hynjnlx · 5 years
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Casts: Han Jisung × Reader
Genre: Fanfiction
Warnings: Curse words used, grammatical errors
[11:24 pm]
Algebras have been lingering on your mind as you tried to understand each question and how should you help it to find their so-called 'X'. You let your hands mess your hair in frustration once again. The night wind couldn't even help you to cool down your overworked brain.
"Fuck this shit," you cursed and threw your books off the table.
"No swearing in the house, woman."
A voice peeped from outside your room. Obviously, you didn't live here alone. Or maybe you did, just before the boy returned home.
Basically, he allowed you to swear outside the house but you spend most of your time inside the house so what's the use of his allowance?
"I said puke the sheet. No one is swearing," you replied, rolling your eyes as you didn't want to square up with the boy.
He sighed.
"I'm coming in to help."
The door creaked open, revealing a boy with his messy ash-grey hair, rolled up sleeves and an undone top button white shirt.
It's a great view, you knew. But it's not something unusual. Just a lil bit messier which is not necessary to know why.
You crossed your arms, looking at him with a straight face, "What does your existence in my room can help?"
Without any warning, he carried you like a rice sack and dropped you on the bed. "Help you to sleep."
"Are you kidding me? I need to finish those satan's gifts by tomorrow," you blurted out, clearly pointing at the books you threw on the floor.
"Tomorrow is Saturday, you fool," he said. "Now get your head right on the pillow and sleep."
"For real?" You asked, eyes sparkling.
He sighed. "Yeah but your parents want a dinner tomorrow so sleep."
"Yeah I will," you answered while admiring him. "But why do you keep on sighing? I mean I found it funny before but not anymore."
The boy who was cleaning the mess you made, stop his movements for a while before he proceeded to continue. "Just tired."
"Sleep or I'll whack you with this book", he raised his right brow as well as your beloved mathematics book.
"Alright, geez," you said, laughing while laying back.
He then turned off all the lights and walked out of the room. Just before he closed the door, he whispered a goodnight.
[07:11 am]
You walked down the stair slowly while rubbing your eyes. You noticed that the house was somehow empty so you decided to ask the maid who was preparing your breakfast.
"Where is Mr Han?" you asked, looking around the house.
Yeah, you usually use formality for your bodyguard since he's older but not with. He wasn't a bodyguard in general tho. He was adopted by your parents when both of you were kids but he wanted to repay your parents kindness so he trained hard and insisted to be your bodyguard instead since you had some health problems plus your parents are rarely home.
"He went out for a while, you should eat first", she replied while putting your breakfast on the table.
You hummed and started to eat. Not long after, you heard someone was entering the house so you took a peek.
"Hey Jisung, where have you been?" you asked while munching on a piece of bacon.
"Out ofc, where else?" he answered, walking straight to his room.
"Rude," you mumbled and continued to eat with your ruined mood.
"If you're done, come to the living room," he suddenly spoke which made you almost drop your bacon.
You quickly finished your breakfast and rushed to the living room to see what he's up to.
You shook your head vigorously. "No, no Jisung no. Not that evil book pls."
"I'll help you finish them all so get your ass right here," he demanded, patting the carpet beside him.
You finally gave up and sit next to him.
You were halfway to finish it but you got distracted because a pair of eye was on you for the past 5 minutes.
"Do I have something on my face?" you asked, monotoned.
"Ugliness," he said while nodding.
In a split second, pillows flew everywhere.
Of course, you wouldn't give him any mercy. At least not today since it's your month.
"You're so dead!"
"I'm just kidding, stop!" he said, laughing.
You finally stopped because the pain started to crawl back.
"I mean dumbness," he said and laughed like the word stop doesn't exist.
You rolled your eyes.
"Hey, let's play dare for a dare," he suggested.
You gave it a thought. Since you need his help today so you agreed.
"Ladies first."
"I dare you to do everything I told you to while I'm bossing around for 2 hours," you snapped while giggling.
He nodded assuringly. "But I'll also have my turn."
"Yeah yeah, now finish my homework and rub a warm towel on my belly." You sat comfortably while turning on the tv.
He then grumpily finished your homework and rubbed your belly with a warm towel while you watch your fav movie.
"You know what y/n?" he suddenly spoke up.
You hummed as you focused yourself at the movie.
"You really need to do this stuffs yourself," he said while rubbing your belly continuously.
"Nah, I have you."
He clicked his tongue. "But still. Try to do things yourself," he said, standing up. "Btw your 2 hours are over."
"Fine, give me my dare," you said confidently.
"Ignore me like I never exist until we need to go to dinner."
You snorted. "That's it?? Ha! Easy peasy lemon squeezy!"
Then yes. You started ignoring him as easy as you apply peanut butter on your toast.
[7:12 pm]
"Y/n get in the car, what are you doing there?" he said. Kinda frustrated because you have been ignoring him over the dare's deadline.
"Just proving that the dare was too easy," you giggled and got on the car at last.
After a few minutes, you finally arrived. You followed him quietly until he opened the private room door and slightly bowed.
"After you."
You stared at him in confusion. He isn't usually like this. But of course, you don't want to make things complicated so you do as he told and sat on your reserved chair.
The atmosphere was tensed. It looked like a super important dinner.
"Why do you want a dinner when we obviously had one already, 2 days ago?" you asked your parents.
"And you over there. Why don't you sit?" you questioned Jisung because he literally stood there like a real bodyguard.
Instead of giving you their answer, no one bother to speak.
"Please speak up anyone?? You're making me confused."
"You need to be independent," your dad said out of a sudden.
You were about to ask another question out of confusion when Jisung cut you.
"It was a pleasure to serve you in this past 4 years but my services end here. It was also a pleasure for me to work with you." He stopped.
"And thank you for everything."
With those last words, he left the room, leaving you speechless.
"Mom, dad please explain?!"
"We've decided to send him abroad, dear. We want him to continue his studies. He agreed on it himself, please understand."
You were clearly disappointed.
Without a word, you stood up and hurriedly chase him outside.
"Han Jisung!"
He stopped and looked back almost immediately.
"Where is your coat?!"
"Who tf cares about coat?!"
He sighed and tried to put his coat on you but you hugged him instead.
He stood there silently like almost 30 secs before hugged you back.
"Why.. why did you make decisions yourself?" you mumbled.
Instead of getting an answer that you wanted, he just sighed and patted your head.
"I'm sorry.. I need to fulfil your parents wish. They've done a lot for me."
"Then what am I going to do without you?" you sobbed. You knew that nothing can stop your parents.
"You did the dare remember? It was easy," he let out a painful laugh. "Now please do it every day."
He planted a kiss on your forehead before letting you go and left for good.
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