iaintdeadyetbabe · 13 days
Fuck it. Locked tombs your miku
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iaintdeadyetbabe · 13 days
I feel like Muir isn’t afraid to tell a story. In the sense that she writes like she doesn’t care what a reader thinks of her.
When I first read GtN, I found it as very average SF/F fare and my heart was barely in it. I felt like the ending was messy with its battle royale aspects and I wrote Gideon off as a standard edgy YA-style protagonist. The narrative sounded so simplistic and I didn’t feel attached to the cast of characters. On its surface, GtN is a very standard high-concept story with a stereotypical summary on goodreads. I was ready to write Muir off as an ok and middling debut writer.
Then I picked up Harrow.
It was like Muir was a sleeper agent and just blew my mind. I could see her skill in her craft and my investment did a complete 180. I had to reread GtN and realized all the things I missed and all the things that were planted from the start that were hidden by Gideon’s ignorance, flippancy, and naivety—the reasons why I wrote the book off. I underestimated Muir because I thought Gideon’s voice was her voice.
The writer is a liar, an illusionist, and a conman and I fell for Muir’s game. And that is so refreshing.
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iaintdeadyetbabe · 13 days
Oh Jod, I've been stumbling through this series like a 9 year old child and totally missing the whole 'Jesus Carrying The Cross' bit with Harrow obsessively bearing Gideon's (very crucifix shaped) sword strapped to her back, even though she can hardly bear the weight of it.
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iaintdeadyetbabe · 13 days
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Tattoo done by Miryam Lumpini.
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iaintdeadyetbabe · 13 days
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Christ the fuck alive republicans are pathetic.
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iaintdeadyetbabe · 13 days
Ianthe thought she was so fucking smart when she achieved lyctorhood before anyone else without seeing any of the chambers. Thought she was so clever to just eat her cavalier whole against the will of everyone.
How stupid must she have felt when she watched the birth of Paul, and realized that if she'd done more work, tried just a little harder, taken a step back and slowed down she could have united hers and Corona's souls for eternity.
Corona who cried that she hadn't been chosen at her sister's ascension. Ianthe who hadn't chosen her because she couldn't bear to lose her, like a naive fool. Choosing immortality condemned Ianthe to inevitably lose Corona. That moment she started the stop watch, and I'll bet never even realized until that impromptu birthday party.
And to rub it in Paul tells her there is still time for her and Naberius to be perfect, like she cared a scrap about Naberius. but there is no time for her and Corona, she and Corona will never have that chance again.
God she must have screamed and screamed
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iaintdeadyetbabe · 13 days
Camilla sifting through the debris at Canaan house to collect Palamedes shards and then laboriously piecing them all back together: “rest in peace to all the king’s horses and all the king’s men, but I’m different.”
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iaintdeadyetbabe · 13 days
Whenever I try and relate the core problem with the Barbie movie to somebody, I just say the phrase "BARBIE GENOCIDE MONUMENT". It's pretty much been burned into my brain from thinking about that one detail so much.
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iaintdeadyetbabe · 13 days
I love getting unaccompanied minors (kids flying alone) who so clearly just. Don't want to be here lol. Sometimes I get to know a little of their story, like their parents are divorced, or a family member died and they're heading to the funeral, but usually they just don't want to talk about it and that's fine. But I always treat the flight like it's a challenge to make them smile. I offer them snacks and soda but that's never enough, that's whatever, they could get those from an airport vending machine. Chump change. So then I tell the worst jokes. Just the most embarrassing, kindergarten teacher, annoying dad jokes you can think of. And those always get a groan, or a "Seriously??" And that's my in! Now I can say "Why, what's your idea of a good joke? No, come on hotshot, make your best joke, let's see it." And they hem and they haw but of course they eventually tell me their very best joke because kids are little competitive comedy goldmines. And it's always super funny, so I laugh, and that's where they slip up. Because you know what you almost always do when your joke successfully makes someone laugh? You smile. And I'm like. Gotcha. Rookie move. Now you're going to end up having a good time in spite of yourself. I win.
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iaintdeadyetbabe · 13 days
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Anyways those audiobooks
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iaintdeadyetbabe · 13 days
Gideons thoughts going from "there was still blood flaking out of her eyebrows, which was gross" to " her necromancer, who was painfully serene as even her eyebrows bled." is like when I gained consciousness at the age of 4.
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iaintdeadyetbabe · 13 days
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just finished harrow the ninth and i feel sick but i fucking love ianthe
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iaintdeadyetbabe · 13 days
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Holy shit.
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iaintdeadyetbabe · 13 days
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a post about when someone tags someone else on your post
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iaintdeadyetbabe · 13 days
okay, but, cytherea really was the ideal seventh house necromancer. she even suggested it herself while she was still pretending to be dulcinea—she was continuously dying for ten thousand years and she was dying beautifully. cytherea is an epithet for venus, but she doesn’t quite live up to her namesake—she’s beautiful, yes, but also spiteful, horrifying, and deadly. she has more in common with the planet venus, likely the location of the seventh house. venus was earthlike, hundreds of millions of years ago, until it “died” (relatively) quickly and became the hellish, uninhabitable wasteland it is now. circling back to cytherea, with the massive power her constant death must’ve given her, i’d bet she was one of the most powerful lyctors, if not the most powerful period. it’s incredible that anyone was able to kill her, but i think she might have let it happen. i think that she sees becoming a lyctor as her own moment of death, and that she didn’t really care about her own survival, just making sure no one else could end up like her. of course, her solution was murder, and she inevitably failed when harrow became a lyctor, and i think that she gave up. when cytherea became a lyctor, she became a beautiful living corpse. the perfect saint for the seventh house.
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iaintdeadyetbabe · 13 days
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some days you're god's bastard child conceived to destroy the world
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iaintdeadyetbabe · 13 days
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Shearing half a sheep seemed a simple way to show a season's growth of wool, but photographer Cary Wolinsky was wrong. The half-shorn sheep tended to lose their balance and topple to wool-ward. It took many tries before merino sheep number 30 “became our hero," Wolinsky said.
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