i-love-strangerthings Β· 2 years
||Eddie Munson X Reader||
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Your mom always makes you pick up your brother Mike, and his little friend Dustin from their d&d meetups every Friday. But of course, as usual they're late. You have waited long enough in your car so you decided to just wait outside for your brother, the cool air hitting when you step outside causes you to wrap your sweater closer to your skin.
It had been a good ten minutes since you got out of your car to wait, and you were growing bored. The wind shaking the trees was the only sound you could hear, the repetition of it making you want to scream.
"Jesus Christ," you sigh into the cold air as you make your way to the door, entering the school.
As you walk farther down the halls of Hawkins High you hear laughing, which you can only assume to be your stupid brother and his weird friends.
Although you go to Hawkins High there is never a need to go to the d&d club room so you never do, which now that you think about it you should've at least took note of the room number so if you need your brother you can find him.
Your feet patter along the freshly waxed floors as you make your way to the end of the hall.
You near a few class rooms, you open the door to the first one looking inside for your brother. As you finish your visual pat down of the classroom, you hear someone's footsteps stopping behind you.
"Do you need help finding something?" A low humming voice whispers into your ear, sending shivers down your spine.
Your breathing hitches, your mind fuzzing under the warm words that left the strangers lips.
"I-I.." You stumble.
The strangers breathing becoming impatient with your slow answer.
Your breathing becomes faster and deeper as the strangers hands fall to the sides of your waist. You feel the warmth of their hand through your thin t-shirt, but slowly start to feel cold metal as the stranger places his full hands on your hips. Slowly the stranger twirls you around to face him, leaving your back against the classroom door. You take a deep breath looking upwards at the tall figure in front of you.
"I- um.. I'm looking for the d&d club room. It's stupid, I know." You stutter through struggling breathing.
"The 'Hellfire' room?" The figure questions.
"Uhh, I think so." You look to the floor trying to remember what Mikes stupid shirt said. It was either 'Hellfire' or 'Hellcastle' you couldn't remember.
"Go to the end of the hallway, then take a left." The voice slowly guides you. "Are you Mike's sister?" The boy asks you, with a tone that seems much softer than before.
"Yeah, I am, you know Mike?" I had seen this boy around school before so maybe he was one of Mike's friends, but Im not quite sure, I always assumed he was a student teacher or something.
The tall boy smiled, his long, dark, curly hair falling over his forehead ever so slightly.
"I know Mike, I'm in charge of the 'stupid' d&d club." His dark brown eyes peer into yours.
"Oh god, I-I didn't mean to be rude I just- I..." you lift your hand to cover your eyes in embarrassment.
"Oh don't worry about it, if I was a popular cheerleader I would call d&d stupid too." His comment forcing a smile through his own lips.
"How do you know I'm a cheerleader?" You ask, slight nerves tugging at your throat.
"Everyone that goes to this school knows who you are, 'Y/n Wheeler' The perfect girl." His sentence tugged a slight grin from your lips.
"I'm far from perfect." You tilt your head away from the boy in front of you.
"Well to every guy in this school you're perfect." He gently grabs your chin pulling your attention back to his face. The cold metal of his rings leaving chills on your skin.
"Good to know." You grin at him.
He gently moves his hand from your chin, goosebumps taking its place.
"I should go get my brother." You state, a frown washing over your face.
"Right, of course." He smiles at you, taking a step back from where he was standing, and lifting his hands In the air right above his head.
You giggle a little at his actions and slowly turn away heading for the d&d room.
You reach for the handle to the door, opening it swiftly. You take a step into the room drawing the attention of Mike and the other club members.
The room was small and dingy, a yellow light cascading over the black walls. The game they played sat in front of your face on a large table, the little pieces on the board almost invisible to your eye.
"Come on Mike, you were supposed to be out 20 minutes ago." You huff at him.
"God sorry," he grunts angrily. "I had to help clean up."
"I don't care about your excuses Mike, just get your stuff and let's go." You sigh. "And you too, Dustin."
You make your way back down the hallway, listening to your brother and his friend blabber on about some stupid monsters and how easy or hard they would be to defeat.
You pass the classroom that you had previously looked in for your brother, and remember being pushed up against the door seconds later by the boy who runs the stupid club your brother's in. Your heart flutters at the thought of the tall man standing in front of you.
"Hey, Mike?" You ask, interrupting the conversation he's having with Dustin.
"What?" He snaps back.
"What's the name of the guy who runs your club?" You ask, not even mad at Mike for his rude tone.
"His name is Eddie Munson."
Eddie, Eddie Munson
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