hyperfixations-ahoy · 13 days
Sorry for dropping off the face of the Earth (tumblr), had some irl stuff go down and I’ll probably continue to be inactive for a bit
Once again I’m sorry, y’all are going to have to get your Order of the Stone fix somewhere else
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hyperfixations-ahoy · 15 days
woah your art is absolutely incredible!
If this is genuine I adore you, but I have a sneaking suspicion this might be sarcastic—
You know what I’m gonna believe it’s genuine, my self-esteem needs this
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hyperfixations-ahoy · 15 days
I was infodumping to my friend Penny about the Deathslinger and I showed her some fanart of him
I think she’s going to try and steal my husband
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hyperfixations-ahoy · 16 days
Order of the Stone Incorrect Quotes (Part 2)
YES I will do some for the new Order eventually, but I like old people more and you can’t take them away from me
Ivor: What did you do, Soren? Soren: Hey! That’s one hell of a thing to say to a person. Just because I’m calling doesn’t mean there’s a crisis. Ivor: That’s technically true, I suppose. Why are you calling? Soren: Well… There’s a crisis.
Ellegaard: Are you alright? Gabriel: Short answer or long answer? Ellegaard: Short? Gabriel: No. Ellegaard: Long? Gabriel: Nooooooo.
Soren: Magnus, please calm down. Magnus: I asked for two large fries! Magnus: dumps fries onto table Magnus: But all they did was give me a MILLION FUCKING LITTLE ONES!
Kidnapper: I have one of your friends. Ellegaard: Which one? I have four. Kidnapper: The loud, annoying, rowdy one who never shuts up. Ellegaard: Which one? I have four. Ivor, distantly: HEY!!!
Ellegaard: Why are you burning our marriage certificate!? Magnus: Good luck trying to return me without a receipt.
Ivor: Where’s my chair? Soren: Magnus broke it over Gabriel’s back while they were wrestling. Gabriel: Correction, Magnus was wrestling. I was eating soup.
Ivor and Soren because it fits them both: I see the red flags, I acknowledge that they're there, and then I completely ignore them.
Gabriel: Why do I always try to tell people we're cool? We are so very uncool.
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hyperfixations-ahoy · 17 days
And then Olivia takes care of it after Ellegaard. You know. Goes to live on a happy farm somewhere far away
Drop your headcanons for MCSM partner Pokémon here!
Reblog or comment, do whatever you like! I want to see the variation of what people think characters’ partners should be. (This definitely isn’t because I’m considering doing a Pokémon Story Mode AU…)
Jesse - Pikachu (I know it’s basic) Olivia - Tinkaton Ivor - Malamar Gabriel - Charizard or Aegislash
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hyperfixations-ahoy · 17 days
for mcsm pokemon
magnus feels like electrode because explode
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Fun fact: this is the second ask I’ve received in an hour about Magnus and Electrode
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hyperfixations-ahoy · 17 days
for the mcsm pokemon thing
aiden- gabite orrrr zangoose?
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I’ve never drawn Zangoose or Aiden before, did I cook
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hyperfixations-ahoy · 17 days
Drop your headcanons for MCSM partner Pokémon here!
Reblog or comment, do whatever you like! I want to see the variation of what people think characters’ partners should be. (This definitely isn’t because I’m considering doing a Pokémon Story Mode AU…)
Jesse - Pikachu (I know it’s basic) Olivia - Tinkaton Ivor - Malamar Gabriel - Charizard or Aegislash
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hyperfixations-ahoy · 19 days
just wanted to thank you for getting me back into mcsm :3
Oh my god thank you? Like thank you so much, I’m just posting whatever stupid silly things pop into my head I’m so glad I got you back into this community
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hyperfixations-ahoy · 20 days
Order of the Stone incorrect quotes (yay)
Gabriel: Bottling up negative emotions is bad for your health, so you shouldn't do it. Ellegaard: I know, that's why I bottle up all my emotions, both positive and negative, so it cancels out. Gabriel: Th-that's not how that works-
Magnus: watching the temple burn down Magnus: Magnus: starts filming Waddup, guys, welcome to my vlog, today's topic: how to get away with accidentally committing arson because you forgot Spaghetti O's cans are metal and thus non-microwavable! Step one: deny everything.
Soren: Treat spiders the way you want to be treated. Ivor: Killed without hesitation.
Soren: I've never encountered a problem that can't be solved by a spontaneous musical number.
Ellegaard: My aesthetic is "would be suspected of witchcraft by small town citizens."
Gabriel: Ellegaard, gather the others. We need to have another Magnus-is-doing-something-stupid-again-and-we-have-to-stop-him-before-he-hurts-someone convention.
Ivor: Your smile looks forced.  Gabriel: That’s because it is.
Soren: Let’s not Magnus this into a worse situation than it already is.  Magnus: Did you just use my name as a verb?
Ivor: I can't believe there's a cat somewhere in my house. Amazing feeling. Love cats. And he's here, in my house! Somewhere! And I may encounter him! What a treat.
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hyperfixations-ahoy · 21 days
Hear me out chat
I think
Nurm on a chair
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Nurm on a chair Nurm on a chair Nurm on a chair Nurm on a chair Nurm on a chair Nurm on a chair Nurm on a chair Nurm on a chair Nurm on a chair Nurm on a chair Nurm on a chair Nurm on a chair
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hyperfixations-ahoy · 21 days
I just realized I’ve been watching RT for five-nearly-six years?? Like the amount of life events this man has carried me through is INSANE
I remember literally watching one of his videos in the hospital and telling the nurses about “this funny guy who plays games, sometimes badly” (sorry Dan)
He’s the only YouTuber I’ve ever watched for this long, and is the only YouTuber I’ve ever bought merch from! I have a giant Cupcake plush, a sweatshirt, and his Youtooz (+ a Wooloo plush I bought and named Cupcake because this was long before the official plush)
He also inspired me to get better at art, because my old fanart was REALLY SHIT. I’m still nowhere near the level I want to be at and still heavily rely on references, but maybe one day I’ll be able to render and shade and do all the things actual artists can do :D
This is a very ramble-y post but thanks RT for everything you do, your videos are what makes life worth living and gets me out of bed on those bad days 🩷🩷🩷
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hyperfixations-ahoy · 22 days
Killing that mailman personally actually
go for it
EDIT: the joke was that I put a picture of a Minecraft mailman skin but for some reason it didn’t work? Just imagine it and laugh
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hyperfixations-ahoy · 23 days
Ellegaard + Magnus headcanons because yes
Magnus is probably the one person who can convince Ellegaard to take a break - mostly because he makes fun of her every time he finds her passed out and she’s sick of it
Also, he’s a surprisingly good cook. Ellegaard bought him an obnoxiously frilly pink apron as a joke, and he wears it out of spite
Soren and Ivor are both well aware that they hate and love each other at the same time, Gabriel is the only person confused as to their relationship
“Ellegaard and Magnus were fighting earlier… I hope they can be friends soon :(” and then Soren tells him that they were literally sleeping together last night
Some of their arguments are fake so that nobody realizes that they’re dating (everyone knows they’re dating), but also, bickering is just a part of their relationship
Occasionally though, one of them will go too far. Magnus will silent-treatment Ellegaard until she apologizes, which is usually within a couple of hours because she feels too awful to be stubborn. On the flipside, Ellegaard will hide in her workshop and avoid everyone, and Magnus usually has to bribe her out with baked goods before he can apologize
They constantly try to embarrass each other with the most sickeningly sweet pet names they can, well aware the other person absolutely hates it
After the Order split up, Magnus was the first person Ellegaard tried to contact, thinking he’d be the most likely person to respond. However, the mailman at Boomtown had overheard Magnus furiously ranting about the Order and “that stupid fucking engineer”, and figured he wouldn’t want to hear from her. She sent letter after letter, but never received a response because they never made it to Magnus in the first place. But of course, Ellegaard didn’t know that, and came to the conclusion that splitting from the Order meant they had split apart as well. So she threw herself into her work, trying to forget the stupid stubborn rogue who had broken her heart.
Meanwhile, Magnus had spent the first few days of the Order’s separation waiting for Soren to come crawling back, prepared to hear the architect finally admit he was wrong and reinstate their group. But he didn’t come, nobody did. Magnus thought that out of anyone, Ellegaard would at least come to see him. But that damn engineer was too stubborn for her own good, so he decided to take the high road this once and go pay a visit to Redstonia himself… Only to get turned away at the gate. Ellegaard had ordered for nobody to disturb her, ESPECIALLY not Magnus. He was left thinking that she had already moved on, shoving away anyone from her past. Well, that was just fine by him. Who needed an engineer who was willing to cut all ties without a second thought? Magnus fell into the same cycle that Ellegaard had, trying to forget she had ever existed and failing to deny that she was the only person he could ever fall in love with.
After Ellegaard’s death (she’s who I picked in my playthrough), Magnus is finally given all of her sent and unsent letters. Even after she had decided to forget about him, there were times where she just couldn’t get him off her mind, and wrote letters that were hidden in her workshop. When Magnus received them, it broke him even more than her death had. All those years believing that the other didn’t care, when the truth had been right here the entire time. Boomtown was left to Axel, and the rogue disappeared.
That got really angsty sorry anyways uhhh fuck that mailman
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hyperfixations-ahoy · 24 days
HIIIIII i read your fic!!! i love how you've written the relationships between the old order right from the get-go. there's banter and familiarity between them, which is *chefs-kiss* excellent. depending on whether this is canon-divergent or not, im excited to see... what gets destroyed... the whole backstory with X and Jesse is, mwah mwah interesting....
I wanted to give an extra focus to the Order’s relationship while they’re taking care of baby Jesse, since the whole Ender Dragon thing will go down when she’s about 6. And since the addition of one person makes the fallout from that event so much worse, they can use all the cute slice-of-life moments that they can get.
Also, how amazing would an Order of the Stone prequel season be for MCSM? You would get to control Gabriel, it would be epic!
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hyperfixations-ahoy · 24 days
Is it weird that I’m irrationally excited that you reblogged because I love your blog and miiiiight be a creepy ghost stalker?
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the house always wins 🍀
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hyperfixations-ahoy · 24 days
we as a society moved on from wooloo too fast
like that is a fluffy ball of wonders and dreams WHY IS NOBODY TALKING ABOUT IT MORE
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