hwaitingmango · 4 years
Since COVID I’ve noticed more Korean teachers posting lessons on Youtube. A lot of them have criminally low views so I thought I would provide some links as I think they would be useful to many of you. 
While the lessons are mostly in Korean please don’t be put off. The teachers speak slowly and clearly so even low intermediate learners should have no problem understanding :)
아임달imdal Korean teacher
Grammar and vocab videos both TOPIK specific and more everyday content. Beginner through to high intermediate level.  I really like all of the videos I have watched. In some of her videos she sets ‘homework’ and asks viewers to post in in the comments and she will personally mark it for you! 
현명한 선택,知好樂
Mainly intermediate level grammar comparison videos (ie, what is the difference between similar grammar points). She takes requests from viewers.
10분한국어 10min Korean
As the channel name suggests most of her videos are around 10 minutes long. Predominately intermediate and advanced grammar lessons but she also has videos on hanja. 
베이직 코리안 basic Korean
Beginner content from reading and pronouncing hangul through to basic grammar. Videos are in Korean but have English subtitles. 
Intermediate level. It seems like she goes through a whole textbook in her videos. There are also TOPIK writing videos. 
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hwaitingmango · 5 years
Essential Korean Phrases in Restaurants
I had gotten a few messages saying that they really like the vocab lists from TTMIK! I had also gotten a few asking if I actually knew all these verbs, and the answer is: of course LOL! I’m doing these lists because 1) I know it’s hard for people to get free resources online, I’m there with you 2) it’s helping me review and I’m super-mega-fast at typing Korean now 3) it’s helping other people review and learn; these lists are super easy (and essential, hence the name)! TTMIK obviously deserves all the credit because I’m just making a PDF file of their list for people to use - it’s not mine! 
This is in complete courtesy of TTMIK! They own all the rights to this list, this is just a physical copy! It is based on their “Essential Korean Phrases in Restaurants” video. Go here for the PDF version! I have added a few of my own!
1. 몇 분이세요? - How many people?      ~ 몇 - many // much      ~ 분 - person (hon.)      ~ 이다 (to be)–> 이세요 (hon. inquisitive)
2. ‘X’ 명이요 - There are ‘X’ people      ~ 명 - people       ~ 둘 (two) –> 두 // 셋 (three) –> 세 // 넷 (four) –>네
명 vs 분: Both use native Korean numbers, 분 is a formal way of addressing people, whereas 명 is a way to count people
3. 한 명 더 올 거예요 - One more person is coming!      ~ 하나 –> 한 - one      ~ 더 - more      ~ 오다 (to come) –> 올 거예요 (will come) *30 Essential Verbs
4. 예약하셨어요? - Did you make a reservation?      ~ 예약하다 - to make a reservation      ~ 예양하시다 - hon. inquisitive
5. 지금 만석이라 기다리셔야 돼요 - There are no seats, so you should wait      ~ 지금 - now      ~ 만석 - completely occupied      ~ N + -(이)라(서) - since it’s N , because it’s N      ~ 기다리(시)다 - to wait (hon.)      ~ -야 되다 - must // should // have to
6. 얼마나 기다려야 돼요? - How long do I have to wait?      ~ 얼마나 - how long
7. 여기 앉아도 되나요? - Can I sit here?      ~ 여기 - here      ~ 앉다 - to sit      ~ -아/어도 되나다 - there’s no problem // to be allowed to
8. 이쪽으로 안내해 드릴게요 - Let me take you to your seat      ~ 이쪽 - this way      ~ (으)로 - to / on a destination      ~ 안내하다 - to guide      ~ 드릴게요 - I will do this thing for you (tricky translation)
9. 드시고 가시나요? 아니면 포��해 드릴까요?      ~ 드시다 - to consume (eat / drink honorific)      ~ 가시다 - to go (honorific)      ~ -나요 - makes a request more polite / gentle      ~ 아니다 - to not be (x)      ~ (으)면 - if      ~ 포장하다 - to pack
10. 주문하시겠어요?      ~ 주문하(시)다 - to order (hon.)
11. 저기요? - excuse me! // over here!
12. 주문할게요 - I would like to order
13. 메뉴판 좀 주세요 - May I have a menu?      ~ 메뉴판 -       ~ 좀 –> 조금 - a little* (this doesn’t translate the same in English, but by adding 좀 to a request, you make this request softer and nicer)      ~ 주다 - to give
14. 물 좀 주세요 - May I have some water?
15. 물은 셀프예요 - The water is self-serve      ~ 셀프 - self (this is actually REALLY common in most Korean restaurants - there will usually be a water jug, you can almost always find it, and it will have cups on the top. Often times, the server might just bring you a jug / pitcher of water for convenience)
16. 포크 좀 주세요 - May I have a fork?
17. 이거하고 이거 주세요 - May I have this and this?
18. 메뉴 추천해 주세요 - Please give us a recommendation      ~ 추천하다 - to recommend
19. 이거 몇 인분이에요? - How many people does this serve?      ~ 인분 - serving
20. 이거 맵나요? - Is this spicy?      ~ 맵다 - to be spicy
21. ‘X’은/는 빼 주세요 - Please take ‘X’ out      ~ 빼다 - to take out      ~ 양파 (onion), 버섯 (mushroom), 당근 (carrot), etc. 
22. 견과류 알레르기가 있어요 - I have an allergy to nuts      ~ 유제품 - dairy products      ~ 글루텐 - gluten
23. 저희 주문한 음식이 아직 안 나왔어요 - Our order hasn’t come yet      ~ 저희 - our (polite)      ~ 음식 - food      ~ 아직 - still      ~ 안 - negates the verb      ~ 나오다 - to come out
24. 저희 이거 안 시켰어요 - we didn’t order this      ~ 시키다 - order // get
25. 화장실은 어디에 있어요? - where’s the bathroom?      ~ 화장실 -       ~ 어디 - 
26. 맵지 않게 해 주세요 - Please don’t make it spicy      ~ -지 않다 - don’t ‘X’      ~ -게 하다 - to let / make ‘x’
27. 감사합니다 - thank you!
28. 잘 먹겠습니다 - I’ll eat well!
29. ‘X’ 좀 더 주세요 - May I have some more side dishes?      ~ 반찬 - side dishes      ~ 소스 - sauce
30. 음식이 좀 ‘X’ - the food is a little ‘X’      ~ 짜다 - to be salty      ~ 싱겁다 - to be bland
31. 소금이 있어요? - do you have salt?
32. 남은 것 좀 싸 주세요 - May I have a to-go box?      ~ 남다 - to be leftover –> 남 (leftovers)      ~ 것 - thing      ~ 싸다 - to wrap
33. 계산은 어디에서 해요? - Where do I pay?      ~ 계산하다 - to pay
34. 얼마예요? - how much is it?
35. 각자 계산할게요 - We will pay separately      ~ 각자 - separate // individually
36. 카드로 계산할게요 - I will pay with my credit card
37. 영수증 필요하세요? - Do you need a receipt?      ~ 영수증 - receipt      ~ 필요하다 - to need
38. 영수증 주세요 - please give me a receipt
39. 영수증은 괜찮아요 - I don’t need a receipt
40. 맛있어요 // 맛없어요 - It’s delicious // It doesn’t taste good      ~ 맛 - taste           *different from 향, which means something similar artificial taste (it’s direct meaning is similar to fragrance, but in this case for food, if something smells like a fragrance, it might be artificial - think of those banana candies)      ~ 없다 - to not exist      ~ 있다 - to exist
part 1 || part 2 || part 3 || part 4
Happy Learning :)
~ SK101 
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hwaitingmango · 5 years
Huge New Language-Learning Collection!
Hey, anyone who wants to learn a language – I have great news for you!
Keep reading
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hwaitingmango · 5 years
Words for New Semester in Korean
Words for New Semester in Korean
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새학기 - New Semester 
전공 과목
교양 과목
서류 가방
New semester started! Sorry for you should take classes online. Must be pros and cons! Let us be positive! :)
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hwaitingmango · 5 years
Abbreviated and word blending in Korean
Korean people like to make words shorter and talk faster, so this is a list of some words they use everyday and it’s hard to find on textbooks or the classic material to learn. They can be used freely for what I know, so there is no need to worry about the different formal levels, enjoy! ^^
셀카: selca (selfie)
회식: company dinner
폭탄주: bomb drink (i.e. boilermaker or soju bomb)
소맥: soju and beer
치맥: chicken and beer
엠티: membership training (retreat)
알바: part-time job
당근!: of course!
남친: boyfriend
여친: girlfriend
서비스: free item at restaurant or store
source: 90DayKorean
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hwaitingmango · 5 years
Vocabulary: Coronavirus Prevention (코로나바이러스 방역)
Hi everyone! As you all probably know, the coronavirus pandemic has become a serious problem. I thought it might be useful to provide you with some vocabulary related to it; when learning a language, it’s important to learn vocab related to relevant issues in my opinion. Let’s start!  
Many of the following phrases are commands and end in -(으)세요. Check out my lesson about it here to learn more!
Wash your hands often = 손을 자주 씻으세요 
Wash your hands for 20 seconds = 20초 동안 손을 씻으세요
Don’t touch your face = 얼굴을 만지지마세요 
Wear a face mask = 마스크 쓰세요
Stand 6 feet apart from others = 6 피트 간격으로 서 있으세요
Carry hand sanitizer = 손 세정제를 갖고 다니세요 
Disinfect surfaces = 표면들을 소독하세요
Don’t take public transportation = 대중교통 타지마세요 
Stay home if you feel sick = 아프면 집에 있으세요 
Go to the doctor = 병원에 가세요
Schools are closed = 학교가 문을 닫는다
Be careful! = 조심하세요!
Don’t worry = 걱정하지마세요
Other Words
to quarantine = 격리하다
to recover = 회복되다
to work from home = 재택근무를 하다
pandemic = 범유행
state of emergency = 비상 사태
diagnosis = 진단
safety precaution = 안전 예방책
That’s about all for this list! I usually like to keep my lessons pretty light but I think that making lessons about serious issues is important sometimes. I hope this helps!
As always, your health should come first! Please take every precaution possible and stay safe!!
If you want to practice writing and reading Korean with others, join my Discord chat here!
Want to expand your Korean vocabulary and get closer to fluency? Get Drops Premium using my affiliate link! See you next time! 다음에 봐요!
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hwaitingmango · 5 years
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✨💕🎈 Hey y'all! One of my most asked questions is how I learn Korean vocabulary, so I made a whole video on the topic.
The new video on my channel will be premiering tonight! I'll answer any of your questions on live chay. It's one of my most in depth videos where I discuss:
👉 My study plan
👉 When, where and how often I learn words
👉 How I write them in my vocabulary book
👉 Color coding system
👉 How to use Quizlet to memorize words
👉 How often I review the words
Hope it's helpful! Join the live chat at...
9PM Singapore time
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hwaitingmango · 5 years
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3월 16일 🇰🇷 한국어.
Today I studied the lesson 35 from HTSK and I learned a lot related to ~것 같다 which basically translates as "it seems to be/might be". Along with that, there was some info related to the use of other words like 그렇다 turning in 그럴/그런 것 같아요 to say "it is probably like that" and also the famous ~겠다 ending which you have probably hear such in 맛있겠다! or 아프겠다!
Have a great start of the 주! 🌷🌷
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hwaitingmango · 5 years
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If you're an intermediate Korean learner and is also learning Mandarin Chinese (simplified script) and Japanese, I recommend this book!
This book is aimed at native Koreans who want to learn more about Hanja but I think you can also benefit from this book.
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hwaitingmango · 5 years
Japanese-Korean-English Basic Words for Today #1
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Quick note: Although the list is aimed at beginners of those languages, I haven’t included a transcription (due to editing problems). For those of you who still haven’t learned the writing system, I strongly recommend checking out the following links: [Korean] [Japanese]. Learning both systems (Korean Hangeul and Japanese Hiragana and Katakana) normally takes an evening or two for each. 
학생 |学生・生徒(がくせい・せいと)|student
선생님 ・교사 |先生・教授(せんせい ・きょうじゅ )|teacher
선생님 and 先生 are used to refer to a teacher (like Tanaka-sensei), while 교사 and 教授  are the official (more professional) names of the occupation. They are also used while referring to academic professors. 
의사 |医者(いしゃ)|doctor
경찰| 警官・警察官(けいかん・けいさつかん)|police officer
가수| 歌手(かしゅ)|singer
요리사 |料理人(りょうりにん)|cook
배우| 俳優(はいゆう)|actor
선수|選手(せんしゅ)|athlete, player
It is often added to the name of an athlete, eg. 羽生結弦選手(はにゅうゆづるせんしゅ) - Yuzuru Hanyuu is a famous Japanese Ice Skater
화가・예술가 |画家・芸術家(がか・げいじゅつか)| painter, artist
예술가 and 芸術家 are used to refer to artists (not necessarily painters)
변호사 |弁護士(べんごうし)|lawyer
기자| 記者(きしゃ)|reporter, journalist
군인・군사 |軍人・兵士(ぐんじん・へいし)|soldier
사업가|実業家・ビジネスマン(じぎょうか)|entrepreneur, businessperson
회사원 |サラリーマン|office worker 
주부|主婦(しゅふ)|homeworker, stay-at-home mom, housewife
번역가 |翻訳者(ほんやくしゃ)|translator
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hwaitingmango · 5 years
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멜론 - Melon
올리브 - An olive
파파야 - Papaya
감 - A persimmon
자두 - A plum
검은 베리 - Black currant (but I've also seen it used for blackberries and blueberries)
대추 - A jujube, a (Chinese) date
구스베리 - Gooseberry
구아바 - Guava
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hwaitingmango · 5 years
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・13.3.20 ~ study update & intro ・
I wasn’t going to introduce myself at all, as I didn’t do it with my other langblrs, but why not?
hi! I go by “mango” online, but my real name is raya; feel free to call me either. in addition to korean, which I am a fresh beginner at, I also self-study Japanese with the help of my Genki Study Group on Discord as well as German all by my lonesome---the latter being a long-time affair that I am forever struggling with. I have a langblr for each, and you can find them linked on my page. 
apart from studying languages, I enjoy copious amounts of coffee, exercising, hoarding recipes, and pretty much anything sci-fi and fantasy! books, movies, shows. I am especially fond of ATLA and Grishaverse, as well as watching Korean and Japanese dramas. presently I am on a school hiatus but hope to return and enter the nursing program. my favorite topics in A&P were bones and vessels, and if I could take classes on those alone I totally would.
I picked up Korean primarily on whim, because I have a twitter friend who recently began studying it. we both ordered the same textbook and plan to start around the same time together once mine comes in. I’m glad to have a study buddy for this, and if it weren’t for that I’d probably still be fighting off the temptation to learn.
it would've been nice if I could have started this post off in a Korean greeting, but what little I know about the Korean language comes from K-dramas, so I only know how some words should sound and not how they’re spelled. but that’s why I’m working my way through the alphabet!
if I am honest, I find it a little difficult. I took a couple to a few weeks to learn kana in Japanese, and I am feeling like hangul is actually more difficult... but also I think I may have forgotten what it feels like to be a complete newbie at something. I’m confident that I’ll get the hang of this as long as I keep making consistent efforts, because that’s how progress is made.
so the ~stuff~ I’m doing and need to do:
start vowels with Korean Unnie’s Day #17-19 (or 20) tonight. finish the remainder over the weekend.
practice with Drops (five minutes)
quiz self on recog and sound with Quizlet set
write characters out while practicing how they sound
normally I wouldn’t be this fixated on perfecting an alphabet so early on into a language, but I may as well pour over it as much as I can since I’m still waiting on my textbook. I ordered Talk To Me In Korean Level 1 (textbook + workbook) early last week, so another week or two to go... 
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hwaitingmango · 5 years
NOTES (masterlist)
한글 (Hangul)
Sentence structure
에 (Place or Time)
이다 (To be)
이/그/저 (this and that)
이/그/저 with  이다
~이/가 as subject markers
Quick notes
의 (Possessive particle)
좋다 and 좋아하다
우리 (we, us, our)
Common greeting words
Using adjectives ~ㄴ/은
많다: to be a lot
Particle 도
How to say “I” or “me”
How to say “you”
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hwaitingmango · 5 years
한글 (Hangul)
Hello guys! I was thinking that I never made a 한글 post before, because I started this blog already knowing it, but I thought it could be useful for anyone that is just starting! So I hope you like it and it’s useful ^^
DISCLAIMER: I don’t use romanization in any of the posts, and my best advice about it is to avoid it except when you are learning the alphabet. In my opinion it’s the best way to learn and remember the sound of each letter when you aren’t too used to only use the 한글.
1. Basics
First of all, 한글 is basically the Korean alphabet and it has 40 letters, 19 consonants and 21 vowels. As you can see it’s written in blocks that can go from 2 (minimum) to 4 (maximum) letters, for example:
2 letters: 가
3 letters: 감
4 letters: 값
And these blocks have a rule: they always start with a consonant. If the word you are writing starts with a vowel, then you will use a special consonant that is ㅇ and will be silent (if it goes anywhere else then it will have a sound, but we will see that later), for example, 아, 어, 우.
2. Vowels
They can be divided in 3 sections:
1) Plain: as you can notice there are vertical and horizontal ones.
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2) Y semivowels: there is a total of 6 of these that start with a “y-” sound. They are called semivowels because they basically grab the vowels we just learned (except for ㅣand ㅡ) and add the “y-” sound to them:
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3) W semivowels: they are a little more complicated than the previous ones since they combine a vertical vowel with a horizontal one, adding a “w-” sound to it.
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Note: nowadays 외, 왜 and 웨 are pronounced the same, but you have to learn them anyway.
3. Consonants
Also divided in 3 sections:
1) Plain: 
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Note: you don’t need to learn the name of the consonants, but I write them anyway just in case you wanna learn it too
2) Tense or double consonants: they are simply the consonants you just learned but written twice. They have a more strong and direct sound, like if you were shooting the words out of your mouth to say it in some way lol, have that in mind when you read the examples 
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Note: you don’t need to learn the name of the consonants, but I write them anyway just in case you wanna learn it too
3) Aspirated consonants: they are easy to distinguish cause they add an “extra line” to the plain consonants. The sound, in this case, would be like if you try to make the shooting sound of before while inhaling or running out of air (does it make sense?)
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Note: you don’t need to learn the name of the consonants, but I write them anyway just in case you wanna learn it too
4. Writing: so now that you already know the alphabet, now it’s time to learn how to write! You need to follow these 2 rules:
go from left to right
go from top to bottom
If you have 3 or 4 letters into a block, then you write the 2 letters on top from left to right, and then the letter (or 2 letters) from left to write.
5. Recommendation: to practice all this I used the app “Korean Letter - Learn Hangul Korean Alphabet” while I was learning. It has audios included and the full view of the whole alphabet
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source: my own notebook (I don’t know where I learned this from back in the day)
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hwaitingmango · 5 years
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So you’ve learned Hangul. ‘What do I do now?’ is probably your next question. I would know because you all have asked me at least ten times a day. The people have spoken; a lot. So I shall give the people what they want. Here is a short masterlist for beginners who are endlessly stuck at Hangul and have no idea what to do next:
Typing in Korean:     ♡ Hangul (just in case you haven’t gotten that part yet)     ♡ Practice your Hangul: typing test     ♡ How to change your keyboard: language setting       ♡ Korean Fonts
Flashcards / Apps:     ♡ Quizlet     ♡ Anki     ♡ Apps
Websites:     ♡ Talk to Me in Korean (TTMIK)     ♡ How to study Korean (HTSK)     ♡ Lang-8     ♡ KoreanClass101     ♡ Haru-Korean     ♡ Learn Korean     ♡ Sogang Korean
Masterlists:     ♡ Study Korean 101     ♡ Fluentlee     ♡ From Ireland to Korea     ♡ Lost in Korean Translations     ♡ Flicker of Korean     ♡ Korean from Dummies     ♡ Bite Sized Korean     ♡ Bulletproof Korean     ♡ Sohee Studies     ♡ Hannah-DulSet     ♡ Korean Study Tips     ♡ Su-eop     ♡ GGKorean
My Resources / Recommended:     ♡ Textbooks          ~ I will always recommend TTMIK (textbooks here)     ♡ Korean Games     ♡ Websites     ♡ Apps     ♡ Webtoons
Beginner Need to Know:     ♡ Introducing yourself     ♡ Vocabulary (literally fill your brain with as much vocab as possible)     ♡ Batchim (받침)     ♡ Sentence Structure     ♡ Conversational Korean
Tips:     ♡ The romanized Korean is not a complete representation of the Korean alphabet. Understanding that pronunciation/spoken Korean is just as important as reading and writing will help your Korean flourish - so drop romanization.     ♡ You are literally free to do whatever you want. You could learn phrases, vocab, grammar - you could even start taking beginner lessons at a KSL school or find a tutor; your Korean language journey is your own. What works for me might not work for you.     ♡ There’s always a honeymoon stage. What I mean by this is sometimes people are caught up in the excitement of learning Korean that they forget to do the boring stuff - ie grammar and extensive studying. The honeymoon stage usually filters those who are serious and those who aren’t about learning Korean.     ♡ However you chose to learn Korean, own it. If you’d like to learn through KDramas/KPop, that’s okay. If you want to go to Korea and immerse yourself, that’s okay. Own it. And work hard while you’re at it.
Studying Korean is a beautiful and painful process. As a former beginner, I can tell you it’s a lot of work but it’s worth it. I hope that you have some guidance now when you’re done learning Hangul, but it’s really up to you the path you decide to take. Best of luck! I will always be here to answer your questions - don’t hesitate to message. Happy Studying :)
~ SK101
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hwaitingmango · 5 years
╭─━━━━━━━━━━━━─╮ Basic - 기본 ♡ Beginners Masterlist ♡ Hangul - 한글 (한국어 알파벳) ♡ Korean Numbers -  한국어 번호 ♡ Calendar -  달력 ♡ Korean Sentence Structure ╰─━━━━━━━━━━━━─╯  ╭─━━━━━━━━━━━━─╮  Vocab - 어휘 ♡ Christmas - 크리스마스 ♡ New Year -  새해 ♡ Grocery Shopping - 식료품 쇼핑 ♡ Korean Onomatopoeia -  한국어 의성어 [part 1] || [part 2] ♡ Clothes - 옷 ♡ Animals - 동물들 ♡ Idol Phrases - 관용구 ♡ Fruit - 과일 ♡ Veggies - 채소 ♡ Spring - 봄 ♡ Body - 몸 ♡ Family - 가족 ♡ Korean Slang / Shortened Expressions ♡ LGBT+ Vocab - 엘지비티 + slang ♡ Korean Homonyms - 한국어 이의어 ♡ Summer Vocab - 여름 어휘 ♡ Birthday Vocab - 생일 어휘 ♡ Occupations - 직업 ♡ Space - 우주 ♡ Phone - 전화 ♡ Traveling - 여행 ♡ Money - 돈 ♡ K-ommon Korean Phrases ♡ Colour Vocab - 색깔 어휘 ♡ Directions Vocab - 쪽 어휘 ♡ Cooking Vocab - 요리하기 어휘 ╰─━━━━━━━━━━━━─╯  ╭─━━━━━━━━━━━━─╮  Korean Culture - 한국 문화 ♡ Korean Age - 한국 나이 ♡ Shoulders in Korea  ♡ Batchim - 받침 ╰─━━━━━━━━━━━━─╯ ╭─━━━━━━━━━━━━─╮  Grammar - 문법 ♡ Conjugation - 동사  ♡ Particles -  문법적 입자 ♡ Counters -  복수형  ♡ -고 싶다 - want ♡ -ㄹ/을 것이다 - future tense ♡ More than - 보다 더 + comparing verbs ♡ -잖아요 - As you Know ♡ Adding plural counters to NOUNS ♡ The many versions of: 같다 ♡ Useful Verbs + How to Use Them!           [part 1] || [part 2] || [part 3]  ╰─━━━━━━━━━━━━─╯  ╭─━━━━━━━━━━━━─╮ Helpful Asks - 질문들 ♡ FAQ ♡ 이다 Conjugation ♡ “Is this right?” Korean Translation ♡ “How are you?” Korean Translation ♡ 이에요 / 입니다 Uses and Rules ♡ 행복하다 - meaning ♡ 난 네 블로그를 사랑해 - I love your blog ♡ Why did he say 언니??  ♡ Korean Spacing ♡ Am I a Koreaboo?      ~ Part 1 || Part 2 || Part 3  ♡ Why is it -서 instead of -고? ♡ Korean Texting Abbreviations ♡ Sentence Structure ♡ Gender Neutral Korean Titles ♡ Difference between 저/제/저의 and 나/너/나의 ♡ Korean Difference ♡ Motivation to be courageous while speaking! How To: ♡ Staying Motivated / Focused ♡ Study Grammar! ♡ Improve Handwriting ♡ Improve Pronunciation ♡ Not Struggle with Hangul ♡ “Introduce Myself” (자기소개) ♡ Say you’re studying Korean for fun! ♡ Speak confidently in Korean ♡ Pronounce ‘ㄹ’ ♡ Go from basic beginner to intermediate/advanced ♡ Elongate Texts in Korean ♡ STOP Translating in your head! ♡ Say ‘Thank you’ in Korean Recommended: ♡ Textbooks ♡ Apps ♡ Websites ♡ Tips for Beginners ♡ Webtoons Korean Differences: ♡ 선생님 vs 교사 / 실 vs 방 / 늘 vs 항상 ♡ 이야기하다 vs 말하다 ♡ 친구 vs 벗 ♡ 담요 vs 이불 ♡ 저의 vs 제 ♡ 당신 vs 너 ♡ 은/는 vs 이/가  ♡ 안녕하세요 vs 여보세요  ♡ 어 vs 오 ♡ 안녕히 가세요 vs 안녕히 계세요 ♡ -말 vs -어 ♡ 생선 vs 물고기 ♡ 봤어요 vs 보았어요 ♡ -는 것 같다 // 같다 // -를 것 같다 ♡ 함께 vs 같이 ♡ 않다 vs 아니다 ♡ 노래 vs 송 ♡ 외 // 왜 // 웨 ♡ 좋다 vs 좋아하다 ♡ -ㄹ/을 수 있다 vs (잘) 못+verb ♡ 진짜 vs 진심 ♡ 오래되다 // 늙다 // 낡다 ♡ 심심하다 vs 지루하다 ♡ 위해서 // 때문에 // 덕분에 ♡ noun+verb VS noun+을/를+verb ╰─━━━━━━━━━━━━─╯  ╭─━━━━━━━━━━━━─╮  About Me ♡ Introduction -  자기 소개 ♡ 깜작이야 vs 감자탕 ♡ How I got my Korean Name ♡ My Study Routine ♡ My Face ♡ SK101 IG & TWITTER ♡ 10k Follower Special - About Me ♡ My YouTube Channel ╰─━━━━━━━━━━━━─╯  ╭─━━━━━━━━━━━━─╮  Reading Comprehension ♡ Little Red Riding Hood - 빨간 모자        Part 1 || Part 2 || Part 3 || Part 4 ♡ Diary - 일기        Part 1 || Part 2 || Part 3 || Part 4 ♡ My Friend Jiyeon        Part 1 || Part 2 ╰─━━━━━━━━━━━━─╯  under construction constantly
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