hypersaiyanike · 2 days
See the problem here, is that everyone else is assuming Spyre functions the same way as the Forgotten Realms. Transitions, transformations, and terminations happen incredibly fast in Spyre, and while Fig may still be a tiefling mechanically, you're right that she holds that title. It's likely that whenever her mortal life ends, she'll burst out of her own ribcage as a full Pit Fiend ready to spend eternity rocking out, pushing boundaries, and smooching her half Phoenix paramour.
Hot take but I don't think Fig is going to die at 100-150 like I keep seeing people say. Like first of all, she's an arch devil, I don't think she can die anymore, and second, even if we ignore that, she's the daughter of an arch devil (immortal) and an elf (also stated to be immortal to near immortal by Brennan himself throughout the series). Like the tiefling lifespan goes off of the idea of a fiend and human having children together, I don't think a fiend and an elf are going to have a child die of old age at 200
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hypersaiyanike · 16 days
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hypersaiyanike · 16 days
Fun fact: I’m autistic I’m gonna do a thing inspired by another person
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Reblog if your blog is safe for autistic people or is ran by an autistic person!
oh and
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Reblog if you stand against Autism Speaks!
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hypersaiyanike · 16 days
My friend, some people are concerningly, actively, incredibly dumb.
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hypersaiyanike · 17 days
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Ah yes of course, like the all you can eat shrimp was simply too generous sounded like a fucking dumb explanation
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hypersaiyanike · 18 days
As a man, I can attest that some of my kind don't even lock on to targets in video games. They'll just slash at a giant monster's ankles and and wonder why they aren't doing any damage as I seeth because I've told them five times where the critical hit spot is and that they should look on. Hell my ACTUAL BROTHER doesn't remember the name of a single boss in most games he plays regardless of how many times he's fought it because "that information just isn't important to him", as if their name isn't sitting at the bottom of the screen for two consecutive hours!
I suppose you could paint it yellow, but then people will complain that you're handholding.
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hypersaiyanike · 22 days
Black listing words already exist for people that want to avoid these topics and words.
Censoring the words actually let's the topic get past that filter.
It's not helping in the slightest.
Endlessly diabolical how you can't say words like rape and suicide uncensored without either being criticised by idiots or punished by conglomerates.
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hypersaiyanike · 23 days
Still remember when a homo- and transphobic acquaintance tried to bring up JKR’s views on trans people in conversation and I shut it down with «oh yeah she’s been saying a lot of dumb shit on Twitter after she finished writing Harry Potter, like when she claimed Dumbledore was gay, just to be politically correct», which made it absolutely impossible for him to admit that he agreed with anything JKR had ever said. Sometimes you just have to weaponise people’s homophobia against their transphobia.
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hypersaiyanike · 23 days
Very excited for this ngl
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hypersaiyanike · 27 days
you know what i'm gonna speak my truth. klck threatening to dig up eugenia's body to solve the "find the teacher" problem is so cunty. like she's literally a mastermind rogue and what's more mastermind than going "i'm not gonna play by your rules, you're gonna play by mine"?
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hypersaiyanike · 27 days
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So apparently another whole ass animated scooby doo movie was canceled, this time featuring Krypto the Superdog, but it leaked onto 4chan and was uploaded onto the internet archive
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hypersaiyanike · 27 days
FHJY things that are squatting in my brain-apartment:
"I would love you if your name was written nowhere" is quite the statement in a season where names were so important. Fabian is a mortal; erasing his name doesn't erase him the way it happened with Ankarna. But that statement sticks with me: the ways in which Fabian isn't his father's son, and the way he doesn't need to be for his father to love him, so he is Bill's son after all.
"You have time." Again, what a statement for Sklonda to make after a season in which lack of time was a central mechanic. But this is where adult perspective is a good thing: as important as it is, high school is going to end up only a fraction of your life.
Gorgug really could be a great barbarian teacher. He's fantastic at what he does, he's smart, and just as importantly, he's gentle, and has a perspective on rage that's more than "the better you are at hitting things the better you are." That said, I cannot even fathom the students-having-crushes situation of your teacher being the drummer in a massively successful band. Hilarious.
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hypersaiyanike · 28 days
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hypersaiyanike · 1 month
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hypersaiyanike · 2 months
That is not what he said
Sure as he'll is what he meant tho
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hypersaiyanike · 2 months
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hypersaiyanike · 2 months
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Like to charge reblog to cast
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