i-fucks-with-that · 2 years
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With all due respect, we know the answer to this.
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i-fucks-with-that · 2 years
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"If I was so dead, where was my funeral?! Where’s my headstone?"
I'm haunted by both these quotes and the idea of what would have happened had Timothy Goose found Ylfa after she'd well ...
Quote is by Kristin Chang
now available as a print
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i-fucks-with-that · 2 years
Reposting again. It’s been two long years without you. I miss you deeply every minute of every day. I wish every day that you could have met Tali, but sometimes I believe that she wouldn’t have come to this world if you hadn’t left it. I see you in her eyes, in her smile, in the way she looks at me in the morning and the way she hugs me at night. It’s like she’s known me for longer than she’s existed, which is probably just me being crazy. You’d be so proud of Bane, he’s a big boy and is so smart. He looks just like his dad, but he’s got the Gusler mean streak. Poppy would’ve loved him. You both would’ve loved Tali.
I dream about you a lot. You and poppy and aunt Sara and uncle Jack. It’s strange. They’ve all been gone for years, I haven’t seen them since I was tiny. I think I’m just nostalgic of times and places and people that no longer exist. I love you all. I hope you are resting easy together.
Until we meet again ❤️
Dear Daddy,
I know you’re in a lot of pain right now, and I know this isn’t what you were planning in life. I know you’re scared; even if you won’t admit it. I’m scared too. We both know I’m not going to be okay once you leave us all, but I’ll try my hardest.
I’m sorry we never got to see the family farm. I still hope to. It seems like you have so many good memories there and I want to experience what has been gone since well before my existence in your life. I’m also sorry we never went to Germany. I really thought we would someday, but it’s not looking like that’ll be happening. There’s so many things that will be happening a long time from now and you won’t be with us for those, and I’m sorry for that too.
I love you daddy. More then anyone else in the world. The only person I love more is the baby, and I know you can understand that. I’m so happy you and him know each other. He loves his poppy so so much. Gusler boys forever, right?
I just wanted to thank you for everything. You’re the single soul in this world I can trust with everything. You never judge me and you never make me feel like I’m wrong for feeling the way I do. I know you questioned yourself as a parent, especially with everything that has happened with the others. I’m sorry you lost them, but I need you to know that I’m so happy you’re my dad. No one else could have been there for me the way you always have been. I can only hope to be half the person you are.
There is so much more I could say but my minds a jumble right now. I just need you to know that you are loved so much. I love you so so much and Bane loves you so so much. We’ll always love you, no matter where you go, what you become or where you go to rest. You are always welcome back into our family if your soul so chooses to return to earth, and if not I do hope whatever awaits you is much kinder to you then this world was.
Always and forever,
Your baby girl
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i-fucks-with-that · 2 years
Never stop being a good person because of bad people.
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i-fucks-with-that · 3 years
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Not a good picture at all but this is the growth of the philodendron 💚 he’s now in the second biggest pot I own and has amazing variegation
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I bought this and it was labeled as a baby pothos buuuuuuut I believe it’s a baby philodendron which is even better 💚💚💚 could anyone tell me their thoughts?
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i-fucks-with-that · 3 years
adhd is awesome because I spent 3+ hours cleaning the grout in my bathroom and laundry room with cleaner so acidic I had to wear gloves and goggles and I would literally rather do that than laundry
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i-fucks-with-that · 3 years
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an ADHDer’s guide to sitting properly in chairs: step 1...forget everything you think you know about sitting (part 2)
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i-fucks-with-that · 3 years
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i-fucks-with-that · 3 years
the only thing currently stopping me from believing i’m faking is that i didn’t know what tics were when i started ticcing
i literally thought my neurons were imploding
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i-fucks-with-that · 3 years
Reblog if you have a tic disorder, you like frogs, or you’re secretly two raccoons and a possum in a trench coat
No one will ever know which one!
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i-fucks-with-that · 3 years
i hope all the systems, all the ticcers, the autistics, the disabled, my ppl with personality disorders, the ones with psychotic disorders, to my bipolar and bpd pals, the adhders, to my anxious and depressive ones, my neurodivergents and neuroatypicals, a really good day or night
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i-fucks-with-that · 3 years
With the impending doom of Tumblr fucking up again, He knows what he must do, He must call out to his brethren from beyond the dimensions. The man making the call? Norville Rogers, Shaggy as you know him.
“Like, I’ve got to focus, and send my message across the Shag-Multiverse.”
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“Like, Can anyone here me? Come in?
*Meanwhile in another universe”
“What was that? What, that sound, that voice, and Like this sensation, is that you Green Shaggy?”
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“Like which one are you man?”
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“I’m the Red Shirt Shaggy from the 1980′s, I’m currently leaving a mansion I inherited to check out this Finishing School. Like why have you contacted me?”
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“Like man, Tumblr needs our help, it’s falling to shit man, and we need to ban together to stop this fuckery before it’s too late.”
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“Like it’s that serious huh, very well, I shall aid you, but this may be bigger than we thought, Quick, send you telepathic signal to me, and I will pass it through the other Shag-Verses and rally other Shaggy’s to our side.”
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*Red Shirt Shaggy feels the telepathic signal form Green Shaggy, he quickly sends the message across the Shag-Verse and hopes for the best*
“Like that’s done. Now hopefully the other Shag’s hear our message for help. But no time for questioning, Scoob, We gotta a mission, we’ve got to save Tumblr, let’s go man!”
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*Wasting no time, Red Shaggy launches himself through space and time, Heading to 2018 to help Tumblr. Meanwhile, other Shaggy;s begin to hear the call.*
*The old west, 1900*
“Like Scooby ol’ partner ol’ friend, ol’ buckaroo, Sounds like our other selves need some help with this Tum Blar? Like what in tarnation is a Tum Blar? Eh, it doesn’t matter, point is, we got some work to do buckaroo.”
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*Meanwhile in the 70′s, a meeting between four is about to end as this Shaggy must borrow a friends vehicle to jump time*
“Like batman, Can I borrow the Batmobile, it’s like important man. Somewhere someone needs my help, and Like I plan to do it.”
“Shaggy, your sudden heroism has touched me, Of course you may use the Batmobile, but where are you going.”
“Like to 2018 Batman.”
*Batman is shocked but understanding, Robin however..*
“Holy time travel Batman, he can’t be serious.”
“Now boy wonder, I’m sure Shaggy is telling the truth, Good luck Shaggy, I hope it goes well for you.”
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*In another universe*
“Like we forget the vampire Scoob, We’ll just come back another time, Right now the Future of Tumblr needs us. 
*Shaggy points the stake at his former target*
“Like we’ll be back for you man.”
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*Meanwhile in another universe and 20,000 feet in the air, A pilot Shaggy is preparing to make the jump, but it’s all about to be interrupted by an unwanted presence.*
“Like Zoinks!!! It’s the Space Cook!!! 
The Space Cook let’s out a cackle. 
“Like Tumblr has to wait, we have our own problems at the moment.”
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*In another universe….again*
“Like that deal could’ve gone over much better Scooby-Doo, but we still have enough money for a new wardrobe, Maybe finally I can find something that looks less…shady. 
*Suddenly, the shady looking shaggy hears the call of his brothers*
“Zoinks, Scooby, Like man, we gotta jump time again, the future needs us.”
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*In another unknown timeline*
*Transylvania, 1600*
“Like, It seems that my Brothers need my help, Very well, They shall see what the crown prince of darkness, Count Shagula can do.” 
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*Meanwhile in the Edo era of Japan*
“Like we gotta hurry and deal with this guy Scooby- Doo, The others are going to like need us man.” 
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*In another universe, in a cave, at some point in the 2010′s*
“Like these morons will get themselves killed without me. Man and just when I was about the like relax, Guess I better help them with the Tumblr problem.”
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*In another universe just like our own and in the year 2000*
“Like I guess these guys could use some help, luckily, I’ve been training my whole life for this moment!”
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*In another universe that just seem…odd*
“I guess these guys could use my help as well, Fine, Like I can lend them my Ultra Instinct for this fight I guess.”
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*And finally the last universe*
“Scoob told me Jiren wouldn’t be too much of a problem, and he was right, I like, barley had to use any strength and he went down with one punch, But this tumblr, now this seems like a challenge. Like, I might even have to use my final form. But only time will tell man.”
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*Back in the 60′s timeline*
“Like I feel it scooby, I can feel them all of them. all twelve of them, They’re here to help us and tumblr, I know we can do it, Quick, We gotta jump timelines and meet with Red Shaggy. Let’s go man.”
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*Finally, the two lead Shag’s meet up in our timeline to help us*
“Like man, it is good to see you”
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“Same to you man! But no time for talk, we gotta a website to save. Like the others should be joining us here soon”
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:You’re right man, Like let’s go, let’s save Tumblr.”
*And so the two Shaggy’s rush into battle ready to fight for Tumblr*
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…To be continued….Maybe….If I feel like it.
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i-fucks-with-that · 3 years
“But I must admit I miss you terribly. The world is too quiet without you nearby.”
— Lemony Snicket // The Beatrice Letters
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i-fucks-with-that · 3 years
May 16 2021 - I gave birth to a tiny little girl. I know you guys sent her. She kept me so busy both days that I’d usually spend crying because I missed you. Thank you. She’s the best present.
Talia Faye Gusler-Becker
June 5 2019 - I miscarriaged my baby. My little black bird left the world before he even had a chance to join it. I will always wonder who you would become. I’m sorry baby. I love you.
June 7 2020 - My Daddy took his last breath. I was at work. I need him still. I miss him so much. It hurts to not have him be only five minutes away. I was five minutes away when he died. I should’ve been with him. I’m sorry Daddy. I love you.
I hope you guys are together. I know you’ll take care of my little bird, daddy. I just wish it didn’t have to be so soon. I wish I could see you both. I love you both. So much. I love you.
Corby Ryan Love Gusler-Becker
James Francis Gusler
I hope I see you soon. Be safe out there.
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i-fucks-with-that · 3 years
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i-fucks-with-that · 3 years
Arthur: I hate this. I hate myself..
Charles[and the rest of Rdr2 Fandom]: That’s okay.
Charles[and the rest of Rdr2 Fandom]: I’ll just have to love you enough for the both of us until you can see yourself the way I do.
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i-fucks-with-that · 3 years
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this is the bubba of good luck 🐮
he will grant you good luck on your next squishmallow hunt, no need to reblog
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