max through the quad, and while it had been quite peaceful up until now, his dog was known to be a bit er ... enthusiastic, at times. all in good fun, of course, but considering max was the size of a small horse, he didn’t particularly enjoy the idea of him getting expelled for his pet mowing down another dog in a friendly frenzy. figuring it was already too late now that the little shit had already spotted a new potential friend, erik resigned himself to dealing with the fallout.  “ max. sit. ” with a quick warning glare down at his pup  — who simply gazed back up at him from his feet blankly, tongue lolling  — erik turned to greet the newcomer with a smile.
“ hey !! i’m gonna be honest with you dude  — i have absolutely no idea what friendsgiving is. ” erik admitted, bluntly honest as always. but he was always willing to hear someone out, and this new holiday thing sounded kind of interesting.  “ but nor do i care if the promise of pumpkin pie is somehow involved, because i’d really like to get in on that  —  max ! ” seeing the other dogs enthusiasm had apparently given max the wrong idea as he let out a similar, though much deeper in tone, yap of his own, positively wiggling in delight. erik barely managed to stop him from making a break for it. “ that is not how we treat strangers ! they’re going to think you’re raised in a barn and now the lovely poodle is never going to want to be your friend. and i’m not going to get any pie. ” refocusing his attention on the actual human at hand, erik grinned sheepishly. “ i am so sorry. my son usually has better manners than this. ” the last part directed downward, very pointedly. 
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hvnriks-archive · 4 years
yeah a boyfriend sounds nice but a supreme enemy you can make out with sometimes in secret sounds a lot more hardcore
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hvnriks-archive · 4 years
Henry was burrowed under his sheets in bed, just trying to avoid the rest of the world for a little while longer. Things had only calmed down slightly but that wasn’t much of an incentive to leave (though it was clear his remaining roommates didn’t share this sentiment). The pounding at the door was completely unwelcome, as was the shouting, but once he’d figured out that it was Erik yelling, he begrudgingly dragged himself up and to the door. Swinging it open, Henry feigned the most disinterested expression he could, but it was difficult to uphold while staring one of his best friends in the face. “What are you trying to do, break the door down? Whatever happened to just texting me, dude!” He said, as if he hadn’t been ignoring his phone for the day.
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the second the door swung open, henry was greeted with a blinding grin. “ henry ! as i live and breathe ! ” erik greeted jovially, as if he hadn’t been about to kick in the door swat team style literally two moments earlier. “ i thought we were going to have to drag your comatose body out of there. ” completely unfazed by the lukewarm acceptance line, and ignoring the clear grouchy aura practically emanating from the dorm, erik clapped his friend on the back and pushed on in ( invited or not ). it was clear this was going to be a forceful evening of relaxation. spinning around to face henry, erik crossed his arms as he leaned on the counter to assess his friend. “ now sourpuss, is that any way to greet a guest ? i thought daddy morbucks would have instilled better manners in you than that. and you know better than i that if i didn’t come here to cheer up your mopey ass you were just going to ignore your phone forever. this is an intervention ”
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hvnriks-archive · 4 years
@hvnriks​ / henrik. 
anna missed kjekk. honestly, there’s nothing like bonding with an animal and then being ripped away from them in a single moment, almost not even getting a chance to say goodbye. her flight to heathrow had been sooner than expected, and having to rush packing and saying goodbye to everyone except her sister was too much to handle, so she might have broken down a little, sobbing into his flanks. that couldn’t be his last memory of her until the summer !! so here she was, calling the stable master to see what could be done. the weather was nice, she was outside, and bothering no one with her obnoxiously loud norwegian arguing. “ no, i’m saying that i don’t care how he gets here, i just want him to be here. they have stables !! he’d be fine. i can see him every day - oh, ” she broke off, a shadow coming between her and the nice afternoon sun. “ sorry, am i too loud ?? ”
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henrik wasn’t usually an eavesdropper  — at least that was what he would tell anybody who asked. but considering how loud the other girl was talking while he was awkwardly loitering nearby, waiting for his next class, perhaps it didn’t even count. it’s not like he could help overhearing what she was saying. then again, maybe it wasn’t her fault either ( henrik was easily overlooked even at the best of times ). 
it was the language that really caught his attention, though, after listening to her chatter on for a few minutes. the easily recognizable lilt of his native tongue that had him shifting in just a tad closer than was probably socially acceptable. he hadn’t even clocked it as weird at first, so used to hearing it as just the norm, before it finally clicked that that was definitely not something he should be hearing at sherwood. after being immersed in the language his entire life, it sent a pang through his heart to realize now it had somehow become a novelty. 
her actually addressing him, of course, sent a far larger pang through henrik’s heart. the deep rooted terror of being caught privy to information that wasn’t yours. ( not that he should be feeing wrongfooted, mind you, given that he was the one edging ever closer ) “ oh !! um, no, you’re totally good ! ” henrik was quick to assure, flustered. “ seriously, not an issue. ignore me completely. i’m sure being worried about your ... horse would make anybody upset. ” he winced slightly — in his attempts to backtrack, he had definitely inadvertently outed himself as eavesdropping. “ not that ... i would know. ”
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hvnriks-archive · 4 years
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hvnriks-archive · 4 years
[ Open starter: @fyeahsherwood​ ]
Henry was just trying to lay low, knowing that even if he didn’t receive a letter, he could absolutely be thrown under the bus. His entire dorm could if the dean decided to go through phones, since Ciaran openly admitted to having those balloons under his bed in the guys’ group chat. That made them all partially guilty by default, but especially himself and his roommates - Henrik and Aladdin didn’t deserve that.
With that in mind, Henry kept his head down and got on with his day, avoiding anyone from Clumber House as much as he could - after all, he felt slightly guilty for not warning anyone about the balloons. In his efforts to keep to himself, he ended up missing the person walking towards him and knocking their shoulders together. “Oh shit- Sorry! Sorry, I wasn’t looking-”
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if henry felt guilty, then henrik felt like he should feel that magnified by a hundred. he was the one that shared a damn bunk with the guy, after all. and had literally inquired about the balloons before it all went down. in hindsight  —  well, he could see why they were always ripping on him for being scatterbrained back home. and a little too trusting. “ we’re not going to get in trouble, are we ? ” he couldn’t help but blurt out at his roommate, the worries bouncing around his skull all spilling out in lieu of an apology. as if somehow henry was going to have all the answers just because he was slightly older and ten times more dignified. “ i mean, not that we really did anything, but like, co conspiracy is a thing, and i really think my dad would kill me if i fucked something up again ... ”
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hvnriks-archive · 4 years
🍎, 🍒, 🍐, 🍇, 🍊 — all/you pick
it’s a long boi so under the cut
🍎  :    how stable is my muse’s mental health?  have they been diagnosed with any mental illnesses and  /  or conditions?  do they have any undiagnosed mental illnesses and  /  or conditions?  do they or should they attend therapy?  
can we get an f in the chat for wendy ? your girl is struggling. i would bet a solid chunk of cash that she suffers obsessive-compulsive personality disorder, and for sure has anxiety problems. without even realizing it she’s running herself thin and she’s probably going to hit a breaking point soon if i’m being honest. she’s unhealthily concerned about how she’s perceived. but mental health is never something she’s really thought about, at least in respect to herself, and would no doubt just be another flaw for her to pick at ( regardless of the fact it’s nothing to be ashamed of, and certainly not something she would ever shame anybody else for ) that’s a big yes on therapy, girl get some help
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narcissistic personality disorder ? i jest, i jest. vidia does have traits of it, though, that i think would probably be good to address in therapy — lack of empathy for others, an excessive need to have her own importance acknowledged. just not enough to say she actually suffers from it. her main enemy is actually her own desire for self improvement; she wants to be the best and nothing is going to stand in her way, so of course what would be the fallout from not being the best ? i think vidia needs help learning that sometimes it’s okay to just ... chill, and that everyone has intrinsic value regardless of what they are perceived to achieve. someone to sooth her deep hidden insecurities and just be like yes, you are enough, simply through existing. but like, you really think vidia is voluntarily going to therapy ?
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🍒  :    how much does my muse value companionship?  do they constantly keep people around them,  or do they prefer to be alone often?  do they have or desire to have many friends?  do they see every meeting as an opportunity to make a new friend?  
erik is very much one of those i want to be surrounded by people at all times folk. you would think it would be the opposite, given he spent so much of his life literally trapped on a tiny vessel at sea away from people, but that’s actually exactly what contributes to it. it’s not like he could escape his parents, so he’s kind of just gotten used to people in close quarters with him 24/7. and he’s just a friendly guy at the end of the day — he likes making friends, he likes spending time with them, he’s the life of the party. around campus he’s probably that guy that even if you don’t know him well, you do know of him
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🍐  :    how intelligent is my muse overall?  are they smarter than the average person,  or less than?  are they primarily self-taught,  or did they acquire most of their knowledge in school?  are they more street smart or book smart?  
i would call belle ... definitely smarter than the average person, probably one of the most intelligent people at the school, even. not only is she just naturally clever, but she has an almost unquenchable thirst for knowledge and love of learning that drives her to further and further heights. her early learning was primarily self taught, as she took a lot of what she learned in school and then spent her free time researching it, but now she’s a top achieving scholarship student at sherwood on a full ride so her learning is primarily rooted in her classes. obviously very book smart, but her street smarts aren’t too shabby either — it’s not like she grew up with a wealth of money or resources. when you’re poor you get creative
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🍇  :    how would my muse describe their childhood?  how much has it impacted the person they are now,  or will become as an adult?  around what age did they or will they start to mature,  and why?  do they wish to go back to their days as a child,  or have they embraced adulthood?  
henrik spent a lot of his childhood basically chasing the expectations of his father, not that he ever met them. he has the misfortune to be born kind of a scrawny clumsy kid, with more of an interest in fiddling with new inventions than anything deemed “ practical ” and that resulted in him getting a reputation around town as kind of the disappointment child. ( not hard when your town consists of like a dozen families max ) he knows his father loves him, but that look of kind of begrudging disappointment in his dad’s eyes every time something new went wrong is seared into henriks brain. he carries it with him into adulthood, a lack of confidence and shy awkwardness born of never being taken seriously ( but also a ruthless and sometimes self sabotaging need to prove himself )
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🍊  :    does my muse desire romance?  is it something they would actively seek out,  or prefer to happen more  ‘  naturally?  ’  what is their love life like?  do they have any exes or past flings,  or crushes?  
belle is a secret hopeless romantic and a slave to romance novels, and she would never ever ever dare admit that out loud. her actual love life is virtually non existent, but a girl can dream. she would never seek anything out but i think she’s lowkey hoping it’ll happen naturally  — yknow, her mr. darcy is just going to stumble out of the woods one day and find every way that she’s sarcastic and uncaring somehow attractive. because that’s totally reasonable 
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henrik is also a hopeless romantic because of course he is  — he’s just craving validation in general, lets be real. but the idea that someone could love him unconditionally just for being him ? mind blowing. sounds great. he’s kind of held a torch for his childhood crush astrid basically forever, but as he gets older that’s starting to fade and i think he’s realizing that maybe he was never actually into her like that ? like, he was more pining after the idea of her than an actual person, getting hero worship all tangled up in romantic feelings. his actual romantic prospects are slim to none because the fucker is awkward as hell and can barely even stumble his way through small talk, let alone actually believe someone would be into him, but the hope is alive okay
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hvnriks-archive · 4 years
🍉 : which of the four seasons suits my muse best, and why? (Hiccup)
henrik is certainly most used to winter; he grew up in a tiny fishing town in northern norway ( seriously, the population is like, 300 people ) which didn’t exactly see the best weather. from the middle of november until the end of january, the sun literally doesn’t even rise at all, and they’re slammed with constant gales and rain and hail almost 24/7. winter is basically a november through april affair. but if you can ignore the misery of it all  — it’s actually quite beautiful. the fjords are breathtaking and seeing the northern lights around the end of the year is a pretty regular sight. henrik’s gotten used to winter just being the norm, and he does love getting cozy at christmas
if i had to pick a season for his vibe though, i think i’m going with spring ? that point in time when the ice is just melting and the grass is peeking through, and everything has that kind of giddy feeling of new hope and renewal. you’re kind of tired and beaten down, but you’re trying god damnit and things are looking up
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hvnriks-archive · 4 years
🍏 : how stable is my muse’s physical health? do they go for regular or semi-regular checkups by a physician? do they have any diagnosed illnesses and / or take any medication? how often do they get sick? (Wendy)
there’s not much interesting to say  — wendy’s physical health is pretty good. a little overworked, maybe, and certainly not getting enough sleep, but no long standing illnesses or anything. as a result of her relatively affluent status she receives fairly good medical care and regular check ups so if anything was to ever come up they would be on it. it’s really her mental health that’s kind of suffering rn oops
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