hyphenatedamericans · 6 years
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hyphenatedamericans · 6 years
why did i try weed omg ima die i feel like a a dvd player
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hyphenatedamericans · 6 years
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hyphenatedamericans · 6 years
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Pandora (1896) and Circe Invidiosa (1892), by John William Waterhouse
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hyphenatedamericans · 6 years
yooo this kid is coming for throats 😂😂😭
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hyphenatedamericans · 6 years
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hyphenatedamericans · 6 years
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hyphenatedamericans · 6 years
I must fact check myself. He killed tens of thousands of Haitians. Not hundreds of thousands.
Google the “parsley massacre.”
Godfrey on black latinos
im sorry but this shit dumb funny 
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hyphenatedamericans · 6 years
I overthink and then be right every time
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hyphenatedamericans · 6 years
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hyphenatedamericans · 6 years
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Spanish Harlem: El Barrio in the ’80s. Joseph Rodriguez
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hyphenatedamericans · 6 years
This is funny and all but there’s a reason Dominicans have such strong denials about their African ancestry. Google “Trujillo whitening race” and you’ll know what I mean.
We literally had a dictator who’s goal was to “limpiar la raza” which translates to “cleaning our race.” Trujillo killed HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of black people (mostly Haitians). We even recently held “concentration camps” for black people that didn’t have their papers on them while randomly walking through streets, deporting them to Haiti. They didn’t care if they were Dominican or not. No papers? Shipped to Haiti.
Despite Trujillo’s assasination in the ‘60’s, the country has continued to carry that hate into the present. It’s DISGUSTINGGGG. Disgusting what we think of ourselves and even worse how we execute that hate onto Haitians.
So yeah, this video had me dyinggggg but it just reminded me of the deeper issue of self-hate and racism that my country has.
Black deportation
Godfrey on black latinos
im sorry but this shit dumb funny 
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hyphenatedamericans · 6 years
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hyphenatedamericans · 6 years
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hyphenatedamericans · 6 years
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hyphenatedamericans · 6 years
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219K notes · View notes
hyphenatedamericans · 6 years
Any time I see “R. Kelly” is trending on Twitter I just be like, “Oh god, what happened now”
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