i-try-to-kitchen-witch · 10 months
Beef Stew Recipe - Potion of Fortitude
Whether it's been an exhausting week, a frigid winter's day, or just a stressful time, few things are more comforting than a hearty bowl of stew. I make this beef stew for myself whenever I need a true pick-me-up or when I'm preparing for an in-depth magical working. It provides lasting energy, warmth, and strength.
Plus, this recipe is scalable - make a ton and freeze it to enjoy for weeks or just make a little bit for one meal. The measurements below are approximate; measure with your heart.
Chuck roast, cut to half-inch cubes (you can get pre-chunked stew meat, which is what I typically get)
Flour, enough to coat the beef
Salt and Pepper (about 1 tsp salt & 1/2 tsp pepper), for seasoning the beef coating
2 tablespoons Unsalted Butter
1 Onion, diced
2 Large Potatoes, peeled and cut into half-inch to one-inch cubes
2 Carrots, peeled and cut into rounds
5-6 Cloves of Garlic, finely diced
4 cups Beef Broth
Herbs of your choice, such as: Sage, Thyme, Marjoram, Celery Seed, Bay, Chili Flakes
Additional veggies of your choice, such as: Parsnips, Turnips, Bok Choy
Salt and Pepper to taste
Mix together your flour, salt, and pepper in a bowl. Toss the beef chunks in the mixture to coat. This will create a nice brown crispiness on the outside.
In your stew pot, sauté your flour-coated beef until browned on all sides. Remove from the pot and set aside.
Add more oil to your pot and cook your onion until translucent. If you don't mind soft carrots in your stew, add them now and cook until just starting to soften and brown. (Note: I often leave the carrots until after the potatoes are nearly cooked through because I don't like the texture of fully-cooked carrots.)
Once your onions are translucent and your carrots have started to soften/brown, toss in your butter and scrape the bottom of the pot. You want to get all those beautiful, delicious brown bits back into the mixture. You can add a little water if you need help loosening the bits.
Add your garlic and cook until fragrant, about 30 seconds.
Put your beef back into the pot (along with any drippings from the plate/bowl you placed it in). Pour your broth over everything and give it all a good stir.
Toss your potatoes into the pot. Bring it all to a boil and reduce your heat to let it simmer.
Add your herbs and spices. I recommend salt, pepper, sage, thyme, celery seed (or salt), and bay. If you like it spicy, you can throw in a bit of chili powder or flakes.
Simmer for at least one hour or until your potatoes are soft and your beef becomes tender, stirring occasionally.
If your stew isn't thick enough by the time your potatoes are done, you can make a cornstarch slurry by combining one tablespoon of cornstarch with two tablespoons of water. Pour the slurry into the stew and let it cook until thickened to your desired consistency.
Season with salt and pepper to taste.
Serve with crusty bread, veggie side dishes, or whatever else you like.
Optional magic you can include:
As mentioned above, I often use this recipe to bolster or replenish my energy before or after an intense magical working. It also works for physical exertions - I made this for a group of my partner's friends while they were moving heavy furniture to a new apartment, and it gave them all the energy to move everything in one night!
This stew has an intense comforting effect. If someone I know has been working hard, stressing out, or hasn't been feeding themselves properly, I'll make this for them to help them remember to take care of themselves. It's rejuvenating, hearty, and full of love.
Depending on the herbs you choose to include, this could also be a powerful protection spell. Especially in the cold months, I use this as a protective ward against the cold exhaustion that pulls at the body and mind.
Pop a bit of chili in this spell to both speed up its effects and cast out negativity! Nothing clears the sinuses like a nose full of spice, and nothing clears the body of bad vibes like a good dose of chili flake.
Like many of my spell recipes, this one is most effective when it's shared. Give a bowl to your friends, your family, your neighbors, whoever. It makes a wonderful offering to house spirits or ancestors.
If you make this recipe, please let me know your thoughts! And if you enjoy this or my other posts, please consider dropping a couple dollars in my Ko-Fi tip jar!
Happy cooking, witches! 🍲
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Simple Chicken Soup Recipe for a Kitchen Witch on a Budget
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Because I love food and I'm also cheap. This is basically just my regular easy chicken soup recipe but with the magical associations included. It'll feed you for days.
The Long (But Tastier) Way
What You'll Need:
One of those discount whole chickens from the grocery store (my boyfriend calls it a "used chicken")
Whatever veggies in your kitchen are starting to look sad and need to be used before they go bad (I recommend having carrots and celery in that mix tho)
Some extra celery/carrots for the final product (can come from the Sads if you need... pick the healthiest-looking parts.)
Pasta of your choice (I like penne)
A stockpot and strainer (another big pot should work too, but stockpots are best for holding everything/making the most at once.)
Salt, pepper, preferably dill as well + whatever other seasonings you want.
What to Do:
Take your used chicken, strip all of the meat from it, and put the meat aside. Put the carcass in the pot.
Add all of your sad vegetables to the pot. No need to be fancy with it, no need to peel anything. Shop an old onion into 4ths and add it skins and all. Leaves can stay on any celery. Chuck in some garlic, why not. I've added an old sweet potato before. Leeks. Rosemary. Whatever. Go be free.
Add some salt + pepper, cover the entire thing with water, bring it to a boil and then immediately turn the heat to low. Cover it most of the way.
Go do something else. Forget about it for at least four hours. If you want, you can occasionally go up to it and skim any foam off. Everything is steeping and blending, so the longer it goes the better it gets. (Remember the water will cook down though, so don't leave it forever.)
Cook your pasta al dente and set it aside at some point.
Once you're ready, strain the broth into another vessel and discard your sad broth vegetables. Thank them for their service.
Put the broth back in the empty stockpot and bring to a boil. Chop your happy vegetables to whatever size you want to eat them at. Add any vegetables like chopped carrots that need to cook longer than other veggies. After a few minutes add the rest. Once everything is at a good level of This Won't Feel Weird to Eat, put it on way low again!
Add everything else. That means salt, pepper, dill (I like dill. Add too much dill.) seasoning powders, chicken meat, and cooked pasta. Steep it for a little so the broth flavor can soak in, but you don't have to do it for as long as before.
EAT IT! You have soup now! Yay! Eat a bowl now and save the rest for later. It'll last you a while. (Pasta will get bigger/softer over time but that's fine, it's still good.)
Faster Broth
Boil some water. Add chicken bouillon cubes, salt, pepper, dill/whatever seasonings, and a tiny splash of oil. The oil helps it look/feel more authentic without needing to steep the chicken carcass.
For even faster broth, you can even use boxed chicken stock and skip the bouillon. I find chicken broth tastes kinda different and gross, but it'll work in a pinch and you might not mind it as much as me.
Magical Associations
Naturally, whatever unique vegetables you add will have their own correspondences, so I'll just list the recommended base ingredients:
Chicken: Lasting love, household harmony, abundance, luck, prosperity and general well-being
Celery: Lust, mental/psychic abilities, clear-headedness/focus (especially for decision making)
Carrot: Lust again, abundance, creativity and psychic awareness
Dill: Luck, money/employment, protection, knowledge and decision making.
Chicken Soup Itself: Health and vitality is the big one (probably obviously.) It's basically folk penicillin. I think it also carries associations with love (especially familial) and household harmony for exactly this reason. Based on the other associations, I could also see it being good for helping make important decisions with a sound mind.
Enjoy! Let me know what you think!
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So I like veggies so I added more celery and carrots, I didn't use the fake meat, and was gonna use the corn but by the time everything else was in I was worried about overflow, as you can see above. I didn't have any tbsp or tsp things that didn't have the numbers rubbed off so I kind of eyeballed the seasoning. The chili powder overpowered the other stuff but that's not bad really except it was too spicy for my mom to finish a single bowl. :/
She's extremely sensitive to spice... which is why I only used one jalapeño
Vegetarian and Vegan Protection Chili
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I originally put together this recipe for Mabon, but honestly it is great to make any time of the year, especially now that it is starting to get cooler. 
Optional; a veggie meat substitute. I put in a package of Boca.
1 large yellow onion (protection and healing)
1 red bell pepper (protection)
1 green bell pepper (protection)
2 celery stalks (soothing)
2 carrots (luck)
8 oz container mushrooms (psychic awareness)
Optional; 2 jalapenos (guards against negative energies)
3-6 cloves of garlic (protection)
1 tbsp chili powder (exorcism)
1 tsp cumin (protection)
1 tsp oregano (contentment, luck)
Optional; ½ tsp cayenne (protection, strength)
2 tsp salt (cleansing, protection)
1 cup red wine (celebrations, joy) (I used actual wine, but you can replace with cooking wine if you are underage)
28 ounce can (each) of diced tomatoes, peeled whole tomatoes, and tomato puree (protection, love)
2 16 oz cans beans of your choice (I used pinto and kidney) (protection, prosperity)
1 cup of corn (protection, luck)
Optional toppings such as chives, scallions, sour cream, avocados, cheese (just be mindful that some of these add ins are not vegan)
Chop all the veggies. I diced the onions and garlic fairly fine, but just cut the rest kinda chunky. Decide what works best for you. Visualize the energy moving down into your hand, and activating the positive properties of the veggies.
Get out a big pot or Dutch oven and start warming it up on the stove top. Heat enough oil to cover the bottom and then add the onions. Cook for about 5-8 minutes, enough time for them to start to turn translucent. Next add all your veggies (except corn, that comes in later) and cook for another 5-8 minutes. Move the veggies to the side and make a hole in the center to add the garlic. Cook the garlic for about 30 seconds and then mix into the veggies.
Add your seasonings and salt. Stir until the veggies are coated and fragrant.
If there is darkened veggies stuck to the bottom of the pot don’t worry. Add the wine and start scraping the bottom of the pot. Let the wine simmer until it has reduced to cook off the alcohol.
Add tomatoes, beans, corn, and Boca (if using). Bring up to a boil and then reduce heat to a simmer. I like to let my chili cook on low for about 2-3 hours before serving. Stir occasionally in a clockwise direction, activating the protective energies in the ingredients. Visualize the steam coming from the pot rising and protection your kitchen and whole house from harm’s way.
Before serving taste and see if it needs any more seasoning. Remember it is better to under season at first and add more later.
Serve as is, or add in some tasty toppings. While eating, feel the warmth moving through your body and activating a protective aura around you.
This makes a lot of chili! When you go to put away leftovers, you may want to put some of it away in the freezer. Most soups/chilis are good up to 3 months when frozen. Put away what you can use within the week in the fridge
Remember that chili is a pretty versatile dish and you can add and remove ingredients as you see fit. This made a very chunky chili. If you would prefer something less chunky, either reduce the amount of veggies or add more tomato puree.
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Vegetarian and Vegan Protection Chili
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I originally put together this recipe for Mabon, but honestly it is great to make any time of the year, especially now that it is starting to get cooler. 
Optional; a veggie meat substitute. I put in a package of Boca.
1 large yellow onion (protection and healing)
1 red bell pepper (protection)
1 green bell pepper (protection)
2 celery stalks (soothing)
2 carrots (luck)
8 oz container mushrooms (psychic awareness)
Optional; 2 jalapenos (guards against negative energies)
3-6 cloves of garlic (protection)
1 tbsp chili powder (exorcism)
1 tsp cumin (protection)
1 tsp oregano (contentment, luck)
Optional; ½ tsp cayenne (protection, strength)
2 tsp salt (cleansing, protection)
1 cup red wine (celebrations, joy) (I used actual wine, but you can replace with cooking wine if you are underage)
28 ounce can (each) of diced tomatoes, peeled whole tomatoes, and tomato puree (protection, love)
2 16 oz cans beans of your choice (I used pinto and kidney) (protection, prosperity)
1 cup of corn (protection, luck)
Optional toppings such as chives, scallions, sour cream, avocados, cheese (just be mindful that some of these add ins are not vegan)
Chop all the veggies. I diced the onions and garlic fairly fine, but just cut the rest kinda chunky. Decide what works best for you. Visualize the energy moving down into your hand, and activating the positive properties of the veggies.
Get out a big pot or Dutch oven and start warming it up on the stove top. Heat enough oil to cover the bottom and then add the onions. Cook for about 5-8 minutes, enough time for them to start to turn translucent. Next add all your veggies (except corn, that comes in later) and cook for another 5-8 minutes. Move the veggies to the side and make a hole in the center to add the garlic. Cook the garlic for about 30 seconds and then mix into the veggies.
Add your seasonings and salt. Stir until the veggies are coated and fragrant.
If there is darkened veggies stuck to the bottom of the pot don’t worry. Add the wine and start scraping the bottom of the pot. Let the wine simmer until it has reduced to cook off the alcohol.
Add tomatoes, beans, corn, and Boca (if using). Bring up to a boil and then reduce heat to a simmer. I like to let my chili cook on low for about 2-3 hours before serving. Stir occasionally in a clockwise direction, activating the protective energies in the ingredients. Visualize the steam coming from the pot rising and protection your kitchen and whole house from harm’s way.
Before serving taste and see if it needs any more seasoning. Remember it is better to under season at first and add more later.
Serve as is, or add in some tasty toppings. While eating, feel the warmth moving through your body and activating a protective aura around you.
This makes a lot of chili! When you go to put away leftovers, you may want to put some of it away in the freezer. Most soups/chilis are good up to 3 months when frozen. Put away what you can use within the week in the fridge
Remember that chili is a pretty versatile dish and you can add and remove ingredients as you see fit. This made a very chunky chili. If you would prefer something less chunky, either reduce the amount of veggies or add more tomato puree.
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Vegetarian and Vegan Protection Chili
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I originally put together this recipe for Mabon, but honestly it is great to make any time of the year, especially now that it is starting to get cooler. 
Optional; a veggie meat substitute. I put in a package of Boca.
1 large yellow onion (protection and healing)
1 red bell pepper (protection)
1 green bell pepper (protection)
2 celery stalks (soothing)
2 carrots (luck)
8 oz container mushrooms (psychic awareness)
Optional; 2 jalapenos (guards against negative energies)
3-6 cloves of garlic (protection)
1 tbsp chili powder (exorcism)
1 tsp cumin (protection)
1 tsp oregano (contentment, luck)
Optional; ½ tsp cayenne (protection, strength)
2 tsp salt (cleansing, protection)
1 cup red wine (celebrations, joy) (I used actual wine, but you can replace with cooking wine if you are underage)
28 ounce can (each) of diced tomatoes, peeled whole tomatoes, and tomato puree (protection, love)
2 16 oz cans beans of your choice (I used pinto and kidney) (protection, prosperity)
1 cup of corn (protection, luck)
Optional toppings such as chives, scallions, sour cream, avocados, cheese (just be mindful that some of these add ins are not vegan)
Chop all the veggies. I diced the onions and garlic fairly fine, but just cut the rest kinda chunky. Decide what works best for you. Visualize the energy moving down into your hand, and activating the positive properties of the veggies.
Get out a big pot or Dutch oven and start warming it up on the stove top. Heat enough oil to cover the bottom and then add the onions. Cook for about 5-8 minutes, enough time for them to start to turn translucent. Next add all your veggies (except corn, that comes in later) and cook for another 5-8 minutes. Move the veggies to the side and make a hole in the center to add the garlic. Cook the garlic for about 30 seconds and then mix into the veggies.
Add your seasonings and salt. Stir until the veggies are coated and fragrant.
If there is darkened veggies stuck to the bottom of the pot don’t worry. Add the wine and start scraping the bottom of the pot. Let the wine simmer until it has reduced to cook off the alcohol.
Add tomatoes, beans, corn, and Boca (if using). Bring up to a boil and then reduce heat to a simmer. I like to let my chili cook on low for about 2-3 hours before serving. Stir occasionally in a clockwise direction, activating the protective energies in the ingredients. Visualize the steam coming from the pot rising and protection your kitchen and whole house from harm’s way.
Before serving taste and see if it needs any more seasoning. Remember it is better to under season at first and add more later.
Serve as is, or add in some tasty toppings. While eating, feel the warmth moving through your body and activating a protective aura around you.
This makes a lot of chili! When you go to put away leftovers, you may want to put some of it away in the freezer. Most soups/chilis are good up to 3 months when frozen. Put away what you can use within the week in the fridge
Remember that chili is a pretty versatile dish and you can add and remove ingredients as you see fit. This made a very chunky chili. If you would prefer something less chunky, either reduce the amount of veggies or add more tomato puree.
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Soups! Kitchen Witch Masterpost
One of the easiest and most heartwarming recipes for a kitchen witch, soups! Their recipes are easily manipulated to suit your intention, plus they’re perfect for the upcoming winter!
Basic Ingredients:
- Carrots, Onions, Celery. These are the holy trinity. I also like to add garlic, potatoes, tomatoes, and others.
- vegetable/chicken broth and/or water.
- many recipes call for crushed tomatoes. I like diced, and can find them canned in any grocery store, but it’s up to you!
- (Optional) beans or lentils (if you buy dried lentils, cook them beforehand)
- (Optional) meat–sausage, beef, chicken. Cook before adding to the soup please!
1. Cut up vegetables and sautee them in a big pot for about eight minutes. This is to soften them up and sweeten up the onions. Don’t add herbs yet!
2. If you bought canned beans, drain and rinse them. If you want thicker broth, you can crush up a can of beans into a paste and add them to the broth, or even throw them into a blender.
3. Set pot aside. Add tomatoes, beans, meat, broth. Bring to a boil, then let simmer for 20-30 minutes. Add any herbs you wish.
Common Vegetables:
Carrots - sex (with parsley for best results), fertility
Cabbage - lunar food, protection, wealth, prosperity, luck
Onions - protection, purification, healing, exorcism, wealth
Celery - sex, peace, psychic powers, mental strength
Beans - wealth, sex, protection
Potato - protection, compassion
Mushrooms - psychic powers, strength
Common Herbs:
Thyme - love, psychic powers, purification
Basil - love, protection, money, exorcism
Rosemary - protection, consciousness, memory, healing, love
Parsley - protection, sex, love, wealth
Dill - wealth, love, consciousness, studying, luck
Bay - protection, psychic powers, healing, purification, strength
Garlic - protection, healing, strength, psychic powers, exorcism
Ginger - love, wealth, strength, success
Black Pepper - protection, purification, exorcism
Salt - purification, protection, healing
Most herbs are not put into the broth until the broth is simmering, to prevent burning. The exception to this rule is bay, which is put in at the beginning. BEWARE of pepper! The longer the pepper cooks in the soup, the spicier the soup will be!
- Do not cut your vegetables with the same knife you cut meat with.
- Cook meat beforehand, but remember that it’ll be cooking in the broth for a time afterwards, or be careful not to overcook.
- Most meat is diced into half-an-inch-squares.
Other Tips:
- Stir clockwise to create, counter-clockwise to take away.
- You can carve sigils into some vegetable slices.
- Cook with a crystal near your pot to boost a spell’s effectiveness.
- Fire and water are prominent elements here! Draw upon their power.
And that’s it!! Have a lovely winter full of great company and nourishing meals!
**if there are any additions feel free to add, and if there are any corrections, message me! :)
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Crock Pot Recipes for Fall and Winter
I love cooking hearty dishes, and warm treats in the Fall and Winter, which is why I also love slow cooker recipes. So here is massive list of recipes that are great for this time of year!
Soups, Stews, and Entrées
Creamy Wild Rice and Turkey Soup
Loaded Baked Potato Soup
Red Lentil, Chickpea, and Tomato Soup with Smoked Paprika
Parmesan and Tomato Soup with Gnocchi and Chicken
Italian Meatball Soup
Baked Spaghetti 
Simplest Chicken and Dumplings
French Onion Soup
Cream Cheese Chicken Chili
Cheesy Vegetable Chowder
So Easy Coq au Vin
Sugar-Spiced Pork with Squash and Potatoes
Pasta with Eggplant Sauce
Pesto Chicken Sandwiches
Meatball Sandwiches
Chunky Pot Roast-Portobello Soup
Garlic & Herb Cheesy Chicken Dumplings
Creamy Tortellini Soup
Macaroni and Cheese
Swedish Meatballs
Chicken Fajitas 
Stuffed Green Pepper Soup
Creamy Portobella Mushroom Chicken
Spinach Lasagna 
Cabbage Rolls
Butter Chicken
Tomato Basil Parmesan Soup
Pizza Stew and Biscuits 
German Potato Soup
Creamed Chicken and Corn Soup
Pot Roast Stew
Stuffed Bell Peppers
Fall Harvest Chowder
Chicken Cacciatore 
Beef Tenderloin
Twenty-Garlic Chicken Dinner
Tomato Basil Ravioli Soup
Apple Cider Pork Roast
Steak and Potatoes
Toasted Pecan Chicken
Creamy Italian Chicken and Rice
Apple Sage Pork Tenderloin 
General Tso’s Chicken
Green Beans, Sausage, Potatoes
French Dip Sandwiches
Smothered Pork Chops with Bacon
Minestrone Soup
Chunky Beef and Potato Stew
Roasted Garlic Mashed Potatoes
Chicken Gnocchi Soup
Broccoli Cheese Soup
Creamy Sun Dried Tomato Chicken
Baked Spaghetti 
Cheesy Butternut Squash and Tortellini Soup
Bacon-Ranch Chicken and Pasta
Creamy Tomato Chicken
Zuppa Toscana
Beer Mac and Cheese
Sweet Potato Casserole 
Italian Red Wine Roast Beef
Brown Sugar Balsamic Glazed Pork Tenderloin
Upside Down Chicken Pot Pie
French Dip Sandwiches
Salisbury Steak
Ravioli Casserole
Chicken and Stuffing
Desserts and Sweet Treats
Gingerbread Pudding Cake
Pumpkin Pudding
Chocolate Lava Cake
Rocky Road Cake
Apple Dumplings
Turtle Monkey Bread
Rice Pudding
Almond Bark
Cinnamon Fudge
Pecan Pie Cobbler
Caramel Apple Pie Dip
Pumpkin Angel Food Cake with Caramel Sauce
Apple and Date Crunch
Tequila Pears
Candied Almonds
Peanut Butter Cup Cake
Chocolate Peanut Butter Cake
Spiced Applesauce
Cinnamon Roll Pull Apart Bread
Cherry Dump Cake
Berry Cobbler
Turtle Brownie
Pumpkin Streusel Coffee Cake
Carrot Cake
Chocolate Chip Cookie Bars
Pumpkin Pecan Bread Pudding
Caramel Peanut Butter Hot Fudge Cake
Easy Cinnamon Rolls
Peppermint Hot Chocolate
Chocolate Coffee
Vanilla Crème Brulee Latte
Caramel Apple Spice
Pumpkin Chai Tea
Autumn Brew
Spiced Pomegranate Tea
Hot Mint Malt 
Buttered Apple Cider
Snow White Cocoa
Pumpkin Latte
Salted Caramel Hot Chocolate
Hot Cranberry Apple Punch
Aztec Hot Chocolate
Bourbon Citrus Sipper
Horchata Latte
Chamomile Toddies
Cranberry Apple Cider
Spiced White Hot Chocolate
Gingerbread Latte
Mulled Wine
Spinach and Cheese Frittata 
Breakfast Stuffed Peppers
Creamy Banana French Toast
Peanut Butter Banana Oatmeal
Hot Cocoa Oatmeal
Cheesy Breakfast Souffle 
Breakfast Casserole
Blueberry Breakfast Casserole
German Pancakes
Sausage White Gravy
Cheesy Hash Browns
Cream of Wheat
Egg and Broccoli Casserole
Eggnog Cranberry Steel-Cut Oatmeal
Ham and Egg Casserole 
Pumpkin Oatmeal
Pumpkin Bread
Cinnamon Rolls
French Toast
Pecan Pie Oatmeal
Banana Pecan French Toast
Bacon, Egg, and Hash Brown Casserole
Apple Pie Steel Cut Oatmeal
Crock Pot Recipes for Fall and Winter Part 2 | Vegetarian Crock Pot Recipes for Fall & Winter | Spring & Summer Crock Pot Recipes | 18 Crock Pot Recipes | 10 Best Low-Carb Soups for Fall  | What’s Cooking this Fall & Winter 1, 2, & 3 | Fall & Winter Desserts
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Soups! Kitchen Witch Masterpost
One of the easiest and most heartwarming recipes for a kitchen witch, soups! Their recipes are easily manipulated to suit your intention, plus they’re perfect for the upcoming winter!
Basic Ingredients:
- Carrots, Onions, Celery. These are the holy trinity. I also like to add garlic, potatoes, tomatoes, and others.
- vegetable/chicken broth and/or water.
- many recipes call for crushed tomatoes. I like diced, and can find them canned in any grocery store, but it’s up to you!
- (Optional) beans or lentils (if you buy dried lentils, cook them beforehand)
- (Optional) meat–sausage, beef, chicken. Cook before adding to the soup please!
1. Cut up vegetables and sautee them in a big pot for about eight minutes. This is to soften them up and sweeten up the onions. Don’t add herbs yet!
2. If you bought canned beans, drain and rinse them. If you want thicker broth, you can crush up a can of beans into a paste and add them to the broth, or even throw them into a blender.
3. Set pot aside. Add tomatoes, beans, meat, broth. Bring to a boil, then let simmer for 20-30 minutes. Add any herbs you wish.
Common Vegetables:
Carrots - sex (with parsley for best results), fertility
Cabbage - lunar food, protection, wealth, prosperity, luck
Onions - protection, purification, healing, exorcism, wealth
Celery - sex, peace, psychic powers, mental strength
Beans - wealth, sex, protection
Potato - protection, compassion
Mushrooms - psychic powers, strength
Common Herbs:
Thyme - love, psychic powers, purification
Basil - love, protection, money, exorcism
Rosemary - protection, consciousness, memory, healing, love
Parsley - protection, sex, love, wealth
Dill - wealth, love, consciousness, studying, luck
Bay - protection, psychic powers, healing, purification, strength
Garlic - protection, healing, strength, psychic powers, exorcism
Ginger - love, wealth, strength, success
Black Pepper - protection, purification, exorcism
Salt - purification, protection, healing
Most herbs are not put into the broth until the broth is simmering, to prevent burning. The exception to this rule is bay, which is put in at the beginning. BEWARE of pepper! The longer the pepper cooks in the soup, the spicier the soup will be!
- Do not cut your vegetables with the same knife you cut meat with.
- Cook meat beforehand, but remember that it’ll be cooking in the broth for a time afterwards, or be careful not to overcook.
- Most meat is diced into half-an-inch-squares.
Other Tips:
- Stir clockwise to create, counter-clockwise to take away.
- You can carve sigils into some vegetable slices.
- Cook with a crystal near your pot to boost a spell’s effectiveness.
- Fire and water are prominent elements here! Draw upon their power.
And that’s it!! Have a lovely winter full of great company and nourishing meals!
**if there are any additions feel free to add, and if there are any corrections, message me! :)
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Vegan Replacements In Spells
Eggs for rebirth- pennyroyal, tansy, ivy, or honeysuckle.
Eggs for general protection- acorn, basil, bay leaves, lavender, cinnamon, rosemary, clover, coriander, ferns, heather, mistletoe, mullein, vervain, st. johns wart, or peony.
Eggs for protection against evil, magic, and psychic attacks- onions, rosemary, yarrow, pennyroyal, ivy, holly, garlic, dragon’s blood, cactus, clove, dill, mugwort, cayenne pepper, or black pepper.
Eggs to protect from nightmares- mullein, lavender, rosemary, anise, dandelion, lemon balm, or catnip.
Honey- honey is used to “sweeten” someone’s feelings towards you, so using sugar, apple honey, stevia, or agave would work just as well and it’ll help save our bee friends!
Milk- almond milk, coconut milk, rice milk, or soy milk. Any of these will work in place of dairy milk. If you want to be more specific in your spells though almond milk can be used for money, prosperity, luck, and wisdom. Coconut milk can be used for protection or spiritual cleansing. Soy milk can be used for prosperity and amplifying psychic abilities. And rice milk can be used for protection and attracting rain.
✨Make sure to be safe and research herbs you want to use if you plan on ingesting or burning them!!✨
Feel free to add on to this list pals!
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Food Correspondences: Very detailed list
This detailed list comes from The Pagan Cottage.
Baked Goods & Grains
Baking is a wonderful opportunity to create magick in your kitchen. Especially when kneading bread, you have a great chance to infuse your food with your magickal intentions. In fact, bread making itself is considered by many to be a sacred act and can be a ritual in itself.
With many baked goods, such as breads, muffins, pies, cakes, or pastries, you can change the energies of your food by changing flavors or fillings. Several examples are given below, but the possibilities are endless! With things you can form into different shapes, such as cookies, pancakes or breads, you can further strengthen your intentions by forming them into a shape or symbol of what you are looking to achieve.
Barley ~ fertility, grounding, healing, love, lust, pain control, prosperity, protection Bread ~ (in general) kinship, sustenance Dill ~ bread love Egg ~ bread fertility Garlic bread ~ protection Pita bread ~ spirituality Seven-grain bread ~ prosperity Twisted bread ~ protection Brownies ~ love Buckwheat~ grounding, prosperity, protection Cake ~ (in general) celebrations, hospitality; also varies by flavor Birthday Cake ~ prosperity Wedding Cake ~ fertility, love, luck Cookies ~ (in general) nurturing, love Sugar Cookies ~ shape to determine goals Crackers ~ grounding Gingerbread ~ love, prosperity Corn ~ cycles, eternity, luck, protection, spirituality Lentil~ peace Millet~ prosperity Noodles ~ long life Oat ~ grounding, prosperity Pancake ~  luck; can be made from different ingredients or in different shapes for different goals Pie ~ (round–in general) spirituality (square–in general) prosperity Apple pie ~ healing, love, peace Apricot pie ~ peace Banana ~ cream pie prosperity Blackberry pie ~ lust, prosperity Custard pie ~ spirituality Chocolate cream pie ~ love, prosperity Coconut cream pie ~ spirituality Cherry pie ~ love Key lime pie ~ love, purification Lemon pie ~ love, purification Mince pie ~ luck, prosperity Peach pie ~ happiness, healing, love, wisdom Pecan pie ~ prosperity Pineapple pie ~ healing, love, prosperity, protection Pumpkin pie ~ healing, prosperity Raspberry pie ~ happiness, love, protection Rhubarb pie  ~love, protection Strawberry pie ~ love Pretzel ~ protection Rice ~ fertility, lust, prosperity, protection Rye ~ fertility, love Tortilla ~ protection, spirituality Waffles~  friendship Wheat ~ fertility, grounding, prosperity
Apple ~ element of earth, happiness, healing, love, peace, success Apricot ~ love, lust, peace Avocado ~ beauty, love, lust Banana ~ fertility, love, luck, potency, prosperity, spirituality Blackberry ~  healing, lust, prosperity, protection Blueberry ~ peace, protection Cherry ~  female sexuality, happiness, love Cranberry ~ protection Date ~ spirituality, strength Fig ~ lust, prosperity, strength Grape ~ dreams, fertility, mental powers, prosperity Grapefruit ~ cleansing & purification, healing Guava ~ love, purification, relieving sorrow Kumquat ~ luck, prosperity Lemon ~ faithfulness, friendship, happiness, longevity, love, marriage Lime ~ cleansing & purification, healing, love, peace, protection Mango ~ love, lust, protection Melon ~ healing, purification Mulberry~  fertility, protection, psychic awareness, strength, wisdom Nectarine ~ love Orange ~ fidelity, healing, love, luck, peace, prosperity, purification Papaya ~ love, protection Passion fruit~  kinship, love, peace Peach ~ happiness, healing, fertility, longevity, love, wisdom Pear ~ longevity, love, luck, lust, prosperity Persimmon ~ happiness, healing, luck Pineapple ~ chastity, healing, love, luck, prosperity, protection Plum ~ love, lust, protection Pomegranate ~ creativity, fertility, fruitfulness, hospitality, luck, prosperity, wishes Prickly Pear ~ protection Quince happiness, love, protection Raisin ~ mental powers, sun energy Raspberry ~ happiness, love, protection, stamina, vigor Star fruit ~ protection Strawberry~  intensity, love, luck, romance, success Tangerine ~ protection Watermelon ~ healing
Alfalfa sprouts ~ prosperity Artichoke ~ growth, protection Asparagus ~ lust Bamboo ~ luck, protection, psychic awareness, wishes Bean ~ decision making, grounding, love, lust, prosperity, protection Beet ~ beauty, love, passion Broccoli ~ leadership, protection, strength Brussel sprouts ~ endurance, protection, stability Cabbage ~ luck, prosperity, protection Carrot ~ fertility, grounding, luck, lust, vision Cauliflower ~ protection Celery ~ grounding, lust, mental powers, peace, psychic powers, weight loss Chives ~ breaking bad habits, protection, weight loss Cucumber ~ chastity, fertility, healing, peace Eggplant ~ prosperity, spirituality Endive ~ love, lust, physical strength Kelp ~ weight loss Leek ~ love, physical strength, protection Lettuce ~ chastity, peace, prosperity, protection, relaxation, sleep Mushroom ~ psychic awareness Olive ~ fertility, healing, lust, peace, protection, spirituality Onion ~ endurance, healing, lust, prophetic dreams, prosperity, protection, weight loss Pea ~ love, prosperity Pepper green ~ growth, prosperity Pepper red ~ energy, strength, vitality Pepper yellow ~ empowered creativity Pickle ~ weight loss Potato ~ compassion, grounding, healing, protection Pumpkin ~ healing, prosperity Radish ~ lust, protection Rhubarb ~ fertility, love, protection Soy ~ protection, psychic awareness, spirituality Spinach ~ prosperity Squash ~ spirituality Sunflower ~ protection, success Sweet potato ~ grounding, love, lust Tomato ~ healing, love, prosperity, protection Truffle ~ love, lust Watercress ~  fertility, mental powers, protection
All nuts ~ fertility, love, luck, prosperity Acorn ~ fertility, healing, luck, prosperity, protection Almond ~ healing, prosperity, wisdom Brazil nut ~ love, prosperity Cashew ~ prosperity Chestnut ~ love, metal powers Coconut ~ allure and confidence, chastity, diversity, flexibility, protection, psychic awareness, purification, spirituality Hazelnut ~ fertility, luck, mental powers, wisdom Macadamia ~ prosperity Peanut ~ grounding, prosperity Pecan ~ employment, prosperity Pine nut ~ love, physical strength, prosperity Walnut ~ healing, infertility, mental powers, protection, wishes
Dairy, Eggs, & Meat
Some people view the consumption of animals and even animal products as a violation of the Wiccan Rede, so there is not much to be found on the correspondences of these types of food. However, for those of us that do consume these products, there is no reason that they cannot be used to put some extra oomph into a magickal meal.
Beef ~ grounding, prosperity, protection, strength Butter ~ smoothing relationships, spirituality, tenacity Caviar ~ lust Cheese ~ grounding, healing, joy, things coming to fruition Chicken ~ grounding, healing, protection, strength Crab ~ lust, protection Deer ~ elegance, grace, protection, refinement, strength Egg  ~fertility, lust, protection, spirituality, strength Fish  ~love, lust, psychic powers, strength Ham ~ dramatic energy, grounding, protection, theatrical flair, strength
Ice cream depends on flavor :
Butter pecan ~ employment, prosperity Chocolate (including chip, fudge ripple, etc.) ~ love, prosperity Coffee ~ mental powers Neapolitan ~ love, prosperity Praline pecan ~ prosperity Strawberry ~ love Vanilla~  love
Lamb ~ sensitivity, kindness, strength, warmth Milk ~ Goddess energy, love, nurturing, spirituality Pork ~ grounding, fertility, strength Sausage ~ grounding, protection, variety, zest Shellfish ~ lust, psychic awareness Turkey~  family gatherings, grounding, protection Whipped Cream ~ prosperity Yogurt ~ healing, spirituality
This is not to say that if you don’t drink, you should start, but if do anyway, this information may be useful to you. Remember, to use moderation if you do drink, and keep in mind that getting drunk will impair your ability to perform magickally. If you are under the legal drinking age, don’t drink, no matter how mature you think you are. AND NEVER, EVER, UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES DRINK AND DRIVE!
Apricot brandy ~ lust Beer ~ purification Blackberry brandy ~ lust, prosperity Champagne ~ lust Cognac ~ lust Crème de cacao~  love, prosperity Crème de menthe ~ purification Kirsch~  love Kummel ~ health, protection Mead ~ love Rum ~  lust, protection Tequila ~ lust Wine red~ celebrations, joy White wine~  love
• Non-alcoholic
Chocolate Milk ~prosperity Cider ~ healing, weight loss Coffee ~ mental powers, physical energy, strength Juice ~ energy, psychic awareness, purification, rejuvenation, vitality, can also vary with type of juice Cranberry ~ juice protection Grape juice ~ weight loss Orange juice ~ purification Lemonade ~ love, purification Milk ~ love, nurturing, spirituality Tea ~ courage, mental powers, prosperity, restfulness, strength Tisane ~ varies depending on specific herbs used Water ~ purification
Cooking Herbs and Spices
Herbs and spices not only add flavor and an extra kick to the flavor of your food, they can add a lot of energy to your magickal workings as well.
Allspice ~ determination, energy, harmony, healing, prosperity Anise ~ love, protection, psychic powers, purification Basil ~ love, peace, prosperity, protection, understanding Bay ~ healing, protection, psychic powers, purification, repels negativity, strength, success Black Pepper ~ banishing, cleansing and purification, protection Caraway ~ anti-theft, healing, love, luck, lust, mental powers, prosperity, protection, trust Cardamom ~ increases strength of unions, love, lust, peace Celery seed ~ grounding, lust, mental powers, peace, psychic powers Cinnamon ~ healing, love, luck, lust, peace, protection, psychic powers, strength, success Cloves ~ courage, love, lust, money, protection, repels negativity Coriander ~ healing, love, lust, mental powers Cumin ~ anti-theft, happiness, fidelity, peace, protection Curry ~ protection Dill ~ love, lust, mental powers, prosperity, protection (especially of children), weight loss Fennel ~ healing, protection, purification, strength, weight loss Garlic ~ anti-theft, banishing, cleansing & purification, healing, lust, prosperity, protection, repels negativity Ginger ~ adventure, cleansing, healing, love, lust, power, success Horseradish ~ protection, purification Lemon grass~  lust, psychic cleansing and opening Licorice ~  fidelity, love, lust Mace ~ mental powers, psychic powers, self-discipline Marjoram ~ cleansing & purification, happiness, healing, prosperity, protection, repels negativity Mint ~ communication, energy, healing, love, lust, prosperity, protection, travel Mustard seed ~ courage, endurance, faith, fertility, mental powers, protection Nutmeg ~ confidence, emotional openness, fidelity, healing, luck, prosperity, social interaction Oregano ~ energy, joy, peace, strength, vitality Parsley ~ domestic tranquility, energy, luck, lust, prosperity, protection (especially of the home and from accidents), purification Peppermint ~ change, healing, love, lust, psychic powers, purification, sleep, strength Poppy Seed ~ abundance, fertility, love, luck, prosperity, sleep Rosemary ~ cleansing & purification, healing, love, lust, mental powers, protection, sleep, youth Saffron ~ abundance, happiness, healing, leadership, love, luck, lust, prosperity, spirituality, strength Sage ~ cleansing & purification, healing, longevity, mental powers, protection, psychic powers, wishes Sesame Seed ~ fertility, love, lust, prosperity, protection Thyme ~ courage, healing, love, psychic powers, purification, sleep, strength Turmeric ~ purification Vanilla ~ joy, love, luck, lust, mental powers
Other Ingredients & Miscellaneous Foods
Herbs and spices not only add flavor and an extra kick to the flavor of your food, they can add a lot of energy to your magickal workings as well.
Apple cider vinegar ~ healing Baking soda or powder ~ raising energy or expectations Candy ~ prosperity Carob ~ love, prosperity Chili ~ protection Chocolate ~ lifting emotions, love, prosperity Corn Syrup ~ luck, protection, solidifying plans or ideas, spirituality Flour ~ revealing hidden matters, consistency Gravy ~  consistency, smooth transitions, uniformity Honey ~ happiness, healing, love, lust, purification, spirituality, sweet things in life, weight loss, wisdom Jelly ~ energy, joy, pleasantness Maple Syrup ~ prosperity, love Marzipan ~ healing, prosperity Nachos ~ protection Olive oil ~ spirituality Pizza (cheese) ~ peace & happiness Popcorn ~ lifting burdens, recreational activities Salsa ~ protection Salt ~ cleansing & purification, grounding, protection Soup ~ communication, psychic awareness, steady change Soy Sauce ~ protection Sugar ~ love Tofu ~ protection, psychic awareness, spirituality, strength Vinegar ~ protection, purification Yeast~  grounding, purification
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Food Magic 101: The Wooden Spoon
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In celebration of the publication of my very first book the next few weeks will be dedicated to food magic. While I did cover the basics of what it is, I feel that my favorite branch of witchcraft ought to be covered more thoroughly.  So today we are going to start with the most basic tool in your food magic repertoire…the spoon! Note: I am not talking about this guy: 
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I mean this one: 
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In food magic a practitioner supplements the wand for the spoon. This everyday implement is what you can (and often will) use to connect yourself to your recipe and the food that you create.  How to Choose a Spoon:  Your spoon can be of any material that you want it to be. If yours is made of plastic, metal, or a food safe silicon that is perfectly alright. I will, however, be focusing on wooden spoons because they are what I know best, and what I find the easiest to work with. Wooden spoons are soft enough that they keep your dishware safe and are perfectly safe so long as you keep them clean (you know, like every other piece of your kitchen) The first factor in choosing your spoon is to find out what it’s made of. Some woods are better than others, and some are only good for specific things. If you can ante up and buy from a local craftsman, I’d say do it. If you can’t that’s totally okay. Just try and figure out what your tool is made of and do some research.  *Note: I have a drafted post on woods and their magical correlations incoming. So if you don’t have a source for that, check back here later on this week. 
How to Cleanse and Bless a Spoon:
Your kitchen spoon is as important to your food magic as your wand, athame, and boline are for your other crafts. It’s a little bit of all three wrapped into one and therefore require a bit of extra attention. When you first get your spoon you are going to want to bless your spoon. 
You will need:  -Hot Water -A heat safe dish long enough or seep enough to submerge your spoon. -Olive Oil (about a tsp)  -Lemon -Your spoon -An herb of your choosing
I realize that the herb is a little vague, but here’s the thing. You may want to bless your spoon for a particular type of magic (divination, health/healing, inspiration, energy, ect) so do a little research into NON-TOXIC herbs and their magical correlations in order to bless your spoon for a specific way. If you are looking for a good all-around herb, I suggest using a salt and pepper mixture in place of the herb. 
1) Clean your spoon of any tags, stickers, or visible debris using your hand. 
2) First take the olive oil and smear with your fingers. Picture the oil pushing away any lingering energy from those who might have handled it before you. Not saying that other people touching your tools is gross, only that for cleansing you wanna do away with any lingering energies that aren’t…you know…yours. 
3) Add the hot water to your heat safe dish. 
4) Squeeze the lemon juice into the water
5)  Submerge the spoon in the water, slowly cleaning the oil away with your fingers.
6) Set the spoon out on a towel to air dry. Preferably in a sunny spot. 
7) When the spoon is dry place a tsp of your herb (or salt and pepper mix) unto the bowl of the spoon and allow to sit for a day or so. If you feel the inclination more it to your altar for this step. 
8) Clean the herbs from the spoon (preferably outside) and use this new tool as you wish! 
Spoon Correlations:  Energy Type: Feminine (Projectile)  Elemental correlation: Earth (subject to change upon the type of wood used) Deities: All (often dependent on the wood and the symbols carved or burned on the wood surface) Direction: North 
Info: A magical spoon (like the wand that it resembles) is a tool used to bind and transfer energies from one item to another. By holding the spoon in your dominant hand and using it to stir food (clockwise) you invite energy from yourself into the item of your creation. But stirring counterclockwise you are banishing energy. 
A wand also helps to bind items inside of a spell. By touching and moving items inside of a pot or pan it is bringing energy from one item into another until everything is mixed together. 
Picture sources (if you are interested in buying a personalized wooden spoon from a reputable source) : 
-https://www.etsy.com/listing/235239367/kawaii-cute-cat-cupcake-spoon-wood -http://wildseawitch.weebly.com/personalised-wooden-spoons.html
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Samhain Cinnamon Apple Crisps
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Hi everyone, hope you’re all well. I’ve just finished cooking up a batch of my own homemade Apple Crisps and thought I would share this wonderful and super quick recipe with you. Not only is this speedy snack great for Samhain/Halloween,  it contains ingredients used for protection etc, can be used as an offering for your God or Goddess, is a healthy variation to supermarket bought crisps AND is suitable for vegans/vegetarians, did I already mention they are super quick to make? Without further ado, let’s get started!
You will need:
1 whole apple.
A sprinkle of cinnamon.
A dash of brown sugar. ( You can use white sugar but I prefer brown as it produces a lovely thick syrup texture and has a gorgeous coffee flavouring to it ).
How to make:
Cut your apple into thin slices. Not too thin or they will burn and not to thick or they won’t turn into crisps!
Line a baking tray with non-stick baking paper.
Place your apple slices onto your tray and start to add your toppings. Use as much as you wish.
Cook your apple slices in the oven on gas mark 4/ 180°C / 350°F for fifteen minutes. ( A few of my crisps did burn, so depending on how thin you cut your apple and how powerful your oven is, feel free to change the time and settings ).
Ingredients used in Witchcraft:
Cinnamon: Associated with the elements of fire and the sun. Magikal uses are - good luck, love, money, passion, peace, prosperity, protection, psychic development, success and wisdom.
Apples: Scared to many Goddessses including Aphrodite. Magikal uses are - fidelity, fertility, marriage, beauty, vanity,wisdom, the soul, the afterlife and immortality.
Brown Sugar: Healing, love and sweetness.
That’s all there is to it! I hope you enjoyed this recipe and your finished product. Please do not remove the source and have a safe, happy and blessed Samhain. Let me know how your Apple Crisps turn out!
Cyrena xx
Image is not mine and was found on Our Kitchen Stories.
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Fruit and Vegetable Associations In Witchcraft
Associations: Samhain, the deceased, immortality, love
Planet: Venus
Element: Water
Uses: Heals love-related matters and brings prosperity.
Associations: Love, relaxation
Planet: Venus
Element: Water
Uses: Love rituals, soothing anxiety and tension
Associations: Beauty, love, lust
Planet: Venus
Element: Water
Uses: Beauty glamours and spells, increases lustful feelings
Associations: Fertility, potency, prosperity
Planet: Venus
Element: Water
Uses: Fertility spells, spells relating to marriage, money spells, employment spells.
Associations: Protection, reconciliations, and potency
Planet: Mercury
Element: Air
Uses: Charms/spells to banish negativity and unwanted spirits, natural wort cure
Associations: Love
Planet: Saturn
Element: Earth
Uses: Spells pertaining to love, beet juice can be used as a substitute for blood.
Associations: Healing, love, protection, death, prosperity
Planet: Venus
Element: Water
Uses: Offerings to certain Gods and Goddesses, protection of the home, wealth spells, healing burns
Associations: Protection, psychic strength
Uses: Ward against psychic attacks, protection of the home
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Reblog if you are any kind of witch.
I’m going to follow every witch on tumblr. :D 
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Lughnasadth {Fantasy} Feast
Continuing the tradition of making fantasy feasts that one day I will get to enjoy for real! At least I am planning a fruit tart for this sabbat! So its like 10% real. (Imbolc, Ostara, Beltane, Litha).
This is the first harvest of the year and the summer harvest! There will naturally be lots of wheat, bread and corn, fruits and ripe vegetables! It’s a very green and gold feast which is fitting because it represents rewards earned through hard work. You can look at my post of personal correspondences for more info or follow my Lughnasadth tag!
Starters: Grilled and Baked Aubergine ‘Pizza’ Beer Cheese dip in bread bowl Spiced Corn on the Cob
Sides: Cast Iron Skillet Ratatouille Bread with berries Garlic Herb Roasted Potatoes Buttery Cornbread
Main: Grilled Whole Fish with Lemongrass, Lime and Mint
Dessert: Peach Cobbler in a Skillet Blueberry Tart Canteloupe in Coconut Rose Cream Chocolate Coins
Drinks: Beer! Watermelon Mint Fizz 
It’s a cocktail but I would make it a non-alcoholic option
Mint Julep
credits: wreath,  Wheat in breeze, lanterns in trees, Flight of Beer, serving spoons,  tablescape, leaf table place settings, Black eyed Susans, Summer Wheat and Sunflower Bouquet, Artisinal Bread
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This network is made to help decrease heteronormativity and transphobia in the witch community, as well as to meet other witches that belong to the LGBTQIAP community to exchange experiences, spells, potion recipes,etc. with others from our intersecting communities!
TO JOIN 1) Reblog/like this post 2) Message me saying that you want to join!
Feel free to message me questions, too! All are welcome!
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When i hear burning times, for whatever reason, I think the area in Salem, I believe, where I think, the paranoia was started as a joke and then escalated to an extreme. Is that right, or? Cause there was more in other places besides that but?
Ok I wanna do this justice. Its not a bad thing that you think that because that’s what we get told over and over here in the US. So. You’re getting an essay, and I’m sorry but I’m not sorry. 
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What They Say Happened
It comes from a 1990 documentary from Canada that you can watch on youtube if you hate yourself enough. They’re factually incorrect, barely did any research, and they’re just wrong and racist through the whole thing. They say millions of women died over hundreds of years, globally, and that it was a “women’s Holocaust”, which as a woman and a Jewish woman, they can go fuck themselves right now. I’ll wait. Later, other writers have focused it more on the Americas, and they’re still incorrect and racist. That’s mostly the one I’m addressing here.
What Happened In Salem
The Salem witch trials were a series of hearings and prosecutions of people accused of witchcraft in colonial Massachusetts between February 1692 and May 1693 which resulted in the executions of twenty people, fourteen of them women, and all but one by hanging. It began when two young girls began having fits and contortions and wouldn’t stop screaming, and a doctor diagnosed them with bewitchment. It was a politically tense time and Puritan communities were incredibly xenophobic and judgmental and they blamed three women, one of them a Black slave as the cause. Tituba, the slave, confessed. Some think she was trying to get herself a better deal, some think that she was coerced because this wasn’t even America yet, there were no Constitutional rights protecting her during interrogation, and even today false confessions are unfortunately common. Either way, she named other women (Because she didn’t like them? Because she was told to? Its unclear) and hysteria spread. [x]
In retrospect, it was likely ergot poisoning. It could have happened through contaminated wheat, and it has basically the same effects as LSD, and it can also cause convulsions and mania. Given that the madness started with two sick children, its likely that they were just more sensitive to it and reacted worse, and everybody else panicked and was disoriented and did what people do best and turned on anyone they didn’t like as the “obvious” cause. But their doctors didn’t even know to wash their hands and “bewitchment” was still on the books as an actual diagnosis.
Why We Keep Hearing About It
Well it was a scary time, and it got really out of hand, and then people wrote books and plays about it. If you’ve been to American schools I’m positive they’ve made you read The Crucible, which is a dramatic re-telling, and then they tell you about McCarthyism and then you just want to lay down and never read again. Oh I’ve been there. 
It caught people’s attention. Children were actually hurt, justice was perverted, and it only ended when the Governor stepped in and told them to get their shit in order. Wait you haven’t heard that part?
What They Conveniently Leave Out
Yeah the town’s Minister, Cotton Mather, and his father, Increase Mather, the president of Harvard Collage, urged the town to avoid the use of “spectral evidence” in the convictions. Yeah, the Minister was not in on this at all, he was very uncomfortable with the whole situation. The court on the other hand, ignored him and continued to churn out convictions. In fact, Increase is quoted as saying “It would better that ten suspected witches may escape than one innocent person be condemned.”
As word got around, Governor Phips stepped in and dissolved their courts and issued pardons, releasing all those still in prison on charges of witchcraft. 
In January 1697, the Massachusetts General Court declared a day of fasting for the tragedy of the Salem witch trials; the court later deemed the trials unlawful, and the leading justice Samuel Sewall publicly apologized for his role in the process. The damage to the community lingered, however, even after Massachusetts Colony passed legislation restoring the good names of the condemned and providing financial restitution to their heirs in 1711. [x]
But that wasn’t even the first witch trial in the early Americas. 30 years earlier, in Hartford, Connecticut, there was a hysterical witchcraft outbreak after a young girl died from who knows what, because again, medicine basically didn’t exist back then and autopsies were still illegal. Other trials happened in smaller batches through the colonies on and off and were barely recorded. People didn’t understand medicine, were tense from Native American raids, feared any religion practiced by their African Slaves, and basically hated each other and didn’t have an adequate outlet to express emotions, so they panicked and murdered each other. Classic American behavior, honestly. 
Why This Narrative Is Flawed
So if its basically true, why is it a problem? Well its not an issue to remember these events and be wary going forward and mourn the deaths of the people that have died. But the narrative is flawed because it was not some mass killing, it was a handful of people over the years, with Salem being the biggest in American history. But before that, in Europe, people were put to death for it. And in Africa. And Asia. And South America. And Australia and the South Pacific. The original story mentions that it was a larger scale even, but leaves out that many of them are men, or children. There have always been good practitioners and bad practitioners, in every culture, and the bad ones, the ones that are not of us, whoever that us is, must be killed. Good practitioners get labeled faithful, the bringers of culture and religion, and the bad ones get called monsters and demons and put to death. 
Here’s a list of people who have been killed for practicing witchcraft, and lord knows, its incomplete. It focuses mostly on America and Europe, but it mentions some Brazilians and one Chinese man. 
An incomplete narrative is one thing, and in the average person I would chalk it up to ignorance, but my real issue is with larger writers who I shall not name to avoid starting fights, but you know who I mean. Larger writers who are going to write a book and have the audacity to be incorrect don’t deserve to be published. And worse still, its part of a larger, more insidious  behavior: racism. 
To focus on the “Burning Times” as a pivotal moment, or even the greatest tragedy of our community is to focus the bulk of the importance on the West, and on predominately white people, and in most narratives, predominately on women. Because to many of these writers, that’s what a witch is, a white, western woman. Rarely do they remember Tituba, or all the black men and women whose names were never recorded because nobody ever cared to mention them. They never remember all the Native Americans put to death for their religion. They never remember the witch hunts that went on in other parts of the world, or that in some parts they still continue today. They focus the narrative on white, western women and say “but its over”. Its not over. 
It was a pivotal moment in history, and in American history, and we shouldn’t stop remembering, but we need to remember exactly what happened and what the context was. Its important for everybody, not just witches. But its important to remember all the other people who were put to death in all the other parts of the world, because most times they were outsiders, or the disabled, or religious minorities, or people with some kind of knowledge. Remember that when the plague hit, Jews, Muslims, and women who studied medicine and knew to wipe their asses and wash their hands didn’t get the plague and were put to death. (I say women because male doctors thought they were clean by virtue of existing, which is a different rant for a different day). In the past few years, “witch graves” were found containing young children with anything from epilepsy to anemia. 
What We Should Remember Instead
We’re witches. We’re the fringe. And what we need to remember is to protect the most marginalized part of our group, of any group. 
Protect trans and non-binary witches
Protect LGBT+ witches
Protect witches of color
Protect witches of all faiths, especially the marginalized ones
Protect young witches
Protect older witches
Protect disabled witches
Protect immigrant witches
Protect male witches
Protect new witches
Protect people who aren’t witches but are otherwise marginalized
We’re witches. We seek the truth beyond the mundane, we seek the power to understand and grow. This is what we should remember, what we should take away. There’s a million kind of witchcraft, but this should be the one thing that unites us all, regardless of anything else. 
We’re witches. We should remember.
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