i-am-cellar-door · 7 years
the struggle of having a progressive mind in the south is a real one. there are pros and cons to every situation.  i am in perpetual disdain with the mentality that the south often resinates– being a gay atheist progressive who pays attention is a hard life sometimes.  i try to force myself to live simply.  last years election results threw a sack of reality into my face. so much hate in the world. so much hate toward me.  perspective is everything. many tell me that this is the greatest country in the world and i should be grateful that i can shit in a toilet and i have food to eat. yes, of course.  everything is relative. am i so wrong to hope for or to expect more?  i think my country should be better.  i live in a progressive mountain town, but i drive 30 miles outside in any direction and i get the nervous sweats when i stop at a gas station with my girlfriend. i feel the urge to cover my tattoos and not appear gay.  perhaps i’m over-reacting. i can only see so many “marriage is between man and woman” stickers before a girl gets down about it.  it’s then that i look home, to the west coast. i look to my friends and my family. i look to the laws and legislature.  i know that does not mean there aren’t bigots on the west coast. but it feels as though they have to hide more there, whereas here, in the southern appalachian mountains, my mind and my people are the minority and sometimes, i’m scared.  and that’s the rub– what is worth the trade?  i move back home to the west coast and if i were to trade apple for apple what i have here, there is no way in a million years i could afford the lifestyle i live here.  i live in the most ancient mountain range in the entire world and the energy here is fucking incredible. i live in walking distance to creeks and rivers.  i have long range and short range mountain views from my house and neighborhood.  asheville is my heart and joy– music is the reason i’m alive and my music thrives in this mountain town. this town epitomizes my values, animal friendly, vegetarian and vegan friendly, humane and compassionate lifestyles, local restaurants and wonderful nightlife with smiles on the faces of the people. i believe it’s because this place on this earth is so magical.  waterfalls, lakes and rivers, changing leaves, blooming trees, clean air and happy spirits.  i have a lot to be thankful for.  i suppose we all have this eternal struggle.  in which direction will things change?
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i-am-cellar-door · 7 years
the struggle of having a progressive mind in the south is a real one. there are pros and cons to every situation.  i am in perpetual disdain with the mentality that the south often resinates-- being a gay atheist progressive who pays attention is a hard life sometimes.  i try to force myself to live simply.  last years election results threw a sack of reality into my face. so much hate in the world. so much hate toward me.  perspective is everything. many tell me that this is the greatest country in the world and i should be grateful that i can shit in a toilet and i have food to eat. yes, of course.  everything is relative. am i so wrong to hope for or to expect more?  i think my country should be better.  i live in a progressive mountain town, but i drive 30 miles outside in any direction and i get the nervous sweats when i stop at a gas station with my girlfriend. i feel the urge to cover my tattoos and not appear gay.  perhaps i’m over-reacting. i can only see so many “marriage is between man and woman” stickers before a girl gets down about it.  it’s then that i look home, to the west coast. i look to my friends and my family. i look to the laws and legislature.  i know that does not mean there aren’t bigots on the west coast. but it feels as though they have to hide more there, whereas here, in the southern appalachian mountains, my mind and my people are the minority and sometimes, i’m scared.  and that’s the rub-- what is worth the trade?  i move back home to the west coast and if i were to trade apple for apple what i have here, there is no way in a million years i could afford the lifestyle i live here.  i live in the most ancient mountain range in the entire world and the energy here is fucking incredible. i live in walking distance to creeks and rivers.  i have long range and short range mountain views from my house and neighborhood.  asheville is my heart and joy-- music is the reason i’m alive and my music thrives in this mountain town. this town epitomizes my values, animal friendly, vegetarian and vegan friendly, humane and compassionate lifestyles, local restaurants and wonderful nightlife with smiles on the faces of the people. i believe it’s because this place on this earth is so magical.  waterfalls, lakes and rivers, changing leaves, blooming trees, clean air and happy spirits.  i have a lot to be thankful for.  i suppose we all have this eternal struggle.  in which direction will things change?
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