hyfrgypsy-blog · 9 years
“And by the way— There’s a shop just five minutes down the road. Apparently they’re very good…” He said nosing around the garage. There were garages all across Aspen and as always, James had to go around nose at them all. “Ten years, give or take.” He replied and forced himself from walking into the shop; He had done that only a few days ago and got in trouble for it. “You work here on your own?”
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His comment about the other shop only causes her to roll her eyes, keeping them in the notebook before her as she scribbles the names of parts she needed to order for the upcoming work week. His answer is impressive to the brunette but she doesn’t let it show. She’s only been working on cars for six years, since she’d stumbled in to Mitch’s shop desperate for a job. She nods, head bobbing about as if he was looking at her. Finally, she glances upward to see that his own gaze was preoccupied at the moment. “Yeah, I do,” Gypsy begins. “The guy who owned this place took me under his wing and left, well, everything to me after he... ya’ know, and I’ve been running the place ever since.” 
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hyfrgypsy-blog · 9 years
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❝ Ah-hah, see look at that. I’ve successfully tattoo’d ‘Jesus Loves All’ on thirty one strippers’ ass cheeks. That’s a new record, bro – you owe me a drink. ❞
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“Ick... Isn’t that, like, sacrilegious? I’ll see you in Hell.”
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hyfrgypsy-blog · 9 years
“Nothing, and I mean nothing, can prepare you for this amount of snow when you’ve been in a country that’s mostly desert for well over a year. I’d be lying if I said I’d missed the cold.”
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“Well,” the brunette starts, eyes scaling the taller male as if to refresh her memory of his appearance after having not seen him in so long. “You better adjust, ‘cause this shit’s not going anywhere.” 
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hyfrgypsy-blog · 9 years
“Oh my god, can you please pretend like you didn’t see that?” Jade said in a fit of laughter. 
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“It’s cool, we’re all human, we trip sometimes. You haven’t really fallen though, until you’ve slipped on a slick grease spot.”
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hyfrgypsy-blog · 9 years
With his wrist starting to feel a little better, James had decided to go into work late and help out. From what he had seen the day before, they were overworked and losing his job a month after getting it would just be the icing on top the cake for him. He had slung his overalls over his shoulder and walked inside, the bell making it’s awful clang as James made his way through to the brunette. With an eyebrow raised he looked over at her with an amused expression, “Okay— I’m coming in to help. But if you don’t want me here, I’ll be happy to go home and order pizza.” James replied from across the room, “I’ll give you a few minutes to consider my offer.”
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An eyebrow cocks at the male’s offer. Ever since Mitch, the previous owner of the shop, had passed away, she’d never thought of getting help - or needed it. She shuts the notebook before her and rests her head in her hands as she allows her gaze to wash over the other. It’s silent for a moment as she weighs the pro’s and con’s of accepting his offer to help. A pro would definitely be getting all her clients taken care of faster. And if he was gullible enough, Gypsy could probably get him to deal with all the clueless tourists that make their way into her shop day-to-day. There can’t be a con, other than he already seems like someone who’ll get under her skin quickly. Then again, everyone gets under Gypsys skin. “How long have you been fixing cars?” 
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hyfrgypsy-blog · 9 years
“Are we really that bad?” Kaia replied to the girl’s comment. “We’re helping your economy and whatnot. You should be happy we come here” She joked as she she watched the other brunette approach her. “See, that’s the thing. I had the address written in my phone but that’s out of battery so all I have right now is the name of the people who own the house and a very clear mental imagine of the outside facade.”
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Gypsy is fully aware the other is joking, but she’s unable to crack a smile. As much business as tourist season does land her, she’s never been one for big crowds and how hectic the town may get. Having lived in town for six years, she’s familiar with the homeowners who usually rent out this time of year. “What’s the name?” 
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hyfrgypsy-blog · 9 years
“Here I am enjoying a nice meal and you interrupt me. Do I have something on my face? Because I really work hard not to eat like an animal in public.”
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“If you really think about it, you interrupted yourself, babe. You didn’t have to speak to me, or even acknowledge my existence.” The brunette’s shoulders raise in a shrug. “And you do.” Gently, she reaches forward, fingertips just inches from the males face, ready to rid him of the remnants his food left behind. “May I?”
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hyfrgypsy-blog · 9 years
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hyfrgypsy-blog · 9 years
Kaia’s day was getting worse and worse. First her suitcase got lost, then her phone died and now she couldn’t find her house for the next month. Her fate now lay in the hands of whoever worked in the repair shop, which was the first open building she saw. “Hi-” she started as she walked in but was met with not so lovely a welcome. And they say Danes were unfriendly.. “I’m sorry, this not gonna take long. I just need directions.”
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Gypsy looks up, shutting the notebook before her as she tucks the pen back into her loose ponytail. “Ah, looks like I forgot to check my calendar. It is, in fact, tourist season. I don’t miss it.” The brunette shoves herself off the stool to walk in front of the counter. “Where to? Oh, and welcome to Aspen.” 
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hyfrgypsy-blog · 9 years
for those of you who don’t know, i’m evie and i play the lovely vic justice here in our lil town of aspen :~) OKAY OKAY, lemme give you the lowdown on my baby gypsy over here. i’m gonna do her bio in bullet points cos it’s a lot easier to read/process that way..... leggo
gypsy grew up in a wealthy household, though from a young age it was very evident that she wasn’t going to be anything like her mother or father. she had no interest in fancy luncheons, charity events or being apart of the daughters of the american revolution 
despite being a total black horse in her family, gypsy has an exceptional mind. though it may not be for the things her parents wish, she grew up always being the top of her class
she was basically the girl next door, if the girl next door had an insatiable love for the bangles, retro cars, and booze. 
at the age of sixteen, she landed her first boyfriend. she was always desired but very rarely gave in to actually being with someone, as she thought it to be wasteful of her time. she didn’t want to be a cliche housewife like her mother. she wanted to be her own person, support herself, work towards creating herself into a strong, independent woman 
even during her relationship with christopher, these motives never wavered. she did have a terrible soft spot for him, and booooy did the two love getting in trouble together. 
whether it be from skipping school to.... well, netflix and chill, to breaking into her parents liquor cabinet, the two did it all. they were the bonnie and clyde minus all the... crimes, yanno? 
just before her seventeenth birthday, gypsy found out she was pregnant. there was no way the two could hide it from either of their parents, so they came clean about it. at first, gypsy accepted it. she thought it was something she had to accept. she made a mistake, now she’s paying for it but she didn’t want herself or her future child to suffer because of it. 
it was around the time her and christopher’s parents began talking about arrangements for their soon to be grandchild that gypsy was spooked. almost a week later, at about three months pregnant, she ran away from denver colorado to the town of aspen, where people of all different backgrounds and up bringings mingled. 
at seventeen years old, with a baby bump prominent under her star wars t-shirt, she was taken in by the towns mechanic who had been in aspen for years. his name was mitch, and he’d been advertising a cheap living space (a bedroom with it’s own bathroom, access to the kitchen and other areas of the home) in exchange for a hand at the shop. mitch was in his early seventies when he hired gypsy, and adored her as if she was his own daughter. 
though she couldn’t do much, mitch always put gypsy first. she was his counter girl and was always helping him with anything she could manage with a baby bump. 
just before gypsy was due to give birth, mitch got very ill, and soon passed. in his final will, he’d left everything to the girl who had just, at the age of seventeen, had her first child. mitch’s family was supportive and offered gypsy all the help they could with running the shop and raising her daughter. 
nearly six months later, it all came crumbling down. mitch’s family could only help for so long. the money she was left ran out, and the only way to make it back was to work in the shop. gypsy found that nearly impossible when she had a baby on her hip at all times. 
with some guidance from mitch’s family members, who also took her in as if she was one of their own, gypsy made the hard decision to give up her first and only child. she made sure she went to a good family, and for some time she settled visitation with the new family but after a while it all became too much. 
gypsy thought it would be better to just let her baby girl have a better life than she could ever provide. due to her past, gypsy is guarded, and at times cold, but her mothering nature is something she just can’t shake. 
today, she’s a master mechanic after all of mitch’s teaching, and continues to run his garage in the town of aspen. 
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hyfrgypsy-blog · 9 years
As per usual, there’s a grease smudge across the apple of her cheek, the sign that a long day of hard work was coming to an end. The back of her hand reaches to wipe it away, but it’s only made more obvious with light contact. Due to the bell hanging above her shop’s door, Gyspy is almost immediately aware that there was someone in need of assistance even this close to her closing time. “I don’t mean to seem pushy, but you’ve got about fifteen minutes to plead your case. Otherwise, I’ll have to direct you to the nearest mechanic... which is a long ways from here, now that I think of it. So get talking.” Earthen hues only move ever so slightly to glance over at the clock above the door, soon settling in the fingerprint covered notebook she kept for cataloging whatever parts she’d need to order the following morning. 
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hyfrgypsy-blog · 9 years
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