Lmfao finally someone gave her her bangs in a fanart
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Feyre Archeron
Art by rounnac
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Amen @moonfyre-s.
Also wow you responded to that so maturely I was about to reblog it and be like "a fact" huh
A fact that the fandom needs to accept is that Nesta is a much more interesting character than Feyre.
And by interesting, I don't necessarily mean 'better'. (Even though I do like Nesta more than Feyre).
Feyre's story was just so predictable from the start in my opinion.
Kind & selfless personality.
Somehow she ends up being oh so powerful.
Her love interest is also one of the most powerful characters.
She's responsible for saving everyone from the big bad villain.
And so on and on...
It's like a classic MC story, you know?
With Nesta, you never knew what to expect.
She isn't typical MC material.
She's cold and harsh. She never has all her emotions out on display.
She's seemingly against all the other characters, but not a villain.
She's also the main reason why the dynamic between her and Cassian was so full of tension & intriguing.
I just wish that SJM kept that energy for her in ACOSF.
(Edit: This is NOT an Anti-Feyre post😂)
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Thank you for this beautiful reminder, I was having a bad day and this made me smile ☺️
I cannot explain the happiness I feel when I think about Rhys
This man literally spent 50 years in hell, fell in love, met back with his family when he thought he will never see them again, his soulmate loved him back, all of his family and his mate survived the war, his city stayed relatively safe, he got a son
He's gonna have his happily ever after with Feyre and Nyx
After his whole 500 year life was living hell in most of it, he can finally be just a happy dad in love with the most baddest females in the world
He can play matchmaker with his wife for the rest of his family
He will spend days with his son, giving him the love that he never got from his own dad
It just makes me so happy that they can finally be happy together
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Rhys BECAUSE he has more influence over others as well as political power, and he has more control over his power, and I think being able to read and control minds can trump any more physical-type power. Although I'd be curious to see where everyone falls on the spectrum that exists in the CC world
Winner will go up against Aelin and Hunt 👀
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I didnt like acosf but I'm willing to give SJM a shot at redemption
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Awww thanks that's so sweet 🥰 just gotta generate some ideas now lmk if you got any!!!
Mor-Feyre-Cassian is the ultimate trio. Never forget that scene in ACOFAS where Feyre and Cassian are drunkenly decorating and Mor just yells “who let Feyre and Cassian decorate,” knowing that the mess has to be them. Rhys even says he can tell exactly which decorations those two did and which ones Azriel tried to fix
I always thought it was pretty obvious that Mor & Cassian are like Feyre's people. She hit it off with them immediately.
I wish we'd see more of feyre-mor-cassian fucking shit up and azriel trying to clean up their mess but joining them in the end.
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This makes me want to write more fanfic
Mor-Feyre-Cassian is the ultimate trio. Never forget that scene in ACOFAS where Feyre and Cassian are drunkenly decorating and Mor just yells “who let Feyre and Cassian decorate,” knowing that the mess has to be them. Rhys even says he can tell exactly which decorations those two did and which ones Azriel tried to fix
I always thought it was pretty obvious that Mor & Cassian are like Feyre's people. She hit it off with them immediately.
I wish we'd see more of feyre-mor-cassian fucking shit up and azriel trying to clean up their mess but joining them in the end.
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I just know that if Rhys's mom and sister's heads hadn't been sent to him, the most amazing theory ever would be that Ruhn was descended from them somehow
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I'm rereading crescent city and Ruhn is talking about the starsword and the knife, which we know to be Truth Teller. The prophecy says, "When knife and sword are reunited, so shall our people be." (Page 458). I think the people being reunited is going to play a role in the High King plot. I think somehow the two weapons are going to come together which will finally unite all of Prythian, maybe all the Fae territories.
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God I love them
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I said to Keir in a voice that belonged to another woman, “Perhaps I’ll put a leash on you.”-Feyre, ACOWAR.
🎨: termesart
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Lmfaooo cuz tamlins a tool
We really don’t talk about how good Tamlin had it by the beginning of acomaf. He stole this random human girl that would come to save him even though he doesn’t deserve it. She beat the curse, became Fae, and agreed to marry him. Again, he hasn’t lifted a finger. And he got his court back in full glory after FIFTY years. How did he still fumble all that and has now become a loser? What if he didn’t ignore feyre during her nightmares? What if he talked to her enough to understand her triggers? Even after she went with Rhys she still came back to the spring court. Feysand still weren’t even close. He still had a chance but instead he locked her up. Rhysand wasn’t even going to reveal that they were mates which would’ve gave him a better opportunity over tamlin. And tamlin STILL messed up. He didn’t give Rhysand a lot to fight against 😂
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We must discuss N.esta seeing Elain and Feyre happy and healed as a threat or attack against her.
Not once did she appreciate them making it out of the war alive or elain working to overcome her own tramua in the cauldron. Did she even say thank you to elain for saving her life? But she kept repeating how she protects and loves elain yet shamed her for healing her relationship with feyre AND threw their fathers death in her face, while n.esta was having issues with his death herself. Feyre definitely couldn’t be happy and people couldn’t like or love feyre without her envious weird comments, and she even mocked feyre finding her own family but went on to call E.merie and G.wyn sisters with absolutely no problem. She even sympathized with E.meries struggles with her family’s words and insults but couldn’t even keep herself in control to not use Feyres and her baby death against her. Not to mention she cursed at elain for RIGHTFULLY telling her not to stress their youngest, pregnant sister out who is having life-threatening issues. I wouldn’t care how she felt about elain and feyre if she was out of their lives and somewhere taking care of herself for the first time in her life
I can only applaud Amren, Rhysand, and Morrigan for giving her the same energy she gives other people. I don’t understand how she can be cruel but the second someone doesn’t put up with that shit, it becomes a problem. Queen Morrigan and Amren 🥰
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I'm so glad there was this vague chunk of time in their relationship because it makes for some damn good fanfic opportunities 😁 but also I want every conversation between them written by SJM herself please
What I haven't realized before re-reading ACOMAF is just how soft things had gotten between Rhys and Feyre after the Summer Court. It is described in a very understated way in the book, but it is clearly said that they started to spend time alone practicing Feyre's magic, mind-to-mind but also other things, and that whenver they had to spend time apart, they'd pass notes- and the notes, the notes... It did start flirty, teasingly, snappish, yes, but further along the line we see Rhys just wondering if Feyre could tell him about her love for painting, and she asks him back about his dreams - and they just use this time to wonder about and to get to know each other. And I cannot stress enough how this particular scene made my heart swell - because it shows how they started to get soft around each other. And even before Hewn City, when all is going to shit, and they have to sell out Velaris, it is said that Rhys tells Feyre about the Veritas "over a quiet dinner". And I'm just...
Somewhere in-between, Rhys and Feyre started having quiet dinners, and sharing silence, and wondering about one another, and just growing this sense of shared comfort.
And honestly, it makes the steamy scene in Hewn City look different when you keep that in mind. It's easy to overlook but they did not go from Summer Court jealousy and flirtation to getting intimate, but rather they went from jealousy and a fear of never getting a chance with each other, to getting closer emotionally, getting to know each other - to sharing intimacy and being unable to resist the closeness. And I just love this so much more.
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Ah 100 followers nice
Sorry for sometimes randomly not posting Im one of those people who gets super invested for a month and then does nothing for a month
I appreciate y'all and I love interacting with you you're all wonderful amazing people
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I will never let go of this fandom. I may take breaks from it but it always creeps back in and takes over my heart eventually
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That's my high lord and lady 😌
Also, there is something to be said about the fact that Rhysand, a High Fae/Illyrian half-bred, and Feyre, an immortal with a mortal soul, are the two people who are changing Phythian's history forever and, especially together, hold so much power that you can barely comprehend it. Like, they come somewhere close after the Cauldron itself - literally posessing enough power to basically mend the universe (when they fixed the Cauldron).
And I feel like there is a social commentary here, screaming directly in your face. No pure-bred High Fae comes close to this, and it's no coincidence that it's the two of them who can do all of that when it's been hinted at from the very start that the classism of Phythian is unjust and has to go.
Don't even get me started on the long-term consequences of Nyx posessing the powers of all 7 courts.
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