hylunathalra · 3 years
girls who are thoroughly convinced that they are evil & irredeemable & the absolute worst person to grace the earth for reasons they have no way of explaining to others. me too let’s kiss
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hylunathalra · 3 years
She’s about 50 kilometers out of town when the rain starts. At first, it’s a gentle ablution, speckling the face guard of her helmet, curling the ends of her loose hair, tapping on the leather of her jacket. Bending roads, once dry, become the surface of an oily river. Overhead, the sky cracks open — a great, vaporous void aching to weep where once a blanket of stars and wisps of white had been. She should’ve seen it coming. The one night the shop didn’t need her and the first time in months she’d been caught up on school work. It was too much to ask for a lonesome albeit peaceful drive through the off-roads of upstate New York. 
A chill runs up her spine. There are few things that scare Anca, but she’d heard her origin story too many times from Abraham to let go her fear of winding roads and rain-slick blacktop.
“Your dad had enough life in him to hand you to me. He didn’t even know me — I could’ve been the meanest bloody fuck in Lincolnshire, but I was his little girl’s only chance of survival. He died there in that car with your mother not long after.” His black eyes twinkle like black diamonds. “He took a chance on me, and I took a chance on you. You’re a part of this pack, now, Anc. A Viroth, and there’s some weight in that.”
The glare of her headlight catches the broadside of a car — and it looks like it’s taken a nose-dive into the ditch. She furrows her brow and slows down, heart thundering in her ears. It’s loud enough to drown out the sound of her Triumph’s engine. A spinning parasol and an elegant thumb greet her as she rolls to a stop. She seems all right — well, as all right as someone in her position can be.
“Hell of a place to park,” she remarks, pulling off her helmet and shaking her hair out. “I’m Anca.” He took a chance on me, and I took a chance on you. 
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“You want a ride?”
Above the clouds, above the rain, there was a perfect night sky, a shining moon, pinprick bright stars. And between those stars there was also darkness. Endlessly there was darkness. A small swath of that negative space detached itself and fell through the rain, danced through the droplets and turned to mist as it plunged towards its intended fate. Thalra watched the light approach, unconcerned, and inhaled deeply as a piece of the night sky swirled around her, letting it coat the inside of her lungs. It didn’t do much. Only bled into her hair, from white to black. It covered the tips of her ears, giving them the illusion of roundness. Then finally, it flowed into her eyes, and for a moment Thalra had to blink back an acidic burning. Now a more human looking pair of eyes stared out towards the approaching vehicle, dark brown with black pupils, a less alarming sight for a passing pedestrian. 
When the motorcyclist came to a stop in the road, she let her arm fall, her heels bouncing against her thigh. She couldn’t help it, she laughed at the woman’s first remark, and took a few slow steps over until she was standing right beside the motorcycle and its rider who introduced herself as Anca. 
“Thalra,” she replied as she angled the parasol so that it hovered above the both of them. Anca was already soaking wet, and soon Thalra would be too, but if she wanted to have any kind of conversation, it would be better to not do it with the rain pelting into her newly mystified eyes. 
“Shouldn’t your first question be to ask if I’m alright? I could be seriously injured and in shock. I could have a friend over there in the ditch breathing his last wheezing breaths as we speak.” She schooled her expression into a pout, furrowed brows and slightly pursed lips. But she didn’t even look back at her abandoned car, making it fairly clear that her attention was here, and not on an imaginary dying friend. Her gaze glanced down to the humming motorcycle and she leaned down to place a tentative hand on the leather, feeling the vibration of the engine through the metal frame. She was pretending like she was nervous, like she’d never been on the back of a motorcycle before.
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hylunathalra · 3 years
“Congratulations then,” Theo said, glancing at her. It was clear to see that the woman was not entirely sober. It also seemed like she wasn’t entirely truthful when she said she was engaged as she pointed over to the despondent man at the end of the bar. He couldn’t tell what her angle was at all and he wasn’t about to use much brain power to try and figure it out. Maybe he’d just talk to her a bit and she’d go away to bother some other poor soul. “Seems like you’re perfectly capable to make your own decisions about your fiancĂ©, but
” Theo looked back over at the man. “Seems like you’re also too good for that guy over there.” Far too pretty, he would have added. “Best to let himself wallow in self pity for a little longer. I’m sure someone else will come along.”
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Thalra watched the man calculate his response, and the effort he was willing to put into it. Which seemed like not much at all. Even as drunk as she was-- and it was not as drunk as she was putting on-- she could tell he’d much rather not be speaking to her right now. Most likely he didn’t want to have to call a cab for a drunk woman out of a sense of responsibility. She beamed at him, taking the small compliment and stretching it for miles across her face. Then she laughed and took another swig of beer. “I’m too good for him, huh?” she asked, a sudden mischievousness gleaming in her eyes that she leveled at him. 
With a quick and steady hand that betrayed her actual level of tipsiness, she swiped at the man’s wrist. Taking it gently between her fingers, she held it up between them both and slipped the diamond ring half way down a knuckle on his pinky finger. It was the only way it would fit. “How about you, ‘someone else who came along,’ are you too good for him too?”
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hylunathalra · 3 years
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While Josie didn’t think she wanted to relive the events of the attack, Thalra had always made her feel comfortable. Safe. She knew the other woman wouldn’t judge her for whatever she felt about it. “There was.. an attack here. I put myself in front of someone else to protect them.” The elf certainly didn’t have to do much to bring her any sort of comfort; all she truly had to do was be there. There were several people who she certainly felt this way about, but Thalra was different. She had done so in an alarmingly quick matter of time, but there was part of Josie that didn’t care about that. 
Of course, she knew that the other woman wasn’t going to push her but now, she felt a little bit more comfortable talking about it. “No, no
 it’s alright. It’s been so long.” The elf had always had a bit of a calming presence to her but much like Savana, a certain liveliness that even Josie knew she couldn’t replicate. The other woman brought a sense of adventure into her life that had been the reminder she needed: that there was so much beauty in being alive. For that, she would forever be grateful. 
“Things have been.. going. So much of my life has been centered around my healing. But when it’s not.. things are lovely.” She had Milo in her life now. Josie had the most amazing group of people surrounding her and making sure that she was standing on two feet. “Evan is a joy, as always. Sometimes I wonder where the time went, you know? He’s getting so big.” There it was, the motherly nature of Jo’s kicking in. Evan was her pride and joy, she just couldn’t help herself. “How about you? It’s been far too long.”
- As Jo spoke of her ordeal the distance Thalra had put between them was suddenly a wound and a salve that she was glad was there regardless of the dull ache it provided. Thalra had been unsure of what her reception would be here, barging into a life already lived well without her. But Jo had always been kind, and brave, and that was why Thalra had found her so interesting. It was always difficult to do the right thing, but Jo had always chosen correctly, even, inevitably, when the choice was to say goodbye. 
“Didn’t I tell you once that bravery could be considered selfishness by those who care about you,” she said lightly, casually. Thalra was sure there were countless who cared about Jo here, and who would mourn her absence. “I suppose you’re paying the price for that now.” She leaned against the desk and let Jo control the distance between them. Thalra was feeling an unfamiliar uncertainty. She hadn’t known what she had expected when she’d arrived, but it hadn’t been this. Jo seemed happy, but in a fragile way. A way Thalra didn’t feel right about testing the structural integrity of to see if she could slip back inside the cracks. 
Taking a quick breath, Thalra tried to steady her smile. Everything was fine, after all. Jo was alive and well, even if she had been shaken. And she did seem happy, despite it all. There were people here, helping here, supporting her. And if Thalra wasn’t careful, she was afraid she’d topple the whole structure. “I myself have come here on business,” she announced, eyes brightening like neon lights being flipped on. “And to visit some friends of course. But mostly, I’m here to scout some locations for a possible hotel in the area.”
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hylunathalra · 3 years
At least she didn’t seem to have some humor and wasn’t offended by his last comment. That probably was for the better if they were supposed to work together. If she’s already been sulky because of something like that, that business connection certainly wouldn’t have lasted very long. “Yeah, that’s what I usually here
”, the male finally replied, not really caring if she meant it or if she was being sarcastic. She was still here after all and that was all he needed to know. Leaning back in his chair again, he simply waited for her to break the silence that followed. Having spent quite some time on his own in the past, silence was nothing that made him uncomfortable anymore. “No mind reading!”, he agreed when she finally explained the rules she had in mind, “Providing that you’re not trying to tell me any lies when it comes to business!” It wasn’t like he was running around, enjoying himself by trying to read some personal thoughts after all but he still wasn’t someone to let others fool him. And he wanted to make sure she knew that as well.
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Again, Thalra was given nothing when it came to true reassurances. No proof of competence or trustworthiness or sincerity except that he could see into her mind. This man was giving her absolutely nothing and yet here she was, still sitting across the table from him. It must have been curiosity that kept her here, like watching an interesting bug crawl across a sun bleached rock. But she had fluttered through her roster of personalities throughout the course of half a bottle of wine, and finally she was tiring of the charade of it all. So, she did what usually worked best in these situations, and matched Cade’s demeanor. 
“I will always tell you exactly what you need to know when it comes to my business,” she said, matching his contemptuous expression with her own. The music played on, shielding her mind, but this would become exhausting after a while, so she shouldn’t linger here much longer. On a napkin she wrote down her personal number and slid it across the table along with the documents she’d given him before. 
“No calls before noon unless it’s an emergency, but I’ll receive calls as late as 3 a.m. You’ve in no way proven yourself to me, so I’m going to give you a few tasks to complete to make sure I can rely on you. Sound good?”
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hylunathalra · 3 years
“right.” he says furrowing his brows as he realizes that she did indeed say that. maybe he hadn’t been paying as much attention as he thought originally. usually he likes to think that he does pay attention but more often than not he isn’t and this is one of those times. perhaps he should relax a bit more with her. he does suppose that he has been a bit more tense these days. it felt like he just couldn’t relax no matter how hard he had tried. maybe there was something on his mind. maybe he couldn’t focus as much as he thought he could because he hasn’t been getting enough sleep. he can’t seem to during the day or night these days. “sad? pft, i’m not sad.” he says scoffing a bit as he holds his book bag tighter to his chest. he was far from sad. he just mostly felt lost these days. he figured that it was starting to show these days more often than not. “why are you looking to expand here in lennox?” he asks looking over at her genuinely wanting to know. to him it felt like that there was no place to grow around here. to him people felt like they were either stuck here or passing by. he supposed that’s what people did in most small towns however. “are you sure you want it to be in a place of such wonder and magic as you put it?” he asks wondering what kind of species she was. usually he was always bad at guessing something like that unlike most people around here. 
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Swallowing a hiccuping laugh at his first statement, Thalra tried to wipe the pitying look off her face quickly, before he could look at her and see it fully. She had not meant sad as in sorrowful, but rather in the way one would come across a rather pathetic looking bird, having recently struck a window and now searching its instincts for a way out of its confusion. 
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“You should straighten your posture,” she said instead, gentle but firm. Thalra reached over and patted his shoulder, like she was brushing off a bit of dust. Really though, the touch was to remind him that he was slouching, folded over his book bag like it was a shield that might protect him. Well, certainly it wouldn’t protect him from her. “It will feel better, I promise.”
Then she went on with the conversation, taking her hand away and looking forward, leaning her back against the bench and staring out at the dreary landscape. “I’m looking to expand because I like to put a piece of myself in the places I visit. If I like where I am, I might not always want to stay there, but I want a home of my own to return to. True freedom is an illusive spectre, but that feels like the closest thing to it. I think-” She paused, smiling in a way that wasn’t joyful. “I hope others feel the same way. Especially those of us with magic running through our blood. I own and build hotels, you see. I want to build one here.”
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hylunathalra · 3 years
I Contain Multitudes And They Are All Incredibly Annoying
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hylunathalra · 3 years
Location: A backroad on the outskirts of Lennox Status: @viroth
The rain was tapping on the roof of Thalra’s car, insistent like a chorus of ghostly children calling for her to come outside into the damp darkness. In response, Thalra sighed and leaned back against the headrest as she watched her wiper blades sway back and forth, her one semi-functional headlight flickering sporadically across the slick, moonlit grass. 
Approximately five minutes ago, a half hour past midnight, Thalra had swerved to avoid a small family of racoons as they skittered across the winding backroad. Now her car was balanced on the edge of a ditch, its nose plunging into the rain soaked dirt, the back wheels hovering a few feet off the ground. If Thalra had been human, she’d likely have a nasty concussion from the way her forehead had smacked violently upon her steering wheel on impact. But since she was not human, Thalra’s only wound was a slight stinging embarrassment. Efrain would probably make fun of her for this if she called him, so Thalra put it off for as long as she could. After another minute or so of sulking, she turned to reach into her backseat and pried her parasol from where it had wedged itself in the footrest. Finally, she opened her driver’s side door, the sounds and smells of summer rain invading her otherwise pristine car. Stepping out, she unfurled her parasol, and now the phantom fingertips played their rhythm against the patterned curve, keeping the rain from falling on her instead. 
Climbing out of the ditch would be impossible in heels, so she slid them off and let her bare feet sink into the mud as she got up onto the edge of the road. The heels dangled from two of her fingers, clacking together precariously as she looked towards the direction she knew Lennox to be. If she ran, she’d get there in no time at all. But Thalra started to walk instead, bare feet flat on the pavement. It was only moments later that her ears picked up the sound of an engine in the distance. She cocked her head to the side, curious. Then she stepped out further onto the side of the road and stuck her thumb out. “Haven’t done this since the seventies,” she mused, the drizzling rain swallowing her words.
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hylunathalra · 3 years
“i am not choosing to tame this dog and i’m not choosing to take in this dog either.” he says in a matter of factly tone as he shakes his head no firmly. he did think that it was strange that people allowed dogs into this cafe. he wondered if maybe it was owned by one of the coffee shop owners. it would be very unhygienic if they did allow a dog in the coffee shop at least inside. though he wondered how different it would be if the dog had lived in a home. perhaps it was just the setting they were in that he was thinking about this. “we’re also all magical creatures. i doubt that rabies would do anything to harm us.” he says matching his matter of factly tone earlier. it didn’t seem to drop even after taking his time responding to her though he still kept his voice low in case there were humans around. you never really knew once you got outside of the school. he took note of her demeanor. she had seemed more hungover than usual. “someone having a bit of a rough day i suppose? did you know that coffee actually makes hangovers worse?” he says with a pleased smile on his lips as the dog nudged into tharla and plopped its head on her thigh. “i think she likes you more than me, maybe you should take her in.” 
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As the dog who Katashi had called Ruby rested its chin on one of her bent knees her empty hand fluttered over its head, hesitant before falling gently over its brow to stroke behind its ears. “Oh, is that right? Do you like me more than the mean man who only fed you cheese and bread? Well, who would blame you?” she cooed, glancing at Katashi as she took a long sip from her coffee as if to defy his earlier statement. If coffee was going to be the thing that struck her dead, then she welcomed it. Then she went back to petting the stray dog, who promptly flopped over onto the cold cafĂ© floor for a belly rub. So eager. So niave. Thalra obliged, though with a long, drawn-out sigh. “We’ll have to do something about that name though. I don’t like Ruby at all. How about Eejit, since you seem to be one.” Her tone remained gentle, even as she insulted the fawning dog. Really, her next words were not directed at the dog at all, but for the other elf in the cafĂ© with her. “Are you okay with being neglected, Eejit? Are you okay with me leaving you alone for long hours, sometimes out in the cold and rain? You wont ever get to eat anything as yummy as pizza again. Is that alright with you?”
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hylunathalra · 3 years
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Wound from the Mouth of a Wound, ‘Medusa with the Head of Perseus’ by Torrin A. Greathouse
[ID: Am I the serpent-headed girl? Or her endless/ reflection? Or the winged mare burst / forth from her blood? Child of slaughter. / Wound from the mouth of a wound.]
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hylunathalra · 3 years
“Oh, um, cheers.” Theo raised his eyebrows at them as he clinked his bottle of beer with their glass. He wasn’t sure why they raised their glass at him. He wasn’t paying much attention to what they were saying as his own head was up in the clouds. “What exactly are we celebrating tonight?” he asked. He knew he could celebrate a night off for once in three months since he’d arrived, but that wasn’t exactly an accomplishment worth a toast. Honestly, it was nice to have some time off to himself again. Although, it was different now because even though he had some time off, his mind was still thinking about work and taking care of his niece.
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“Well, my engagement of course,” Thalra proclaimed, holding a golden band between her forefinger and thumb, examining the cluster of diamonds that glimmered in the dull bar lighting. She took a large swig of her beer, the brown bottle sloshing its contents as she put it back on the bar with a heavy thud. She looked at the man she’d sought to toast with, then grinned, drunkenly. “You still seem pretty sober, darling, so tell me. Should I give this back? He doesn’t seem very happy to have me for a fiancĂ©.” Thalra then pointed over to the man at the other end of the bar, his head fully in his arms and a collection of glasses in front of him, drained of their murky contents. He let out a small hiccup that turned effortlessly into a quiet sob. “I think he got rejected tonight by someone else. I was thinking of playing the role of his rebound, but now I’m not sure if that’s more cruel than kind. So, your advice would be welcome.”
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hylunathalra · 3 years
He may have looked a little disheveled, perhaps even a little tired from the eyes. For Jacen, it was difficult to simply put down a task and focus on his own needs. For instance, the fact that his body was crying for rest with the evidence lying in the exhaust of his voice and less jubilant demeanor. He focused his gaze on the door the moment his cat picked her head up from her nap. Sure, it was a weekend, but it wasn’t strange to find him in his classroom finishing any grading or revising his upcoming lesson plans.
“Sorry,” he immediately apologized. “I was simply passing by, so I decided to bring my cat while I was here. I hope you’re not allergic.”
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These halls must have been built like mazes intentionally. Maybe the architects though the campus would be under siege often. Not a bad instinct, but still one that left Thalra wandering down the many paths Arcadia offered, growing more and more frustrated as she failed to reach her destination. Finally, she picked a door at random, hoping that fate would be kind. And at first, she thought it had been. There was a cat sleeping on a desk and a tired looking man behind it- but no. Wrong cat. Wrong tired looking man.
“You apologize much too easily, darling,” Thalra said, opening the door further and cocking an eyebrow at the stranger. “But now that you have, I can freely ask for assistance. I’m lost, you see. Could you guide me to the elven studies department?”
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hylunathalra · 3 years
location: cool beans cafe
time of day: midday
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“alright does anyone know who’s dog this is?” katashi asks taking a bite into his pizza before placing it on the table and standing up cradling the rather quite large dog in his arms. it has been sitting with him for a while but to be quite honest he wasn’t sure why it chose to sit next to him. he had decided to name her ruby even though he wasn’t even sure if the dog was a girl. “is it yours? huh?” he asks to the person closest to him as the dog licks the side of his face and he scrunches his nose. “ruby just ate my pizza and that’s a piece of pizza i can never get back unless it comes out of her other end and i’d rather not think about that.” he says almost shivering at the thought of it. not many things creeped the elf out, but the thought of sharing food was always gross to him. “if she’s not yours do you want to help me find her owner? the owner’s gotta be around here somewhere.” he says as the dog starts wiggling out of his hand and he puts it on the floor as it obediently sits by his side looking up at the two.
There was someone in Thalra’s peripheral vision, and that person was speaking to her. Even though she was slightly hung over, only recently awake, and in her simplest pair of jeans and a t-shirt. She glanced sideways at the person, and to add insult to injury, he had a dog with him. Her smile was pressed into a hard, thin line, as she let him continue speaking. The coffee was bitter as she raised it to her mouth and urged it to do its duty. The fog that had obscured her mind began to part, just slightly.
“You know strays have rabies sometimes, right?” she asked, then kneeled down so that she could offer her hand to the little mut the man had decided to bring into a coffee shop. The dog sniffed her hand and she turned it over so that it could smell the other side if it wanted. “You should also know that you take responsibility for creatures you tame. And I think letting it eat your pizza counts as taming it. This isn’t even to mention you gave it a name.” Thalra glanced up at the man, offering him not her hand, but a deeply unimpressed look.
“Sorry, darling. But this is your dog now.”
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hylunathalra · 3 years
some good classic rock | OPEN
she was sprawled out on the ground, a thick duvet underneath her, pillows scattered below her head and around her, and a thin blanket beside her. the shade from the trees close by cast a shadow over her to protect her from the sunlight. but the sun sat lowly in the sky, ready to drop soon. this was almost mila’s favourite time of the day. the sun was still a little high for her liking, but it was calm and carefree. music played from her phone, not too loud but naturally a little louder than necessary. a hum sat on her lips, matching pitch and melody. she’d always been a sucker for some good classic rock, and go your own way by fleetwood mac was a classic.
“you don’t have to hover in the shadows, you can come over a join me,” she called out, sensing the person not too far away.
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Thalra was not one to go exploring in the less populated areas of civilization. She’d gotten her fill of that when she was young and now had no taste for a reminder of those days. But when music flowed from mysterious places, Thalra usually sought out the source, more out of curiosity than anything else. And what was that old saying about curiosity and cats? Her heeled boot snapped on a twig, and from a clearing she heard a voice call out in response. With a look around at where she was and a quick fleeting hope that this wasn’t some trap laid out by some cunning ancient being, Thalra stumbled forth. Brushing the twigs and leaves from her dress, she nearly glared at the woman sprawled out so comfortably.
“Only if you play Tusk next,” she said, and flopped down beside the woman defiantly. Then she snatched up a pillow and shoved it underneath her own neck. “So, did you get stood up? Or were you just hoping a beautiful stranger such as myself would come along?”
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hylunathalra · 3 years
For a split second, Cade could sense that she wasn’t as self-confident as before anymore but that feeling was gone as quickly as it had come. Whether it had simply been a moment of surprise or if she simply managed to hide it from him somehow he couldn’t really tell but still he knew that it had been there, conjuring a little smirk on his face. It was obvious though, that she knew some techniques to keep him from reading her mind when suddenly all he could sense was some music on a violin. Not that he was particularly surprised though. She was an elf after all and he had only just started to learn how to control his magic. He hadn’t expected to be able to read her thought just like that once she knew about his abilities. “You never show your best cards right away!”, he stated when she leaned forward on the table, not really surprised when she wanted some kind of proof either. “No numbers, just some violin playing in need of improvement” Which obviously wasn’t the case - not that he knew particularly much about music anyway - but he still couldn’t help himself.
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The last statement actually managed to startle a laugh out of Thalra, which she quickly covered with the back of her hand as she glanced away. Outside it had started to drizzle, rain tapping gently on the windows. In better company, Thalra might have found the atmosphere to be comforting. “Please be careful, sweetheart. If you continue to be so consistently awful, I might come to grow fond of you.” Thalra’s tone was unreadable, either sincere or sarcastic. She had been seen enough for the night and didn’t want to offer anything else up to someone she hadn’t deemed worthy yet, so the music continued on in her head like a babbling brook, white noise that shielded her inner most thoughts. Thalra took another sip from her glass, not glancing back until she was ready. When she started to speak again, she was still staring out into the dim shadows of the streets beyond the restaurant.  
“So, there will be rules obviously,” she said softly, surprised by just how gentle she was able to make her voice. Thalra still wasn’t looking at Cade, instead she was imagining a forest, dark and deep, where she had found magic of her own. She felt heavy, and knew that it wasn’t the wine. “If you look into my mind without permission, there will be consequences. I want to be clear that this is not a punishment for whatever talent you naturally manifested. It’s simply a warning. If you can control what you do, I urge you to do so. If you can’t, then please get up and leave now. I won’t hold anything against you.”
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hylunathalra · 3 years
“darling?” he asks furrowing his brows a bit as he watches her adjust her parasol in front of him. perhaps he shouldn’t be so harsh with people. that was something that he has been realizing about himself recently. maybe it was a bit strange for him to meet someone new that he didn’t already know at this place. “what are we socrates talking about happiness?” he asks before sighing and making room for her to sit down on the bench as well. “but yes, i’m fine with where i’m at and yes i’m a student.” he says fiddling with the zipper on his bookbag that rests on his lap. he listens to the sound of his own voice. he even sounded tired when he spoke. he wonders if she probably thinks that he is crazy right about now which really he probably was and he probably wasn’t going to deny it. “mishil.” he says finally looking at her. “you are?” 
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With a huff of laughter that could be interpreted as either annoyed or amused, Thalra sat beside the man. The sun was beaming down on them and it made her skin itch as if she was pinned beneath a microscope, observed by a fiery, uncaring god. But she didn’t let her discomfort show for very long, perking up as the man continued to speak. She leaned over on the bench a little to get a better look at him from a sitting position. Her first assessment was that he was one of those depressed student types. The ones who had dark shadows under their eyes and drank too much coffee. How cute.
“Mishil, my poor dear, I’ve already told you my name,” she said, her gaze unwavering when he finally chanced a glance at her. “It would do you well to try and remember it. But if you’re asking who I am beyond that then that is a much longer and more dramatic story.” Introverts were always in need of an extrovert, so like clouds shifting slowly in the night sky, that’s what she became. “Right now though, I’m a business owner looking to expand, and I’m speaking to a, frankly, quite sad looking student in a town filled with wonder and magic. I wonder why that is.”
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hylunathalra · 3 years
The outside wasn’t much, Mikki could attest to that much. He remembered moving into the brick building, the rundown studio that he’d walked into, with the disgusting rug and the peeling wallpaper. Whoever had lived there before him hadn’t bothered cleaning, or even clearing out all of their furniture. But over time he’d made it his own, filling it with plants and books and anything else that he was interested in. It was cluttered, but warm. Still, Mikki couldn’t argue that from the outside it didn’t seem like the building would have much to offer.
Mikki glanced at the woman running up to him, and he stopped walking to let her catch up. Her question had him nodding, offering a small, albeit confused, smile. “I’m Mikulas. I do live around here, actually. I’ve lived in Lennox most of my life, now. What would you like to know?”
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It was easy enough to fall into step along with the stranger who quickly introduced himself as Mikulas. She gave him a dazzling smile in order to encourage his further compliance and politeness. A local who had lived in Lennox for their entire lives was exactly what she was looking for after all. Thalra angled her parasol so that it crested over both of their heads instead of just hers, shielding them both in a dull shadow that painted the sidewalk dark gray as they walked.
“Oh, I want to know everything, Mikulas” she said, looking back to the apartment buildings with simmering disdain. Her displeasure was not present in her voice though when she spoke again. “But we can start with the basics. I’ve noticed Lennox doesn’t have many inns or hotels. I can only assume that’s because you all don’t get many tourists. So, if someone, such as myself for example, wanted to rent a room somewhere, that wouldn’t really be possible, would it? I would have to find a permanent residence here?”
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