i-use-oxford-comma · 5 days
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March 13th, 2024 🌿
Statistics homework and and my friend’s doodles from class~
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i-use-oxford-comma · 7 days
Ha I wonder how many strokes the most complex Chinese character has like maybe eightee-
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i-use-oxford-comma · 18 days
"the three dots on the side" call her by her REAL NAME.. Meatballs Menu
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i-use-oxford-comma · 19 days
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The International Phonetic Alphabet consonants found in English, with keywords and relevant parts of the mouth highlighted and colour-coded. (Source.) 
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i-use-oxford-comma · 22 days
Emotions (Spanish)
love = amor
worried = preocupado
angry = enojado
sad = triste
embarassed = avergonzada
afraid = asustado
kind = tipo
happy = feliz
amazed = asombrado
delighted = encantado
bored = perforado
tired = cansado
sensitive = doloroso
hate = odio
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i-use-oxford-comma · 23 days
Multilingual Lists
Days of the week in Spanish, Italian, & Portuguese
Lunes, lunedì, segunda-feira
Martes, martedì, terça-feira
Miércoles, mercoledì, quarta-feira
Jueves, giovedì, quinta-feira
Viernes, venerdì, sexta-feira
Sábado, sabato, sábado
Domingo, domenica, domingo
Months of the year in Spanish, Italian, & Portuguese
Enero, gennaio, janeiro
Febrero, febbraio, fevereiro
Marzo, marzo, março
Abril, abrile, abril
Mayo, maggio, maio
Junio, giungio, junho
Julio, luglio, julho
Agosto, agosto, agosto
Septiembre, settembre, setembro
Octubre, ottobre, outubro
Noviembre, novembre, novembro
Diciembre, dicembre, dezembro
Seasons in Spanish, Italian, & Portuguese
El invierno, l’inverno, o inverno
La primavera, la primavera, a primavera
El verano, l’estate, o verão
El otoño, l’autunno, o outono
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i-use-oxford-comma · 23 days
Valentine's day/Love vocabulary
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l'amore [n.] = love amore [n.] = love (as a nickname: *my* love, use no article in this occasion) innamorato/a = sb in love, lover la passione = passion un bacio = a kiss un abbraccio = a hug una carezza = a caress l’attrazione = the attraction la relazione = relationship la felicità = happiness la gioia = joy (also as nickname when without the article) la passione = passion la dichiarazione *d’amore* = *love* declaration
amare = to love innamorarsi = to fall in love uscire con qualcuno/frequentare qualcuno = to date someone tenersi per mano = holding hands sedurre/tentare = to seduce/ to tempt tradire/ingannare = to cheat/ betray someone scaricare qualcuno = to dump sb flirtare = to flirt (pronounced as in English + Italian "are" at the end) avere una cotta/un debole per qualcuno = to have a crush on sb (also: you like sb = ti piace qualcuno) adorare = to adore abbracciare = to hug essere fidanzati (ufficialmente) = to be engaged fare l’occhiolino/ammiccare = to wink chiedere di uscire/chiedere un appuntamento = to ask on a date baciare = to kiss someone/something baciarsi = to kiss each other sposare = to marry essere sposato/a = to be married sposarsi = to get married slang: limonare = to make out
il matrimonio = wedding  l'appuntamento = the date [noun] il cuore = heart i cioccolatini = praline, chocolate candy le rose = roses i fiori = flowers un mazzo (un bouquet) di fiori = a bouquet of flowers un regalo, un pensiero = a gift la fidanzata, la morosa = girlfriend     il fidanzato, il moroso = boyfriend il compagno/la compagna = girlfriend/boyfriend (mostly for adults) giorno di San Valentino = Valentine’s Day civetta = a girl who likes to flirt (not used very much anymore) cascamorto = a boy who likes to flirt cupido = cupid l'amante = lover (secret, cheater/3rd party in particular)
caro/a – dear, beloved (adj. as well as a nickname) bellezza, bello – cutie, handsome (to a male) bello/a – beautiful, handsome tesoro, dolcezza – darling, sweetheart (adj. and a nickname) dolce = sweet (also as noun: dessert) tenero/a = tender romantico/a = romantic
mi piaci = I like you ti amo, ti voglio bene = I love you mi manchi = I miss you ti amerò per sempre = I will love you forever. amore a prima vista / colpo di fulmine = Love at first sight. non posso vivere senza te = I can’t live without you Buon San Valentino = Happy Valentine’s Day festeggeremo con una cenetta romantica = We’ll celebrate with a romantic dinner un pensiero per te = A gift (thought) for you
More nicknames (no articles):
tesoro = *my* treasure cucciolo/cucciola, cucciolotto/cucciolotta = *my* pet, little pet topolino/topolina = little mouse (mio) caro/(mia) cara = (my) dear/darling piccola/piccolo, bimba/bimbo = little one, baby bambola = doll biscottino/biscottina = little biscuit micino/micina, gattino/gattina = kitty maialino/maialina = little pig tigrotto/tigrotta = little tiger momo/moma from “amoro” and “amora” (”amore” in a made up male/female version) = *my* love (in a cute way) ami/amo (or “amy”) = diminutive of “amore” (still cute) tato/tata (patato/patata, patatino/patatina) = dear (potato) orsacchiotto/orsacchiotta = teddy bear
… and I guess most of the cute animals’/cookies’/sweet stuff’s diminutives, as far as your imagination can take you! (The first 4/5 words work also in mother/son or grandma/nephew relationships, while probably the others are mostly used among partners)
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i-use-oxford-comma · 25 days
I'm curious! How's your walk with BOOP going?
If you chose 'Still working towards it' REBLOG so people can boop you towards the finish line!
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i-use-oxford-comma · 1 month
Language Playlists
Disclaimer: These playlists predominantly reflect my taste in and knowledge of music. I apologise in advance. Some playlists include songs in other languages including English if deemed appropriate for the playlist. All playlists are works in progress. Playlists in bold are really long.
Multilingual and Continental Playlists
African Music (this used to be a South African playlist and then just mutated)
Foreign Covers
Germanic Music (excluding German and Low German)
Middle Eastern and North African Music
Multilingual Mixtape (contains most of the playlists in this post and a lot more)
North American Music (classic and contemporary indigenous artists)
South Asian Music (mostly but not exclusively Hindi film soundtracks ngl)
Single Language Playlists
Irish (Gaeilge)
Low German and Northern German
te reo Māori
Scottish (Gaelic)
Hidden Agenda: Please recommend me music in Romanian and Croatian 🥺 (I also accept other recommendations)
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i-use-oxford-comma · 1 month
I was wondering if you know any funny / colloquial sayings for talking about being hyperactive or like buzzing from caffeine. A favourite English one is saying you’ll have to peel them off the ceiling, so anything along those lines?
Followers what would you say?
I think maybe the most default way I know how to say it is estar acelerado or aceleradísimo/a if it's extreme; that's how I'd describe being "jittery" or "jumpy" - it just means "accelerated" but it also feels maybe a bit formal to me? I don't know the tone feels a bit off somehow
Another possible(?) option is like me da un tembleque which is "it gives me the shakes" [un tembleque = un temblor which can be "tremors" or "shaking", or in Puerto Rico un tembleque is a kind of pudding sort of similar in appearance to a flan but it means "wobbly"]
I'm trying to think of some that aren't literally "to bounce off the walls" which is like brincar or rebotar
In Spain, and this is very contextual, it could be like está que se sale [third person; it changes like estás que te sales etc] ...which is literally like "to be as if it comes out of you"
But that's like jumping for joy OR hopping mad; the idea is you're feeling so much of something that it's bursting out of you
I think the other way I know how to say it is understandable but maybe regional; some countries say saltar por las paredes or correr por las paredes which is like "to jump off the walls" or "to run along the walls"
The only other one that comes to mind is estar como un flan which I wouldn't use here; it means "to be like a flan" but it's like "to be shaking like a leaf", so it's used when you're afraid or shellshocked, like when you can't stop shaking
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i-use-oxford-comma · 1 month
German word of the day is “yassifizieren.”
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i-use-oxford-comma · 1 month
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Card deck "Unbreakable Ukraїna" by Tautvydas Kaltenis
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i-use-oxford-comma · 1 month
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i-use-oxford-comma · 1 month
Sindarin Family Vocabulary
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Yep, ada = father (well, adar = father, ada is more like dad or daddy), and naneth = mother. For the sake of thoroughness, I’m listing all the known Sindarin words that relate to family (as complied by this Sindarin phrases website.)
Brother (formal/informal): Tor/Muindor
Daughter: Iell/Sell
Father/Dad: Adar/Ada
Husband: Hervenn
Mother/Mom: Naneth/Nana
Relative (generic): Gwanur
Sister (formal/informal): Thel/Muinthel
Son: Ion
Wife: Hervess
SOURCES: This page on the Sindarin Phrases website, which lists family vocabulary
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i-use-oxford-comma · 2 months
ok, this is amazing. I found a great site with short stories in 34 languages!
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"WorldStories is a growing collection of stories from around the world. The collection includes retold traditional tales and new short stories in the languages most spoken by UK children.
We are adding new stories, translations, pictures and sound recordings every week. So keep coming back to enjoy new content!"
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i-use-oxford-comma · 2 months
Asking questions: a guide
For starters:
What is your name: Comment t’appelles-tu?
Why are you late: Pourquoi es-tu en retard?
Who’s there: Qui est là?
How are you: Comment vas-tu?
Which is your brother: Lequel est ton frère?
Where are they: Où sont-ils?
Is there a problem: Y’a-t-il un problème?
What about you: Et toi?
What is this made of?: En quoi c’est fait?
Qu’est-ce que & friends (Wh questions)
Who is it: Qui est-ce?/C’est qui?
What is it: Qu’est-ce que c’est?/C’est quoi?
What do you mean: Qu’est-ce que tu veux dire?
What did you say: Qu’est-ce que tu as dit?
How old are you: Quel âge tu as?
What is your favourite animal: Quel est ton animal préféré?
What are your favourite colours: Quelles sont tes couleurs préférées?
Who is your favourite actress: Qui est ton actrice préférée?
What are you talking about?: De quoi tu parles?
Est-ce que (Yes/No questions):
Are you sure: Est-ce que tu en es sûr-e?
Is there anybody here: Est-ce qu’il y a quelqu’un?
Are you okay: Est-ce que tu vas bien?
Can you hear me: Est-ce que tu m’entends?
Will you be there: Est-ce que tu y seras?
Did you like the movie: Est-ce que tu as aimé le film?
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i-use-oxford-comma · 2 months
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Sushi names in Japanese
Artwork by www.instagram.com/guma.illustration
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