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Hey guys i just wanna make an announcement I'm so sorry ive been inactive for a couple months my mental health was taking a told on me and i need to be alone for a while but I'm back now and can't wait to start posting again ❤❤
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everyone else is making these so I jumped on the bandwagon lmao 
idk if anyone else has done this so here we go 
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students: *not sticking to the status quo*
the entire cafeteria:
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Follow us on Instagram for the best content! https://www.instagram.com/realmelonmemes
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another decade has passed and guess who’s still here? the moon. she’s always been here and she’ll always be she’s a Loyal friend to all of us say thank u moon
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A Guide To Exploring Abandoned Churches
If you go alone, don’t bring a flashlight. You’ll see things you don’t want to.
Don’t bring groups bigger than 12.
Bring water and some snacks, but no wine.
If you have to sleep there, sleep in the sanctuary, but not on a pew.
If you try to read the hymnal, the words won’t be english anymore.
The Bibles will be blank until you confess.
Don’t go into the confession booth. The man talking to you is not the priest, and you don’t want to know what he really is.
The cross on the wall changes locations, don’t look at it for too long.
If you see someone praying at the altar, don’t approach them. If they approach you, don’t talk to them. Leave immediately.
If you hear the organ playing while you’re in the basement, know that your time is running out.
If it plays while you’re in the sanctuary, your time is up.
Take whatever you want, but if you find that one of your possesions is missing, don’t look for it. Let them have it. It’s not worth your life.
If you find a rosary, don’t put it on. It won’t help.
The water isn’t holy anymore. Throwing it on the demons in the shadows won’t work.
Drink the wine if you wish to never leave.
Don’t get seperated from your friends.
If you spend the night, leave at sunrise otherwise you’ll enter another plane of reality with no way back.
If you don’t spend the night, leave through the doors you came in.
You might look behind you after leaving and see that the church isn’t there anymore. It means that they took what they wanted.
Never enter the same abandoned church twice. Even (especially) if you forgot something inside. That’s a lure. On your second tour through, they will know enough about you to keep you there.
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best songs of the decade, ranked
1. disturbia by rihanna, 2008
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Some sweet hesdcanons I sometimes think of because unfortunately I am a sucker for romance
- Gurjin is the one to akwardly give flowers to the one he adores, he will be muttering and stuttering some explanations but eventually is just at loss for words and be like „anyway..these are for you!!“
- Brea pays a lot of attention to what her partner says and remember every little detail. Even though she can be very absent at times (being busy as a princess, spending too much time in the library or just exploring) she surprises them by suddenly bringing their favorite food/flower/book, etc.
- Charismatic Rian can turn into the biggest, flustered goofball of all times, when his partner gives him random compliments, such like ‘you have beautiful eyes’ or ‘you’re so considerate and encouraging!’ - then just watch his eyes go big and his face to beet red
- Similar to Brea, Seladon is a very busy individual as well and so she’ll be the one to show extra much affection and attention when she has some free time. Then she will take them to random sweet dates or try to get her work done around her partner
- Deet is very much into giving random, sweet physical affection. When her partners cooking she will give a sweet hug from behind, or like to hold hands whenever they walk around. It happens unconsciously even; when the same is done to her she’ll be shy and flustered first but eventually very happy and all smiling
- Kylan will get inspired by his partner to write new songs or compose new songs only for them. He will play them in front of his partner - sometimes mentioning it’s about them, sometimes he’ll be too shy to admit it, but when the feedback is positive he’ll be even happier than ever.
- Tavra is the one to tease her partner constantly, always having a sly smirk on her face, though she will always leave a small peck on their head, cheek or lips when doing so!
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Hux: I’m the spy.
Poe and Finn:
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Urgent question, very important
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the sexual tension between two gas stations on the same intersection
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I don’t know how exactly, but this is somehow Tolyn’s fault.
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