Individual Practices by Shakuntali
How to uncover the secret of your predestination
How to understand your mission and place in this world? Break out of routine, find meaning and happiness? Individual practices will help with these issues. This is the story of our student Jessica.
Jessica, Hamburg:
I decided to write this text because I am sure it can help many people. I really hope so)))
I knew I will become a financier when I grow up since I was a child. I had a phenomenal ability in mathematics, and my parents were sure that I would become a successful economist. My mom worked as a seller. My father worked as a middle level manager. It is not surprising that the life of the financier seemed to them more successful. And rich, let’s face it.
Since I was a child, this idea was laid by my parents in my head, and I was sure that it was my passionate desire to get such a wonderful profession.
And I did it. By the age of 25, I was a leading economist in a large international corporation with a solid salary and a bunch of corporate privileges. But I worked a lot.
At that time, I had no idea that there was shamanism, individual practices and other mystical things out there. But my best friend Ruth has always been fond of studying otherworldly forces and human mission. It was she who took me to that fateful individual practice to Shakuntali.
I felt comfortable and calm sitting in front of this beautiful woman with incredible eyes. Half an hour flew like one minute. Shakuntali scanned my aura, looked through all my past lives and checked the astrological dates. Her voice still sounds in my head. Then she said that a great mission awaits me, for I was born in order to help people.
Naturally, I did not believe Shakuntali. And even, I confess, I almost laughed in her face. I said that my mission is to become a great financier, and no individual practices can convince me otherwise. I left her with a light heart. My skepticism of a born mathematician prevailed over feelings. And I tried to forget about this session and about this amazing woman.
But I could not. Shakuntali’s words sounded in my head every day. Now, in a dream and in reality, paintings from distant childhood appeared to me. As a kid, I was constantly bringing home stray kittens, chickens that fell out the nest.
Once I even brought home an old-timer dirty dog ​​with a broken paw. It was the size of me. Terrified, my mother refused to tackle its paw, because it terribly scorched its fangs and did not let anyone close to me. So a seven-year-old girl washed and bandaged its broken paw for several days until everything healed and the dog went to the shelter.
Well, I still love animals. But this is not a reason to quit promising work. This is what I was thinking.
And then I remembered that not only the animals needed my help. On a subconscious level, I always felt someone else’s pain. And when I got older, I was able, putting my hands on my mother’s back of head, to relieve her of a headache.
And indeed there were many more cases when I relieved people of pain. Many have told me that my presence is very favorable for their well-being, apparently I still had some healing abilities.
And then one day I called Shakuntali. Tongue-tied, I explained that she was right and that I would like to develop my gift, but I have no idea how to do it. I just need her individual practices.
Shakuntali remembered me immediately. And she got very happy. She felt that I would be back. After all, having revealed to me my true mission, she launched that invisible mechanism that changes a person’s fate for the better. She invited me to her classes.
I not only attended seminars and individual practices, used magic objects, but I also began to live along the individual development path that Shakuntali created especially for me. And my life has changed dramatically.
Within a few years, I created a center to help people in difficult situations. We help everyone who needs it. We conduct seminars, lectures, we are engaged in the spiritual development of people, help them find their way in life. And, of course, we help financially.
I do not regret leaving the work of an economist. Because only now I feel really happy! And useful. And still the same ambitious))) Now I am thinking of ​​a rehabilitation center for animals. In the meantime, I took a huge dog from the shelter. It is very similar to that dog from my childhood)))
I am very grateful to Shakuntali. If it were not for her individual practices, I would never have discovered my predestination. I would never have become happy.
Lost Tradition
When we come to this world, there is no information either about our past life, or about why we reappeared in our memory. Ask your child who they would like to become when they grow up. They will either think for a long time or thoughtlessly blur the first profession that has come to their mind. Or the most popular one.
Who we really are is a great secret hidden from us by higher powers. People with special abilities – shamans, masters, mentors – will help to understand it. Previously, shamans and priests conducted individual practices for everyone who turned to them for help. Without the approval of a wiseman, people rarely decided on important actions. Therefore, there were many more happy and successful people.
In the modern world, the tradition of seeking help from the wisemen has almost completely disappeared. Unfortunately.
Information Field Traps
People are used to looking for the needed information on the Internet. I myself am like that. But is it reliable? In addition, there is a high probability of running into scammers, pseudo-tutors and false coaches…
They can position themselves as anyone, but there is practically no chance of getting real help from them. Indeed, in order to conduct effective individual practices, you need to devote a lot of time to your development and have a special gift.
Shakuntali has long been helping people around the world become happy, find their life mission. Her practice is very deep. After all, only with close interaction with a person, their aura and past incarnations, Shakuntali most clearly sees their mission and path.
Shakuntali’s individual practices  are unique. In just 30 minutes, it can radically change a person’s life and help them find what they have been looking for many years. I know for sure!)
Not everyone is able to know their predestination. And many simply do not know how to do this. Individual practices are the best way to comprehend your destiny and change it for the better. Only half an hour of your time – and everything will change. After all, each of us dreams of becoming happy, healthy, loved, and successful.
And it is possible! You just need to visit Shakuntali’s individual practices held and purchase objects of power!
Three Steps to Understanding Your Mission
How to understand why you came to this world? Here’s what my tutor advised:
1. Listen to the tips of the Universe
What do you like? What delights you? Painting, music, dancing? If you are attracted to something, try it! Make appointment with a music teacher, write poems or paint a picture. It won’t work, it’s okay, so it’s not yours. You will continue to search for something that is yours.
2. Try different things!
Do not limit yourself artificially. Maybe in childhood, at the insistence of your parents, you studied at a ballet school, but you dreamed of becoming a sculptor. Get back to this dream now! Swimming, dancing, horse riding – anything! Try more and find what you really enjoy.
3. Have the diagnosis of your life mission
Tutor sees your past in other lives and the mistakes you once made. Because of them, your life is not going good right now. To fix this, you need the help of an experienced tutor.
Spirits brought you here and this means that you are on the verge of a new stage – the discovery of supernormal abilities, contact with spirits and understanding of your life mission. All this will be revealed to you at the next Shakuntali’s seminar. Follow the call of the spirits!
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Spirit of betrayal
Spirit — is dark bio-energetic essence. It gets in human body through holes in person aura, to feed them self with vital energy of person. At start spirit starts influence on thoughts and action just a bit, a part. For example, suddenly person exploding, feeling negative emotions or in other actions, that are not particular to this person. Deeper penetration into body it could be through bad habits, often through depression and irritability. The last phase — it is hole control of your actions and life.
How to understand, that you need help?
General signs of evil spirit:
That you have bad habits, addiction, which you want to get rid of, but can’t;
Long depression, emotional instability, fears, irritability;
Nightmares, troubles dreams, lack of sleep;
Fingers of arms and foots often are cold, even if you are not freezing;
Periodically you feel blurred vision, dizziness;
You often feel discomfort in your stomach;
You have pain in your neck and back.
Be aware dark spirit!
Relationships with beloved person were starting incredibly. Romantic meeting, kisses, gentle words, hours of talking souls by soul. Understanding and trust was like a fundamental of your relations. But in one moment all changed…
If you beloved person became prisoner of Spirit of betrayal — it is not only strong blow on his vital energy and karma, but your also. Spirit of betrayal is very dangerous, because are sucking source of energy from many people in the same time.
How to get rid of? How to stop this process?
Rid of this kind of spirit isn’t easy. Like a minimum you will need many extrasensory sessions. For each person is individual the level penetration of evil spirit in your bio-energetic aura.
I am, hereditar Siberian Shaman Shakuntali, I am ask help from light spirit helpers and I can free you from this evil spirit from your bio-energetic field. After, that I am providing rehabilitation process step by step for both partners — closing opened channels in aura, healing the psycho-emotional state, harmonizing flow of energy between partners.
You can contact me by Skype and ask for individual help. After diagnostic I will tell you, what you should do to solve your problems. Remember, how long time you are not solving your problem, than more harder will be solve it. Be wise!
To prevent Spirit of betrayal go into your life, follow step by step recommendations.
Constantly, make your relationships with partner better. You can use knowledge, that are written in book “Adventures of Mystics”. Simple tips how to make your personal life more deeper, improve your sexual relations, create union, harmony and strong family. Book have special magic code — how often you are reading it, than faster will solve all difficulties.
Give support to your partner. Life experience of my Shaman linage is written in concrete articles with recommendations on website. They will help you to go through all difficulties on different phases of your life. If you feel, that you need help come to individual session with Shakuntali.
Be charmless. Ancient Secrets of Shamans and magic music of Transformation will fill you with femininity and youth.
Have your own object of power, talisman from evil around you.
My dears, I wish you to be beloved and happy. I wish that your family relations will be protected with strong hall from all evil.
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Healing baths
“Water — is the best in the universe substance that can store and transmit information.
If you were advised to take a bath — you know: Shakuntali begins to adjust to you and send you her healing energy.
So you can quickly get it is necessary to:
– Try fasting at the same time every night before bed take a bath
– Water must be body temperature, i.e. about 36 degrees:
– Diseases of the spine at an ideal temperature — 34 degrees (if the cold, it can be 35 degrees), the heart does not try to be immersed in the water, wherein water can be added in the grass (birch, etc. — see. G. Malakhov)
– If something particularly hurts, try a sore spot at least a little to take in water, if, say, a head, eyes, etc.
– For colds, weakness, loss of strength and energy level — 36 degrees (if it’s cold, it can be a little higher — how many degrees will be comfortable)
– Psoriasis to take a cool bath and held sessions Indo-Tibetan healing method with the settings on the nervous system
– Infectious diseases (butselez, etc.) to take a warm bath, and the heart to try not to submerge it in water.
– It is recommended to do the bath to everyone who overworked.
Duration receiving a bath — 10 minutes — no more.
Baths should be taken for 7 days, then 2 days break, then repeat. And so to repeat them until they are cured.
If after 2 courses of baths will not be better, it is necessary to turn to the initiate in the Indo-Tibetan healing method for passing sessions and further passing the baths.
When serious illness bath should be done a few months.
If it is impossible to take a bath, you can do foot bath with warm water.
Try during the period of admission does not get cold baths because it takes a lot of energy healing and help teachers out to fight the virus, rather than the content of your body and its healing.
Keep an active healthy lifestyle, yoga, drink grass, do spiritual practices — and all will be well!
Be healthy! Live happily ever after!”
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White and Black Magicians Shakuntali
Magic is supernatural energy, which helps open special power to achieve certain changes in life. It is special type of energy, which are created by mind of person. Religion the main fundamental aspect of it is faith, than of magic it is knowledge.
Black and white magic — it is parts of one complete knowledge. They have one sense and are aimed to achieve concrete result. By other hand, they are completely different by sources and motives.
How to identify white magic from black magic?
White or black magic, could be used for good and evil. All matters, how you are using it and to which person you are sending it. By what kind of thoughts you are guided, that result you will achieve. White magic are directed on to help and beneficence other person. Influence on person will, sending troubles and problems — it is evil magic. White magic are guided by Divine energy and with support of Light forces, black magicians are asking help from Devil, dark forces and providing power of dark forces in their rituals.
Signs of Light Magic
Light magicians and extrasensory have fundamental principles.
Don’t harm
Like a healer, white magician need to understand — “for good” and “for bad”, to understand the consequences, to eliminate all possible ways to harm person. Only after this responsibility healer can use his gift and provide ritual.
Help people
Light magic are removing evil eyes, curses, fight with dark forces and spirits, which are affecting in negative way, it is healing from diseases, protecting from negative influences, helping in difficult situations. Magicians and white witches they are not using their power for bad, and not affecting person will without person agreement.
Don’t ask advice to Devil
All methods and ways to understand information in white magic are guided by contact with Divine Power and extrasensory gift. Are forbidden rituals where are using biological material of human being, sacrifice and etc.
You should understand, that using black magic — it is not evil. Sometimes, your intentions could be very bright. But using black magic way will not justify the end result. You will achieve, what you want, but result could be worse, than you had before. When you start using black magic, stop yourself and think — do my aim have unavoidable consequences?
If you are in difficult situation and don’t see the way out, ask for advice hereditar Siberian shaman Shakuntali.
Knowledge of her linage and experience to help other people will help you to find right solution!
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Indo-Tibetan method of healing
– Shakuntali, tell us: what is unique about Indo-Tibetan method of healing?
– This method of healing is a gift to the people of the Earth, as it cures all possible and impossible diseases, known and unknown to modern medicine. There are only 8 people in the world who have it. There are such healers in Russia, 2 more people in Europe and one in Tibet. All of them were trained in Tibet.
– Shakuntali, how does this method of healing work?
– The method consists in filling the human body with a special energy, which starts the process of activation of the immune system, and then gradually the body begins to process the disease itself. To cope with all the carriers of diseases: viruses and bacteria. The method affects the whole body: even those diseases of the organs and systems of the body, about which a person may not know, are healed. After healing the person becomes completely healthy, and at the same time the body is rejuvenated. Nerve cells are completely restored, in spite of the claim of medicine that nerve cells do not regenerate. Immunity and resistance to various diseases are increased.
– Can exacerbation of diseases occur after healing?
– Yes, after completing the healing sessions exacerbation of the diseases can occur, and even those about which a person does not remember. When the body is gaining enough strength to fight the disease, it turns on a mechanism of displacement of the disease and restoration of normal functions. And it appears as exacerbation. This is not to be feared. After exacerbation you will get better.
– How many sessions are necessary to treat the disease?
– Most of the diseases pass after 9 sessions. There are 3 courses of 3 sessions each, the minimum break between courses — 2 days, and the maximum — a few months. Common diseases can pass after the 1st course. But there are serious, chronic diseases that have been developing in the body for a long time or a huge bunch of diseases, in such cases more than 9 sessions are necessary. No warranty is given on the 4th stage of cancer when irreversible changes in cells already occur, there are metastases, and the cells are no longer able to recover.
– Although, there was a case in my practice when in Barcelona I was approached by a woman with cervical cancer and metastases in the spine. She developed gangrene in her right leg and the doctors wanted to amputate the leg. At that time she had disability of the 1st group. After completing 3 courses of healing the woman recovered. Now she looks great, younger, she goes to work and no one can believe that she had such a terrible disease. Her leg now just hurts. And she is determined to go through the 4th course to fully recover. It is necessary in case of her severe disease.
– There is also no guarantee for congenital diseases. Karmic diseases, with which a person is born, are not healed because the cells, including the brain, are dysfunctional since birth. However, some improvement still will occur.
– Sometimes it is too late to heal. Healing just does not have time to restore the human body. In this case, healing will help the person to leave the world without suffering, without pain, in a blissful state.
– And what is the best way to hold sessions for people addicted to drug and alcohol abuse?
– In cases of drug addiction and alcoholism it is better to carry out all 3 courses together with a minimum 2-day interval between treatment. To avoid fears and craving.
– Are there any contraindications for use of this method?
– There are no contraindications for use of this method, it can be combined with conventional medical treatment. Even operations are more successful after healing sessions. Although I do not recommend surgical intervention without urgent need.
– Does the result of treatment depend on a person’s faith?
– The result of treatment and the effect of the method does not depend on man’s faith in healing. No matter whether a person believes or not, healing helps everyone. The main thing — a man must want to be healed! If a person does not want to — nothing will help him.
– Tell us, please, some other cases of miraculous healing from your practice!
– In Tallin I healed a man who was lying completely paralyzed after 3 strokes, and he was about to be disconnected from cardiopulmonary bypass. After completing 9 days of healing, he was discharged from hospital 2 weeks later as a fully healthy person. Seeing him off, all department of the hospital applauded, thinking that it is the merit of physicians.
– And once a man came from Mexico in order to complete healing. His leg hurt. There were purulent processes in his knee, and after a dozen operations the inflammation began again, nothing helped. He came to Altai, Siberia with blood infection. After 2 courses of healing he returned to Mexico — the infection was gone and all his wounds were healed. Later he came to me again and completed the last 3rd course. Now he is completely healthy. And there are a lot of such miracles.
The Indo-Tibetan Method — Opening the Channel of Healing
The Indo-Tibetan Method channels energy that gradually restores the entire organism and heals diseases.
However, the healing process takes time and if a person is already close to death, the energy may not be able to fully heal him in time, because there is a time for everything.
In severe cases like chronic illnesses, the healing process occurs slowly.
The time it takes to heal also depends on the condition of the organism. If it is a young and healthy body, than the healing takes place quicker. If not, then the process is slowed down.
Another factor that effects the healing process is a person’s lifestyle. If a person smokes, drinks or partakes in unhealthy activities, then the energy will be used to clean the toxins from the smoking and bad diet out of the person’s body. A healthy lifestyle helps the body heal and makes the healing process faster.
The Indo-Tibetan Method can be used alongside medication, as long as they are not overly toxic. This will speed up the process.
It is very important to use the Indo-Tibetan Method alongside herbal remedies and a correct diet for any given illness (reference Malahov). Yoga and detoxes are especially helpful in speeding up the healing process.
After the Indo-Tibetan Method seances it is important to take a bath because this will help the healing process.
It is very important to understand which thoughts, emotions and deeds brought on the illness. It is important to try to change your outlook on life and your relationships with people so that the illness heal sooner.
You can find answers to such questions in the following books: “The Mystic’s Path” and “After Death”.
Tours, seminars, individual work and magical items such as amulets will also help.
The hardest thing to heal is cancer and tumors. The Indo-Tibetan Method can help stop the development of oncological illnesses. It is recommended to continue participating in sessions, at least once a year, to prevent the tumor from growing.
The Indo-Tibetan Method healing process can be enhanced with cleanses. Sometimes it seems that an illness is getting worse and the symptoms increase, but this is an effect of the healing method. It mobilizes all of the organism’s inner resources to fight the disease. The sickness and the evil spirit that caused are resisting treatment. Soon, however, the healing method wins and the disease starts to retreat.
The cleanse can last a couple of days or a couple of weeks, depending on the severity of the illness. It can also be periodically repeated.
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