i3iancabee-blog · 12 years
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I sort of mentioned earlier this month that a girl I went to high school with died in a tragic car accident earlier this month, leaving behind an almost six month old baby girl. She had just updated her FB about Adventure Time and then suddenly she was gone. The baby was in the accident, but she’s healing, she’ll be okay, just motherless. 
Her family has set up a trust, if anyone wants to donate or reblog. 
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i3iancabee-blog · 12 years
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I opened a shop!
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i3iancabee-blog · 12 years
They should make a film where Jesse Eisenberg is dating Zooey Deschanel and Michael Cera is dating Katy Perry and then half way through they all switch places and nobody notices.
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i3iancabee-blog · 12 years
I see many many favorites among all that chaos.
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The current state of my #bookshelf #books #lit
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i3iancabee-blog · 12 years
Last time North Carolina amended their constitution on marriage it was to ban interracial marriage.   
Women perform 66% of the world’s work, produce 50% of the food, earn 10% of the income and own 1% of the property.  
It’s easier for Americans to access guns than mental health services.   
In Germany, police fired 85 bullets in all of 2011. In the US, police fired 90 shots at 1 unarmed man in Los Angeles.  
TLC’s “Here Comes Honey Boo Boo” got higher ratings the same night as the GOP convention on every cable and broadcast network.  
These five people saved health care for 32 million Americans   
Weeks of PAID maternity leave: Chile (18), Germany (14), Ireland (22), Norway (44), Japan (14), Kenya (8), U.S. (ZERO).  
Hostess pays $1.75 million in executive bonuses after blaming unions for bankruptcy.  
Obamacare is a major tax cut for middle class families.  
A family of 3 would have to remain on welfare for 328 years to receive as much government assistance as Mitt Romney.    
Voting lines are so long in Ohio because the Republican Secretary of State drastically reduced hours.
Texas GOP says schools shouldn’t teach “critical thinking skills” because they challenge “student’s fixed beliefs.” 
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i3iancabee-blog · 12 years
me: not with that attitude
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i3iancabee-blog · 12 years
At 3pm on August 13 2004, Akku Yadav was lynched by a mob of around 200 women from Kasturba Nagar. It took them 15 minutes to hack to death the man they say raped them with impunity for more than a decade. Chilli powder was thrown in his face and stones hurled. As he flailed and fought, one of his alleged victims hacked off his penis with a vegetable knife. A further 70 stab wounds were left on his body. The incident was made all the more extraordinary by its setting. Yadav was murdered not in the dark alleys of the slum, but on the shiny white marble floor of Nagpur district court.
Laughed at and abused by the police when they reported being raped by Yadav, the women took the law into their own hands. On the day of Yadav’s hearing, 200 women came to the court armed with vegetable knives and chilli powder. As he walked in, Yadav spotted one of the women he had raped. He called her a prostitute and threatened to repeat the crime against her. The police laughed. She took off her sandal and began to hit him, shouting, “We can’t both live on this Earth together. It’s you or me.”
It was a rallying cry to an incensed mob. Soon, he was being attacked on all sides. Knives were drawn and the two terrified officers guarding him ran away. Within 15 minutes, Yadav was dead on the courthouse floor. But his death has not brought the women peace. Five were immediately arrested, then released following a demonstration across the city. Now every woman living in the slum has claimed responsibility for the murder. They say no one person can take the blame: they have told the police to arrest them all.
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i3iancabee-blog · 12 years
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i3iancabee-blog · 12 years
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Best of Rob’s Remember Me Commentary
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i3iancabee-blog · 12 years
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i3iancabee-blog · 12 years
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i3iancabee-blog · 12 years
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Christmas. :)
I had to steal this from my future sister-in-law's facebook because my phone sucks. 
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i3iancabee-blog · 12 years
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i3iancabee-blog · 12 years
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Best of Rob’s Remember Me Commentary
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i3iancabee-blog · 12 years
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i3iancabee-blog · 12 years
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New Interior. Modeled By Chris. Lit and rendered by me. Tutorial for everyone. 
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i3iancabee-blog · 12 years
Hi, just your local Mayan here reminding you the world isn’t ending tomorrow.
Also, that Mayans still exist.
And finally, that we have a language that is still spoken, and written, and that our science and other studies have developed...
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