hyukfics · 12 years
I just wanna say, since some people are sensitive to this stuff that Hyukjae in this story has a mental deficiency, the author hasn't said what's wrong with Hyukjae yet though. Please don't let this stop you from reading this fic, because it's amazing and I honestly think this is a must read for an EunHae shipper, please try this story out^^
-Admin M
EunHae Fanfic Recommendation:
Title: A Man in Love
Rating: R (??? can’t tell at this point in the story, rating it to be safe ><)
Genre: Angst, AU, Romance, Psychological
Side Pairings: Slight!HaeSica (don’t worry they definitely don’t end up together and they hate each other, it’s nothing to worry about^^)
Length: MultiChapter (ongoing)
Summary: Does love truly have no boundaries? Where is it cutoff? Where is it established as dangerous and too different to be allowed? Where is the peak of love’s threshold? When does it reach a place so unattainably different it must stop?
I am a man in love.
Notes: This fic has me waiting very impatiently for the next chapter, it is that good. The authors style of writing is amazing and it pulls you in with each sentence she writes. I feel for Donghae and am absolutely in love with the way she portrays Hyukjae. I find this fic a must read for any eunhae shipper out there, it’s an amazing story so please give it a try!
-Admin M 
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hyukfics · 12 years
EunHae Fanfic Recommendation:
Title: A Man in Love
Rating: R (??? can't tell at this point in the story, rating it to be safe ><)
Genre: Angst, AU, Romance, Psychological
Side Pairings: Slight!HaeSica (don't worry they definitely don't end up together and they hate each other, it's nothing to worry about^^)
Length: MultiChapter (ongoing)
Summary: Does love truly have no boundaries? Where is it cutoff? Where is it established as dangerous and too different to be allowed? Where is the peak of love's threshold? When does it reach a place so unattainably different it must stop?
I am a man in love.
Notes: This fic has me waiting very impatiently for the next chapter, it is that good. The authors style of writing is amazing and it pulls you in with each sentence she writes. I feel for Donghae and am absolutely in love with the way she portrays Hyukjae. I find this fic a must read for any eunhae shipper out there, it's an amazing story so please give it a try!
-Admin M 
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hyukfics · 12 years
EunHae Fanfic Recommendation:
Title: Fist for a Tooth, Dear
Rating: R
Genre: highschool!AU, Romance, Angst
Side Parings: Hanchul, Slight!Kyumin
Length: Oneshot
Summary: They fight to hide reality, to hide the truth and the bare. They fight, so no one will know they care.
Notes: This just took my breath away the whole time I was reading this^^ And if you like this, you'll love her other writings too, so be sure to check the author out~!
-Admin M
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hyukfics · 12 years
Hyukjae-centric Fanfic Recommendation:
Title: Precious Protection
Rating: PG
Genre: general, fluff, slight-barely-even-there!Angst, Slight!AU
Length: One shot (could turn into chaptered, depends on readers response)
Summary:  He would protect them in a heartbeat, even if it meant he had to give it all up
Notes: Hey guys! I'm usually against promoting your own fanfictions but I just decided to post up my own fanfiction for the first time, I've been writing for ages and I've never really had anyone give me feedback on my writing before >.< So I'm humbly asking you if you could read my fic it'll probably suck and leave me some feedback, whether my personal tumblr, here, or in the comments! It'd be greatly appreciated^^
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hyukfics · 12 years
EunHae Fanfic Recommendation:
Title: I wanna love you
Rating: NC-17
Genre: PWP
Length: Drabble
Summary: Practice for their duet leads to other things.
Notes: Includes dirty talk of fucking a girl, but it's EunHae though. ^^
-Admin S
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hyukfics · 12 years
EunHae Fanfic Recommendation:
Title: Crashing Ashore
Rating: PG-13
Genre: AU, Romance (I wanna add maybe a slight!Drama)
Side Pairings:(all ninja) Sunny/Sooyoung, KyuMin (probably most obvious), HanChul, KangTeuk, YeWook (I think I got them all but please message me if I forgot one)
Length: Multichapter (Complete)
Summary: Forced to spend his summer working at his uncle’s beach shop, Eunhyuk finds himself getting swept up in the in the current that is Donghae. Will he be able to swim out or will he let himself drown?  
Warnings: Switches from 1st person and 3rd person between chapters (I hardly noticed it until I was suddenly like "Oh, now it's 3rd person"), Very few grammatical errors, It sorta hints towards HaeHyuk but nothing happens other than kissing, so I like to see them as "equals" during this (the author herself lists this as HaeHyuk, but like I said nothing happens, but Hyukjae does sorta act in the "less dominant" role)
Notes: This is a must read~^^ The author has a knack for pulling you into the story and to keep you reading. I got really emotional during this fic, but lol I always  cry during fics so I don't really know about you getting emotional.
-Admin M
Sorry I forgot to add the link >.< It should be fixed now
-Admin M
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hyukfics · 12 years
HaeHyuk Fanfic Recommendation:
Title: Talking to Leaves
Rating: PG-13 (wow, I'm actually rec'ing a non-NC17 post!)
Genre: College!AU, Crack, Romance
Length: Oneshot
Summary: Hyukjae doesn’t know how to react when someone he doesn’t even know asks him out.
Notes: This fic had me laughing so hard^^ It is an AU, so of course the characters are going to be somewhat OOC, but I can honestly see both of them acting like this~ This is a good read for those of you who ship HaeHyuk/Hyukhae (nothing sexual really happens, so of course it could go either way! The author just specified HaeHyuk) This fic is just a fun read that I think more people should read~
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hyukfics · 12 years
HaeHyuk Fanfic Recommendation:
Title: Use a toothbrush to get all the hard to reach places
Rating: NC-17
Genre: Crack, PWP
Length: Oneshot
Summary: Hyukjae wants to get clean and enlists Donghae to help with a rather hard to reach area.
Warnings: Cleanfreak!Hyukjae, Donghae with a toothbrush, weirdness
Notes: Sorry we haven't been rec'ing lately, but since AFF has been down I've been trying to look for LJ fics in my long long list of bookmarks. But this one is amazing. Seriously had me laughing and getting hot-and-bothered at the same time^^ Can someone tell me if this is friend-locked? I don't think it is, but it might be locked to the community, if it is just send us a message and I'll let you know how to read this~ 
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hyukfics · 12 years
The new admin is Admin S~
So please send her a warm welcome~ 
She has good taste in fanfiction and I know she'll recommend some good Hyuk fics for you to read~ 
I'm currently making an 'about the admins' section so if you wanna learn more about us it'll be up soon~
I'm also waiting for another person to get back to me about being an admin, so I'd just like to tell her that we are still willing to let her be an admin as well, she just needs to reply
-Admin M
Haai people! (: I'm awkward. 
-Admin S
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hyukfics · 12 years
Alright peeps~, I need another admin, who's willing?
I can't post stuff all the time on here, and as much as I want to run this blog on my own I can't. 
I think that I'll gain more followers on here if I get another admin recommending amazing Eunhyuk fics as well.
So if you're a big fan of Eunhyuk and you read a lot of fanfiction with him in it then why don't you recommend them to the rest of the fandom?^^ 
So please if you are willing, send me a message saying you are interested in being an admin and if there are more than one of you wanting to be admin then I'll give out a form for you to fill out and pick from that~
And if you don't have a tumblr account (or even if you do) and want to rec a fic, please submit it! I'm always welcome to submissions! 
-Admin M
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hyukfics · 12 years
YeHyuk Fanfic Recommendation:
Title: Advice for the Love Doctor
Rating: PG-13
Genre: University!AU, Romance, Slight!Fluff, Slight!Crack
Side pairings: ninja! Hangeng/Donghae, Henry/Kyuhyun, Siwon/Zhoumi, Kibum/Ryeowook, Heechul/Sungmin
Length: Oneshot
Summary: Where 1+1=2. If only he actually practices what he preaches.
Notes: I feel as though YeHyuk shippers have read every YeHyuk out there, so this should be nothing new :/ But if you're a Hyukjae fan and pair him with anyone (which I do) then you should read this if you haven't^^ It's a really cute story and I love all the side pairings, even though they aren't the normal pairings that you usually have. 
-Admin M
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hyukfics · 12 years
HaeHyuk Fanfic Recommendation:
Title: Teacher's Pet
Rating: NC-17
Genre: Smut
Length: Twoshot (complete)
Summary: Age isn’t the only thing keeping them apart; it’s their age, their status, their peers and coworkers, the controversial views…and yet, Lee Donghae can’t seem to keep his hands off of his 17-year-old student, Lee Hyukjae.
Warnings: SEX, Teacher/Student relationship
Notes: Yeah, I'm gonna be recommending a lot of smut >.< But this is really hot, and I feel as if a lot of you have already read this but this actually took me a while to find. I had a thing where I was against all AFF stories and only read LJ but I came to realize there was actually some really good stories of AFF, you just had to look. All I have to say is that this is really hot, and you should read it if you haven't
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hyukfics · 12 years
HyukHae Fanfic Recommendation:
Title: Prince Charming
Rating: NC-17
Genre: AU, Romance, Drama, Smut, Angst(I think)
Length: Multi-chaptered (Complete)
Summary: "Stoned words are sober thoughts."- Lee Hyukjae
Warnings: Drug usage, High school setting, some grammatical & spelling errors, 1st person POV
Notes: Honestly, it's been a while since I read this, so I'm going to have to reread it soon. But I remember being hesitant to read this because of the drug!AU but I'm glad I did read it! It sucked me in and I read it in like a day :D It also made me tear up at some parts (idk if this counts because I cry at any emotional fanfic) and I loved this story. It also has a sequel (which I will recommend next) that is a bunch of oneshots of their life after the setting of the first fic. Go read, and you won't be disappointed (but you can come yell at me if you were)
-Admin M
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hyukfics · 12 years
Hyukjae Fanfic Recommendation Blog
I decided to make a blog because I wanted to recommend some fanfics to peeps and not have a million bookmarks :P 
These fanfics will all be Hyukjae/SJ member (or sometimes other peeps too) 
All fanfics recommended will have Hyukjae in them~ Because I'm an avid Hyukjae fan
So submit away! Just make sure the fanfic has Hyukjae in it (duh!)
I'm also looking for another admin! So if you read a lot of Hyukjae fafiction (it doesn't matter who he's paired with, as long as your a big Hyukjae stan) and want to be an admin let me know (if I get an overwhelming response from people which I doubt I will I'll make a little form for you to fill out)
Please support me and help me get this blog up and running and off the ground!
-Admin M
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