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Finnish Miku, but its the iron age because I'm a cultural history nerd.
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So for the Banished!Athena AU, this is just an idea but I think maybe in order to better blend in with the humans and y’know… survive, Athena would basically become the head royal guard (both so Penelope and Telemachus can actually convince the darn goddess to come inside) but also to better fend off the suitors and explain why she’s always around the royal family or training Telemachus.
Well, the more I thought about it it COULD work, but it'll be more of a personal guard than a head guard, after all with her condition she wouldn't be able to properly lead or train anyone for too long [her arms were practically rendered useless for the most part, it hurts whenever she moves them too much or too swiftly.] HOWEVER, it would be easier for her to be a more, personal guard, only needing to be close to Penelope and Telemachus. She CAN still fight, but, she'd need the assistance of Ares for that.. And he's more than happy to help, keep her in shape, keep that warrior aspect of her even if she isn't as strong as she used to be.
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Ares, instead of using quick thought, has the ability to almost silence the pain for a short period of time until Athena's body cant take it anymore, think of it as a more destructive form of adrenaline, though it has to be used sparingly, she's still advised not to return to fighting unless truly necessary.
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Bart Allen types at a speed so fast Tim had to get Waynetech to make him a phone that can keep up with him, because he broke the last three phones he had by overloading them with typing much too fast for them to handle. He’s from the future, he didn’t expect today’s technology to be quite so fragile. The young justice groupchat looks something like:
Red nuisance: ?? Are you talking to me?
Cassieeee: okay i don't even know what he's saying sorry
Knock off steel man (aluminum man?): Yeah no what the fuck?
This (to a lesser extent) extends to all the speedsters. As soon as this phone was developed, both Wally and Barry were gifted one by their respective Bat.
Barry now texts Hal faster than people can see during league meetings, making him try not to laugh every time his phone screen lights up.
Wally quotes memes the exact second they become popular, because of course these phones are capable of playing any video at 100x speed without distortion. It makes people think he’s brain rotted. He leans into it because it means people underestimate him. It pisses Dick off though, because he has to explain to people that yes, Wally still trains as much as the rest of him, no, he’s not slacking to watch TikTok, he’s just scrolled through the entire for you page in about a half minute.
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Pt 1 for now
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Next —>
Only got the chance to cram in one page 😪
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I broke a ramune bottle to get the marble out for my dragon.
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AU where Tim wasn’t ever obsessed with the Flying Graysons or Batman and Robin, and thus never found out their identities. And then at 15 years old his class gets assigned a “fun” research project to propose who resident boogeyman Batman could be and, being the overachieving genius that he is, Tim gets sucked into a conspiracy theory rabbit hole and actually uncovers the truth. Mostly he’s mad that he can’t actually give his excellent presentation bc he can’t compromise Batman’s identity even more, can he?
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Breaking News: Gotham Crime lord and Child Vigilante Accomplice Harass Innocent Taco Bell Employee (NOT CLICKBAIT)
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Those dastardly Baja Blast Brothers
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Bruce is at a gala, okay, and he’s talking to a woman.
Random woman: “And we found out that we’re having another child!”
Bruce: *absolutely cackling inside, because this is about to be the funniest thing he’s done in weeks*
Brucie: “That’s wonderful! Where are they? Can I meet them? How old are they?”
Now Brucie is standing there, scanning the room for children with a huge grin on his face, while all of the random rich people stand around like ‘who’s going to explain to the adorable, well-meaning idiot that most people know they’re going to have children a few months before the children are born.’
And worse, who’s going to have to break the news to him that he can’t meet the kid today?
Because this man… this man has acquired all of his children with zero premeditation. Yes, he does have a bio kid, but that one showed up on his doorstep as a preteen. He did even less acquiring with that one than with the others.
Bruce has a blast acting out his disappointment, and has to turn some so that he can no longer see Tim and Cass leaning against each other and laughing, because otherwise he’s going to start laughing.
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EPIC: Legacy AU
Finally got around to listening to the whole of Act I
Odysseus does not make it back to Ithaca
 Nausithous and Nausinous do however
Penelope accepts them into her home, just happy knowing that her husband was alive until some point.
Nausithous and Nausinous both decide to work as soldiers, as to not exhaust their host/ stepmother's kindness
At first Telemachus doesn't know what to feel about the two
They are his brothers, from a man that doesn't really know
He sees how his mother enjoys touching features that must have come from Odysseus.
They have strange manners that some of the elder workers are accustomed to.
All over the palace, he hears how the two are definitely the sons of Odysseus.
How Nausithous hold his swords like Odysseus once did.
How Nausinous shares their father's brilliant mind.
He also hears stories of their time on Ogygia
How Odyssues' taught them how to fight and build,
How Odysseus wept every day and night to be with them,
How their mother's treatment tormented the man,
Telemachus watches as they battle themselves internally, not pleased with her actions, but they cannot find the means to hate Calypso fully.
Penelope also shared her own stories, the two occasionally interrupting with their own opinions of Odysseus
Telemachus know what he feels now.
It's envy
Envy that these men are the embodiment of Odysseus's strengths
Envy that these men are deemed heroes for their journey and their great battle strategies.
Envy that these men can laugh and talk about Odysseus like they knew him
Envy that Odysseus was a dad to Nausithous and Nausinous, but Prince Telemachus' father.
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infinite tea dragon for all your tea needs:)
[prompt: tea, butterfly, wyrm]
kinda following @kmccaigue 's list:)
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One struggle 🫡
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suffering am i right
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say his name three times!
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Likelihood of the batfam bailing you out of jail:
Tim: Absolutely 100% no questions asked
Steph: She'd ask you what you did and take you out for food to celebrate
Dick: He would, but there is going to be a long, unavoidable conversation
Barbara: She'd call them to convince them to let you out but you gotta find your own way home
Duke: Yes, but it'll be an awkward drive back because it's 2AM and he's in Ninja Turtles pajamas
Harper: She doesn't answer unknown numbers
Damian: He would do it only to have something to hold over your head
Helena: She'll do it if you sign a contract to pay her back with interest
Alfred: He'd leave you in there for a night as a lesson
Carrie: She would agree after you tell her how to do it but get distracted and never show up
Cullen: He's just glad someone remembered to call him
Kate: She would laugh and hang up
Luke: He'd send someone else to do it
Bette: She would reluctantly say yes after some back-and-forth
Bruce: He's already there bailing out one of his kids, so why not
Selina: She would, and she'd teach you how to not get caught next time
Jason: He's sitting in the cell next to you
Cass: She's not bailing you out, she's breaking you out
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listening to that part in "love in paradise" where calypso is trying to talk odysseus down from the ledge really highlights her selfishness. in the song, she's talking over him, and he has to yell over her voice ("all i hear are screams.") she constantly refers to herself, saying "i love our time here, life would be so much worse if you had died" showing that she cares less about his trauma and more about what would happen if he were to die - she would be alone again, and that is her primary concern. she's indifferent to his misery, but steps in because she can't have him dying. and i think this fact is made even more telling by making her accidentally re-traumatize him with phrases like "open arms." she's actively harming him in her attempts to console him, because it's not his happiness she wants - just his presence.
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Okay so wait you guys all know that thing that teachers or parents do were they forget that they don't have to speak in like a baby voice all the time and accidentally interact with grown adults in the same manner they do with a child right? Okay so imagine that- but with Batman and the Justice League
Hal and Barry are arguing and suddenly Batman goes, “boys, thats not very nice is it?” in like a kid voice
Or Oliver is complaining about getting patched up after a fight and Batman chides, “You take the hit you gotta take the stitch baby,” 
Or Clark is mumbling something and Bats goes, “Speak up sweetheart, lets use our speech properly yeah?”
Or Diana accidentally punches a man in the face when hes already down. Batman tsks, “Come on darling, what did we talk about? One hit only.”
Or Oliver is leaving for a mission and Dinah kisses him goodbye and then he walks away, only for Batman to go, “Say bye bye!” 
Just please imagine their faces for me.
And Batman grimaces lightly afterwards every time and just leaves and the League is flabbergasted
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