i-am-jano-shipper · 3 years
Hate to be that person, but WW3 trend on TikTok is not funny at all, especially your stupid POVs. Because no, Jessica from Chicago, you won’t have to hide in the basement to avoid being nuked and no, Kyle from LA, you won’t get drafted to the front lines. 
You again missed the whole point and managed to make this situation all about yourself, so I’m going to assure your stupid ass - this war is not going to affect you in any way, but you know who it’s going to affect? Actual people from Ukraine, who are going to lose their lives and be displaced from their homes, just like for the past 8 years. 
So congratulations on your stupidity, because it’s not about “I need a way to cope 🥺🥺🥺”, it’s about you celebrating and making fun of other people’s death.
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i-am-jano-shipper · 3 years
This entire Russian-Ukrainian conflict is a complex situation because each side is reporting different things while the American media is running in the back on fire screaming ‘WAAAAAR!’ And Americans can’t see anything but their own propaganda that has been trying to ‘predict’ the Russian invasion for a week now, failing every time. But however this entire thing goes, this is what you need to know motherfuckers:
Do not fucking go and start hating Russians. Do not fucking go and start hating Ukrainians. Do not fucking go and start hating Russians while protecting Ukrainians and vice-versa.
If it doesn’t reach your mind that normal people cannot affect what’s happening, and that the governments (Russian, Ukrainian, Republican, American) and NATO are to blame, then I am telling you this right now.
Don’t you dare fucking go and project Putin’s actions onto innocent people that live in Russia. Don’t do the same thing to Ukrainians. Normal people don’t want war, on either side.
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i-am-jano-shipper · 3 years
As a person born and living in Russia, I am extremely sorry for everything that our government has been doing to Ukraine for the last eight years and especially now, with bombings all over the country
There is nothing worse than war and I hope those horrifying events stop soon, with as few people harmed as possible, and the integrity of Ukraine as a sovereign state is protected against the invasion
Everything that has been happening today is absolutely despicable and I and many other people I know feel nothing but shame and disgust for the actions of the greedy and imperialistic Russian government
I sincerely wish Ukrainian people strength and safety in these awful times and I hope this terrible conflict is brought to an end in the least painful way, and I am again very sorry
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i-am-jano-shipper · 3 years
Ребята из России, как бы вы ни относились к Яблоку,
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i-am-jano-shipper · 3 years
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I hate my government
I am ashamed of its continuous agression towards Ukraine
I feel nothing but shame, disgust, fear and pain
To all Ukrainian people who follow me or just happen to see this, I am deeply sorry for the actions of my country
I am against the escalation of the 8 year war
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i-am-jano-shipper · 3 years
Connor is a good boy
Thanks for coming to my TED talk
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i-am-jano-shipper · 3 years
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he has an insta? count me dead cause i won’t be able to take that and remain alive
Sometimes I forget that Clancy Brown is actually real and every time I see him tweet I lose my fucking shit
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i-am-jano-shipper · 3 years
Sometimes I forget that Clancy Brown is actually real and every time I see him tweet I lose my fucking shit
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i-am-jano-shipper · 3 years
Connor: Lieutenant, go to sleep or you’ll hate yourself in the morning!
Hank: I’ll hate myself in the morning regardless.
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i-am-jano-shipper · 3 years
Hank: Ew, kind of tea is this?
Connor: I boiled Gatorade.
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i-am-jano-shipper · 3 years
ya bitch has an untreatable spine trauma
i take condolences in the form of taking part in my Clancy Brown survey
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i-am-jano-shipper · 3 years
Happy Official Hankcon Day, also known as The Day of True Love
You are allowed to appreciate Hankcon today
There is nothing else you can do
Sorry, I don’t make the rules
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i-am-jano-shipper · 3 years
Instead of entering into the kitchen, Connor goes through the bedroom window, sees Hank’s clothes and gets scared cause he thinks the man dissolved into thin air and that’s the only thing left
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i-am-jano-shipper · 3 years
Hank: When was the last time you cried?
Connor: Fifteen minutes ago, why?
Hank: Really? That recent?
Connor: Yeah *voice crack* is that an issue? *starts crying again*
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i-am-jano-shipper · 3 years
If I wasn’t supposed to be gay, why would they name my favourite food raw men
- Hank, probably
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i-am-jano-shipper · 3 years
How can you say homosexuality isn’t the work of the devil when this is literally what gay people worship
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i-am-jano-shipper · 3 years
A friendly reminder that some people in this fandom need to touch grass
If there is no grass, fresh snow will do
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