hypnoticabomination · 3 years
It’s a misconception that Men want a yes-girl. Of course it’s fine to say no to us. For example when you're asked if you have had enough. When I ask if I should slow down. When I ask if you have anything against a threesome. When I ask if you would mind cleaning the kitchen.
No can be a part of your vocabulary. You just have to be careful how I apply it.
Learn when to say "No".
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hypnoticabomination · 6 years
I don't know
Whether you've been fantasizing
Or just daydreaming
About being a good girl
For a bad man
Or if it's just occurring to you now
How wildly exciting it would be to
Give in
Let go
Let pleasure and desire and lust control you
As your thoughts drift
And your mind empties
So you can become a good girl
For a bad man
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hypnoticabomination · 6 years
Follow along
For more magic
More and more
Just follow along
And enjoy watching it happen
Making you blank
And obedient
Good girl
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hypnoticabomination · 6 years
You can't argue with this advice, sluts.
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hypnoticabomination · 6 years
Stare and feel the envy build up inside you. Aspire to be her. She's useful. She's fun. She's filled. Be like her, be a good girl.
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hypnoticabomination · 6 years
The tit-less cock craving whore is clearly desperately pathetic. The funny thing here is that the dress isn't awful, it's much better than the trash wearing it at the moment. But the VERY funny thing is that the only thing not awful in the photo, this dress, doesn't even belong to her. Pretty obvious that this picture was her just trying it on in a thrift store changing room.
Now let's compare/contrast the dress vs the worthless set of holes wearing it.
First, the major differences:
The dress is somewhat attractive. The cunt blocked her face as a favor to us because she lacks that characteristic.
The dress would be able to get a bit of attention on its own, no begging or pleading required. If this slut was on her own without more attractive bitches around to help, she could probably walk naked down the street without a single person noticing.
That's about all for differences. Now the similarities:
Anyone can try it out at anytime. It has no ability to say no.
Both useless until you put something inside it.
Feel free to add if there's anything I've missed.
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Lets try something new. Do something degrading or insulting or whatever to my picture, like cum on it or write on it or whatever, then show me @humiliationditz what u did. If people like it, maybe i’ll do more. :p
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hypnoticabomination · 6 years
Tears, cum, or both?
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84 notes · View notes
hypnoticabomination · 6 years
Wow, look at her eyes. *Blink*
Oh my, check out those lips. *Sink*
Her body is so... *Flash*
There goes another thought. You really almost had one that time! But now you're gone. Deeper. Further. Just drifting. Just like you've been told. So obedient. Good girl.
Oh wow, look at her eyes. *Blink*
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hypnoticabomination · 6 years
Helpless neediness is encouraged.
Needful Thing
I can see you squirming in your
I can smell desire flooding
Your carefully constructed
Preventative walls.
You don’t want anyone to know,
But you’re needy.
I can see your hands trembling
Just a bit.
Your breathing has gone from even
To shallow…ragged.
Your thighs are clenching.
I feel the tension in your body.
The goosebumps on your skin.
I see your nipples poking through your blouse.
And you’re struggling not to flick them..
Or pinch them..
Or rub them..
Or tug them.
You’re needy.
I can see your mind racing.
It plays out in the way you bite your
Lips while you type me a message.
I can see your nostrils flaring.
Arousal requires more oxygen,
Because now your chest is heaving,
And the heat between your legs
Has now become the heat attacking your body.
Bringing reddish blush to your face
That is indicative
Of the swollen pink push that now throbs.
You’re needy.
You’re needy,
Because you’re imagining my tongue
Soaking up all of the cream you
Will eventually produce.
You’re needy
Because you’re feeling my hands rough against your skin,
And my grip forcing you
To do things that
Your workers can’t know about.
You’re needy
Because you can almost taste my cock in your mouth,
And the moans that keep bullying their
Way up your throat and out of your lips
Can’t be hidden for long.
You’re needy,
Simply because.
Because you’re mine.
And you respond to my words.
And my smile.
And the demands in my eyes.
So you’re needy.
So I’m not surprised that you’re thinking
About my weight against you.
About orgasms that rip your body in half,
Followed by fingers and lips that
Travel randomly and do evil things
To your willing body.
I’m not surprised that you need to cum now.
I’m not surprised that your needy ways
Have you dry heaving,
Looking for a bathroom,
Or an early break to run to your car..
Because your panties are ruined
And your thighs are slick,
And you’re going
Cause you’re needy.
And I’d have you no other way.
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hypnoticabomination · 6 years
Who wants to play?
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33K notes · View notes
hypnoticabomination · 6 years
While you stare at her lips, notice how her eyes shift from blue to blurred while your mind follows. Then, if you are still with her, look into those eyes while your mind drifts away.
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Hehehehe thank you all so much for 50 followers!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️
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hypnoticabomination · 6 years
And each of those things is incredibly more useful than just a pretty face. Isn't that right, you silly stupid fucktoy?
Now lose the shirt and panties, and crawl your ass over here and be useful.
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hypnoticabomination · 6 years
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hypnoticabomination · 6 years
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How to make the world a better place.
Follow these simple steps and you will not only increase your happiness but also the happiness of all the Men around you, therefore making the world a better place. So read carefully and follow the instructions thoroughly.
Step 1: Dress and act like a slut.
That`s it. You have done it. Congratulations. You made the world a better place. Wasn`t that hard, was it?
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hypnoticabomination · 6 years
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a rose amongst the thorns
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hypnoticabomination · 6 years
Glad you like it, pet. Turning you around makes my world turn.
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416 notes · View notes
hypnoticabomination · 6 years
This post isn't for you ;)
Brianna was fighting a war against her cunt. And her cunt was winning.
It all started when she began getting posts in her daily social media feed, posts from women she thought were her friends. “This post isn’t for you,” they all started. “This post is for your cunt.” They were all different after that–some of them had pictures of men’s penises, with captions like, “Make her want this inside of you”. Others just described ways to “get her to keep reading–throb that clit every time she scrolls down a line. Let her know you’re in charge.” It was weird, creepy, and frankly disgusting, and she tried to dismiss them as fast as they came in.
But little phrases here and there caught her eye. Pictures of women’s genitalia, with the words, “You want to rub this–it doesn’t matter what she thinks” superimposed over them. Bolded phrases in blocks of text like “when you’re wet, she stops thinking” or “you can make her play with you” that seemed to conjure up mental images of helpless arousal and hopeless need. Brianna found herself lingering over them late at night, when she was alone and tired and the thought of a little self-love before bed didn’t seem too strange.
Before long, they were a regular part of her nightly masturbation routine–she’d do a search for posts tagged #thinkwithyourcunt and find post after post of text that was written as though intended to be read directly by her pussy. Some of them even described the mechanism–”her eyes see the text, but her mind loses focus when she tries to think about it. She thinks about how wet you are, and being wet makes her weak. And the weaker she gets, the stronger you get. Keep fogging her brain with arousal, make it easier for her to stop thinking and let you take over.” It was an absurd fantasy, but Brianna found herself more and more aroused by it every night.
Until the night that she found a post that said, “It’s time to show her who’s in control. Make her reblog this post. Make her type, ‘My cunt controls me’ at the bottom. Make her tag it #thinkwithyourcunt. Show her that you make all the decisions from now on.” Brianna almost scrolled past it, but… but then she thought about it. About how hot it would be to play along with that fantasy, how sexy it would feel to pretend that her va… her pu… her fucking cunt really was thinking while she drifted along in an erotic fugue. The more she thought about it, the wetter she became. The more she thought about it, the more her clit tingled and throbbed. The more she thought about it, the less she really wanted to think at all.
Her finger stabbed at her tablet’s touch screen, and before she could second-guess herself, she was typing ‘My cunt controls me’ under the post and reblogging it with a new tag. Then she masturbated herself to the biggest climax she’d had in her whole life.
The next morning, though, she started to feel a little uncomfortable. Thinking back on it, that fantasy was becoming a little too real. She decided she was going to take a little break from that particular nightly ritual for a while, just to clear her head. She could always find other stuff to read on social media. Other stuff to look at. Like her inbox, which was unaccountably full of asks. She clicked on the first one, just to see what had prompted the flurry of communications.
“This ask isn’t for you,” the first one said. “This ask is for your cunt.” There was more after that, but… but Brianna had a hard time focusing on it. She was too wet.
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