i-am-unconditional · 4 years
It WAS his day off. He didn’t HAVE to answer. He’d probably get a nasty voicemail from the manager, but it was worth it. He wanted to spend his day with her...touching her and kissing her. Watching TV..He pressed into that kiss, humming low, his arms tight around her. “Mmm...I wanna stay with you all day...” he mumbled.
Dani hadn't exactly been happy to wake up in the morning to his phone ringing. He gave a soft whine, pushing his face into Skye's hair. It wasn't fair....and he knew exactly who it was. The manager. Someone must've called off, and he just wasn't ready to leave her. He gave a soft hum, closing his eyes tighter, trying to force himself not to hear the ringtone.
13 notes · View notes
i-am-unconditional · 4 years
"I can let it go to voicemail." He whispered, pressing his lips to the top of her head, humming quietly. He didn't wanna wake up. Not yet. Or if he did, he didn't want to get out of bed and leave her. He wanted to do everything she'd done to him last night to her.
Dani hadn't exactly been happy to wake up in the morning to his phone ringing. He gave a soft whine, pushing his face into Skye's hair. It wasn't fair....and he knew exactly who it was. The manager. Someone must've called off, and he just wasn't ready to leave her. He gave a soft hum, closing his eyes tighter, trying to force himself not to hear the ringtone.
13 notes · View notes
i-am-unconditional · 4 years
Dani hadn't exactly been happy to wake up in the morning to his phone ringing. He gave a soft whine, pushing his face into Skye's hair. It wasn't fair....and he knew exactly who it was. The manager. Someone must've called off, and he just wasn't ready to leave her. He gave a soft hum, closing his eyes tighter, trying to force himself not to hear the ringtone.
13 notes · View notes
i-am-unconditional · 5 years
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Wendy Boothe Maggie Smith
Wendy is the mother of Norman, Warren, and Cal Boothe. She was always a little harder on the boys than Arthur. In her youth, Wendy was an acclaimed Opera singer for a British company. She was very polite and confident. She met Arthur at a museum, where they began to argue over an unlabeled painting. Wendy claims that that was the moment when she knew that she loved him. Their first date was to the theater to see a play. Wendy retired from the Opera and became a housewife for Arthur, though he insisted she didn’t have to if it wasn’t what she wanted. Wendy and Arthur married and had their sons, Norman and Warren, who were both born in Kingussie, Scotland. She and Arthur relocated the family to Alaska for Arthur’s job before becoming pregnant with their youngest, Calvin, when Norman and Warren were 2. Wendy loves her sons, and her two grandchildren, but worries about them, especially Norman, who has stayed behind to help her care for Arthur in his deteriorating state. Wendy likes to encourage her children and grandchildren to go out and experience new things, and she helped Dani move to the UK.
~:Relationships:~ Arthur Boothe: Wendy’s husband. She’s head over heels in love with him, even after all these years. She often takes him for strolls in the park. Wendy is more than happy to care for him, knowing he’d do the same were their roles reversed. Gwendoline Morgan: Wendy’s older sister. The two are very close and talk on the phone at least twice a week. They have no secrets from each other, and Wendy is the only one who Gwen has told the name of her sons’ father. She worries for Gwen’s grandson and great granddaughter sometimes, because of what Gwen tells her. Vivianne Silver: A close friend that Wendy met in a grocery store one day while she was pregnant with Calvin. Vivianne and Wendy became friends when she offered to help her load her two toddlers and groceries into the car. Vivianne was Calvin’s godmother.
Arthur Boothe Ian McKellan
Arthur is the father of Norman, Warren, and Calvin Boothe. He was close to all three of his boys and always made time for his family, despite how demanding his work was. Arthur was a scientist who specialized in environmental studies and worked in the UK for a good majority of his career until his children were born. He was/is madly in love with his wife, Wendy. Arthur retired after finding that he was becoming somewhat forgetful, something he couldn’t be as a scientist. Slowly, Arthur began to forget more things and when he was examined, it was found that he was entering the early stages of Alzheimer's. The only thing he asked of his sons were that they didn’t allow a stranger to care for him when he was too far gone to take care of himself, which resulted in his oldest son moving back home and quitting his job to help care for him.
~:Relationships:~ Wendy Boothe: Arthur’s wife and the mother of his children. He’s been over the moon for her ever since they first met. He likes to listen to her sing for him, and had some of her records when they were younger. Vivianne Silver: A close friend that Arthur met when she came for dinner one night with her son. He and Wendy became friends with her very quickly. He’s always appreciated her, since she’s always been more than happy to help him and Wendy with the boys.
Norman Boothe Karl Urban
The eldest of Wendy and Arthur’s children. Norman is the twin of actor Warren Boothe, and is very protective over his family. He’d gotten in more than one fight in school, trying to defend his brothers. Norman came out to his twin when they were 15, and was glad that he never treated him any different. He was always a very active child and was on the Eagle River High School Hockey team. He has suffered numerous injuries from the sport, including a sprained shoulder and a jaw injury caused by a fight with a player from an opposing team. His beard covers the scar on his jaw. Norman graduated and worked to become an RN. He worked briefly in the ER. After his father developed Alzheimers, Norman quit his job and became his father’s caregiver, helping his mother care for Arthur. This is what Norman’s brother’s think was a catalyst for his drinking problems, which he insists he doesn’t have. In his spare time, Norman works in his workshop, designing and cutting stained glass. 
~:Relationships:~ Warren Boothe: Norman’s twin and possibly his best friend. Norman’s always defended his brother, even in high school when people were teasing him for being a theater nerd. Warren sometimes seems as if he forgets that Norman was the only one around to take care of their dad. Hal Chandler: A good friend from school, and Norman’s Sister-in-law via his youngest brother. Hal and Norman have always known about each other, and have an agreement to act as each others’ beard when at a Chandler family gathering. Loren Carreno: Norman’s boyfriend. He’s absolutely head over heels for him, though he won’t admit it to anyone but Loren. He’s been a very good influence on Norman. Norman holds his opinion in very high regard, and secretly loves that he’s Loren’s first guy. Asher Ioane: A good friend of Norman’s. Asher and Norman met at the gym one day, and became friends. They bonded over hockey, and will play together often. Nova: A blue American Staffordshire Terrier. Norman adopted her just before he finished college. She’s a good girl and very friendly towards everyone.
Warren Boothe Norman Reedus
Warren is the middle child of the Boothe family, and twin to Norman. He was born an hour and a half after Norman. Warren has always been an in-the-spotlight sort of guy. Warren was never one to play sports, opting instead for the theater. Though, he never missed even one hockey game while Norman never missed one play. Warren was awarded a theater scholarship to a very prestigious acting college, and left Alaska. He kept in close contact with his brothers and parents, and got his first acting gig when he was 22 in the movie “Floating”, which wasn’t very popular. It was followed by “Six Ways to Sunday”, which isn’t well known, but did well enough. His career didn’t pick up until he starred in Boondock Saints. He continued going home for every holiday, paying for international plan for his parents and brothers so that he could call them when he needed to. Warren dated on and off for a while before being cast in Walking Dead, at which point he decided it was time to take a break. Until he met Shay, who he kept eyeing until she finally approached him. Warren never really felt as strongly about anyone as he does about Shay, which sometimes scares him. But he’s definitely the more in touch with his feelings between him and his brothers.
~:Relationships:~  Shay Carreno: Warren’s girlfriend. He met her on the set of Walking Dead, and is very close with her. Warren loves her more than anyone else in the world, and sometimes the crew jokes that he’s her shadow, always behind her. She doesn’t seem to mind, though. Norman Boothe: Warren’s twin. They’ve always been close, and Norman’s always been supportive of Warren's choices, even when Warren wasn’t supportive of his. He’s always there to answer the phone at 4 am, no matter how groggy, to talk Warren through a crisis.
Calvin Boothe Leonardo DiCaprio
The youngest of the Boothe boys, and the father of Dani and Nanette. Calvin was always a sweet man, and dedicated to his family. He was a mathlete and excelled at numbers, resulting in him becoming an accountant. Calvin met his wife through his brothers, who were friends with her older sister. Calvin and Helen started dating and eventually married, having two children. Calvin was always more involved with them than Helen, especially when they were in trouble. Cal has always been a good man and was always there for his kids, trying his best to support them while their mother puts them down. He fought against his wife and in-laws when they started forcing Dani to go to conversion camps in the summer and when they tried to send Nanette to Fat camp and put her on unhealthy diets. Cal feels that the happiness and comfort of his children is more important than anything else. He knows that his wife is having an affair, but tries his best to continue to be a good husband to her and a good father to their kids, though he’s already in contact with a lawyer in regards to a divorce.
~:Relationships:~ Helen Boothe: Calvin’s wife. She was always pretty and Calvin’s always loved her, but he can’t help but feel disrespected that she’s been sleeping around on him. He never seriously considered a divorce before, but has recently started speaking with a lawyer. She doesn’t know, and often berates him for his quiet and sweet demeanor. Roy Morgan: Calvin’s cousin. They’ve always been close, and Roy and Cal have spent plenty of summers together at camp. Roy has always stood up for Calvin when Norman and Warren couldn’t, despite the fact that Cal has always been the more outgoing of the two. They made a good team with Roy as the muscle and Calvin as the attitude.
Daniel “Dani” Boothe Erika Linder
The oldest child of Cal and Helen and the older sibling of Nanette. Dani was a good kid, always doing what he was told, until he started to tell his mother no, he didn’t want to wear that dress or that bow. Once he started to do that, Helene lost interest in him and began to focus on her daughter. Thankfully, Dani still had the rest of his family. He was always grateful to his aunt, who casually, and slowly, introduced him to the LGBTQ+ community. Dani learned how to bind his chest and began presenting as a male, going by Dani or Daniel instead. His mother and maternal grandparents began sending him and his sister to camps in the summer. When they came home, they’d trade horror stories. He had his first girlfriend his senior year of high school. She dumped him when she realized that he wasn’t biologically male, though he’d been as up front about that as possible, and spread horrible rumors about him in the school, including that he was pretending to be a boy. After graduation, Dani attended a semester of college before giving up. He worked a job at a store in the mall in Anchorage until he moved to the UK with the help of his Granda Boothe, staying with her sister until he had the money to move out. He began working at Casettes, a movie rental store, where he met the love of his life, Skye Barlow.
~:Relationships:~  Skye Barlow: Dani’s amazing girlfriend. She is, in Dani’s eyes, the most perfect human being on the planet. They met at Casettes, and Skye helped Dani become more comfortable in his skin, as well as being his very first. He’s absolutely crazy about her. Nine: Dani’s Sphynx cat. Dani adopted him not long after moving to the UK, when he was still a kitten. He always seems to know what Dani needs, though he can be a huge asshole. He seems to like Skye more than most people.
Skye Barlow Susan Coffey
Skye tended to act out and cause trouble when she was growing up. She constantly fell unwanted by her parents and that she just...didn't belong. She hated them for putting her into those stuffy dresses and making her go to church every Wednesday and Sunday. Two times on Sunday! It just wasn't for her. She didn't understand it, and she wanted no part of it. Skye knew from a young age that she liked girls. She liked boys, too. She found herself not drawn to people's sexual organs but their minds, their souls, their personalities. Skye also found herself having a lot of body issues. She always felt like she was too fat, and it was something her mother liked to comment on too, especially when her breasts started developing. This gave Skye a complex, and she started to monitor what she ate strictly and even make herself throw up if she felt she'd eaten too much that day. Skye also got into self harm, punishing herself with a razor when she felt she'd done something wrong or bad, especially when it came to food. Mary had walked in on Skye one evening when she was in the bathroom, cutting one of her thighs. She'd told her that she deserved worse than that before shutting the door. When she was fourteen, her mother had caught her in bed with one of the girls from school. She'd had her hand down her pants and was kissing her. That was the final straw that broke the camels back, and her parents sent her away. She was almost relieved, but she was also devastated to be leaving her little brother, Owen, who was five at the time. He'd cried at the window for her when the cab had pulled away, banging on the window with tears down his cheeks. It'd broke his heart, and Skye's too. Skye didn't like the boarding school at first but it did help straighten her out, and she realized she didn't need to be acting the way she was. The school had also put her in therapy for her body dismorphia and self mutilation tendencies, and even got her a doctor who'd prescribed her a few different medicines after diagnosing her. After finishing the boarding school, Queenswood, she'd gotten herself an apartment and decided to stay in the UK. She'd gotten a part time job as a burlesque dancer, having overcomed most of her body issues. She also enrolled into classes at a University. While going to a video store one night to rent some movies, and some porn, Skye had met Dani Boothe. He'd worked there. The two started out their relationship very sexual, even fucking at his place of employment, but quickly discovered they were meant to be and fell in love. Skye thinks the world of Dani and thinks he is just simply perfection. She still keeps in contact with her brother, writing him letters, sending him packages and even facetiming him when their parents let him.
~:Relationships:~  Dani Boothe: Skye’s boyfriend. They’re head over heels for each other, and Skye was actually Dani’s first, which she thought was sorta sweet. Dani worships Skye and does his best to help her on her bad days the same way she helps him on his.
Nanette Boothe Abigail Breslin
Helen’s perfect daughter. Nanette became Helen’s favorite child very quickly when she realized that she couldn’t control Dani, but could control Nanette with the right words. Nanette was always a happy child. Until school started. She was teased a lot by other kids. Because of her mother, Nanette’s weight yo-yo’d quite a bit while she was in school, due to her mother going through phases of thinking she was too fat or too thin, putting her on very severe diets until Nanette was completely under her thumb. She didn’t suffer the same abuse at her mother’s hands that Dani did, but it was enough. Eventually, she developed an attitude and fought against her mother, though in more subtle ways. She allows her mother to dress her, though carries a backpack with spare clothes for when she’s away from her. Nanette is adventurous, and despite being the “favorite”, often tries to find any excuse not to be home. Nanette is good friends with her cousin, Demi, who’s gone to great extremes to try and be supportive of her cousin and build her up. Nanette has very low confidence due to abuse suffered at the hands of her mother and Linden Bann. Demi and Nanette travel together when they can, thanks to Demi’s dad. Nanette can sometimes come off as a little bratty and bitter, though she tries hard not to. She’s a good girl, deep down. 
~:Relationships:~  Linden Ban: Ette’s exboyfriend. She broke up with him not long after she started training with Asher. Because of the abuse she’s suffered from her mother, Ette believed she didn’t deserve anyone other than Linden. He’s never been nice to her, and often teases her, calling her fat and telling her ho much wight she needs to lose. As soon as she loses it, he begins to berate her for being too skinny. She can’t win with him. But at least he’s never hit her...Right? Demi Silver: Nanette’s cousin. The two are more like sisters than cousins, though Ette sometimes worries that their relationship might make Dani jealous. Demi is usually traveling, but she will always send Nanette a ticket to come visit her wherever she is so they can spend time together, shopping or just relaxing. Asher Ioane: Ette’s new boyfriend. She met him during a trip with her cousin. They ran into each other at a convention that she and Demi snuck into, and Asher was obviously checking her out. Nanette got his number, which he might’ve given her a little too easily. She sometimes gets jealous of his job, but knows that he wouldn’t ever do anything to hurt her. Her confidence had skyrocketed since they got together. Norman Boothe: Nanette’s uncle. Nanette often feels like she’s pushed aside in favor of her older sibling, but Norman always makes time for her, and spoils her a little. They’ve always been close, and have a sort of understanding of each other. Sometimes, she’ll come to visit and stay for the weekend, drinking and watching him in his workshop. Norman hated Linden.
Asher Ioane Jason Momoa
Asher is half Native American and a quarter Inuit. He lived with his parents on Kodiak Island for many years before he moved to Anchorage and became a Dom for hire. Asher often visits conventions and has an active social media presence, though he keeps his face and the faces of his subs private. It’s not hard to recognize him, though, due to his unique forearm tattoos. Asher is friends with Norman Boothe, who he met at the gym. They meet up once every couple of days to work out together at the gym. While being a Dom for Hire can pay most of his bills, Asher also works as a professional trainer for a locally run gym in his spree time to keep himself fit and busy and have a little extra pocket money. Shibari rope and bondage devices can be expensive. Asher prides himself on his discretion and very thorough contracts that protect both himself and his subs. Despite having a somewhat sexual job, though, Asher has his limits with his subs. He has a strict rule forbidding relationships, especially with his married clients, and is always mindful that anyone he dates is aware of his profession.
~:Relationships:~ Nanette Boothe: A young girl that Asher met when she and her friend snuck into a kink convention that he was attending. He had just bought a new gag and some rope when he ran into her. Literally. She seemed interested in him, despite how shy she acted. They were checking each other out, so he didn’t mind giving her his number when she asked. A girl should always get a chance to try out a new dom from time to time. Asher discovered quickly, though, that maybe this girl was going to be different than others.  Norman Boothe: A friend of Asher’s. They work out together from time to time and sometimes, Asher can get Norman back on the ice and they play a nice one on one game. Unless he’s angry, though, Norman always goes easy on Asher. 
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Vivianne Silver Jane Fonda
Xavier’s first wife. She and Xavier were set up by their parents and grudgingly courted for a time before they got married, because it was what was expected of them. Xavier had little time for her, especially during her pregnancy. Vivianne spent her pregnancy with no help or sympathy from her husband and when she had her son, she drove herself to the hospital, sauntering in in a nice dress and her makeup done. She didn’t have Xavier called until after the birth. Vivanne practically raised her son alone while her husband began an affair with Jane Flowers. She divorced him when their son was 5, petitioning for full custody. Vivianne won and moved out with Elliot. She worked for a time as a secretary until she started her own bakery, and she is now the CEO of Silver Confections. Vivianne has published two cookbooks and has her own line of baking supplies. Even though she’s not REALLY related to Dani and Nanette, she always sends them cakes and cookies for their birthdays and holidays with cards that are signed from Grandma Vivi.
~:Relationships:~ Xavier Chandler: Vivianne’s ex. They didn’t have a happy marriage, and Vivianne was more than happy to leave him with her son. She has never had an interest in him, though she can’t help but be a little grateful for him, since he gave her a son. Elliot Silver: Vivanne’s son. He loves his mother very much and bought a house nearby so that him and his daughter could be close to her. He has always respected her for raising him practically alone while creating her own brand. Wendy & Arthur Boothe: Friends that Vivianne made while Elliot was still very young. She’s still close to them, despite Arthur’s deteriorating state. Vivianne comes over every Wednesday evening for a game of cards with Wendy and some tea. They often invite her for holidays, which she appreciates, but rarely takes them up on.
Xavier Chandler Anthony Hopkins
The father of Elliot, Halle, and Helen. He is a psychiatrist and takes his job very seriously.  He married Vivianne Silver and had one son, Elliot Silver, and remained married to her until their son was 5. He began his affair with Jane Flowers one year after his son was born, and married her 2 years after he and Vivianne divorced. Xavier has always been old fashioned, and has been very vocal about his opposition to the LGBTQ+ community. He discourages his male patients from showing outward emotion to most people, and will often tell his female patients that perhaps they were simply hysterical or need to take into account the feelings of the men in their lives. He’s not very popular with younger patients. It was Xavier who encouraged his daughter to send Dani to a camp to “cure what was wrong” with him. In all honesty, Xavier is a very toxic man.
~:Relationships:~ Vivianne Boothe: Xavier’s first wife. They courted and married only because it was what their parents expected of them. Xavier really didn’t have any feelings for her and he has been heard before saying that she was lucky to even have him. Jane Chandler: Xavier’s wife. She’s perfect to him in every way, keeping the house clean and in order and raising their children to be proper young ladies. No one really knows if he has any actual feelings for her. Helen Boothe: The favorite of Xavier’s three children. He often ignores Elliot’s existence, and is indifferent towards Halle. But he always has time for Helen, who has always been the perfect child.
Jane Chandler Rene Russo
Xavier’s wife. She is every bit the perfect wife, in his eyes. Quiet and obedient, Jane ensures that everything around the house is done and never asks Xavier o do anything. Jane was a cheerleader in high school and rather outspoken. All of her old friends and family wonder what happened to have turned her into the woman she is today, too prim and proper to speak up for herself. Jane gave Xavier two girls, and, like her husband, favors one of the other. She can barely bake, and she never cleans, instead following the maid around the house to make sure that she does everything the way she wants it done. She’s fired three maids in the course of two years.
~:Relationships:~ Xavier Chandler: Jane’s husband. They began an affair not long after the birth of Xavier’s first son, and were married after he divorced his first wife. She worships the ground that Xavier walks on. While his feelings are hidden, it’s very obvious that she loves him. Or at least his money.... Helen Boothe: Jane’s favorite child. She’s absolutely perfect, and Jane couldn’t be happier to be her mother. She doesn’t like Helen’s husband, since he doesn’t deserve her and isn’t good enough. She introduced Helen and Greg. 
Amelie Ives Eva Green
A flighty woman. Amelie was always flitting about when she was younger, laughing and hopping from boy to boy until she met Elliot. They met at a gym when he accidentally walked in on her yoga class. They flirted a little and eventually went on their first date. Amelie wasn’t exactly faithful to Elliot, though it never seemed to bother him too much. Though, if it did, he never said anything. Amelie eventually got pregnant with Demi, and Elliot never questioned if she was his. They got married and were happy for a while, until Amelie began to feel like she was suffocating. Amelie realized she was falling out of love with Elliot. They divorced finally, and Amelie moved out, though she kept in contact with Elliot for their daughter’s sake.
~:Relationships:~ Elliot Silver: Amelie’s exhusband. She was briefly in love with him, despite having slept with other men. Amelie was surprised when she became pregnant and Elliot never questioned if the baby was his, though she was grateful that the resemblance to him was obvious when the baby was born. Amelie was sure that she loved him for a while during their marriage, though began to fall out of love with him. She was grateful that he wasn’t offended when she suggested a divorce, and she still supports him by buying his books when they come out. Demi Silver: Amelie’s daughter with Elliot. She always makes sure that when it’s her time to have Demi, she’s settled somewhere so that they can spend time together, even if that somewhere is just a hotel room. They’re not particularly close, but she still enjoys seeing Demi and will always take her clothes shopping when she visits.
Elliot Silver Nikolaj Coster-Waldau
An author, under the pen name E.D. Silverman, of the best selling YA series The Lark Honey Mysteries and its adult companion series, The Scott Honey Murders. He is the only child of Vivianne Silver and Xavier Chandler. His parents divorced when he was 5, and Elliot lived with his mother, who was supportive of his passion for writing. He was involved with Amelie Ives for several years, and the relationship produced a child. Elliot was determined that she would have both her parents, though he and Amelie divorced finally when she was 12, simply because they had fallen out of love with each other. He is very protective over his daughter. She lives with him for most of the year and spends two months of her summer vacation with her mother, who is constantly moving around. She always seems to be settled when it’s time for Demi to visit. He is close to the eldest of his two half sisters, Hal. Elliot is a private man and tends not to talk to many people, though he has become a little more social since meeting his new girlfriend on the set of the TV adaption of his YA series.
~:Relationships:~ Demi Silver: Elliot’s daughter. The two are very close, and Demi prereads all of Elliot’s manuscripts before they even get sent to his editor. He made sure that when Amelie and him divorced, she’d know that it had nothing to do with her. Hal Chandler: Elliot’s oldest half sister. They’ve always been close, as Hal made an effort to know him, unlike Helen. Elliot used to take Hal out when she was younger to a movie and snacks. When he comes to visit, Elliot still picks her up in his car at 2:00 from work and takes her to a little cafe where they get snacks and then go see a movie together. Rosalie Frey: Elliot’s girlfriend. They met on the set of the Lark Honey Mysteries. Elliot didn’t even realize she was his main character, mistaking her for one of his daughter’s friends who’d just wandered on set, while she mistook him for a crew member and asked him if he wouldn’t mind helping her find the coffee. She’s made him come out of his shell quite a bit.
Demi Silver Maisie Williams
The daughter of Elliot Silver and Amelie Ives. Demi is a little bit of a wild child, sneaking out to go to parties and often traveling with her cousin to do things they couldn’t do with their parents hanging over their shoulders. Demi is a gifted student and is in an advanced class, though she keeps that hidden from her friends, worrying that they might not like her as much if they knew, though her friend Rosalie knows about it. Demi is very interested in science and hopes to one day work for Nasa. She loves her parents and her friends, and is very close with her cousin Nanette, who she tries to bolster, worried about her mental state when she’s gone. It doesn’t take much persuading to get Demi to act out, though she’s seldom punished for her behavior.
~:Relationships:~  Rosalie Frey: Demi’s best friend. She met Rosalie at school an the two became good friends. Rosalie attends the college where Demi takes her gifted courses. Rosalie often looks to Demi for advice on how her character would behave in the show, knowing that Demi’s read every single book. Nanette Boothe: Demi’s cousin. They’re very close, and Demi often sends her plane tickets so that they can meet and travel together. Demi worries about Nanette when they’re not together, since Dani can’t be there to help her stay in a healthy state of mind. The two act more like sisters sometimes, as opposed to cousins. Elliot Silver: Demi’s dad. He’s always been very attentive and always seeks out her opinions on his manuscripts before even sending them to his editor. He made sure that she was present during the casting of the Lark Honey Mysteries.
Rosalie Frey Sophie Turner
A good friend of Demi’s. She is a gifted actress and a very intelligent young woman. Rosalie’s first role was in a movie where she was being stalked by a doppleganger. Rosalie has never met Demi’s family, as Elliot is always closed up in his office, writing, when she visits.  She did, once, almost meet him when he came out and yelled up to them, asking if they wanted pizza one night when she was staying over. Rosalie has always loved the theater and saw plenty of plays with her parents when she was young. She was pleased to find out that she was the ONLY actress that was wanted for the role of Lark Honey after auditions.
~:Relationships:~ Demi Silver: Rosalie’s good friend. She met her when Demi was attending her advanced classes as Rosalie’s college. She likes to look to Demi for advice on how to play Lark, since Demi owns and read every single Lark Honey novel. Rosalie is always glad to have Demi around, as she’s always fun to be with. Elliot Silver: Rosalie’s boyfriend. She met Elliot on the set for The Lark Honey Mysteries, mistaking him for a member of the crew. She asked him if he could show her where the coffee was, and even though he seemed confused, Elliot left her and came back with a cup of coffee. She’s been helping him come out of his shell.
Halle “Hal” Chandler Katherine Moennig
The older sister of Helen, and the younger half sister of Elliot. Hal prefers Elliot over Helen, due to Helen’s attitude and the fact that she constantly parroted their father and his....old fashioned beliefs. Hal was always accepted into Vivanne’s house, which was great for her as she wanted to be home less and less as she realized that she wasn’t exactly the kind of person that her family was going to accept. She put herself through college, studying education and musical theory. Hal has always been into rock music, especially Joan Jett. When she was a teenager, Hal cut her hair to look exactly like Joan, which she kept for quite some time. She eventually became a college dean and teaches a very exclusive Musical Theory class. Hal’s a nice person, but she’s not exactly the most romantic. She has a history of sleeping around, and is currently involved with a married closeted woman.
~:Relationships:~ Norman Boothe: A good friend of Hal’s. They’ve always had an understanding of each other. They’ve been each other’s beards for as long as either of them can remember.  Warren Boothe: Hal’s other good friend. He was always fun to spend time with, and they ended to get in plenty of trouble in and out of school. Mariana: A burlesque dancer that Hal met through Skye and Dani. She’s crazy about her, and just wishes she could convince her to move so they could be closer and Hal wouldn’t have to give up her job.
Mariana Martinez Sarah Shahi
Mariana was born in the United States after her parents relocated from Puebla, Mexico. Her parents became US citizens and had Mariana late in life, in their 30's. Mariana was raised in a home that was very proud of it's Hispanic heritage. Her father was a doctor, her mother a stay-at-home wife & mother. Mariana was a great student while in school. Around the age of fourteen, she'd realized she was homosexual but hid it from her parents well. When she was twenty, Mariana moved to the UK to live with a friend she'd met on the internet as a teenager. The two were best friends, and shared an apartment together. Mariana got a job as a burlesque dancer. She's now the oldest dancer there, and kind of like a mother hen to the other girls even with only being twenty-seven years old. Mariana met Halle when she was in town visiting her nephew, Dani Boothe, who is also the boyfriend of Skye Barlow - one of the dancers she works with. The two hit it off and Mariana brought Halle back to her apartment for what she thought would be a one night stand. The two grew attached rather quickly, and are now in a long distance relationship.
~:Relationships:~ Daughter of Santiago & Camele Martinez. Only child. 
Helen Boothe Claire Danes
The mother of Dani and Nanette, and Calvin’s wife. Helen and Calvin met in high school and got married not long after. She was obsessed with him when they were younger. He was cute and funny and only had eyes for her. Until they had kids. When he started paying them more attention than her, Helen started to hate him. She turned her attention to Dani first, trying to mold him into the perfect daughter. Until he broke and changed. And then she started with Nanette. Nanette’s been the easier to manipulate. Helen isn’t above petty veiled insults and made sure to encourage her daughter to date a “nice boy”. Helen lost interest in her family, with the exception of Nanette, and has even spent most days staying with her parents, instead of in her home with her husband. Helen is having an affair, which is encouraged by her father and mother, as Cal’s just not good enough for her.
~:Relationships:~ Calvin Boothe: Helen’s husband. He’s a dedicated man and was completely in love with Helen. She can never forgive him for having loved their kids more than he loved her. She doesn’t know that he knows she’s having an affair. Dani & Nanette Boothe: Helen’s children. She’s spent years trying to control and manipulate them, trying to make them damaged just enough to make them do what she wants. Greg Towers: Helen’s new man. She was set up with him by her parents. Greg has zero interest in his children and worships the ground that Helen walks on.
Greg Towers Hugh Dancy
Helen’s new boyfriend. He’s a wealthy lawyer who has no interest in children, leaving him free to give all of his attention to Helen. He was always quiet and kept his head down and kept to himself. Greg has his own law firm and has offered, more than once, to represent Helen and get everything from Calvin. She’s yet to take him up on the offer, biding her time.
~:Relationships:~ Helen Boothe: Greg’s girlfriend. He’s having an affair with her, happily, and worships her. Since he has no interest in having children, Helen doesn’t have to worry about him turning his attention away from her.
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Alfred Carreno Kevin Costner
Alfred owns his own Law Firm and is a very successful Lawyer working in many legal fields. Alfred and Loren grew up in a very strict household, with a father who was a cop. Both boys had always looked up to their father and knew they wanted to also be a part of the legal field in some way. Alfred was the more quiet, book smart one of the two while Loren could be more rowdy and always wanted to be where the action was. Despite that, the two brothers were always very close when growing up. Alfred was a good bit older than Loren and looked after him, even though he didn't need it. As adults they were a bit distant, but still care for each other greatly. Alfred met Hillary when she came in for a consultation. She was a new author, fresh out of school and wanted to know what steps she needed to take when she began publishing to keep herself from being fucked over. Alfred had taken a leap and asked the 10 years younger Hillary out for coffee, and she'd accepted. Their relationship started off hot and heavy and HIllary soon found herself pregnant with their first child, Shavon. Alfred made sure to make time for his family even with having such a demanding job (that only flourished as he aged). He is very close with all his daughters, but especially with Shelbi as she is the baby. He and Hillary still have a very healthy and thriving marriage.
~:Relationships:~ Alfred is the husband of Hillary Carreno, brother of Loren Carreno, and father of 4 girls; Shavon, Shayla, Sheyenne, and Shelbi Carreno.
Hillary Carreno Kristin Bauer van Straten
Hillary was the eldest sibling while growing up, and she often found herself taking care of Vera and Hyde. Their household was a bit rocky. Their father had a drinking problem, and their mother was constantly taking extra shifts at the diner she waited at to keep their electricity on. Thus, that left Hillary playing the parental figure most of the time. She didn't mind it, though, and loved her siblings very much. Hillary received a full scholarship to go to school. She'd always been a dedicated writer, constantly filling journals when she was younger with short stories. As she grew older, she started to expand her skills and started writing Erotica. At first, she just published short stories on public platforms but when she started getting so much praise and contacted by publishers, she realized it was what she was meant to do. And she enjoyed it. She met Alfred while meeting him for a consultation, and the two fell in love hard and fast. While she was pregnant with their first child, Shavon, they were married. Both Hillary and Alfred were very successful which meant she was able to stay home and focus on writing while also taking care of Shavon. The two had three more children shortly following, and Hillary found being a mother was her true calling next to being a writer. Hillary is equally close with all her girls, and extremely proud of their successes.  She is still madly in love with her husband, Alfred.
~:Relationships:~ Hillary is the wife to Alfred Carreno. Sister of Hyde and Vera McClain. Mother of 4 girls;  Shavon, Shayla, Sheyenne and Shelbi. 
Loren Carreno Teddy Sears
Loren and Alfred grew up in a strict household. Their father was a cop, and their mother was the picture perfect stay-at-home wife & mother. Loren always looked up to their father and knew he wanted to be a cop just like him. Alfred, being his older brother, tended to father him a bit himself which Loren got annoyed by - but he still loved his brother and was very close to him. Loren joined the police academy straight out of high school and passed with flying colors. Loren was a very good cop. At twenty three, he met his ex wife Caroline Sweed. The two hit it off and although Loren didn't find himself really attracted to Caroline, she was a sweet girl. He liked her, and the two were married because it just...seemed like what he was supposed to do. Only five years into their marriage, Caroline started having an affair and eventually came clean to Loren about it. She was in love with another man. Loren had known about the affair shortly after it started, he didn't blame her. He wasn't happy either, although he couldn't really figure out WHY. The divorce didn't come as a shock to him but it still put Loren into a deep depression. To counteract it, Loren threw himself deeper into his job. At thirty, Loren was promoted to detective. It was around then when Loren realized why he'd never been happy all those years...he was homosexual. If he really thought about it, he'd known all along. He just never let himself think or believe it. If he'd came out when he was younger, their father probably would have beat him until he was black and blue. Now, at thirty five, Loren is lead detective. He is the youngest to have ever  been promoted to lead detective. Loren met Norman Boothe at a party his niece Shayla was throwing to celebrate her new engagement to her costar, Warren Boothe. Shayla had introduced them, which he was sure had been a set up due to him recently coming out to his family. He and Norman hit it off and Loren found himself falling hard and fast in love with Norman.
~:Relationships:~  Brother of Alfredo Carreno. Boyfriend of Norman Boothe. Uncle of Shavon, Shayla, Sheyenne & Shelbi Carreno.    Norman Boothe: Loren’s boyfriend. They were set up by Loren’s niece. Norman is crazy about him, and is almost always up for whatever Loren wants. Even getting rid of his Hawaiian shirts.
Shavon Carreno Natalie Dormer
Shavon was the first born to Alfred and Hillary. Being the first born, she was extremely spoiled and loved by her parents. Shavon had been a bit hesitant when Hillary became pregnant with their second child, but after Shayla had born she'd realized how great it was to have a sister. Shavon was always good in school, and popular. In high school, she'd been the head cheerleader.  While in high school, she'd gone to a scouting event for modeling and  there is how her career into modeling started. Her parents were adament that she finish school, which she did, but right after she put all her time and effort into modeling and became very successful. At twenty nine, her career in modeling isn't as exciting as it was when she was younger, but she is still very successful from the contracts she has. Shavon has started writing on the side, but has yet to let anyone read any of her pieces or even told anyone she's started writing. Shavon remains very close with all her sisters, and would do anything for all of them. She is also still close with both parents, but more so her mother.
~:Relationships:~ Eldest daughter of Alfred & Hillary Carreno. Eldest sister of Shayla, Sheyenne & Shelbi Carreno.
Shayla “Shay” Carreno Emily Kinney
Shayla is the second daughter of Alfredo and Hillary. Shayla was a very bright, and vibrant child. She was constantly dancing, singing, making plays with her dolls and stuffed animals. She was huge on theatrics and watching old films as a child, as well. One year for Christmas her Uncle Loren had gotten her an old film projector and some films he'd found in a thrift store. She still had it, and treasured it dearly. Shay was constantly watching the latest movies and loved all genres. In high school, she'd even joined drama and scored all the lead rolls. Of course she went to college for acting and was in plenty of plays. While in college, to make some extra money and not have to rely on her parents so much, she'd started working at a coffee shop. There, she'd been spotted but a scout and scored her first big role in a TV series. Shay finished college and the roles just kept coming, she was never without work. Her biggest success was landing the part of Beth in The Walking Dead. Despite her age, Shay easily passed as the sixteen year old character and played it like it was written just for her. On set is where she met Warren Boothe, who was her costar Daryl Dixon in the show. After spending the evening in his trailer the two started dating, and Shay quickly fell head over heels in love with Warren. The two are still together.
~:Relationships:~ Daughter of Alfred & Hillary Carreno. Sister of Shavon, Sheyenne & Shelbi Carreno. Girlfriend of Warren Boothe. Warren Boothe: Shay’s boyfriend. They met  on the set of Walking Dead, and got very close. He loves her more than anyone else in the world, and sometimes the crew jokes that he’s her shadow, always behind her. She doesn’t seem to mind, though.
Sheyenne Carreno Evanna Lynch
Sheyenne is the third daughter to Alfred and Hillary. Sheyenne is currently in college studying to be a RN. Sheyenne was always a good student in school, and probably the quietest of the four sisters. Sheyenne tends to keep to herself, but loves her family. She is not particularly close to any of her sisters.
~:Relationships:~ Daughter of Alfred & Hillary Carreno. Sister of Shavon, Shayla & Shelbi Carreno.
Shelbi Carreno Payton List
Shelbi is the youngest sister of the Carreno family. Unlike her sisters, Shelbi struggles in school and is the wild card of the bunch. She is often caught skipping class to go meet other boys and is quite promiscuous. Despite her acting this way, she is still loved and favorited by Alfred though her mother is very worried about her damaging ways and future. Hillary knows Shelbi is brilliant, she just tends to act out for an unknown reason. Shelbi is close with all her sisters, though lashes out when they try to talk to her about her behavior and "fix" her. Shelbi insists she doesn't need fixing and that she's just living her life the way she wants to.
~:Relationships:~ Youngest daughter to Alfred and Hillary Carreno. Youngest sister of Shavon, Shayla and Sheyenne Carreno.
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Vera McClain Laurie Holden
Vera was very successful while in school as a young child. She'd also been in AP classes and even called brilliant by most of her teachers, which made their mother very proud. Vera was terrified of their father when he would have his manic episodes while drunk. She often helped Hillary take care of Hyde, even only being two years older than him. Right before high school graduation, Vera had gotten invited to a graduation party. She'd gotten very drunk and was roofied and raped by one of her school mates. Vera got pregnant from the rape. To this day, she has yet to tell anyone the truth about Jaxon being conceived and has just stuck with telling Jaxon his father was young, like her, and ran off. She holds no resentment towards her son and loves him dearly. Although she got pregnant so young, she never let it stop her from finishing school and becoming a successful obstetrician.
~:Relationships:~ Sister to Hillary Carreno & Hyde McClain. Mother to Jaxon McClain. Aunt to Shavon, Shayla, Sheyenne & Shelbi Carreno. 
Jaxon McClain Kyle Gallner
Jaxon has always been a sort of trouble maker while growing up. He was constantly getting into trouble at school for falling asleep during class, or getting caught smoking under the bleachers. Jaxon is currently in college studying Psychology. He's made a habit of dealing mary jane for extra cash. Jaxon is also bisexual.
~:Relationships:~ Son of Vera McClain. Nephew to Hyde McClain, Hillary & Alfredo Carreno. 
Hyde McClain Taylor Kinney
Hyde kept to himself a lot while growing up with his sisters. He dropped out of school at sixteen to get a job working the oil rig, and still works there to this day at thirty-one years old. He did get his GED around the age of twenty-five. Hyde has never really had any serious relationships, as he is not all that comfortable with his sexuality and being gay. He often finds himself just having casual one night stands, maybe 4 or 5 with the same person before moving on. Hyde met Calvin Boothe while at a family get together hosted by Warren and Shay. Hyde ended up fucking Calvin in a bathroom upstairs. The two have been having an affair behind Calvin's wife's back for a while now, and have managed to keep it secret from everyone. Hyde is madly in love with Calvin, and hopes he leaves his toxic marriage soon.
~:Relationships:~ Brother to Hillary Carreno & Vera McClain. Uncle to Shavon, Shayla, Sheyenne & Shelbi Carreno as well as Jaxon McClain. 
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Luke Barlow Jason Bateman
Luke grew up in a strict, Christian home. He took those values with him when he moved from home and started college to become an accountant. He met his now wife, Mary Anne, at college. The two became engaged at twenty and married the same year when she became pregnant with their first child, Skye. The two both shared the same values and tried their best to raise their children with those values, though Skye proved to be difficult. They'd made the decision to send her to a boarding school in England and rarely saw her now. They'd had their second child, Owen, later in life and are still raising him.
~:Relationships:~ Husband of Mary Anne Barlow. Father of Skye & Owen Barlow. 
Mary Anne Barlow Katherine Heigl
Mary Anne was raised much the same as Christian. Her mother was a crack addict who lost custody of Mary Anne when she was two years old. Mary was raised by her strict, Christian grandparents. In College, she met Luke. Shortly after meeting him the two became married and Mary dropped out of college to do what she was meant to do - be a mother and a wife. Mary has always held a sort of resentment to Skye as she reminds her too much of her own mother. It was Mary's idea to send Skye away, and Luke had all too fast agreed. Mary tends to dote on Owen and spoils him, though he has yet to really grasp what is going on as he is still very young.
~:Relationships:~  Wife of Luke Barlow. Mother of Skye & Owen Barlow. 
Owen Barlow Jacob Tremblay
Owen is a typical twelve year old boy. He enjoys comic books, video games, and movies about superheros. Owen is spoiled by his parents for being "the perfect child", which he really doesn't understand. He loves his parents, but loves his big sister Skye the most - even though he rarely gets to see her.
~:Relationships:~ Son of Luke & Mary Anne Barlow. Brother of Skye Barlow
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Gwendoline Morgan Eileen Atkins
The older sister of Wendy Boothe and mother to Colm and Roy. Gwendoline was always a headstrong woman. She loves her sister, but rejected Arthur at first, thinking him overly posh and that he thought too highly of himself. When they were young, Gwendoline would walk with Wendy to her opera classes, sitting outside her class until they were over and Wendy would walk with her to her fencing lessons. She grew up willful, and her parents were never very happy about it, but their tolerance for Gwen ended when she told them she was pregnant. If she knew who the father was, she refused to tell them. Even on their death beds, they never knew. Gwendoline moved out and gave birth to her oldest, Colm, and worked hard by herself to raise them, though her younger sister helped her as much as she could behind their parents’ backs. They loved their grankids, but held  grudge against Gwendoline which wasn’t reconciled until the last few years of their lives. Gwen lives in a small house in Rye, England that she moved into after coming back to England after her sons grew up, and helped Dani when he moved to England with her. No one knows what she does for a living, but she’s very well off.
~:Relationships:~ Colm & Roy Morgan: Gwen’s sons. They love their mother very much She moved to America to be closer with her sister and their cousins, and they were both sad when she returned to England, but they write to her often. Wendy Boothe: Gwen’s younger sister. The two are very close and talk on the phone at least twice a week. They have no secrets from each other, and Wendy is the only one who Gwen has told the name of her sons’ father. Gwen voices her concerns regarding her grankids and greatgrandkid and appreciates Wendy’s worry for them and promises to keep her eyes on them.
Margaret Morgan Helena Bonham-Carter
Colm’s wife, and the mother of his son. Margaret is very much a “hippy” parent, at least compared to her husband. Maragaret has always loved the countryside and being out of doors. She was often found at festivals. She met Colm at a music festival he was attending with some friends. They got on very well and eventually married. Margaret and Colm only had one child, and they raised him well and loved him very much. Margaret has been a homemaker since she and Colm got married, as he firmly believes that she deserves to be home enjoying herself. She’s never really fought against it, though it does kind of annoy her how he tells her no every single time she asks if she could get a job.
~:Relationships:~ Colm Morgan: Margaret’s husband. They have a good marriage, but Margaret doesn’t exactly appreciate his old views on her working. She doesn’t argue too much about it.  She and Colm, though they don’t seem it, really do love each other.
Colm Morgan Iain Glen
successful dude. eyy.  Businessman. CEO or something. Aidon’s dad.
Roy Morgan Brad Pitt
Such a nice guy.  Owns a construction company and usually commissions Norman for custom stained glass windows.
Cass Waters Margot Robbie
Roy’s girlfriend. Sweet. A lil ditsy. LOVES Jude because he's such a sweet boy. Potentially his momma but SHE’LL NEVER TELL IF SHE IS. Roy’s girlfrand.
Lucy Arcadia Elizabeth Olsen
The younger half sister of Nico. She was raised as the star child by her parents. They loved her with all their hearts, as did her older brother. She was never exposed to the family business, though she knows it’s no good. When she was a teen, Lucy would sneak into the carnival with her friends and would wonder what it was that she was being “protected” from. Until she saw the illegal things going on behind the scenes. Her brother was loan sharking, just like their dad, using the carnival as a front. Lucy tried not to bother it, but she’s never been happy about it. She met Aidon there one day while he was working on fixing one of the rides, and they started dating, though her brother doesn’t approve. Her niece, however, does.
~:Relationships:~ Aidon Morgan: Lucy’s boyfriend. He’s sweet and maybe a little too serious sometimes and a little too immature during others. But he’s sweet to her and that’s all that matters. She’s just hoping Nico doesn’t drive him off. Esme Lucian: Lucy’s niece. She’s always supported her and is glad they moved in together. They’ve always been more along the lines of friends than an aunt and her niece.
Aidon Morgan Charlie Hunnam
The son of Margaret and Colm. Aidon was a rather quiet boy, though he had plenty of friends. Aidon met a girl when he was in high school and dated her very briefly. She became pregnant and at 17, Aidon became a father. He had no intention of involving himself in the baby’s life until she was born, and he realized that she was the only thing he really gave a shit about in life. He helped care for her, and his parents moved her and the girl into the house, until the girl ran off in the dead of night four months after the baby was born. Aidon became a single father, and took care of Selene as best he could. Aidon finished high school about five months after she was born. His parents worked hard to make sure she couldn’t just waltz back in and take Selene away from Aidon. There are pictures around his parents’ house of him in his graduation cap and gown, holding Selene. Aidon became friends with Nico Lucian, and soon found himself mixed up with Nico’s gang. Aidon doesn’t mind being involved with them, and makes sure he always has time for his daughter.
~:Relationships:~ Selene Moon: Aidon’s daughter. Sometimes, Aidon acts less like a father and more like a brother to her, though he’s very supportive and has never missed a school function. Lucy Arcadia: Aidon’s girlfriend. She is Nico’s half sister and doesn’t exactly like the relationship that Aidon has with her brother, as it puts Aidon directly in a bad position. Dom Galloway: A good friend of Aidon. They’ve been friends since 5th grade and work together for Nico. Nico Lucian: Aidon’s “boss”. They’re friends, and Nico is a little harder on Aidon, since he’s dating his sister. 
Jude Morgan Asa Butterfield
The only son of Roy Morgan. Jude never knew his mother, but never really cared much about her, as his father was more than enough for him. Jude realized he was bi when he hit puberty and found himself staring at the guys as much as the girls.. His first crush was a boy in his gym class who was very tall and on the football team. Then there was the girl in his music class. Around 16, Jude started seeing his chem teacher. He broke it off with them and took a break from serious dating. He was on a casual date when he met Nico, who he’s currently involved with.
~:Relationships:~ Nico Lucian: Jude’s current boyfriend. Jude likes Nico, but isn’t sure that he likes what Nico does. It makes him uncomfortable, but he hasn’t fought with him too much about it. Yet.
Selene Moon Dove Cameron
The daughter of Aidon. Selene was born while Aidon was still in his senior year of high school. She grew up being raised by both Aidon and her grandparents, which meant she was constantly surrounded by family, getting close with her cousin Dani. Selene liked to experiment with new styles, making her own personal style hard to pin down as she’s constantly rotating new things. She developed a following on Instagram as a fashion influencer. Selene was exposed to Aidon’s friend Dom for a good majority of her life, and grew up with a small crush on him. She’s never been allowed to meet her dad’s boss. Selene intends to go to college and has been working to get a scholarship, so that her dad doesn’t have to pay for it.
~:Relationships:~ Aidon Morgan: Selene’s dad. He’s always been there for everything in her life, though she’s noticed that sometimes he doesn’t really act like a dad. It’s fine, though. He loves her more than anything and anyone in the world. She’s the center of his universe, and he’s not far from the center of her’s. Dom Galloway: Her dad’s friend. Dom’s always been supportive of her, and has even picked her up from late night parties before. Dom’s never approved of any of her boyfriends. Selene was a little surprised to find out he had the same feelings for her that she had for him. Her followers think they make acute, if not a little weird, couple. Dani Boothe: Selene’s cousin. They’ve never been super close, but Selene’s always felt like Dani was someone she could talk to, and whenever they visit each other, it’s their own personal tradition to go to dinner together and catch up. They’re like the friends who don’t talk for months, but then get together once every couple of years and act like they see each other every single day. Jude Morgan: Selene’s second cousin and possibly her best friend. Jude is 3 years older than Selene, though he doesn’t seem it. More than once, they’ve had their ages mixed up, due to Jude’s young face. They’ve always been close, and Aidon has a very old video of Selene smushing cake into his hair on her first birthday, which both children thought was hilarious.
Dom Galloway Frank Iero
A friend of Aidon and Nico. He was born to hippy parents who thought Freedom Galloway was a great name for a kid. Dom has known Aidon since high school, and met Nico a few years before Aidon did, which was why the man seemed to be okay to Aidon, since Dom had always been a good judge of character. He was always passionate about music, though he was sure that he wouldn’t be able to make that an actual career. He hasn’t seen his parents in years, due to a blow-out fight that caused his father to kick him out of the house, making him homeless. He kept it a secret from his friends. Dom joined up with Nico, who gave him a job working the horror-themed labyrinth at the carnival and playing the stage on Saturdays. He eventually got into YouTube, and began posting his music to YouTube in his spare time, which has garnered a bit of attention. Though he still works the carnival, Dom is now considered a music YouTuber, and makes some ad revenue money from his videos.
~:Relationships:~ Aidon Morgan: Dom’s best friend. They’ve been friends since high school, and Aidon’s always been there to encourage Dom’s passions. Nico Lucian: Dom’s boss. Nico found Dom wandering the Carnival grounds after a blow-out with his parents, and convinced him the join his gang and work the carnival. They’re friends, but only just. Selene Moon: Aidon’s daughter, and one of Dom’s friends, despite the age gap. Dom’s always been around for Selene, and the two have developed a relationship. Sometimes Dom feels bad for having played in to her little crush on him, but really does love her. Aidon doesn’t know they’re dating.
Nicodemus “Nico” Lucian Jeffrey Dean Morgan
The older half-brother of Lucy Arcadia. Nico had a somewhat rough childhood. His father was very controlling of Nico and his mother. They lived in a caravan and moved with a carnival, for which his mother read fortunes. Nico’s mother ran away when he was 7, leaving him with his father and his father’s gang. He never forgave her for leaving him behind. Nico grew up helping his father in the “business” and running the carnival. He became a barker and eventually took over the gang from his father, who married Lillian Arcadia. His half sister was born, and became the center of Nico’s universe. He protected her from the business, not wanting her to be involved. Nico grew up to be a charismatic and somewhat ruthless man, determined to get what he wants when he wants it.
~:Relationships:~ Lucy Arcadia: Nico’s half sister. He absolutely loves her, and is very protective of her, trying to keep her from being too exposed to the Business. He doesn’t exactly like the fact that she’s dating Aidon, even though he likes him. Aidon Morgan: An employee and friend of Nico. He likes him, but doesn’t like the fact that he’s dating Lucy. Nico brought Aidon in after being introduced to him by Dom. He tried to give him less threatening jobs, knowing he’s got a little girl at home. Dom Galloway: Another employee and friend of Nico’s. He took him in after he found him wandering the Carnival grounds after hours. Sometimes, Nico treats Dom more like a son than a friend, which the younger man doesn’t seem to mind too much. Jude Morgan: Nico’s boyfriend. They met on the carnival grounds after Nico goaded him into trying a game while he was on a date. He stole him away when he and his date got “separated” at the Haunted House.
Esme Lucian Ashley Greene
The daughter of Nico. Esme never knew her mother, though she’s heard horror stories from her aunt about her parents’ relationship, and she can’t say she’s entirely unhappy to not know her. She is a smart girl and has always excelled at anything she set her mind to. Esme was never allowed to be anywhere near her father’s friends, though she spent plenty of time at the Carnival. Nico’s always been fiercely protective of her, the same way he is towards Lucy, though lucky for Lucy, he’s never driven off any of her boyfriends before. Almost literally. Esme has never been afraid of Nico and is possibly the only person who’s willing to stand up to him. She refuses to back down against him, and she knows he must have done SOMETHING to Jasper at some point to have made him leave her. Nico wasn’t exactly happy when Esme moved out of his house and moved in, instead, with her aunt. He was even less happy with her when she took up a modeling career. She’s more than happy to be making her own way, though she’s not to happy about the cops who keep trying to get in contact with her for information about what her dad’s doing.
~:Relationships:~  Nicodemus Lucian: Esme’s dad. They used to be close when she was little, but he became somewhat overbearing as she got older, to the point of possibly having driven off her boyfriend when they were starting to get really serious. Esme loves him, but sometimes she wonders, after all the stories, if maybe he killed her mother after she was born. Lucy Arcadia: Esme’s aunt. They’ve always been close, but now they’re even closer because Esme is living with Lucy. If it weren’t for her, Esme wouldn’t know anything about her mother, including what she looked like. Lucy has always been supportive of Esme and her getting away from Nico. It’s always helped that they’re pretty close in age.
Jasper Teller Jackson Rathbone
Esme’s exboyfriend. Jasper was just a local kid who ran into Esme at a high school party when they were younger. He was a nice guy, but he had his problems. Jasper didn’t exactly have the best friends, hanging with the assholes of the school. He fit in with them though, always playing pranks on people with them. Not even the teachers were exempt. He spent plenty of time in detention. But pranks on Esme were always going too far. The two of them became very serious senior year, and had plans to possibly share a dorm at college. After graduation, they spent two months on vacation together, which Esme’s dad wasn’t very happy about since she hadn’t told him she was just going to take off. After they got home, Jasper didn’t see Esme again. Nico found him on the side of the road with a flat tire one day and offered him a ride home. He took Jasper home, but told him that if he came near Esme again, he wouldn’t have a very comfortable life anymore. Jasper never saw her again until several years later, when he was hired to photograph her for a magazine. Their relationship is still rocky.
~:Relationships:~ Esme Lucian: Jasper’s exgirlfriend. He left her without a word and hadn’t spoken to her in years. He was hired to photograph her and hopes this will give him the opportunity to make amends and possibly rekindle their relationship.
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i-am-unconditional · 5 years
Dani laughed a little, pulling her into a kiss before moving. He settled, getting more comfortable. “Mm...As long as you’ll be here when I wake up.” he murmured, smiling and gazing into those beautiful eyes of her’s.
Skye couldn’t help but to give a soft laugh when he spoke again. “Hmm. I love cats. I’ve always wanted one, but the pet deposit here is outrageous…”, she lifted her head and kissed his jaw. “Why..?”
156 notes · View notes
i-am-unconditional · 5 years
"Nine...I really hope he likes you.” he said and pulled her up into a kiss. He liked kissing her...being with her....He needed her already all over again.  “...If you get me a key, I’ll get you one.” he hummed and nuzzled against her some.
Skye couldn’t help but to give a soft laugh when he spoke again. “Hmm. I love cats. I’ve always wanted one, but the pet deposit here is outrageous…”, she lifted her head and kissed his jaw. “Why..?”
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i-am-unconditional · 5 years
He smiled and ran a hand through her hair, humming some. “I have a cat...” he hummed and shifted a little, “Uhm...He’s 2, and he is a Sphynx cat, so he’s hairless, and is either an asshole, or partially deaf and blind. Probably just an asshole.”
Skye couldn’t help but to give a soft laugh when he spoke again. “Hmm. I love cats. I’ve always wanted one, but the pet deposit here is outrageous…”, she lifted her head and kissed his jaw. “Why..?”
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i-am-unconditional · 5 years
Dain smiled, cheeks flushed. He liked that...They’d known each other for such a short time, and now he was getting a key... “Do you like cats?” he asked, staying close, keeping her body as close as possible.
Dani arched, humming happily. He ran his hand through her red hair, enjoying her lips on his skin. “Mm…You’re so good…” he breathed and shifted a little and brought hi hands to her face, bringing her up into a proper kiss before he pressed his forehead to her’s, “Can I keep you…?” he whispered.
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i-am-unconditional · 5 years
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“Do Not Stand At My Grave And Weep” – Mary Elizabeth Frye
Happy Pride 2019!
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i-am-unconditional · 5 years
“Good.” he sighed. He could feed Nine in the morning. Of course, the cat would be annoyed. But he’d set up enough food and water for him for the whole evening, and made sure he had music running on loop for him. He wrapped his arm around her, getting comfortable. “Mm...I might take you up on that.”
Dani arched, humming happily. He ran his hand through her red hair, enjoying her lips on his skin. “Mm…You’re so good…” he breathed and shifted a little and brought hi hands to her face, bringing her up into a proper kiss before he pressed his forehead to her’s, “Can I keep you…?” he whispered.
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i-am-unconditional · 5 years
Dani smiled, shifting a little bit. “I love the red. I’m just curious.” he murmured, closing his eyes. He was amazed how easily her touch could switch from arousing him to relaxing him. He sighed a little and brought his hand up to his own hair, pushing it back. “...Can I stay with you tonight...?” It felt rude to assume.
Dani arched, humming happily. He ran his hand through her red hair, enjoying her lips on his skin. “Mm…You’re so good…” he breathed and shifted a little and brought hi hands to her face, bringing her up into a proper kiss before he pressed his forehead to her’s, “Can I keep you…?” he whispered.
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i-am-unconditional · 5 years
A soft laugh escaped Dani. She was right. But it’d be worth it to work on it with her. “Mm...What’s your natural color?” he asked, reaching up to twirl a strand of her hair around his finger, curious. He wanted to know as much about her as he could, and that seemed like a good start.
Dani arched, humming happily. He ran his hand through her red hair, enjoying her lips on his skin. “Mm…You’re so good…” he breathed and shifted a little and brought hi hands to her face, bringing her up into a proper kiss before he pressed his forehead to her’s, “Can I keep you…?” he whispered.
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i-am-unconditional · 5 years
“Sounds like a deal.” he hummed and smiled some. Dani kissed her again, lighter this time. He liked this...being with her...He didn’t understand how she’d accepted him so easily and eagerly. Dani pulled her body down so she was flush against him. “Mm...I’m so annoyed that you’ve exhausted me so easily...”
Dani arched, humming happily. He ran his hand through her red hair, enjoying her lips on his skin. “Mm…You’re so good…” he breathed and shifted a little and brought hi hands to her face, bringing her up into a proper kiss before he pressed his forehead to her’s, “Can I keep you…?” he whispered.
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i-am-unconditional · 5 years
Dani arched, humming happily. He ran his hand through her red hair, enjoying her lips on his skin. “Mm...You’re so good...” he breathed and shifted a little and brought hi hands to her face, bringing her up into a proper kiss before he pressed his forehead to her’s, “Can I keep you...?” he whispered.
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i-am-unconditional · 5 years
Dani brought his other hand up, pushing into her red hair. He tugged on it, slowly pulling his fingers free of her. “Mm...Fuck....You make me cum so good, baby...” he  hummed and brought his fingers up, sucking her off them with a grin.
Dani kept moving his hand as his hips jerked, his whole body coming crashing down with her words. His fingertips brushed her walls as he worked his fingers in her, needing her to cum with him as he moaned out her name. “Skye…Fuck…!”
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i-am-unconditional · 5 years
Dani kept moving his hand as his hips jerked, his whole body coming crashing down with her words. His fingertips brushed her walls as he worked his fingers in her, needing her to cum with him as he moaned out her name. “Skye...Fuck...!”
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i-am-unconditional · 5 years
Dani gave a low moan, pressing closer to her, scissoring his fingers inside of her so slowly. “Make me cum...” he breathed, bucking his hips up a little. He nipped harshly at her shoulder, eager for her touches.
Dani nodded, lifting her hips. He started moving his hips with her hand, lifting them a little. “I will…” he breathed and pushed some of her hair back. His hand slid down over her back, hand coming to squeeze her rear firmly.  “I want you…” he breathed.
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