hwaflame · 1 year
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𝗒𝗈𝗎𝗋 𝖻𝖺𝖻𝖾 ꉂ ❩ ๑ Ꮺ 🎸💸
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hwaflame · 1 year
black women deserve representation in fan fiction and fiction in general!
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hwaflame · 2 years
let’s all come to a general consensus that we acknowledge that not all readers are white. so when you’re writing degradation kinks, let’s be mindful of the words we use. cause as a black reader as soon as i see something out of pocket i’m not reading it anymore. it could be the best literary work known to man and i would not read it, because you lack the property of social awareness. poc and black people exist in these spaces, do not act as if your kind is the only kind to read fanfic. thank you!
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hwaflame · 2 years
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living in a daydream ~
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hwaflame · 2 years
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OFBLCKWRITERS — a network for black writers, black readers, & black people. 
with the increase of many black writers in the fanfiction writing community, this network is dedicated to promote and spread content about black readers (and written by black people). this network will include the promotion of different fan fiction from anime/mangas, marvel, dc, video games, and other things. with just tagging your work under the #ofblckwriters tag and tagging this account in your work, your work will automatically reblogged to be promoted on this blog. 
reblogs would be greatly appreciated
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hwaflame · 2 years
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green hwa ・゜゚・*☆
[ like or reblog if you use!! ]
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hwaflame · 2 years
seonghwa is so pretty
😭 he is literally the epitome of perfection
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hwaflame · 2 years
window - jeong yunho x reader
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warnings: fluff, a little angst
wc: 483
,,they say eyes are the window to the soul, but your windows are closed.”
you avoided yunho’s yearning gaze. you shifted your position in the car seat to slightly turn your body away from his.
,,what do you mean? don’t speak in riddles..”
yunho unbuckled his seat belt to reach over and rub the back of his hand over your warm cheek. ,,i’m worried sweet heart, you’re holding back from something.”
the truth is that yunho was right. you are holding back. for months building up to this moment, you’ve felt different. you didn’t want to tell yunho because you were afraid it’s going to hurt him.
,,i-i-” you start, ,,it’s nothing, yunho. you’re thinking too much into this okay? let’s just go inside.”
you don’t wait for yunho to respond as you’re hurriedly getting out of the car and making your way inside of the apartment complex. you take your shoes off as you enter the apartment and sit on the couch while you wait for yunho to come in.
you hear the door slam loudly. the next thing you know yunho is sitting next to you with his fingers stroking your hand.
,,you know you can tell me anything right? i’m your best friend. i’m here for you, you dummy.” he jokes.
you let out a slight giggle, bracing yourself for what you’re about to say.
,,yunho,” you stare at him hesitantly, ,,i love you.”
he tilts his head aside in confusion. ,,i love you too, y.n. you know thi-”
,,no, i’m in love with you.” you mutter.
you expect yunho to attack you with words such as ,i hate you’ or ,i don’t feel the same way.’ but instead, he just laughs at you.
you can’t help but to feel embarrassed and to bite the inside of your cheek.
,,that’s what you wanted to tell me? i already knew.”
you gasp and look at yunho in shock. ,,y-you knew that i-”
,,mhm.” he shifts closer to you. ,,i could tell.”
you let out a small sigh of relief.
,,but y/n….i’m in love with you too.”
butterflies in your stomach appear as you listen to the words being spoken to you.
,,yes...is it okay if i….kiss you?"
you swallow and nod your head quickly.
,,i need words, precious." yunho says softly.
,,yes, please kiss me."
in a matter of seconds yunho's lips are attached to yours. you feel all of the warm emotions swirling between the two of you.
your lips move against one another's in harmony, perfectly encapsulating the moment.
you're the first to pull back as you need to catch your breath.
,,so, what are we now?"
yunho scratches his knee and chuckles. ,,i don't know yet, but can i officially call you mine?"
you look up at yunho with love filled in your eyes. ,,yes, i would love to be called yours."
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hwaflame · 3 years
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─ ꒰ 🐻🍓🍢 ꒱ 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒓𝒆𝒅 :: 𝒕𝒘𝒊𝒄𝒆 𝒍𝒂𝒚𝒐𝒖𝒕
like or reblog if you use
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hwaflame · 3 years
cleaning with seonghwa - mini imagine
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warnings: fluff
wc: 182
when seonghwa cleans alone it is more like a chore. however, when he cleans with you, it is a special moment. because he values tidiness so much, he wants to do it with someone he loves, which is you. due to seonghwa having a busy schedule, he cannot always spend time with you. he feels guilty for that. so to make up for this, he will casually call you on his off day and ask ,do you want to tidy up with me?’ to the average person this seems bizarre. their significant other asking them to help clean? heck no. but for you and seonghwa, it’s like bonding time. he uses this time to talk with you about what’s going on in your life and he also talks about things going on in his life as well. sharing laughs, deep conversation…all of this happens while you two are cleaning. when both of you have finished tidying up, seonghwa then spends the rest of the day lounging around with you. it is a simple thing, but something special for the both of you.
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hwaflame · 3 years
Hwaflame Master List
faking a smile
cleaning with seonghwa - mini drabble
coming soon!
coming soon!
coming soon!
coming soon!
coming soon!
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hwaflame · 3 years
faking a smile - kim hongjoong x reader
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warnings: angst, fluff
wc: 777
hong joong could tell you weren’t feeling your best. even though you smiled, hong joong knew it wasn’t genuine. when you’re truly smiling, your eyes usually twinkle, but this time, your eyes don’t glow anymore; almost as if their spark has died. hong joong wanted to help you, hence why you’re sitting with him in the studio right now as he puts the last few touches on a song. he brought you to work with him because he doesn’t want to leave you alone.
you sit on the couch with your legs crossed and wrapped up in a blanket while playing a game on your phone. you can hear hongjoong sigh in relief, which lets you know he’s finished.
,,ready to go y/n?” hong joong asks as he slides his jacket on.
you nod and give a small smile.
as you’re about to get up, hong joong stops you by leaning over you until you’re centimeters apart from him.
,,y/n…before we leave, how are you?”
you avoid eye contact with him and put on a wide smile. ,,i’m fine! why are you asking so suddenly?”
he sighs and helps you up.
,,no reason.”
the car ride is unnaturally silent. normally, you would initiate a conversation by bringing up any random topic that would then lead to you two either laughing or questioning the universe.
hong joong glances at you and notices your blank face. his heart breaks a little at the fact that you’re hiding how you truly feel because he never wants you to suffer in silence.
after a few moments, and to your surprise, the two of you were at the beach - one of your favorite places.
hong joong got out of the driver's seat to open your door on the passenger’s side. he takes your hand and leads you to the edge of the vast ocean.
it’s twilight now, and the ocean is glittering under the setting sun. the sky is painted with ongoing colors of purples, corals, pinks, and oranges.
,,y/n, do you trust me?” hong joong whispered just enough for you to hear him.
,,of course i do.” you answer without hesitation.
hong joong turns to your side and grasps both of your hands. his burning eyes urge you to make eye contact with him. without having to speak, his eyes show you every emotion he’s encapsulating within himself.
,,if you trust me, then why aren’t you being honest with me? you don’t need to pretend in front of me.”
his words cause your heart to palpitate. your hands suddenly become clammy and your ears warm up.
,,i- babe, i’m fine. i told you, i’m okay.”
hong joong was on the brink of tears as he watched you lie to him. he couldn’t help it anymore and embraced you with a warm hug. he said to you,
,,i know you’re not okay. please talk to me. i’m here for you and i love you more than anything. Please know that I care for you.”
at the sound of these words, tears being to stream down your face. before you know it, you’re full on sobbing at this point. all of the things you’ve pent up inside are being released through your tears.
hong joong doesn’t let you go as you fall to the ground and cry on his chest. eventually, your tears begin to dry up and hong joong now has a soaked shirt. you let out a small sorry before hongjoong holds your face in his hands.
,,whatever it is y/n, i’m listening.”
you tell hongjoong what’s been bothering you for the past few weeks and he listens without any judgement. He lightly traces patterns on your hand to comfort you. amazingly, you feel slightly better after you get your problems off your chest.
,,y/n, is that what’s been bothering you? why didn’t you tell me sooner? i could have helped you and comforted you.” hongjoong scolds.
you know he’s only scolding you out of love and you’re honestly grateful for that. It shows that he truly cares about you and wants the best for you.
it’s dark now; the moon is glowing on you, hongjoong, and the ocean. the atmosphere has a comfortable effect on the both of you.
standing up, hongjoong pulls you up alongside him and brings you in for a peck on the lips.
,,y/n…never do that again okay? i don’t want to see you hold onto that pain by yourself, okay?”
,,okay. I promise.”
The two of you then walk across the beach, giggling and playing with each other, but this time, your eyes are twinkling when you smile.
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