hybridorion · 5 years
(¸.• ♛ → And she just couldn’t help but feeling the anger inside her and how she just wanted to do something, to just break things and don’t think about the consequences or anything. The blonde was in the kitchen and looked around for a second, letting a small yell escape from her lips, one of anger and with that, she just used her magic thanks to the walls of the boarding school to just throw all the plates and whatever that was on her way.
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🐾 — He hadn’t meant to bear witness to Lizzie’s meltdown. If he had his head about him, he would have taken any and all opportunity -- among the crashing of plates and bowls especially -- to make his escape. Instead, the hybrid was stunned in a corner, gaping in both terror and awe at the destruction before him. Then his eyes caught hers, and fear flashed before them.
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hybridorion · 5 years
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🐾 — He fought through the flush. “I don’t,” he gasped initially, intending wholeheartedly to give a shake of his head, but the motion just didn’t quite make it to the physical realm. “Not from people.” The temptation gripped at his throat like a writhing snake but he knew he couldn’t; shouldn’t. 
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hybridorion · 5 years
(¸.• ♛ → “I don’t like that either, I mean, feeling that I can’t speak my mind, I usually do that though.” And that’s why some people avoid her because she can be sometimes very honest and brutally about that, she can’t deny that. Now the blonde was listening to what he was saying and she couldn’t help but clench her fist when he mentioned Kai. “How…how that can be a good thing? Now I understand why Lizzie was that way…you even know what he did? He killed his entire family, including his twin. Even if you say that as a good thing, the way I see it is that you also think I’m capable of doing something like that.” And that’s something she struggles everyday, not about killing but about her dark thoughts. “I’m not dramatic, and is not a good thing, I have a lot in my head that doesn’t leave me alone, no one knows that’s why they talk things about me but I don’t really care as long as my twin knows how I am.” No, she really didn’t care what the others might think, maybe she did care a bit what Orion thinks because he was a friend but still. Her gaze now met his. “Why it does feel like you did? Why did I ask?”
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🐾 — The look on her face was enough to send him reeling. He didn’t know what he expected. Even Josie took a moment to see that he had let the wrong words slip, that they were just words, so to expect Lizzie to feel different towards it was where he went wrong. “I didn’t -- I-I barely know anything about him...” It was true. The thought that her family had come back to haunt her like that terrified him, so much so that he even began to softly shake, right there on her bed. “I said dramatic, Lizzie, not destructive..!” he cried, feeling like he was drowning all over again. “Josie was talking about his flair for stormy nights not.. the way h-he tried to h-h-hurt you...” He stood up in a flash, his own fists clenched and bleeding. His claws had extended and they were tearing through the flesh of his palms. “I get overwhelmed and I say things, anything, to distract myself from what I really feel. I hate him. I hate him so much and I don’t even know what he looks like or that he even existed until a few weeks ago.” The anger he usually kept under lock and key was started to spill out from under the lid. Pain flickered through gold eyes as he looked upon the witch. “But you, I could never hate you, or think bad of you, I just fucked up. I’m sorry... I am so sorry.” And then he’s sprinting toward the door and down the hall, going nowhere but anywhere that wasn’t there.
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hybridorion · 5 years
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❝You seem really chipper this morning,❞ Hope said looking up from her oatmeal, it was goopy and hardly appealing but she was willing to try anything to keep herself from starving to death. She felt hungry lingering within her that wasn’t for breakfast that was in front of her. ❝Did you have a late night?❞ She is teasing, her voice light and filled with joy.  @hybridorion 
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🐾 — “What?” The hybrid jumped. “Me, c-chipper?  Only.. always.” The laugh he gave was a terrible one -- weak and nervous, but meeting Hope’s kind gaze was all he needed to calm down. Though the feint flush to his cheeks remained. “A little late, yeah. What about you?”
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hybridorion · 5 years
(¸.• ♛ → “It’s okay, I mean, we have different ways to explode, Orion, is not going to be the same, we have different tempers and I go crazy for little things especially when I feel I did something wrong.” And she was aware of that more than ever but sometimes she couldn’t help herself. “It’s the truth, isn’t?” And she can’t blame him if she calls him like that, her family was crazy or part of it at least, she knows that and maybe that’s why she was so messed up in a way. “We are protective over each other but what did you say? I mean, why she thought that?” Now she was intrigued by that. “Orion, you are not really speaking ill behind my back, right?”
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🐾 — “I don’t like feeling trapped,” he offered, looking a little pale in his face. “Or like.. I can’t speak my mind.” Which is why his tongue always seemed so loose. It was freeing, coming to the boarding school to be given an identity. A place he truly belonged. He didn’t want to upset Lizzie but he didn’t want to lie more. “She said your uncle was dramatic. I.. I said I wasn’t surprised, because you could be dramatic too.” His eyes twist shut in shame, and his head is shaking softly from side to side. “I didn’t mean it the way it came out. I assured her I meant it as a good thing, because I did.” He frowned at her, blue meeting blue. “I’d never, Lizzie. Never.”
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hybridorion · 5 years
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🐾 — He tensed. Their was no more space between them; she was closer to him than he had been with another person for a long time. After turning, intimacy just seemed something to be reserved for his pack -- for other creatures like him. Quiet hearts and cold blood. But Penelope was warm, and her heart was racing, and the drumming of it filled his ears. Fingers gripped fabric as he deepened their embrace; exposed fangs teasing the flesh of her lips as they danced against his. Orion wasn’t an amateur -- and she was not bleeding. But in the rush, it was hard to completely hold back his predatory nature.
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hybridorion · 5 years
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🐾 — His heart skip ahead a little when he felt her smirk against his lips. It was hard to not take it as praise, or at least as a sign that he was doing well. Then he tongue was against his lips and like clockwork, they parted to let her in. He was still shy, unsure in his movements, but even he brushed his tongue against the softness that was hers. His fingers splayed out, feeling the fabric of her skirt brush under the pads of his hands. 
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hybridorion · 5 years
“Yeah. Like it should feel natural,” Vera said. “So anyone you currently are crushing on,” SHe said as she nudged his shoulder. “Give me the tea,”
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🐾 — Orion felt a flush in his cheeks. “Oh, I don’t have crushes. It’s like, almost everyone I meet is so nice and cute and I just... keep to myself. Crushes aren’t for me.”
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hybridorion · 5 years
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She was a selfish person that did just about everything on purpose. Having some fun with the hybrid Orion Ortega could easily get on the nerves of two people she was currently not the biggest fan of, one more than the other in Lizzie Saltzman. However, once he pressed his lips against hers she began to kiss him back. The witch moved her hand from his shoulder to rest on the back of his neck as she continued kissing him as well. 
🐾 — Instinctively his hands moved to rest at her hips, letting her move in closer. Her touch left him feeling warm and giddy at the same time. Orion rarely had the urge to sneak off and cause a little trouble. The rush it gave wasn’t awful at all. His face felt flushed, and he worried that he would end up looking like a beat by the time the kiss ended.
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hybridorion · 5 years
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“He’s not that big of a problem - for the moment.”
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🐾 — Something clicked in his head and the boy smiled. “Oh! I didn’t know you were seeing someone,” he said in what was meant to sound like a congratulatory tone -- but instantly he slapped his mouth shut and stared at her apologetically. “That is none of my business, I am so sorry.”  
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hybridorion · 5 years
“Yes. I mean not to be mean but um… yeah I don’t know. He’s not really my type,” She said. She was figuring out if she sort of had a type. “I think you’re not at all. I mean some guys come on more then others but I like subtle, you know,”
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🐾 — “Subtle’s nice. It’s at less of a risk of startling me into a corner,” he offered some of his own experience on the matter; laughing nervously. “He’ll get over it.”  
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hybridorion · 5 years
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She wasn’t going to move too fast, unless he’d allow her to of course. The witch only wanted to make sure it was clear what she wanted from him. “It’s simple really,” she continued to keep her voice soft. Penelope pat his shoulder while also squeezing his hand. Once he asked what she had in mind though she leaned in close to his lips, but made sure to leave a small gap. “I’d like to start here.”
🐾 — The hand she held squeezed back. An involuntary reaction, and it startled even himself. There was no way in hell that Penelope Park liked him. If anything, this proved that. She took what she wanted and left with nothing. But Orion was finding it increasingly hard to say no to her. The thought of her lips on his made him weak in the knees. For all the wrong reasons, he wanted it, so he was no better than she was. Like following an order, the hybrid broke the distance between them to press his lips gently against hers -- hesitant and lacking the necessary drive.
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hybridorion · 5 years
(¸.• ♛ → “Is not that fun as it sounds.” She says also a bit in the same tone as he was using, that smile was still there but now when they were talking about Josie, she was just focus on his words. “You mean crazy uncle.” The blonde corrected him, she didn’t want to expect from Josie or what she thinks, she wanted to talk this with her. “I haven’t met her, my bio mom, not yet but maybe she’s around somewhere, right? Josie…she seemed, I don’t know, in a different mood when she spoke about that? Don’t worry, is just I’m a bit concern.”
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🐾 — “It doesn’t make you feel better?” he asked softly, feeling more and more concerned as they continued. He had been destructive before, though he tried not to be. It felt good at the time, but then after... he just felt defeated. “I wasn’t going to say it.” Calling anyone’s family crazy was a dick move, and the last time he even insinuated something like that, he got his head bit off. Orion was starting to understand why Lizzie was asking, and he wanted to help to the best of his ability. “She was stressed, but in the way that Josie can be. Kinda calm about it, and rational.” But then he remembered how he had mentioned Josie’s temper, and that was when the blonde twin had pulled him aside. “I made a comment about you and your uncle. I didn’t mean it, not in the way she took it.. I sometimes say things I shouldn’t. The words, they just come out wrong.” He frowned sheepishly at her. “She thought I was bashing you, and she was so mad...”
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hybridorion · 5 years
(¸.• ♛ → “Yes but humans can’t make everything explode by using her mind, right?” That was the big difference, she almost kill her dad twice or even a bit more but lucky for her she was able to stop it before she could do something and it was because she was always there to try and calm her down. Now when he mentioned Josie that caught her attention, the blonde took the guy’s arm and led him to the bed so he can sit down. “Here sit, uhm…what did she exactly said about that, Orion?”
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🐾 — “I’m guessing some wish they could...” he offered with a joking smile. It was still a fair point, and one he would back up if he felt he needed to. It was different for them. After he had turned, especially so. Half of who he was had been hardwired to hunt and feed on the very humans he tried so desperately to relate to. His eyes widened when she took his arm, but he didn’t fight it -- he didn’t know if he should. “Oh, it wasn’t anything, really,” he tried to brush off, not wanting to get Josie in any kind of trouble. If that’s what it would be. He didn’t know. “She just mentioned your bio mom.. a-and your 'dramatic’ uncle...”
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hybridorion · 5 years
(¸.• ♛ → It was a nice thing to hear because one thing was hearing that from Josie but another one was hearing it from another person that wasn’t her twin or parents so that was a really nice thing. “Yeah, I know, just a bit strange that a witch have that temper…” She says with almost a small smile. “I wish to be more like Josie in that aspect, I mean, my dad said that I had those crazy witches in my family with a dark past and part of that might be in me…is complicated but well, I feel better knowing that I’m not the only one with temper problems” Now she said that in a joking tone.
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🐾 — “I don’t think it’s so strange. Humans can have tempers... or Anger Management meetings would just be wolves. Statically, that’s pretty unlikely.” Even with the influx in recent decades, werewolves were still an endangered breed. Vampires weren’t fans of their bite, and the families they came from had long and bloody histories. “Take it from someone who’s seen Josie’s temper, I think you’re both pretty graceful with it,” he assured her. “I heard about that. The weird.. dark.. family thing. Your sister was pretty frazzled the last she spoke of it.”
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hybridorion · 5 years
(¸.• ♛ → “You are too cute.” She says with a small smile but then shook her head once, the truth was that she needed to wear that facade of mean girl was mostly because showing how she really was, it wasn’t something that she needed or wanted, just a few people knew her real personality, so to speak. “I guess is mostly because when my feelings are hurt or when I feel frustrated…I can really destroy things, I bet you heard that, is not something I can easily hide.”
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🐾 — He wasn’t expecting her to say that, or anything like it, but he managed not to sputter. “I was just, saying.. yeah,” he bashfully replied, gaze falling for only a moment. When she mentioned destroying things, and losing her temper, his head picked up and he couldn’t stop his laugh. “You know you’re talking to a werewolf, right?” His words were warm. Kind. He knew what it was like to lose oneself in the moment; to become something he wasn’t proud of. “It might not be the same exact thing, but for the most part?  I get it.”
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hybridorion · 5 years
(¸.• ♛ → “So…like this?” She asked, now changing her clothes to instead of pink, it was red, magic was very helpful when it comes to that, of course. “Now, better? I always really need like a firm opinion and the truth, I know sometimes I’m very difficult but people just don’t tell me the truth at times because they can be scared of me and I’ve noticed that you are not.” Maybe that’s why she picked him, and it was a good thing he was in the hallway.
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🐾 — It was amazing how easily her clothes changed. Magic was truly a wondrous thing, something he at times envied. The one aspect that filled his life he couldn’t touch. But then Orion frowned sweetly at her. “I think anyone would be scared to tell a pretty girl her outfit isn’t perfect,” he thought aloud. “Personally, I wouldn’t want to hurt your feelings.” Lizzie was a powerful witch, and a bit of a drama queen, but he didn’t see how anyone could be scared of her -- not in the way she was trying to imply. 
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