hyojungah · 5 years
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HYOLYN for SINGLES Magazine ; [April 2018 Issue] :: Selected Images
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hyojungah · 6 years
She can’t help but laugh partly at him, but mostly at his creation. Sure, hers was not any more delightful to look at but it holds itself upright albeit at a slight angle; she can work with it from there, though, no problem. It’ll be a breeze but she tries to not linger too much on it - heaven forbids she begins gushing on it and then it collapses just as she does so! Hyolyn won’t take her chances so she ceases to be so amused at Jaebum’s failing house before that backfires. Of course, her amusement is not ill-intended so she nudges his elbow with her own as if to play it off. When was gingerbread house making a serious task, anyway? 
“It’s not entirely lost if you put some effort into it, Jaebum-ah,” she encourages and lowers herself just a little until she is almost eye to eye with the structure. Her eyes narrow while analysing it and it becomes fairly obvious she may have spoken too soon: the house is past the point of no return but at least Jaebum had also realised it. She hums in thought, quietly, then stands right back up just as he suggests turning it into a crumble and then she’s all loud laughter again, head thrown back. “You’re giving up on it too soon! No, this won’t do. You can’t turn it into crumble. Gingerbread is pretty to look at but eating it? No way, absolutely not. Here, let me have a look at it.” And so she does. She lowers herself to the ground again and prods here and there with the icing bag before standing up to walk right around the table and repeat the process. It happens once, twice, until the cracks are covered in snowflake shapes that are a bit shaky and uneven but it doesn’t look so bad. Still, this is Jaebum’s house and she turns to him for some sort of approval. “Good?” 
@hyojungah​: origin
The first time the house had fallen, he wasn’t too concerned by it nor did he consider it embarrassing. He’d barely done this before and surely no one would expect him to have a house standing upright and with minimal to no damage in one shot; certainly, not a replica of the house displayed on the box. Now that was what a gingerbread house should look like. Lower the box, though, and bring your sight to Jaebum’s house and the sight is really one to behold - not at all in a pleasant way. The cookie crumbles from the edges and one of the panels has a light crack within it; one more tumble of the structure and the whole thing would fall apart. Icing itself wouldn’t salvage it even if he’d masterfully guide a full tube in an attempt to glue it together. He stands by the table with an expression full of regret and admittedly, disdain.
“I did everything it said on the box, though?” he defends and squints towards the leaning structure, in parts messy with icing, as if that alone would cease it from moving even by the milimeter. As if to defy him, the roof begins sliding into itself. The whole thing would be better off growing a hand and slapping him across the face! “There’s no coming back from this, noona. It’s past the point of return, this may as well turn into gingerbread crumble. That’s still edible, isn’t it?” He doesn’t consider it much before he places the tube of icing down on the table and gives a few nods of his head. “Mh, that’s right, there has to be something we can do with this still. One gingerbread house is more than enough anyway.” 
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hyojungah · 6 years
@naenu​ (cont’d from here)
Naeun’s eyes travelled from the pile of gifts under the tree to the last one now sitting on her table. Although, she couldn’t have got through it all had it not been for the other siting by her side. “Unnie…” A small chuckle leaves the girls lips as she turns her head slightly to get a better view at the older. “I’m thinking next year I should buy them all bigger gifts, not little ones.” And it was true. If she hadn’t got so many little gifts perhaps it wouldn’t have taken them close to two hours to wrap everything. Leaning over just slightly she pulled the wrapping paper and last gift closer to them. “The last one…Unnie, are you ready?” A playful grin now on her lips, “after this I promise that dinner will be my shout!”
She had a point: the smaller and more uniquely shaped each box was, the more fiddly and difficult it was to wrap them up properly without the paper breaking in a corner or it looking too hasty. Though the more Hyolyn glanced at her own share of gifts, the more evident it became that her effort had lessened with each gift. The first few were almost perfect or rather, they looked presentable enough complete with a ribbon and bow but as she continued working on them, her patience had worn thin. Gone were the bows and the ribbons were almost coming apart: some were too long, others too short. She heaved a sigh and leaned back, all the way back until she was flat on the floor, turning the small gift box in her hands slowly, eyes squinting to scrutinize her less than handy work. “Buy them gift cards and that would save you entirely,” she suggested and a cackle followed suit. “All you have to do is stick it on an envelope and hand it to them and that’s that!” She sat up then, almost reenergized though not fully enough. Still, she sets the wrapped present aside and begins on another. “Who are they for, anyway? Christmas is only around the corner, you’ll need to dash around to give them out pretty soon, no?” 
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hyojungah · 6 years
What’s your plant personality? Tagged by: @xozitao​ ( thank you! ) Tagging: anyone who sees this on the dash o/
Scrappy and tough, you’re a pull-yourself-up-by-your-bootstraps kind of person. You don’t give up easily and you often thrive in situations that others would find discouraging. You have an instinct to serve others and see yourself as most useful in times or places of crisis, but you may over rely on your toughness and forget how sensitive you really are.
A protector. With an amazing blend of optimism, nurturing and goodwill, you lend your strength and energy to those in need. Your seemingly infinite goodwill and boundless supportive energy make you the one people turn to when times are tough. Your greatest strength is, of course, also one of your weaknesses, especially if you neglect to take care of yourself. At times like these, it’s a good idea to take a step back and focus some of that protective energy on yourself.
Let’s just say you’re a vocal person. Sure, that might mean you’re chatty. But it also means you’re the one humming in the hallway, singing in the shower, speaking your mind, standing up and shouting if need be to get yourself heard. You’ve got a voice and you know how to use it. Inclined to speak up for the voiceless, defend the defenseless or simply bring joy to the joyless, you may have a tendency to overuse your voice.
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hyojungah · 6 years
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hyojungah · 6 years
“My gingerbread house keeps falling.”
origin: grinch-y sentence startersfrom: @offsdefstatus: accepting
It’s a semi-standing disaster and Hyolyn barely puts any effort toward a sympathetic expression or a consoling pat on the shoulder. One glance at Jaebeom’s gingerbread house is sufficient to know that thing won’t be standing up for much longer; in fact, she becomes increasingly concerned that if she even dares to breathe anywhere near it, the walls would crumble and it’d be too far gone for any restoration whatsoever. She leans her head this way and that as if trying to find an angle that would prop up the whole structure but a good enough solution doesn’t cross her mind - can’t cross her mind, given the state of it. Sure, hers is hardly any better, a little wobbly and crumbly in parts, but it still looks as if it’d hold steady for at least one photo; a small snapshot to prove she does have some patience, even if only a little. But her hands are sugary and sticky with icing and it wouldn’t be a wild guess on her behalf to think she may have furrowed her brow so much, the crease on her forehead would become a permanent thing. But hey, at least she can call her gingerbread house a definite gingerbread house, no?
“It’s because you haven’t done it properly, Jaebeom-ah” she notes and hovers a finger around the edges of the house’s walls - with her breath held, of course; what if that thing falls right there and then? “Look at how little icing you’re putting between the shapes! I’m surprised it hasn’t already crumbled to gingerbread biscuits. Here, try it again. There’s more icing in the box it came in and besides, weren’t you the one who wanted to have a shot? It wouldn’t be right if my half-assed house is...well, a house and yours is anything but.” She’s bragging, she knows, but it’s not like she can sugarcoat it. Quite honestly, there’s something triumphant about it despite her earlier protests towards the activity. 
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hyojungah · 6 years
grinch-y sentence starters
as requested by anon. Find the original holiday starters here ( x ). Feel free to change pronouns or anything else !
“Christmas is a cult.”
“The holiday is one day, people! Twelve days at most. Why do people put up their tree right after Thanksgiving?”
“People are so sensitive. So what if I tell kids that Santa isn’t real? They deserve to know the truth.”
“Candy canes are gross.”
“My gingerbread house keeps falling.”
“Two words: Bah. Humbug.”
“I hate buying gifts. I never know what to get people.”
“Merry Christmas? Yeah, it’s fucking jolly.”
“There’s no way Santa could deliver presents to EVERY house in one night.”
“All I’m saying is, I’m being forced to spend time with my family. And that sucks.”
“I’m not greedy or anything, but Christmas is expensive.”
“I’ve never had a merry Christmas in my entire life.”
“Should I dye my hair green? I’ve been called ‘Grinch’ like forty times today.”
“It’s…the most overrated holiday.”
“People leave their lights up for WAY too long.”
“I’m not a grinch. You’re just a Christmas sheep.”
“I thought this holiday was about Jesus. Where the fuck did all the flying reindeer come from?”
“The only good Christmas movie is ‘The Nightmare Before Christmas’ because it’s a Halloween movie.” / “Actually, the only good Christmas movie is ‘Grandma Got Run Over by a Reindeer’.”
“All those Christmas decorations are so extra.”
“The only thing good about Christmas is the egg nog.”
“Elves are creepy.”
“Mrs. Clause can fuck right off.”
“Why should I have to buy a present for everyone I know?”
“Look at those smiling faces…disgusting.”
“Call me a Scrooge if you want, but at least I’ll have money for rent once the holiday season is over.”
“I’ve never had any spirit, especially not Christmas spirit.”
“I would fight Rudolph any day.”
“Every time I see red and green, I feel like puking.”
“You know those kids who cry when they sit on Santa’s lap? I relate to them.”
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hyojungah · 6 years
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hyorin dancing (for anon)
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hyojungah · 6 years
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HYOLYN | Bae (2018); Feels like a dream right now, you and me. The dancing starlight, this heart fluttering night. That’s why I’m calling you my baby one last time.
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hyojungah · 6 years
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hyojungah · 6 years
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hyojungah · 7 years
( kkt ) ...i cannot confirm nor deny that assumption... 😅 ( kkt ) next thing you know, you and your drone will receive numerous love calls to shoot promotional videos for LA. don’t be too charmed by the city, wonho-ya. seoul might cry for you otherwise. ㅋ ㅋ ㅋ ( kkt ) by the time you show your evidence, i’ll be long gone. long, long and far gone. 😈 ( kkt ) or who knows, maybe my acting skills improved sufficiently enough to plead innocent and blame it on.. a hack..! a phone hack! totally possible in today’s day and age! ( kkt ) yes? 👀 if this is a prank, yes? i’m all eyes and ears~~ 👂
/ @hyojungah
( kkt ) you’re not like - snickering with them on another line right? ( kkt ) I’m not going to find behind the scenes footage of you guys scheming right 👀👀 ( kkt ) because if this mini adventure’s about to start me and my drone have a lot to catch up on. i’m gonna shoot all of L.A  😎 ( kkt ) nah, too late to turn back now. ( kkt ) not like I would, keep these messages for photo evidence  😎😎😎 ( kkt ) but if this IS a prank…..
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hyojungah · 7 years
Barely any days have gone by without seeing at least a few rain showers for the past few weeks and for that reason alone, something like this was bound to happen. It started off as a routine outing primarily because for the past while, home became hotel rooms and airplane seats so naturally, adjusting back after playing numerous shows abroad meant that the dorm was severely understocked. Not that other options were there and more often than not, Mark did prefer going out to eat particularly when the city did not lack restaurants and consequently, choice. Still, it did not go to say there were times when he preferred to snack on a few things now and then while in his room or taking up some space in the living room - it just so happened that as he was the one to suggest it, he was also the only one to do the trip with the assurance he’ll be back quickly. It didn’t take much expert knowledge to tell yet another storm was coming despite how heavy the air felt, making it difficult to breathe even after covering the short distance between the taxi and the entrance to the store.
It happens just minutes later: the unmistakable sound of a downpour which seems quite set on continuing for longer than anticipated and the flickering of lights as he browses around. That, however, comes and it goes so Mark thinks little of it - if at all. Instead, he pushes the cart into the next aisle and begins contemplating his preference for chips flavouring when he notices her after a double-take.
Of course he knows Hyolyn (really, who doesn’t?) but it’s mostly because Jaebum does and on some occasions, my friends are also my friends does not always apply. Still, this is a little different. He remembers seeing her the first time he walked on the set for Dream High as an extra and after that, several common schedules followed - essentially, they weren’t exactly strangers so perhaps, it wouldn’t be too bad for him to acknowledge her out of the blue. Or maybe (most definitely), Mark may just be looking into it too much because a moment later, it’s Hyolyn’s eyes who catch his and he reads the recognition on her face. He only has the chance to bow quickly and smile before the lights flicker again - this time, for good.
The power cut seems to catch everyone by surprise because at once, a series of gasps echo from all around him and even he feels the shock caused by the sudden darkness they’re thrown into. Carefully though, he makes his way forward but only a little while simultaneously patting his pockets for his phone; the device proved to be a great flashlights on numerous occasions, after all.
“I didn’t think I’d meet you here and then this happens,” is what he says after raising his voice just a little, coming to a halt roughly right in front of her at the same time he withdraws the phone from his pocket. “Do you think it’ll take long for the lights to come back on?”
Unsurprisingly, the city has been struck by lengthy, continuous storms and sooner or later, it was bound to come to this point. Still, Hyolyn couldn’t anticipate a power cut right here and right now. It catches her by surprise to such extent, a loud “oh my god” leaves her mouth and the shock has her temporarily rooted to the ground, fingers wrapping around the handle of the cart tightly until her knuckles turn white. Not from fear (far from that, actually) but great surprise as she looks upwards towards the darkened ceiling as if some sort of solution would be written there. Of course, it’s not. All around her, numerous other customers mirror her sentiments and a few aisles down, a child begins crying. That seems to trigger another and then another but Hyolyn is hardly bothered. On a second thought, it’s a funny situation.
And then somewhat concerning when her mind flies to her home and the trio of felines there. Sure, they are the calmest, most capable of animals able to handle any situation but it’s motherly concern, honestly, regardless of whether the power cut stretched so far across the city or otherwise. Beyond the chorus of cries and the assurances presented by floor staff, she can just about make out the heavy rainfall outside and for a moment, she can’t help but wonder if this will set the record for the year. For a moment, it feels as if the raindrops could easily break through the thickest of building materials and reach right in. 
Of course, it’s not possible and the absurd thought is cut short when, without a shadow of thought, she is being spoken to. And by a rather familiar voice, that is. She doesn’t need to squint to make out her company and Mark’s phone provides some additional yet much needed light. Albeit the situation, a smile forms on her face, brightening up her expression instantaneously. 
“This must be the worst of times to be out on an errand like this, Mark-ssi,” she responds and allows a little cackle. Again though, she casts a curious glance up towards the ceiling - still as dark, still lacking any sign of neons flickering on. Instead, emergency lights, though dim, are being lit across the store. “It shouldn’t last too long but that storm out there definitely will. It looked ridiculously dark out there just before I came in. Made it just in time, it seems. Were you almost done?” she questions and nods her head towards his own cart, unable to make out much of it.
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hyojungah · 7 years
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hyojungah · 7 years
If you take my helmet, your day could end up in one of two ways ... adrenaline-filled, scenic with your arms in the air driving past the breezy coast or ... dead. Though I bet more comfortably on the first variable. I play fifty-fifty with those options on the regular and I haven't died yet.
Yet. The word chimes continuously in her mind, a persistent echo there to remind her to think twice and think carefully as she eyes the helmet with mild concern but great interest. (To hell with thinking twice, to hell with thinking too carefully when the thrill of something new, something she hadn’t done before is right there, right before her eyes. ) And then, her gaze wanders towards the bike and the first thought which forms is that her car suddenly seems like a much safer mode of transport with its four wheels and the roof over her head. (But it’s never anything new, it never gives her the chance to enjoy the view much or truly feel the blood pump through her veins.) It’s a safer option but not the more thrilling one, the thought intrudes, surprising Hyolyn. But what amuses her is Christian’s way of putting it. It’s lighthearted, it’s fun and it encourages laughter to leaves her mouth when she finally lets her hands drop down to the helmet he holds out, finally sold to the idea.
“Wouldn’t it be a funny twist of fate if today is the day the second option happens?” she muses quietly but catches herself; a little too late but she still smacks a hand over her mouth, head shaking. “No, no-- Never mind that. I didn’t say a thing, didn’t jinx it. All I need is a promise you won’t go too fast just to--uh, you know, allow sufficient time to truly enjoy the scenic route.” It’s not cowardice speaking, not quite, but only a mild form of apprehension - one she knows will disappear entirely, leaving plenty of space for the rush of adrenaline to fill whether her arms will be up in the air or not.
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hyojungah · 7 years
( kkt ) 😬😬😬😬 ( kkt ) hey noona if I said I was lost in L.A would you say ( kkt ) A) enjoy it or B) find everyone??? ( kkt ) actually I think they left me they won't answer the phone ㅠㅠ
( kkt ) definitely a. without a shadow of doubt, definitely a. 😎( kkt ) consider it a mini vacation, a short break, the beginning of a small adventure.( kkt ) just you, the sun and... endless possibilities. think about it! i.. envy you for it. 😞( kkt ) if they won’t answer the phone, definitely go out there and have plenty of fun. then show off later on.( kkt ) ...unless... that’ll get you in trouble. in which case, i know nothing, i said nothing, i did not encourage! 🤐
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hyojungah · 7 years
There is literally nothing in nature that blooms all year long, so do not expect yourself to do so.
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