hvtshot-blog · 7 years
Taken aback by the character making their way to the seat next to her, Aliya narrowed her eyes at him, watching him closely. Ryker was an interesting character right from the start and she wasn’t sure yet if it was a good thing or not. However one thing she could admit was the respect she had for his honesty. “Yeah, okay, you got me.” she lets out a heavy sigh while glancing at the ceiling. “I’m not feeling the happiest” A scoff escapes from her lips at the choice of word she used.
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Happy. Seems like all her life pretending to be happy and feeling as if she has to be the one to keep it together for everyone’s sake seeped it’s way through her new life. It sucked, to put it in simple terms. No matter how much she’d like to properly express her not-so-happy thoughts, she could never bring herself to be selfish in that sense. It didn’t help that Aliya viewed it as a gateway to vulnerability, a state of mind she never wants to placed in. Instead she lashes outwardly through impulsive decisions–like dropping her successful career and her mom behind to start her life over in America. Aliya turns to him, making eye contact as she forces another smile “I guess it’s automatic for me to seem like I am. Pathetic, right?” She chuckles, making light of the situation. “How are you dealing with…well, everything?” She inquires in an attempt to transition the focus away from herself.
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“i know. i’d be cliche and be like -- your eyes out your feelings, but they don’t, you just got startled and started acting excited after staring into the distance for like fifteen minutes.” ryker shrugs, perching himself on a chair near her. he’s not the best with listening to people’s feelings, both because he’s remarkably apathetic as well as the fact he can be so blunt. most people say they want honesty, but they don’t, they just want you to tell them everything is going to be okay and ther’s nothing to worry about, and to just agree to everything. he hopes aliya isn’t like that, or by default she’s going to hate him. “no, not pathetic -- it’s normal. but people can tell, just remember that. wanna, uh -- talk about it?” ryker attempts to be helpful. “eh, i’m fine. i’m not as broken up about the fact i killed people as some are. it was self defense, they deserved it.” he’s been telling himself that, trying to get him to believe it.
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hvtshot-blog · 7 years
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“Excuse you! Respect your elders you little shit!” Deadpool slammed the comic in his hand on a table next to him that was full of medical supplies. He couldn’t care less that everything just fell on the floor, he was busy glaring at the kid in front of him. “You can learn anything in one night if you try really, really hard and also cheat by getting someone to implant the knowledge in your brain.”
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“nope, that saying is bullshit.” ryker retorts, eyes flitting to the comic that’s been slammed onto the table, and then back over to the fallen medical supplies all over the floor  with a small eye roll. “well i’m not gonna stay up all night to learn to use my other hand, it’s not gonna be that long before this heals anyway. -- how’re you a teacher, again?”
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hvtshot-blog · 7 years
This kid was hard core. Or at least he had the potential of being hard core if he cared a little more. “I set my lunch tray on fire. I was hoping it would start a riot but it got snuffed out before it spread to the table. You live and you learn.” Quentin told him. “There really should be more vegetation options.”
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“ah, nice -- i can help with that next time, if you need. sun powers and all. just don’t hurt yourself, yeah? a movement can’t be a movement without a leader.” ryker’s talking half sarcastically half seriously, a small chuckle falling from his lips. “seriously, though. it is better than most public schools, to be fair.”
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hvtshot-blog · 7 years
Marina chuckled. “Yeah, that’s probably easier. Six to eight weeks for broken bones, isn’t it? Something like that. Why’s it affecting your powers? You turned things to dust out in the forest, I saw you.” She glanced own at her bandages, poking out from under her loose t-shirt. “Pyrokinetic. Bad burns right across my torso. I had a little water I could apply right away, but it didn’t do much. Except maybe prevent infection.”
“yeah, i think so. hopefully its just over soon, i’m so fucking done with doing nothing all day and missing training.well yeah, i can still do it, but it’s not as easy now, i dunno why i get really drowsy when i do it too ‘cause i don’t have as much energy -- you saw that?” he turns to her, cringing a bit at her words. “ouch, yikes -- why’d a pyrokinetic burn you? what’d you do to get out of it?”
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hvtshot-blog · 7 years
Aliya cleared her throat as she straightened her sluggish posture on the sofa. “W-what–oh, I wasn’t–I mean–I’m okay!” She replied with her usual upbeat tone. Who knows why she was the kind to hide her emotions and thoughts, but if there was an award for it she’d win first place no doubt. The girl was anything but okay. Her world had been shook from the trauma having never facing death quite like that. It’d be worrisome if she seemed perfectly untouched from distress caused by the field trip. Breaking eye contact, she glances at the sling supporting the other’s arm. “That looks painful.” Aliya points at the sling before realizing the empty spot next to her. “Do you wanna sit down?”
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“yeah, sure you are. you’re talking to the king of repressing feelings and pretending they’re not there, dude, you can’t fool me.” ryker shakes his head, fully aware of the fact he wasn’t being the nicest. like he said, repressing feelings was his talent, and that meant being a dick right along with it. maybe that was the difference between him and aliya -- she opted to be nice, and he didn’t. “eh, it’s better when i take my meds.” he nods, moving to take the seat. “yeah, sure -- you sure you’re okay?” he knows she isn’t.
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hvtshot-blog · 7 years
“Well it was the right thing to do, it’s not like I was going to leave you there or something I’m not that much of a bitch.” Alison retorted, though what he was saying seemed more like he was forced into it, maybe he just wasn’t a people person - well that’s what Alison hoped. A lot more people were worse off than her, she’d passed so many injured people, she was lucky only to have a few bruises and cuts, along with her concussion being treated. “Maybe they’ll let you off? I mean you do have a cast on your arm. Anyway enough about school work, that stuffs boring, I bought some new watercolour paints the other day and I may or may not have spent most of my time on that than doing school work.”
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“well yeah, but you were scared, i wouldn’t have blamed you if you just ran off. plus i had just killed a dude, i know not many people tend to like that.” ryker shrugs, wincing as he tries to move around on the couch to get comfortable and hits his arm on the side of the couch, breathing deeply through his teeth to distract himself. “i dunno, hopefully. i think they’re just gonna expect me to do homework, ‘cause, ya know, that’s school for you. you paint? what d’you usually paint? like, scenery, people, etc.”
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hvtshot-blog · 7 years
Albert tries to follow along with Ryker’s ramble but can only keep his attention focused for half of it, his mind wanders in circles (thank you alcohol). He hears enough to transform the bed into a wiggly water bed. The two of them rock with the motion of the bed and Alby laughs. “Oh I’m definitely drunk. Drunk as a skunk, wasty-schwasty, tilt’a whirl’n,” he replies, babbling and waving his hands as he talks. 
“Nice, yes, nice. Hot, but nice, yes.” Albert doesn’t really realize whats coming out of his mouth its just kind of spewing out, but he doesn’t stop it. Instead, he sits up, chuckles as the bed wiggles underneath him, and yanks his shirt over his head. He gets stuck momentarily, but recovers smoothly. “So what else can you do? Besides spontaneously combust drinks? Could you explode me?”
Ryker lets out a surprised yelp when he feels his bed move, undulating the more the two boys move. He lets out a loud bark of laughter, moving around so the bed sways more, making it more like a wave pool than a water bed. “skunks can be drunk? i don’t think anyone would serve them with how bad they smell.” He’s talking like a third-grader, watching Albert with raised eyebrows and small giggles. 
“is it really? i’ve been told it’s kind of uncomfortably hot.” Ryker can’t really process what Albert’s saying, instead too distracted by the other’s shirt coming off, and he’s staring, though he’s sure he probably shouldn’t be, letting the bed move him as the other wiggles around. He snaps out of it when Albert asks the questions, eyes snapping back up to his face. “Uh -- oh, yeah, definitely. Like, poof! Just a cloud of ash. I’ve done it before, it’s fucking rad.” 
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hvtshot-blog · 7 years
Albert’s head feels foggier than normal but he’s reveling in the calm it brings him. He looks over at Ryker, trying to speak through the giggles he’s now caught. “I think and things happen,” he explains stupidly, his eyes wide. “Like if you wanted the lights off right now I could do that or if you wanted a ham and cheese sandwich I could make one or If you wanted this bed to be a waterbed I could do that.”
Albert swallows and realizes his throat is already aching from talking. He comes to the sudden realization that he’d been particularly quiet the last couple of days, even during his hangouts with Jubilee and Dominic. “Why don’t I get drunk more often?” he asks, sighing happily. His body feels warm and he’s very aware of the temperature of the room, he wonders if his friend feels the same. “Is it hot in here? or is it just me?”
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“duuude, a waterbed? do it. that sounds fuckin’ sick. d’you think if i made myself hot enough i’d start steaming? wait, no -- the water’s in the bed, the bed’s not just fully water, nevermind.” he catches himself being stupid and shakes his head, another bit of laughs falling out of his lips. “fuck, i’m drunk -- are you drunk? i’m drunk.” he blabbers on, looking to the other with a small grin on his face, tone questioning.
ryker feels his mouth getting dry, realizes he’s being a hell of a lot more outgoing right now than he has been in the days since the incident -- he’s more open, more like how he was before the whole thing. he’s sure even delilah can realize he’s not the same. “i dunno, man -- we should do this more often, though, huh? it’s nice.” and suddenly he’s calmer, not really laughing anymore so much as just lying there, content. “it might be me, i’ve been told i’m more than a few degrees hotter than the average human -- but i feel it, yeah. definitely.” he nods, looking over to his friend.
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hvtshot-blog · 7 years
“What else can I do?” he repeats, as if he needs to remind himself. Albert floats around the room aimlessly, tapping his chin in mock thought. He stares at the wall next to Ryker’s bed, his eyes squinting in concentration. Soon after, the walls begin to appear as if they’re wobbling and wiggling. “Wavy walls, bro,” Albert says, mimicking the voice of a stereotypical hippy. He laughs to himself, throwing his head back. 
What Albert doesn’t expect is for his laughter to send his body falling through the air. He’d forgotten how much concentration it took to do multiple things at once and the alcohol certainly wasn’t helping. He let out a startled yelp before crashing down onto the bed, his momentum causing them both to bounce. “It seems I don’t really know what I’m doing,” he mumbles, keeping a straight face for a second before bursting into belly-aching laughter. 
Albert can’t remember the last time he laughed this much and he’s suddenly very grateful for Ryker’s friendship. 
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“h --” pause, make room for a burp, “holy shit!!” ryker shouts, maybe a little too loud, when the walls around him appear to be undulating. he jumps over more towards the edge of the bed, his drunken state of mind registering wavy walls as something he’s going to go nope to. “totally groovy, dude.” he responds, trademark stoner voice and all. he goes into another fit of laughter, lying back onto the bed.
he’s bounced up into the air nearly two seconds later, the weight of the other boy shaking the bed and propelling the two up into the air. he lets out a small cry, and when they fall back down ryker collapses into a ball of laughs and giggles, looking to the other with a mixture of confusion and hilarity. “dude, how the hell did you do that?”
before now ryker hadn’t thought much of the fact he hadn’t really bonded with any of his friends before this, but right now, he could care less -- he’s actually having fun.
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hvtshot-blog · 7 years
“It’s okay to still be scared,” Storm says gently to other mutant sitting across from her desk. Tensions were running high in the school, and emotions running rampant. It wasn’t a luxury she could afford, not with how in tune the weather was to her state of mind. But at least that meant she was well enough to help the others find some peace. “If you weren’t, I’d be more than a little surprised.”
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“i mean -- i’m not necessarily scared. paranoid would be a better word. annoyed even more so because of my stupid injury.” ryker huffs, slouching back against the chair he was sat in. he’s trying to be as much of his usual self as he can be, but it’s hard. after what happened he’s been more timid, more introverted even than he was before. “i dunno, i think it’s the whole having killed people thing -- feel like they’re gonna make me pay for it or something.”
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hvtshot-blog · 7 years
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R: People think Voodoo is used as this evil thing where I’m gonna make a little Shane doll and then throw it into the ocean and watch it drown. S: You just said that this is not what they’re used for! R:  Yeah I know, but if they were used for that… S: You would kill me.
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hvtshot-blog · 7 years
                         “ Why are you always so pessimistic? “
    —– “ вecaυѕe… тнen, ιт doeѕn’т HURT ѕo                мυcн wнen everyтнιng   F A L L S   A P A R T. “
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hvtshot-blog · 7 years
To say Albert needed to take a breather was an understatement. He’d been a cloud of doom and gloom since the accident and he could tell it was starting to affect more than just himself. When Ryker had suggested they go back to his room and studying, Alby had jumped at the invitation. Anything to get him out of his room. The studying had lasted for probably 30 minutes before he’d conjured a case of beer (and another and another). He’s not quite sure what influenced him to drink after nearly a year of sobriety, but he doesn’t think about it too much. 
“Ho-lee shit…” he breathes, his eyes wide. “Can- Can you do that with anything?” He takes a swig from his bottle, finishing it off with a burp. He falls into a puddle of laughter before standing from his chair. “Watch this,” he declares, slowly lifting off of the ground. He floats on his back, his arms crossed behind his head. He twists around clumsily until he’s “resting” on his stomach looking down at Ryker. “Betcha wish ya could do this, huh?” 
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“uh -- hell fuckin’ yeah i can do that with anything!” ryker exclaims, grabbing a bottle of soda and doing the same, though he makes the flame less intense. “it’s easier with the alcohol, though. more flammable, yanno?” he watches the other float into the air, mesmerized for a second before the reverie is ruined when albert twists clumsily, and suddenly ryker’s back to laughing his ass off, curling into what’s like a fetal position on his bed. 
“dude, that’s so COOL! what else can you do? i wanna see!” he sounds like a little kid at the park, grinning up at his friend with what seems like the widest smile he’s ever given -- only when he’s drunk, it seems. “how d’you do that? like, how? fuck, i wish that was my power.” he shakes his head, laughs still tumbling from his mouth. this was nice, pretty much just what he needed. some down time with his friend that involved just goofing off, not having to worry about danger or fighting. it was needed every once in a while, no matter how much ryker loved a good fight.
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hvtshot-blog · 7 years
“Shutup, Ryker. You know you look good with it,” she nudged him in the shoulder; thankfully she was sitting to his left, and didn’t hurt him. They were eating lunch together, and he was being a wuss and asking her to open every other food item for him. “You won’t need it for too long though, right? It’s weird, thinking of you in pain. Aren’t you usually inflicting it on others?” She was in a teasing mood it seemed, playful as always. “Good,” she said defiantly. “You don’t need to use your powers on a daily basis here, we are protected by the teachers.” She handed him his cookie, but not before taking the first bite.
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“do i really, though? i feel like i look like the child with four months to live that they put on soap operas when they need people to cry.” ryker rolls his eyes, though he’s smirking a little because even as she says this, she’s still opening his food for him. “they said like, a month or two. ha-ha, i’m not that mean, ‘lilah, am i? i mean, you’re not wrong, but i don’t think me in pain is that odd. that reminds me -- hand me my meds, to, will ya? i haven’t taken them today.” he shook his head, a faux offended look on his face. “um, excuse me? i don’t care if we have teachers, cause we had teachers on the trip and what happened? yeah. plus i can’t even train -- ugh, it sucks.” he sneers playfully at her biting his cookie, taking a bite himself.
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hvtshot-blog · 7 years
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Marina gave Ryker a sympathetic smile. “I can imagine it would be terrible,” she replied, sitting down gingerly, trying not to jostle her burns. “You could try to find a typewriter,” she suggested. “If you really wanted to take notes. The professor probably has one.” 
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“yeah, that’s -- really difficult, i’m probably just gonna get one of my friends to take my notes for me or something until i heal. they say it’ll only take like one or two months before i’m good again, but it still sucks not being able to use my powers with the same intensity i could before.” he sighs, looking to her. “what happened to you?”
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hvtshot-blog · 7 years
“At least it’ll be fixed soon though, and I’m really happy I didn’t cause too much damage after I kinda tied it really badly, still sorry about that by the way.” Alison replied, it was hard to think back, the whole event was like a jigsaw in her mind, she had all the pieces but she couldn’t put them together, not after writing in her diary and trying to place it in order, though she’d assumed some of the information had gotten lost. “Dude, you’re complaining about doing nothing? I’d rather be doing nothing than buried under homework. But if you’re really doing nothing then I can keep you company, that or there’s always The Twilight Zone reruns on.”
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“it’s fine -- thanks for actually trying, though, i’m not sure many people would. so, yeah -- thanks.” he’s way worse at showing thanks then he thinks he is, and he gives a kind of forced half smile at the other. he’s trying, he really is -- not many people had fully recovered from the attack yet, so he’s trying to be as nice as he can be. “i guess, but i still have the homework piling up, i’m just not doing it. i’m more inclined to say the twilight zone reruns ‘cause there’s less talking, but i feel like being talkative today, so, company i guess.”
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hvtshot-blog · 7 years
Molly grimaced in sympathy. “Yikes. What happened to it?” she leaned forward to examine it closer. “That really sucks,” she confirmed, as if there was ever a doubt. “But I have to ask, how do you use your powers wrong? I mean.. Is there a wrong way really?”
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“when i got catapulted outta the bus i landed on it and boom -- snapped.” he lets her examine it, hoping she doesn’t touch it because he hasn’t taken his meds yet and it hurts. “they’re just not as easy or as powerful -- i don’t have all my energy so i get tired after i use them now, and i never used to.”
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