i-prescribe · 1 year
Tricky if you're very stiff, but persevere. It's incredible Imo, especially for women over 50...Watch "15 Minute Full Body Stress Reset: Self-Care Fascial Maneuvers #Fascia" on YouTube
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i-prescribe · 1 year
Tricky of youre very stiff, but persevere. Its incredible Imo, especially for women over 50...Watch "15 Minute Full Body Stress Reset: Self-Care Fascial Maneuvers #Fascia" on YouTube
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i-prescribe · 1 year
I really liked this and think you might too! Ive been pain managing since October with minimal pharmaceutical intervention. Its been a difficult time. This along side insight timer have really helped with the pain and the Emotional letting go of the pain.
I encourage anyone in chronic pain to give these a go
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i-prescribe · 1 year
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i-prescribe · 1 year
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i-prescribe · 1 year
You have probably eaten enough Easter egg to bring you to the edge of a diabetic coma, so while we are at the “I m never eating chocolate again” stage, use this to kick start your new eating regime in preparation for the Summer reveal.
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Here are a few “lean laws”  to help you on your way.
Be positive, a positive thought process and thinking lean and healthy will help you on your way to your goal. Every time you eat, repeat the mantra “Every meal controls my blood sugar, feeds my muscles  and makes me lean”
Set realistic goals. New eating habits must mature into a way of life , on Monday set a goal for that week  and in your journal for life, keep a note on how you are getting on . Write Today and everyday I will eat breakfast.
Review  , problems and how to overcome them and set a new goal . Add it to your list and work on one new change or tweak.
Seek support from others and give yourself  permission to say no thank you  to foods you know are not good for you. Not fueling you , or are making you feel guilty. Do not feel shy about turning down blood sugar soaring foods, feel proud for making changes and sticking to your goals
Prepare your meals,to suit your lifestyle, ingest – chew your food, digest – food that releases slowly and takes a little longer to digest will satisfy us longer and give us more energy when  assimilated. Discipline yourself .
Spirit , mind and body need to be integrated, Spirit is our conscience, the mind governs thoughts emotions and will and the body responds to the physical needs , pain and pleasure. All three need to agree for success . The mind gets caught between the body and the spirit, so find a way to convince the mind to do the right thing. Every time you  lose your resolve, Close your eyes , inhale and exhale  deeply through the nose 7 times and on each inhale repeat to yourself , I can do this because I will feel better and stronger for longer
To properly fuel the body , know what to do. Everybodies calorie needs are different. Each meal should be 3 to 4 hours apart and should contain , protein for amino acids to maintain healthy muscle, high fiber low glycemic carbs to maintain healthy blood sugar and healthy cell activity and healthy fats to help maintain hormonal activity.
This is a little nudge fpr those of you who struggle it is not a one size fits all but one size does not fit all.... develo0 a sense of wellbeing learn how to fuel for your life . Male it wotk and teach your kids how to cook and not fear or rush food.... sit down for meals at a table , not on the fly..... if you can have at least one meal a day where you sit witj family a friend or even your pet and interact with them.... food as a joyful experience should not be missed but crucially it is what keeps us alive and functioning on so many more levels than feeding a hunger pang or a memory. Food! my loves, is medicine..... on all the planes
. Love life , eat , drink, be merry and try new things new tastes , mix it up and have fun
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i-prescribe · 1 year
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i-prescribe · 1 year
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i-prescribe · 1 year
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i-prescribe · 1 year
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i-prescribe · 1 year
Watch "TRUTH about the Irish - First slaves brought to the Americas - Forgotten History" on YouTube
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i-prescribe · 1 year
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YOU are the embodiment of the masculine and feminine. The Ebb and Flow of life filters through You, like a River... The parts which are broken or damaged, need addressing. They need you to love them enough to let them go or clear the debris. Love your SELF with all of YOU.... YOU! are #divine YOU are the #universe. #breathe https://www.instagram.com/p/Cp5AJato1Sc/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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i-prescribe · 1 year
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i-prescribe · 1 year
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In the 90s I was trying to break into Leisure Management in leisure centers. This was before I studied business but I had alot of experience, had delivered training courses and managed a Leisure Center in the Isle of Man. One guy over a period of time giving me a leg up so to speak, suggested if I wanted the big job, I was going for, that I needed to start sleeping with him. When I went to his bosses, ungeard of back then, they threw me out as a liar and made my life hell.... I lost my job a few months later, a job Id developed into something that made them quite a few quid....he tried to get his own back for exposing him and I had quite a hill to climb afterwards across the Industry . Anyway, I went to Turkey on a fitness holiday, with a client , as I had developed a personal training business and decided self employed, I could control. I was the first Irish PT. With multiple qualifications and a hi price tag. I got picked up to model in this Hotel and I decided to stay and do some work ,when they found out my background. They gave me a chance bigger than anyone else, as I had loads of ideas and we were on the cusp of stress management and other exciting platforms, regarding wellness. The Turks were doing amazing work in wellness and physio and I believed I could bring back what I implemented and do it on my own .. They gave me a team and off I went.. what an education they gave me.The Turks gave me my first real chance without a fight , when I naively asked why are they giving me this chance in a Muslim Country I was told anyone who has an idea and can back it up, gets a chance regardless of gender. They gave me my first fk you moment when I came home to every dickhead I met in the business and I went my own way, doing all the firsts in the business, I could manage .... when Irish mysoginistic dicks in the fitness game were waving their willies around. I was doing me....the point of this post is, fk them all, no matter what you're doing and do you, if someone blocks you go around them and look back at them as they turn to salt, you are the main course. Stop moaning and complaining about discrimination in work, you've no idea.Don't follow, or sit,LEAD https://www.instagram.com/p/CpQkPjXIuvN/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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i-prescribe · 1 year
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i-prescribe · 1 year
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#NoFilter Bray #Sunrise #wellness #walk (at Bray Seafront, Bray, Co. Wicklow) https://www.instagram.com/p/CnmIi2VNfDs/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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i-prescribe · 1 year
I Prescribe _ Podcast
A Podcast that prescribes different forms of wellness to help You take control of your life. Starting with Yoga Postures and Movement.... Dip in Dip out......
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