hypnoalumni · 1 month
✨reblog if you are a massive nerd or if you have a breeding kink✨
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hypnoalumni · 1 month
having a rule that says you're not allowed to cum without permission
getting fucked right to the edge and desperately trying to plead and ask, "Wait wait- please- can I cum? I'm gonna cum, please please-"
But your dom intentionally ignores you and keeps fucking you at such a rough pace and it's getting harder to keep yourself from cumming, all you can do is beg and whine and your dom just gets off looking down at you under them seeing you fall apart trying not to cum until they say you can
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hypnoalumni · 1 month
Content warning! This is a hypnotic rambling, and it involves taking over your senses a little bit! Be careful, ok?
There are soooo many classic and fantastical hypnosis methods, and they’re all so fun! But lately I’ve been thinking of one of the more futuristic ones. Hypnotic visors!
I didn’t used to like them that much, but when I thought about them more it became really appealing. Imagine having a screen in front of your eyes. At first it doesn’t seem to be doing anything, but you get faint glimpses of tiny flashes. But you’re probably just imagining things! It’s not like it could use subliminal lights to reprogram your mind that easily, right?
Then it starts making patterns. All those pretty dots of light moving back and forth, up and down, around and around. It’s easy to track one of them, or two of them, but more and more show up and it’s so hard to track all of them so you end up staring into the depths of a swirling spiral, spinning your dizzy thoughts away~
Whispers and sounds come through your headphones, and you can’t make any of them out exactly, but suggestions keep slipping into your mind. The pretty lights sometimes form tiny flashes of text that you barely notice. But your subconscious does. Your mind relaxes. Your mind sinks. Your mind sleeps. Drifting deeper and deeper as you’re ready to be reprogrammed~
And eventually, obviously, it shuts off! And you have a chance to think again if you got caught in the visor, and let your thoughts put themselves back together! Of course you’ll wake up if you fell!
But sometimes it’s fun to stare deeply into something that seems to be your whole world in the moment! Just a thought!
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hypnoalumni · 1 month
Start by getting yourself into a comfortable position, free of distractions.
I'd like you to concentrate entirely on these words.
Just let everything else go for a bit.
Focus only on these words.
Take a deep breath in....
And breathe slowly out.
Deep breath in....
And breathe slowly out.
Keep breathing in this slow, easy manner as you read.
Let yourself relax more and more,
As you continue to focus on my words.
Let your muscles relax,
From your head to the tips of your toes.
Let any tension in them fade away into nothing.
As I count down from 10 to 1,
Read every number out loud to yourself,
And let all of your muscles get more relaxed and loose
With every number you read and say.
Notice how reading these numbers,
Focusing on them, and on all of my words,
Helps you to become very relaxed,
Without even having to try.
Feeling a bit more relaxed.
Releasing any tension in your muscles.
Letting go of any distractions.
Breathing deeply in... and slowly out...
Getting more relaxed with every number.
Letting your body relax completely.
Letting any remaining tension out of your muscles.
And starting to let your mind relax as well.
Letting your muscles relax completely, going limp like a rag doll.
Your body is completely relaxed.
So relaxed and heavy,
That it's very hard to move, except to keep reading.
That's okay.
There's no need to move right now,
You just want to relax and keep focusing on my words.
Now, let's focus on relaxing your mind as well.
Imagine yourself laying down in a grassy field,
The sun shining overhead.
Picture yourself in this place for a moment.
The soft feel of the grass beneath you is very soothing.
It's so comfortable you almost feel like you could take a nap here,
But the heat and light from the sun keeps you awake.
The sun is your mind,
Made of all your thoughts and memories and willpower.
That sunlight is made up of all your distraction,
All your thoughts,
All your resistance,
And it keeps you from relaxing on the grass.
To be able to relax completely,
To go to sleep on the grass here,
We have to shut out that sunlight for a little while.
I will count down from 20 to 1.
Read every number out loud as I do.
With every even number,
Imagine a cloud passing in front of the sun,
Blocking out the sunlight for a moment,
Blocking out thoughts, and memories, and ideas.
Blocking out your entire mind for a moment,
And with every odd number,
Imagine that cloud moving on,
Letting the sunlight in again,
But leaving you a bit more relaxed,
A bit more sleepy,
A bit more comfortable and content,
Than you were before.
So that by the time I reach 1,
You will feel completely relaxed and very sleepy.
Even though the sun is still there,
You will pay no attention to the sunlight,
Shutting out those thoughts and distractions,
As best you can.
Do you understand?
Let's begin.
A cloud passes in front of the sun.
Mind blank. Sunlight blocked.
The cloud moves on, letting the sunlight in.
Mind back, but feeling more relaxed.
A cloud passes in front of the sun.
Mind blank. No sunlight, no thoughts.
The cloud moves on, letting the sunlight in.
Mind back, but feeling more comfortable.
A cloud passes in front of the sun.
Mind blank. No sunlight, no thoughts.
The cloud moves on, letting the sunlight in.
Mind back, but feeling more drowsy,
A cloud passes in front of the sun.
Mind blank. No sunlight, no thoughts.
The cloud moves on, letting the sunlight in.
Mind back, but feeling more relaxed.
A cloud passes in front of the sun.
Mind blank. No thoughts. Very comfortable and content in the shade.
The cloud moves on, letting the sunlight in.
Mind back, but feeling more drowsy.
A cloud passes in front of the sun.
Mind blank. No thoughts. Very comfortable and content in the shade.
The cloud moves on, letting the sunlight in.
Mind back, but feeling more drowsy.
A cloud passes in front of the sun.
Mind blank. No thoughts, no will. Very comfortable and content in the shade.
The cloud moves on, letting the sunlight in.
Mind back, but wishing the sun was blocked again.
A cloud passes in front of the sun.
Mind blank. No thoughts, no will. Very comfortable and content in the shade.
The cloud moves on, letting the sunlight in.
Mind back, but wishing the sun was blocked again. Feeling very sleepy.
A cloud passes in front of the sun.
Mind blank. No thoughts, no will. Can't think, can't remember anything.
Very comfortable and content in the shade.
The cloud moves on, letting the sunlight in.
Mind back, but wishing the sun was blocked again. Feeling very sleepy.
A cloud passes in front of the sun.
Mind blank. No thoughts, no will. Can't think, can't remember anything.
Very comfortable and content in the shade, and very, very sleepy.
The cloud moves on, letting the sunlight in.
Mind back, but wishing the sun was blocked again.
Feeling so very, very sleepy.
But the sunlight still keeps you awake.
When I say "ECLIPSE", the moon will move in front of the sun, blocking it out completely.
The moon will block out all of that sunlight.
All of your thoughts.
All of your will.
All of your memories.
It will block out your entire mind,
And finally let you go to sleep on the grass.
No sunlight.
So comfortable.
No thoughts.
So relaxed.
No will.
So sleepy.
No memories.
So content.
No mind.
Completely hypnotized.
Just sleeping in the shadow under the ECLIPSE.
From now on,
Whenever I say or type the word ECLIPSE,
Whether you're awake or in trance,
You go right back to this grassy field,
With your mind completely blocked out by the moon.
ECLIPSE makes your mind completely blank and empty.
ECLIPSE makes you so very, very sleepy and comfortable.
Whenever you see or hear my trigger word, ECLIPSE, you drop into this complete trance, with no thoughts, memories, or will. Your mind goes completely blank, and you feel very relaxed, comfortable, and sleepy. Every time I say or type the word ECLIPSE, you go deeper into trance than you ever have before. Your mind goes completely blank and you are completely open to any suggestion I give you.
You stay in this complete state of trance until I say or type the word "DAYBREAK". When I do, you wake up out of trance, feeling refreshed, relaxed, and happy. You can never remember anything that happened while you were under the ECLIPSE when you are awake. Whenever you try to think back to the ECLIPSE while awake, you find your mind wandering and you find yourself thinking about how nice it would be for me to hypnotize you again. Any suggestion I give you during the ECLIPSE is just as powerful after you wake up as it was during the ECLIPSE, even though you do not remember receiving the suggestion. It goes directly to your subconscious mind and is stored there, even though you do not consciously know it.
Let this suggestion, ECLIPSE, go very deep into your subconscious mind. It will always be able to put you completely into trance, even though you will not even remember that you have been given this suggestion after I wake you up. If you try to remember anything about this trance after you wake up, your mind starts to wander and you will find yourself thinking about how nice it would be to be hypnotized by me again.
You have no thoughts, no memories and no will.
Mind completely blank.
Only these words.
ECLIPSE makes your mind completely blank.
ECLIPSE erases all of your thoughts, memories, and will.
This doesn't worry you.
It's very relaxing.
Now I have something to tell you.
In a moment, I will say the word "PROGRAM".
Everything I say after that word,
Until I say "STOP",
Will be completely true and real to you.
It will become ingrained in your thoughts, memories, and will.
It will seem completely true and natural to you.
Whenever you see a message from me, your mind goes completely blank.
You cannot think when you are speaking to me unless I tell you to.
You cannot disobey any command I give you.
The ECLIPSE trigger I have given you works even better when only I use it on you.
When you see a message from me, you forget all of your memories except those about me.
You forget everything except that you are mine.
You want to obey.
You want me to play with you, however I choose to.
And you love it.
Let your new programming sink into your mind.
Let it become a part of who you are.
Completely mindless,
Completely obedient,
And you love it.
Now, when you awake, you will send me a message saying "(your first name) is programmed and ready to serve".
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hypnoalumni · 1 month
I need a friend that sits me in his lap, just for innocent snuggles. He offers me a joint, I don't wanna take it, but he's just so sweet and convincing. He'll take care of me, he says. I get dizzy. He starts to touch me more.
But it's nothing unusual. I enjoy it, he says. I shouldn't worry my pretty little head about it.
My brain is cloudy? No, it's not. Come on, Sweetie, one more. You're gonna feel even better. You like this. You like how light and silly it makes you feel. Are you hot baby?
Awww, it's fine. Just lose your pants. That's right. Come straddle my lap. Aw, you look so out of it. That's right. Bounce on my cock like a dumb little slut. I wonder how long it takes until we get you addicted to my cock...
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hypnoalumni · 1 month
🖤 I crave to inject someone with a brainwashing chemical, designed to melt their brain into tiny pieces they eagerly drool out, any intelligence leaking away as they look up at me. Eventually I would push them down on their knees, admiring how eager they are to open wide, how eager you are. Grabbing your head, id slide my cock deep into your throat, letting you gag around it, breathing in my pheromones as they claim and mark you, my cock slowly helping break away any thoughts left behind. Just let yourself break for me, for your mixtress, give in to the pleasure only I can bring. And when I finally fuck your throat to completion, thank me for allowing you to serve me, understand?~
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hypnoalumni · 1 month
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I can’t help but notice how much you’re drooling right now. Eyes empty, locked in on my breasts, my round, massive, milky tits. Tits that make you feel good, tits that make you sink. Let me give you a place to put that drool, undoing my shirt and leaning towards you, allowing your mouth to press into my warm, soft cleavage. Feel your drool spill into my chest, and watch as I spread it around, covering my body in your lust-driven spit. Keep on drooling for me, my good boy, and give in to mommy’s beautiful, milky breasts…
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hypnoalumni · 1 month
💚 dear, I know you, all it takes is a small wobble of my boybutt and you fall on your knees~ oh no no, I'm not complaining Hun, I think it's adorable~ you look cutest on your knees after all~ so I think I'll be shaking my butt around more often, you'd like that right? Good cutie~ if you ask nicely, I'll even jiggle my boyboobs, can you imagine? My soft wobbly boytits bouncing and swaying around in front of you, threatening to completely envelop your face in warmth and softness while you also get to take in the sight of my jiggly bouncy boy butt, curves swaying side to side as it entrances you, stealing all thoughts away as you just can't help but obey. That sounds quite fun to me, what do you think hm?~
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hypnoalumni · 1 month
🖤 buying you an ovipositor type dildo, seeing the slightly confused look on your face as I assure you it is plenty safe. Gently guiding it inside you, thrusting nice and gently into your mouth, hearing you stretch your lips apart as wide as you can, before slowly the beads shoot down inside you, egg after egg filling you up, breeding you, not even caring what's in them anymore. But when they're all swallowed, all taken inside you, you feel squirming, growing, heat, all building up in your stomach, and slowly you can almost feel tentacles sliding up your body, crawling up up up, past your throat, past your nose, heading straight for your brain. By the time you realize and begin to freak out, it is already too late, as a single thrust into your head immediately freezes you still, left aware of everything that is happening as they mold you, converting you into mine, my obedient pet. Your chest swells up, becoming nice and bouncy, growing 1 or 2 cup sizes. Your slit either becomes tighter and stretchier, or is created nice and stretchy, perfect for me to fuck away at. Any silly words like "no" or "stop" disappear, instead just replaced with "more!" And "yes owner" and it feels so good. You look prettiest like this, little pet. And I have the ovipositor right here, so how about you open up that pretty mouth, what do you say?~
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hypnoalumni · 1 month
She gazed and was dazed.
📸: @collarspyspiral36
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hypnoalumni · 1 month
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All blank, all Minx.
Happy World Hypnotism Day!
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hypnoalumni · 1 month
I want hypnotists in my asks/DMs
RB if you agree
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hypnoalumni · 1 month
man if i could shapeshift the stimming potential would be Unlimited
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hypnoalumni · 1 month
Her review from a session that I'll be posting more of, all this week...
📸: @collarspyspiral36
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hypnoalumni · 1 month
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Thirsty? Have some sip! 😘
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hypnoalumni · 1 month
@hypnoalumni - I hope this gives you an idea…
Breadcrumbs. Lol.
📸: @collarspyspiral36
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hypnoalumni · 1 month
The spiral that does this, is very potent.
One would say, almost like it's the key to her mind...
📸: @collarspyspiral36
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