i-am-recycling · 23 days
How to Make a Good Japanese Name
When I read fanfiction for a series set in Japan, if there is an original character/weapon/technique/item introduced, every name I see falls into one of the following four categories (note: examples are all made up by me.  If you happen to have an OC with one of these names, I’m not picking on you, it’s just coincidence):
1. Borrowing an existing name from another show or person – Examples: Satsuki, Rumiko, Goku, Sakura
2. A word straight from a Japanese dictionary – Examples: Neko, Tenshi, Utsukushii, Tatakau
3. Words from a Japanese dictionary combined together – Examples: Ichineko, Kuroitenshi, Chiisaihana, Tsuyoikiba
4. A made-up word that “sounds” Japanese – Examples: Inuyishi, Nekamanu, Maranoshi, Kimasaka
Almost all of the names listed above are bad names for an original character.  Type 1 will always land you a legitimate name, however it’s a bit uncreative and the name is not likely to bear any significance to your particular story or character.  Types 2 and 3 can potentially lead to some good names, provided they’re done right.  “How to do them right” is going to be the main focus of this guide.  Avoid Type 4 like the plague.
Continue reading below for a tutorial on how to create an original, meaningful, and legitimate Japanese name for your original characters.
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i-am-recycling · 1 month
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i-am-recycling · 1 month
So today me and my mother got stuck in traffic today and my immediate thought was "Im guna catch so menny pokemon! :D" and then just as I pulled out my phone my mom said "i hope everyone is allright" and I just, that wasn't even a concept in my mind
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i-am-recycling · 1 month
The thought just crossed my mind of a child being so vary excited to show clark thair rock collection and so clarks just like
Lets see what you've got :)
And its just like several pieces of asphalt a few pebbles some smooth stones a piece of quartz and a masive piece of kryptonite, which the child holds up to him and goes
"This ones my favorite cus it glows!" :D
And hes just like
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i-am-recycling · 1 month
hey just letting you know not to tag phil as philza minecraft!! it ends up going under the minecraft tag which is a very seperate community to mcyt, who don’t really like having to see mcyt under their tag
Thanks for letting me know. Ill remove that tag right away
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i-am-recycling · 1 month
Tommyinnit when philza stops him from winning the darwin awards
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i-am-recycling · 1 month
I just found out the offspring of a goat and sheep is called a GEEP and they’re the cutest lil shits ever I want 200 of them
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i-am-recycling · 3 months
Ok so there are speedruns for scp cb that beat the game in like 2 minutes, so imagine just being scp 079 watching through the cameras as some guy just starts running really fast and before you know it he's already out of the building.
He will deadass be the reason as to why you get contained. He will ask about you after the breach is over and the researchers will be like "Who the fuck he talking about" Until he shows them the tape.
You are so fucked.
He will use you to his advantage though and have you take him to 682 in exchange for safety and door access (Also safety from 682 who looks ready to turn you into sashimi) Though he would most likely turn into a friend.
And once 682 also gets a better understanding of your ability he will most definitely take advantage by having you run around for information in exchange that he doesn't eat you.
After some time he too will consider you a friend ally.
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i-am-recycling · 3 months
Ah yes, 9:00 pm. The wonderful time of night when the roomba awakens from its slumber to bump against every possible obstacle at least twice and then the dore stop for good measure.
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i-am-recycling · 3 months
My family has 6 pets. 2 cats 3 dogs and a roomba.
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i-am-recycling · 3 months
Just spent like 4 minutes slowly herding the roomba out of my room because i was worried it would suck up something it shouldn't. a completely normal response from a completely mentally stable person I sware.
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i-am-recycling · 3 months
More random tropes that I fucking love: Becoming the mask you wore.
Like oh shit, this character who was sent to spy somewhere under a false identity suddenly realises they've started to genuinely become the person they claimed to be? Someone who's been telling the same lies about who they are for so long that they're actually forgetting that the story isn't true? Finding themselves genuinely doing the things they pretend to do in front of people, when they're alone and nobody's watching? Answering to a name that wasn't supposed to be theirs without thinking?
Ooohh-hoh-hoh, you lost track of yourself in pretending to be someone else? You were only supposed to impersonate somebody, a plausible background and a name you came up with on the spot, and now that the people you were supposed to infiltrate have become your true companions? You lost yourself in the game you played, and no you no longer know who you truly are, and where your true loyalties lie? And both sides would mark you a traitor if you came out with the truth. On a scale of one to ten, how bad did you fuck up.
Fuck that is a good trope. Never seen it done badly. Pour that shit on a table and I'll chop it into lines and snort it.
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i-am-recycling · 3 months
Anyone else ever relate a little too much to a concerning character and then have to have a internal debate about possibly bringing it up in therapy? Or is that just me.
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i-am-recycling · 3 months
Thinking about the time my cousin saw my plague doctor masks and asked if they were for BDSM. I was 15 at the time.
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i-am-recycling · 3 months
when your friends are gossiping but your antisocial so don't know enny of the people their talking abut
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i-am-recycling · 3 months
OK so I had an idea,
an animation of duck newton from TAZ amnesty to the song ‘bad liar by imagine dragons' I would do it my self if not for the fact that I have no idea how to make an animation video. (how to put animation and sound together, how to up lode, etc} so if someone could make it that would be amazing! I just really want to see it become a thing! The song just fits him so well.
honestly I'm shocked that no one has thought of this yet but I looked it up on YouTube and didn't find any thing. 
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i-am-recycling · 3 months
Today I am playing the wonderful guessing game of 'why the fuck is my throat sore?'
Is it A: a fluke, am I B: sick, or C: having an allergic reaction to an unknown something
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