hxzellll · 4 years
“ You would be as miserable in your surrender to your body as you have been in your struggle against it”. (Pg.63)
The woman who had two navels and tales of the tropical gothic by Nick Joaquin
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hxzellll · 4 years
“ The older monzon sat besides him, smoking a cigar”. (Pg.51)
The woman who had two navels and tales of the tropical gothic by Nick Joaquin
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hxzellll · 4 years
“She stopped and gathered him to her breast” (pg.41)
The woman who had two navels and tales of the tropical gothic by Nick Joaquin
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hxzellll · 4 years
Week 17 Blog
The woman who had two navels and tales of the tropical gothic by Nick Joaquin
Pages 15-30 Words 344
In the pages of the book Chitong’s family and friends are confusing him. They are all curious what Chitong really feels about his ex. Chitong is finally a Priest. While he is working in the church helping other people he is sad because his friends and his family are putting too much pressure on him. He clearly told everybody that he doesn’t want to Study law anymore. He was just doing that to make his family proud and while when he was with his ex girlfriend that’s what she wanted him to do but when they broke up he realize that that’s not really meant for him and he also realized that people don’t last with him so instead of being alone he wanted to help other people by serving God to be a priest let other people know what God wants them to do. Besides being a priest Chitong loves to paint he expresses his feelings by painting she’s so good at it that a lot of people notice it and wants to buy his paintings but he doesn’t want to sell it because it’s so meaningful for him he put all his feelings and effort to pain and he feels that that’s so special for him. Sophia said that it’s not a sin to be with somebody they love so basically she wanted Chitong to come back with his ex because all of them know that he’s the only Son they have because if he’s going to end up being a priest forever the blood will not spread and also she really likes Chitong ex girlfriend. The family is thinking about moving to Hong Kong but without their son that’s going to be sad. Chitong family gave him a option to stay by himself in the Philippines but all his relatives whole family wanted to live in Hong Kong to have a better life. He wanted to move with them too but it’s hard because he got a lot of responsibility in the church and the other people that goes to church.
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hxzellll · 4 years
“ I wasn’t surprised then and I wasn’t surprised at anything afterwards.” (Pg.50)
The woman who had two navels and tales of the tropical gothic by Nick Joaquin
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hxzellll · 4 years
“His flesh unfreezes, his blood liquefies, his bone unlock, and the descends from the ratablo to join the procession to the puerta posting o.” (Pg.37)
The woman who had two navels and tales of the tropical gothic.
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hxzellll · 4 years
“Slumber presses down on him like an iron weight around his neck though he stabbed and stabbed his arm till both arms were bloody blobs of chop flesh”. (Pg. 36)
The woman who had two navels and tales of tropical gothic by Nick Joaquin
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hxzellll · 4 years
“ a fragrant music that roared with the sea and whispered with the palms and in which the earth and moon and stars being whirled in wild rapture; his own blood rushing, his own breath gasping in time to it...” (Pg. 27)
The woman who had two navels and tales of the tropical ghotic by Nick Joaquin
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hxzellll · 4 years
Week 16 Blog
The Woman Who Had Two Navels and Tales of the Tropical Gothic by Nick Joaquin
Pages 1-15 Words (427)
Pages 1 to 15 tells is about Chitong who is a young man. He is in college at first he wanted to study law but year by year his interest changed. He told his mother what career he want to pursue in the future.Chitong wanted to be a priest inside of doing the law school. He was afraid to tell his dad Celo because he is so strict when it comes to career of his child. Typical Filipino parents they usually want to choose what good career their kids to have in the future because they are usually the one paying for their kids tuition fee. Celo doesn’t really have problem about Chitong being a priest but he wanted to make that’s what Chitong wanted for his future. He wanted to be a good father to Chitong and have a good communication with his son. It was because Celo doesn’t have a good relationship with his dad. There is really nothing going on in this pages. The narrator just introduced all the characters like Celo the father, Chitong the son, Doña Sofia Celo’s Mother, Monzon the father of Celo, and Paulo the cousin of Celo. In this pages also talked about the family relationships. It was not clear whu Celo doesn’t have good relationships with his parents. Also Chiton ran away, Doña Sofia suggested to all of them to look around for him in the Dominican church, and she is not wrong because Chitong wanted to be a priest. He felt like god is really calling him to talk about god everywhere. Celo doesn’t see his son to be a priest because he is not really quiet and the career that he wants doesn’t look right for him. Chitong is in the process of being a priest but something bothered him, his first lover came back to see him and to know what’s going on with him. They talked and the girl knows that Chitong wanted to be a priest but the girl still have feelings for him but Chitong is confused. Chitong felt like he still wanted to be with her . Monzo felt bad because the girl came back for chitong. Monzo said that “ If it is a sin to allow him this woman, then I will take the sin on my shoulders I will pray that it will...” (pg.15). He felt bad for both of them because once Chitong turned to a priest he felt like he will not be happy and the girl too because they both have feeling for each other.
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hxzellll · 4 years
“You do not sound like a decent woman, Sofia.” (Pg.3)
The woman that had two navel sand Tales of the Tropical Gothic by Nick Joaquin
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hxzellll · 4 years
“She’s resting for the rest of her life.” (Pg. 119)
Mango bride by Maria Soliven
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hxzellll · 4 years
“That’s so expensive Amparo! I told you to buy the cheapest one.” (Pg.104)
Mango bride by Maria Soliven
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hxzellll · 4 years
“Are you serious! That job will not pay for everything!” (Pg.94)
Mango bride by Maria Soliven
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hxzellll · 4 years
Week 14 Blog
Mango Bride by Maria Soliven
Word count: 300 Pages : 35 - 76
In this chapter there was Two women, two cultures, and the fight to find a new life in America, despite the secrets of the past. Amparo, the daughter of upper-class parents, has an abortion. Banished by her wealthy Filipino family in Manila, Amparo Guerrero travels to Oakland, California, to forge a new life. Amparo was worried about what gossip will do to the family honor. Although her mother labels her life in exile a diminished one, Amparo believes her struggles are a small price to pay for freedom. where Amparo gets work as an interpreter in Berkeley. There, she meets and falls in love with her yoga teacher and connects with her mother’s brother, also banished from the family home, years before she was born. Beverly (named for Beverly Hills), from a poor, servant-class family, gets herself to California by putting her photo up on a website where American men look for Filipina mail-order brides. Beverly ends up with a man acting out a cycle of domestic violence that began in his own childhood. Like Amparo, Beverly Obejas an impoverished Filipina waitress forsakes Manila and comes to Oakland as a mail-order bride in search of a better life. Yet even in the land of plenty, Beverly fails to find the happiness and prosperity she envisioned. As Amparo works to build the immigrant’s dream, she becomes entangled in the chaos of Beverly’s immigrant nightmare. Their unexpected collision forces them both to make terrible choices and confront a life-changing secret, but through it all they hold fast to family, in all its enduring and surprising transformations.
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hxzellll · 4 years
“The house is not that big.” (Pg.86)
Mango bride by Maria Soliven
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hxzellll · 4 years
“Are you serious! That’s a biggest house I’ve ever seen.” (Pg.84)
Mango bride by Maria Soliven
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hxzellll · 4 years
“This will make you drowsy, but you need to rest after this ordeal.” (Pg.72)
Mango Bride by Maria Soliven
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