hypergirl95 · 9 years
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hypergirl95 · 9 years
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Darth Maul
A Zabrak from Dathomir, Darth Maul was the Sith assassin of Darth Sidious. Wielding a double-bladed lightsaber, Darth Maul was sent to fight the Jedi warriors Qui-Gon Jinn and Obi-Wan Kenobi during the Invasion of Naboo. Though he was defeated by Kenobi and believed dead, Maul returned years later during the Clone Wars to seek revenge on him.
Maul was a Nightbrother of Darthomir, who was taken by the Sith Lord Darth Sidious when he was a baby. The tattoos in his skin were the markings of a warrior amongst the Nightbrother clan. He has two brothers named Savage and Feral, one of which he would later meet in his adulthood.
Maul from his early years has trained in the ways of the dark side. He does not have any memories of his home world of Iridonia or of his birth family. He is incapable of normal emotion, only experiencing blood lust and rage.
During his training, any show of fear was severely punished by Sidious. Also, if he even hinted at the thought of mercy he would be treated with cruelty. By the time Maul reached adolescence, his master forged him into a weapon of pure hatred. Marked by Sith tattoos that cover his entire body, Maul is the ultimate tool of the dark side. Despite this rather traumatic childhood, Maul adores his Master, and has never once contemplated killing him.
Sidious abandoned Maul on an isolated Outer Rim world, forcing him to survive alone while being hunted by hordes of assassin droids. After a month’s time, his master returned and challenged him to a duel, one which the already severely weakened Maul quickly loses. Sidious then tells Maul that he has failed and is soon to be replaced. Overwhelmed by hatred, Maul nearly defeats his master. When Maul’s emotions are finally spent, he prepares to die, yet his master laughs instead. By wanting to kill his own master, Maul has, in fact, passed the final test. His master proclaims him Darth Maul, Dark Lord of the Sith, and gives him a new home on Coruscant.
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hypergirl95 · 9 years
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Winterzauber an der Gletscherlagune Jökulsárlón. Eisige Gletscherstücke trieben unter der Brücke hindurch ins offene Meer. Am gegenüberliegenden Ufer des schwarzen Strandes glitzerten die angespülten Eisstücke im Sonnenlicht. Der Wolken verhangene Himmel zauberte zudem noch wunderschöne Lichtreflexe.
Winter magic on the Glacier Lagoon Jökulsárlón. Icy Glacier pieces float under the bridge into the open sea. On the opposite bank of the black beach washed up pieces of ice glittered in the sunlight. The clouded sky furthermore still conjured beautiful light reflections.
by islandfeuer © All Rights Reserved Please leave captions and credits intact, NO reblogs to nsfw18+
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hypergirl95 · 9 years
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(via Yoda’s Thoughts on PageRanks | Little Whims)
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hypergirl95 · 9 years
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Today we’re wishing a happy birthday to actor, stuntman, martial artist, fan-favorite Sith apprentice, and all-around awesome guy, Ray Park.
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hypergirl95 · 9 years
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Darth Maul Drawing by Iain McCaig
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hypergirl95 · 9 years
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Well, unfortunately, a late start to Star Wars Villains Week, but better late that never! 
And how better to kick off the week than with one of the most badass villains (and potentially underused, I might add) in recent memory!
The Phantom Menace had some issues, but one part that no one had a problem with was Darth Maul! The first new bad guy in a Star Wars movie since the original trilogy! 
He opened our minds to a whole new universe of supreme badassedness and I will forever be a massive fan!!!
Portrait by John Aslarona, follow his Tumblr too!
578 Days until Episode VIII
417 Days until Rogue One
…and don’t forget the SW Villains Week Contest!
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hypergirl95 · 9 years
A Boy and His Kite: An Animated Short from Unreal Engine on Vimeo.
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hypergirl95 · 9 years
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The beautiful La Muerte
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hypergirl95 · 9 years
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I decided to make some halloween treats early this year! All of these recipes are super easy to do, and I had a ton of fun spending the day doing them :) 
Mummy Cookies
Ghost Cake Pops
Pretzel Hugs
Peppermint Patties 
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hypergirl95 · 9 years
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hypergirl95 · 9 years
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These Seasonal Woods of Oxfordshire
Photographed by Frederick Ardley: Facebook | Instagram | Twitter
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hypergirl95 · 9 years
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Correct predictions in Back To The Future II 
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hypergirl95 · 9 years
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hypergirl95 · 9 years
No matter how small the progress might seem to be, it is still a step forward.
attackonstudying (via attackonstudying)
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hypergirl95 · 9 years
you’re gonna regret not dating me after I get hot
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hypergirl95 · 9 years
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Drawlloween: Day 7!  I chose to draw ‘Jack O’ Lantern’. I was inspired by the Gravity Falls episode called Summerween where they carve Jack O’ Melons.  I loved it so I had to draw some.
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