i-ver · 11 months
Chapter III.
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Happy our third month together, sayangku. I'll tell you, again and again, about how quickly time passes from month to month. Every time a new month comes, the first thing that pops to mind is no other than our precious relationship. A new month means another month of us.
Sayang, I will never get tired of being thankful for having you at my side. Don't you believe the last several months have been increasingly difficult? You, with your hectic schedules, and now me, with some work I need to get done soon. To be honest, I am (much) embarrassed by my current personal circumstances. I admit that I met you not during my best. I had moments when I wondered why I had to meet you now of all times. It's not that I regret meeting you (of course I never will, GILA KALI); rather, it's that I just wish I could have shown you my finest self instead. I've tried to show you only my best aspects, but the last two weeks have been anything but that. I'm sorry for having so much on my plate, and thank you for always comforting me no matter what. For more than a year, I've been chased out by nightmares, and all I've been able to do is hide from them. But now that you've entered my life, I've finally gained the long-lost courage to confront them; to confront everything that has been chasing me out every single time. And your presence made things a lot easier to endure. You are here for me when I have no one else to turn to, not even my family. You have no idea how powerful your existence is to me. It's terrifying enough to think of how my days would be without you; perhaps I'd be a soulless human being as I spend my daily routines. But you, you offer me warmth inside my heart, allowing me to liven up my days. You brought me laugher and smiles when I should have been crying and breaking apart over my own mistakes. You provided me light in this time of darkness.
Thank you for accepting me as I am. Thank you for your unfailing trust and support in whatever I choose to do. Thank you for understanding me, regardless of how little I've revealed about my personal life. I'm still embarrassed to tell you everything right now, but when it's all through, I'll be more than delighted to tell you everything I'm going through right now. Thank you for believing in me despite my cowardice, and thank you for loving me unconditionally despite my lack in so many areas. I love you. I love you more than anything else. And I will never cease thanking God for sending you to me.
I love you, Ra.
AM/JR/FI, 04.08.23.
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i-ver · 1 year
Chapter II.
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Happy our second month together, and happy receiving another letter from yours truly. I'll never grow weary of thinking about how quickly time passes while I'm with you, sayang. Another month well spent reflecting on how fortunate I am to have you by my side. This month wasn't as smooth as a storybook, but I'm glad we got through it together. Rara, I'm so glad I met you. You were there for me during some tumultuous times in my life, and you helped me get back on my feet when I was down. You take away my agony, quiet my storm, and carve a smile on my face. It's all about you all the time. It’s you, and always you.
For the past two months, I've become accustomed to you welcoming me home after a long schedule, you who’s an early riser but stays up late talking to me. You mean a lot to me more than you ever think. You may think little of yourself at times, but to me, you are the epitome of perfection. For the past two months, I've recognized that when I'm with you, I’m different. The regular me, who wouldn't notice minor details, has changed to noticing every little thing about you. The regular me, who rarely expresses emotions, has changed to not holding anything back with you.
Thank you so much for everything you've given for me, and for us. You are the perfect partner for me, and I’m grateful to have a partner that exudes such genuine love. Thank you for constantly showing me how much you care, and showering me with your unending love to the point that I've never felt unhappy, insecure, or any of those other unpleasant emotions when I'm with you. With you, I’m different. With you, I’m happiest.
Let’s continue to do life together, shall we? I love you so much, the woman of my life. I love you now and always.
AM/JR/FI, 04.07.23.
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i-ver · 1 year
Chapter I.
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Sayang, happy first month of our relationship. It's insane to consider how quickly time goes by, don't you think? It seems like only yesterday that I became yours and you became mine. I believe that an eternity with you wouldn't seem as lengthy if a month went by thus quickly. Every day would seem like a brand-new book that was just waiting to be filled with wonderful memories.
Sayang, I truly cherish everything we went through together. The times I'm with you are when I'm truly happiest. You are the home I would always want to return to, the embrace that would take away all my problems, and the companion I would always want to have by my side in all aspects of my life. I had no idea I was capable of such profound affection. You seem to make everything you do so endearing and lovely that I find it impossible to look away from you, Ra. You are the light in the darkest cave, the warmth in the chilly winter, and the oasis in the desolate desert. I'll never forget how my days now begin and finish with you. Without knowing, you’re already involved in a significant portion of my day, and I'll keep it so. Rara, I care about you so strongly that simply stating "I love you" can’t adequately convey how I feel. I genuinely mean every "I love you" I say to you, they all come from the bottom of my heart, truly.
Ra, I want to love you completely, even in the areas that other people haven't shown you love. I want to give you so much love that you never experience a lack because I will constantly be overwhelmed by my love for you. I want you to know that whenever something makes you vulnerable, you are always welcome to rely on me. You are welcome to bring them to me, and I will listen to each one of them without passing any judgment. You can share with me what bothers your mind, what keeps you up at night, what you’re afraid of, and all those things you can’t show to other people. I want to love you for each and every one of those things, for everything that has beautifully shaped you become the person you are today, for all the qualities that make you a human. I want to provide you with the complete love that you are more than deserving of. I want to play a significant part to your smile, laughter, and happiness.
I'll always be grateful, and thankful for being your boyfriend, sayang. I can't see being with anyone else than you. Every day feels just like those old times when I secretly had feelings for you, and how I value every little thing you do. Thank you for being the best girlfriend I could ever hope for—one who is kind, warm, sweet, and supportive. Thank you for being patient with me when things weren't easy, for standing by me no matter what I decided to do, and for showing compassion even when you had the choice not to. Just the thought of you makes my day happier. I love you so, so much.
Happy one-month anniversary, dearest. Thank you being mine, and being the best thing I could have ever imagined. Thank you for constantly making me feel loved each, and every day.
I have always loved you, and I always will. I love you, Soraine Lishavane, my sweetest girlfriend.
AM & JR, 04.06.23.
Note: This came to mind when I pondered what gift I should give you for our first month together, as I remembered you didn't have one yet. It isn't much, but I hope it's to your liking, sayang. I love you.
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i-ver · 1 year
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i-ver · 1 year
Would you like to listen to this song while moving down?
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i-ver · 1 year
"Good evening, Rara. Did I catch you off guard this time, too? There are some things that I've always wanted to tell you down here, so please scroll down slowly, and I hope what I've prepared for you makes you smile brightly."
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i-ver · 1 year
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Rara, meeting you is one of the things I'm most grateful for. I still vividly remember that moment; the moment when you were merely texting me for your announcement video file, but then you messaged me again a few days later, which often made me feel like I should've been the one to texted you first. I remember how readily I was drawn to you from the beginning. Something about you drew me in and made me unable to ignore your presence. I had no idea that my feeling, curiosity, and attraction that I felt back then would develop into the one I have today. I don’t know when I started thinking about you before going to bed so naturally like it was a routine, or when my heart began to flutter every time you called me "Iver," a name that only you used. I don’t know when I started falling head over heels every time I viewed your photos, from the drop-dead stunning to the insanely cute ones; just how I terribly want to show the world how adorable you are while a part of me still wanting to keep you for myself at the same time. I don’t know when I started looking forward to your messages and smiling so much when I read them. I don’t know when I started having short, sudden flashbacks to our moments together whenever I take a break in the midst of the day. I don’t know when I started to feel like something was missing when you weren't there. I don't know when my anger could be calmed quickly just by looking at you and talking to you as if you were an oasis in the desert. Life was vivid with you, Ra, and suddenly problems became merely puzzles to be solved together. I don’t know when I started expecting to be a part of your days, weeks, months, years, and even life. I don’t know when I first imagined my future with you, but I remember thinking just how great it would be to have you by my side and never let go of your hand. Just how wonderful it is to love you, and call you mine.
Rara, I can't deny that I'm a flawed man. I don't consider myself romantic; I occasionally do dumb things by accident. In many ways, I fall short, but please know that I will fight for you, and for us, too. I want to always be there to witness and be the reason for your brightest smile. I want to be your strength during life's ups and downs, I want to be your no.1 cheerleader in whatever you decide to do, I want to be the one who embraces you when things aren't going as you planned, and I want to be there in every moment of your life, good or bad. You are the epitome of someone I greatly admire, Rara. You are the one that adds color to my otherwise drab life. As I get to know you better every day, I can't help but wonder how someone this lovely could exist. I don’t know when I started finding everything you do adorable. I don’t know when I started missing you more, and more each day. When it comes to you, I could go on and on with compliments and praises since there will never be enough to describe all of your wonderful sides, all that shapes who you truly are. You are someone I want to keep close in my life. You are someone I want to keep safe at all costs, and someone with whom I want to spend and share my days. You are someone who teaches me what love is supposed to feel like. Pure, and effortless.
Love has a profound meaning, indeed, and it is not something to be treated lightly. But as we spend our precious time getting to know each other better, I realized that my feelings for you have also grown deeper, and there is no better word to describe them. I love you, Soraine. I love you with all my heart, I love you deeply, and I want to spend every moment of my life with you, and only you.
Would you accept my love and let me be entirely yours, Rara?
Your no.1 admirer, Jardin River.
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i-ver · 1 year
♫ Only Wanna Be With You, Soraine.
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i-ver · 1 year
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From JR, to SL.
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