Me talking myself into self care like I am a toddler:
“You WILL eat dinner tonight!”
“You WILL take a shower!”
“You WILL brush your teeth!”
“You WILL NOT binge drink!”
“You WILL NOT self harm!”
“You WILL reach out. Call a loved one NOW”
“You WILL go to bed on time!”
“You are NOT ALLOWED to contact your exes!”
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Happiness Will Come To You.
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recovery may feel so slow that you can’t tell you are going forward at all. sometimes it might feel like you are going backwards. but I promise, if you want to get better, you are already choosing to recover. it will be hard, but go at your own pace and don’t be afraid to ask for help.
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Hey so I need help proving my mom wrong, if you have a mental illness and you know about it, either being diagnosed or researching it yourself, please reblog this. She thinks mentally ill people don’t know that they are mentally ill.
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I killed my old self to be better but the new version of me is even worse.
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I remember thinking that I wasn’t ‘sick enough.’
Until I read that a healthy person doesn’t wish to be sick at all
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me: *meets someone new*
also me: *tries to avoid over sharing*
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My body: eat eat eat.
My ED:no you can’t, you’re fat.
My depression: this too much, let’s kill ourselves.
anxiety:no! Our family needs us.
My ED: and we’re fat.
Self-harm:yeah, let’s cut us, no one dies and we feel better.
My body:eat eat eat.
brain:hElP mE.
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This always fucking happens :c
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why do people romanticize loneliness and sadness and depression so much? it isnt funny or beautiful or romantic. It makes you feel worthless and alone and like you dont have a fighting chance at ever being happy or have someone love you 
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Can 2019 be the year we finally understand that medication for mental health is necessary, potentially life saving, and leave judgement in the past where it belongs because the brain can get sick and need treatment just like A N Y other organ.
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