iam-mr · 5 years
A Tale About A Male
"We live in a world that most often glorifies or celebrates the man-hood with the adjectives like chivalry and alpha's based on sheer aspects of external strength, fashioned mannerism and testosterone levels. It is rarely, we come across fellow-creatures that identifies a man, as a man, for his hidden sacrifices, choices and individuality. In an era, where today we men, are as much supportive to the idea of feminism or even a LGBT acceptance, we ourselves are often looked down upon for reasons and incidences that we would never want to be a part of or even be associated with. But, sadly we will always be - history leaves that scar with us. Nevertheless, we, like every other gender, need to show the world or may be just get comforted for traits which are nowhere close to muscle bulks, patriarchy or libido. "
Today, let me share a tale of a male, my views on what defines us - men, which is often overlooked. Traits and qualities that would help the world around us to have a more intimate connection rather than a prejudice. If you agree or have something to share and add, leave a comment or mail me your story or incident or experience, I would love to read and respond.
We have heard people say - "A human is the average of five people closest to him/her" or a more definite one, " A man is known by the company he keeps". I totally believe in both of the phrases and hence wouldn’t care to know who coined it, but just accept. A man, and when I say a man, I would not short it down to an age bracket but yes, surely someone who has had his share of ECG's in life - over a period has befriended some, foe-d a few and estranged many. But, if you have to judge or cast your opinions about a man, look at his entourage - a bunch of people who are around him in his thick and thins, in-person or distance away. A set of people about whom he frequently mentions or takes time out to get an update of them. And simultaneously, know those people and why they are holding on to each other and you will get a better perspective of that man. After an age, a man only shares his single-malts with a few and these would be his entourage.
Nope, not about the food, but that would definitely help you know him better. I have a quote, yes I do and it goes "It is all about having a good taste". Your taste is your subconscious set of qualities that sometime even you wouldn’t be aware of but strangely the world around you notices that. A taste about the books you read, a perfume you wear, the music you listen to and lastly the political opinions you hold on to. A man is often judged before he even has a clue about the reaction but it is a fact that one can not run away with. Although, I don’t go by the opinion that taste has to be an expensive affair. At times, a simple taste - a choice of not being on social media but going out and actually connecting with people is a taste - an attribute to your personality and individuality. If one closely notices a man and his entourage, it will be visible that the latter are the results of his taste - in various genres.
I know it sounds too aesthetic or plastic for some, and we have also witnessed men with dashing robes as biggest criminals but here I am talking about those men who have shed themselves to run for their passion, their heart-calling and in the process have lost and won and lost again and conquered. A man who doesn’t dress up to show the riches or the power but to respect his self-worth and his journey. A man who doesn’t dress to impress but to express. A man's choice of wardrobe talks a lot about his comforts, his eye to details, his experiences, his taste and lastly about his individuality. A man's wardrobe talks about who lives within them, and it is often remembered.
For a lot of us men, miseries derive from not being able to sit quietly in a room alone. A man who can enjoy his solitude is either a beast or a god, which is a tough trait to judge him. Hence it is often what comes from that solitude is a matter of judgement. A true value of a man and his mind is when he is alone - with his visions, aspirations and fears. A man who seeks solitude to re-fuel himself - to serve the society, the people he cares about or just to have a cool-down period before a reaction, is someone who truly values and respects his solitude. It defines that a man in not self-centric but is considerate, thoughtful and comfortable with his own self.
And a real man always acknowledges & appreciates the work of others. All the above illustratives are by Mr. Akira Sorimachi for GQ Japan & Crane Brothers. He is a renowned Japanese illustrator who has worked on various acclaimed project in the fashion industry. Follow him on Instagram: @sorimachiakira
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iam-mr · 5 years
How many times we come across men sharply dressed, head to toe in some of their expensive robes and gadgets ? A lot, right ? Instagram and Pinterest have assured us men that looking dandy isn’t about privilege but self awareness. Talking of self awareness, how many times have we come across men who is remarkably dressed but carries a bag which just kills the aura, or him per say ? That again, a lot, right?
Problem with us men is that we often shed our greens or say purple in India, with a mind-set : it should be durable, be able to stuff much and get done with what its suppose to do. An easy-peasy way to deal with a purchase that’s a one-time go, or just a bag. A man’s bag, unlike women's purses and clutches has been a neglected segment and the ones that are there, are mediocre enough to call it “carry-on”.
The way we men often decide to buy or say pick a bag is, if its a last minute call or you just need one to travel and keep things handy or else, because you bought yourself a laptop. Apart from this we barely look at this from an asset or an investment purchase. I won’t generalize though, as there are men who make sure to invest in a good messenger bag but then those too are bought out of need and to justify their professional decorum. Men, unlike women, buy the bags as:
- Cheap and for all purpose
- Cheap but professional looking
- Expensive but only for one purpose
- Expensive and professional looking
Today, here, i am just going to quickly brief you about several other aspects that can help us men buy that perfect messenger bag and make you pick the one that suits your personality the best.
Have you at times noticed a casually dressed men, someone into creatives, walking down the office with a corporate looking messenger bag and you would have suddenly questioned his expertise. Your profession and your bags has as much of connection as your visiting card and your logo. Nevertheless, its more like, your bags would talk about the kind of work you are into. Hence if you have noticed, a lot of marketing guys will have a leather bag (at times tacky) with them, as for the prime reason being that they face and represent the corporate world. It is wise to pick a bag that suits your profession, and it need not be black. For example, a designer can always opt for a classic navy blue/ tan leather bag which looks more versatile and edgy - showcasing that he is not just another work-horse.
One other major criteria is the purpose. A lot of men in the corporate are frequent-flyers who use their messenger bags for one day travel along with their tech-gadgets. But this may not be the case with few men who solely use the bags for the tech accessories. Hence the purpose behind the purchase is one good thing to take a look at or else you will just end up looking like a man carrying a sack of rice. 
How frequent are you going to use the bag ? Once a day, once a month or use it as your pillow. You really need to look at how much is the use. This shall help you define the budget you're looking at. Sturdy bags come with a price tag and they last long, whereas if you're just looking at the bag as an identity of yourself you might want to refine your budget.
Just two options to ever pick from: Canvas or Leather, latter being your first choice always unless you work from the woods, which millennials do these days. Leather fades nice and years down the line, your kids would love to flaunt them too. 
Now, this is tricky. I know a lot of you would be like "Hey, I can’t shed that much just for a laptop bag" but listen, it is purely your call and trust me when i say this, CHEAP STUFFS SHOUTS. I don't say that go for designer ones or big labels but at least pick one that is a little genuine and looks worth the efforts and energy you shred to make yourself the man you are.
With all this said and done, I here want to introduce you men (and also for your women) an amazing label for genuine leather bags that blends both, the creatives and the corporate. TRIBE -  a very much home-grown brand. Grown primarily from the frustration of finding an apt quality laptop bags in budget and with quirkiness, TRIBE comes out as a best option for picking a bag that suits each aspects mentioned above. Not just that, with some little extra bucks, they will customize you to bring out the best one to suit your taste and profession.
The founder and owner, Priya, with an extensive experience in the corporate and marketing sector, makes sure that her product reaches the consumers with top notch quality and packaging. All Tribe bags are high quality laptop bags with enough spaces and details to blend functionality with the personality. Mostly dual colored, to add that touch of drama to your outfit, Tribe bags are unisex, come with high quality fittings, zippers and buttons with customization available.
From an array of products to pick from, I picked myself something that compliments my profession as a men-style consultant and a menswear designer. Something that is dandy enough but still looks professional. For me black was never an option, hence I chose a navy leather bag with tan brown details. The quilted exterior with brown stitch, brown handles and gold zipper made the combination as perfect as I could ask for. Furthermore, I am someone who travels with a lot of tech-gadgets and luckily, the bag has enough space for each of them plus additional books.
I understand that not all of us are so keen or cautious while buying something like a bag for laptop, but next time when you plan to, look it as an investment, something that amplifies your over all personality.
Below is the link to get yourself your customised genuine leather bag for your personal and professional looks. Have a look and surely it wont be a wrong choice to pick.
For more options and design : SHOP HERE
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iam-mr · 7 years
I am Mr. X METRO Shoes: My Pair – My Occasion
It's really sad to come across a well dressed man wearing a great outfit with a poor pair of shoes. We understand the idea of "to each his own" but when it comes to men-styling and especially about the shoes, we are damn serious to point out the errs or applaud the right efforts.
Today, we will be looking at one such name in the footwear industry in India - METRO SHOES. They are the pioneer in the footwear segment catering to all the genders and class of the society. Having an array of styles to pick from, the brand ensures that you get the right ones for the right occasions. Festive season is round the corner and the stores have not only pumped up their collection with versatility but have also brought in some major discounts to lower the dent in your wallet.
It is the festive time of the year, and the families would have either planned a nice destination getaway or would have glammed up their homes to host the relatives. In either case you got to pick the right ones for each event.
For the getaways, we would suggest you to go as casual and experimental as possible. Add styles and color to the ensemble. We would not be wrong if we say that loafers would be your best pick for the trip. It is smart, casual and comfortable enough. Below are few styles you can pick from the store or online considering your budget and personal style. 
STYLE TIP: Loafers go best with cotton shorts and chinos teamed up with a smart polo t-shirt.
And hey, if you are to have a home-bound festive days, inviting and visiting your loved ones, have got some great pair of outfits stitched then in that case be a little picky on class. A smart pair of formal shoes for those formal wears. If you're someone who likes to stay subtle yet classy, we suggest you pick a pair of brogues or oxfords style shoes. But if you're the one who likes experimenting - we suggest double monk straps as your first choice. 
STYLE TIP: These days, one can flaunt a nice traditional Indian outfit with a great pair of formal shoes. Gone are the days for chappals or sandals or mojris.
Get yourself a nicely stitched beige silk kurta - churidar and club it with a tan brown brogues shoes.
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iam-mr · 7 years
I am Mr. X Himalaya Men - Face & Beard Wash
Somehow, it has always brought a smile and happiness to my face when Himalaya approaches me with its newly launched products, either for review or a trial basis. The association with them has always been about frankness. They never approach with an intention to "sponsor" a post. And this allows you with a sense of freedom to express. 
Men's grooming segment is on an exponential growth. Market is flooding with only-men's products, from shampoos to beard oils to skin cares. And from what we see around, this market seems to grow, hopefully with a healthy competition and right choices for its consumers.
Himalaya recently segmented into MEN products. The range includes face-wash and similar products along with the new Face & Beard wash. It is no surprise to those men who daunt around with great facial hair and groom it right, that nowadays they have an ample choice to chisel their bristles. 
I love when a company, thinks beyond just couriering the product to you and ask you to review it. Himalaya, exclusively crafted a custom box with handful of goodies to just send me across their FACE & BEARD WASH. I mean, it tells how much care is taken apart from the product to ensure that it is not a just-for-sake online marketing. 
Check out the video below, to witness the how exclusive the box looks.
The box contains: 
Himalaya Men - Face & Beard Wash
A wooden Bear-comb
A mug with a "Desi Dadhi" graphic
A t-shirt with "Desi Dadhi" graphic
A graphic representation of various beard: The Book of Beards
Every men these days wants to flaunt a well sharp-cut beard, may that be a full grown one or just a stubble. A lot of care, concern and expense is shredded to get that perfect looking beard. And with daily innovation in the men's grooming market, gone are the days when growing a beard came with its itchy and sticky issues. 
Himalaya Men, knows that you men take your grooming regime too seriously and hence have launched something worthy for your bathroom cabinets : FACE & BEARD WASH. A lot of brands focus on just-beard products like oil and wax but one really needs to understand that the beard is beyond just the hair that you see. It is very similar to farming - good fertiliser will give much better results than just weeding around. 
To all you men who use expensive oils and wax to groom your facial hair right, should also understand and educate yourself that those hair are a part of your skin and hence the skin needs a similar attention. It is not a surprise to any us that most skin care products use aloe Vera as a key ingredient to nourish the skin. And wouldn't it be just a perfect solution if the same ingredient is a part of your beard grooming product ? Like a one-stop solution ? Not only you freshen up your mane with a great wash but also provide your skin with the best skincare necessity. 
Himalaya Men - FACE & BEARD WASH is the next must-have product for your morning regime. With aloe Vera to smooth the skin irritation and coconut water to give a fresh smelling skin, it will compliment to all your other beard grooming products. 
Interestingly, the pandora box also came with a book that showcased various types of beard that we men wear. And to just make sure that you know your beard right, each beard type is named characterising your personal traits, well a little, but it surely does. 
Below are few of my favourite names, and going through the book I realised I am more of a " mischief maker". I have a sparsely grown beard which still I ensure to groom it well once a month and I guess the face and body wash will help me the most. 
"Having used it twice daily past a week, I feel that that this product does the work it promises. The skin feels smooth and fresh. If you're someone who prefer fragrance in their face and beard wash I would say this might not be your right choice but if you're someone who prefers a healthy skin and smooth beard, this is really worth an addition to your grooming bag."
About Himalaya MEN 
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/himalayamen
Twitter - https://twitter.com/HimalayaMEN
YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwKgPMJAn8-IHhYQvw4sm8Q
DISCLAIMER: This product is to wash the face and beard and has nothing to do with the growth of your facial hair. It will only help to groom and smell your beard nice.
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iam-mr · 7 years
I am Mr. X Truefitt & Hill
How many times you men have faced an issue, while traveling, like : "oh shit, the date/meeting/conference is tomorrow. I need a grooming hour and I don't know the best ones in the city" 
Couple of times, may be, right??! It's one of the horror that can shake your confidence package a bit, even though it's not labelled "FRAGILE". 
I was in Mumbai last week, and out of the blue a dear friend arranged me the FRONT ROW for the #LakmeFashionWeek. He being a celebrity had his aura sorted and I as a tourist, was lost, although with a great excitement. The moment I got the invite I sorted my outfits and looked at the mirror, glancing back with a bit of worry.
Being in Mumbai for a vacation is very different than being for a meeting or an event. You tend to be shabby and lazy, mostly because you want to relax or you're just not bothered. I looked at my hair and beard and I could visualise a jungle behind, camouflaging me into it as an Ape. The event was in less than 12 hours and Mumbai has its constraints, if you're not a good time planner. I googled around a bit, checked my emails and realised that the worlds oldest barbers had once gracefully invited me to try their services and leave a review.  
" For over two centuries, Truefitt & Hill has provided discerning gentlemen with only the finest in grooming products and services. Our offering gives men the opportunity to look and feel their very best.
Established in 1805, we maintain the world's oldest barbershop* and are barbers and Royal Warrant of Appointment holders to H.R.H., The Duke of Edinburgh. Today's product offering is the result of nearly 200 years of research and intimate customer relationships. Our knowledge and experience provide today's man with an service that is both sophisticated and practical."
I called up their PR agencies to see if they can help me sort out an appointment in any of their outlets on urgent basis. Being the most prestigious and glamour-filled event of the country in the city, The Fashion Week had almost booked the best make up and hair artist for the show. After a serious effort and not making me wait long, they gave me an appointment in, although their smallest but well equipped barbershop at The Palladium.
And you ask how was the experience ? Let me give a quick overview of it. 
I guess, your clientele makes you behave in a certain way. And having The Royal families as a patron, you eventually learn the concept of a good customer service. One of the most polished, courteous and well dressed staff one can ever see in the men's grooming segment. 
A warm welcome is followed by a beverage of your choice. Waiting area that shouts elegance at its highest pitch. The manager on floor takes you to the package tour and suggests you the best suitable option depending on how deserted you look.
Just one word. ROYAL. Truefitt & Hill, does not take men's grooming as a monthly or weekly chore. It says that men's grooming is what makes one a gentleman. The interiors is classic, royal and elegant. A place where even men, irrespective of his class and cadre, feels like a king. Leather plush couches, expensive chandeliers & vintage paintings justify the legacy that this chain carries. 
Truefitt & Hill, over a period have expanded their horizons in the men's grooming business. Not only do they provide facial grooming but also manicure and pedicure, which we men avoid to do because of shyness. Here, without a judgmental notion, they respect and appreciate you for your concerns on body hygiene. T&H today, has an array of grooming range one various exquisite flavours and smells for all types of men and skin. From shampoos to body shower, from hair wax to aftershaves, they have products for men's every grooming need. 
Once you have settled down, after experiencing some royal welcome, you're given a menu. A descriptive menu that educates you about the essence of a a well groomed service platter. Yes, it is a bit expensive if you're someone who prefers the "salon" down your street. But if you're someone who is stylish, well groomed and one who knows the importance of a well cut hairstyle & a groomed beard, you wouldn't mind paying. This barber-shop is a pure luxury. From the wide range offered to me, I picked up: The basic beard styling & The Classic Haircut.
The most beautiful part about this franchise is that unlike the others in the market, these men still use scissors for fine cutting, which for me is something that's a must. Scissor-cut hair has a different sharpness and feel to it which in few days stand straight and make it tough to style.
The rates are inclusive of taxes and depending on the services, they differ. Before you would comment that "oh my barber charges me 100 bucks and does a brilliant job ", let me tell you, in that case even a simple robe would suffice the idea of covering our body, but we do wear suits.
" Firstly, I am someone who is too finicky about changing : doctor, tailor & a barber. But as I was away from home and without any good knowledge about the best-in-town barbers, I picked up the world's renowned and guaranteed. The over all service took one and a half hour. It was pure luxury pampering with hot steam towel before the shave as a cherry on cake. 
If I am travelling and away from my barber, with closed eyes and open heart I would definitely pick TRUEFITT & HILL, not as an option but as the ONLY option. "
For more details about Truefitt & Hill services, visit their online portals and connect with them for an appointment. 
Countries located at: UK | USA |Toronto | Beijing | India | Kuala Lumpur | Singapore | Bangkok.
Cities in India located at: Mumbai | Delhi | Bangalore | Hyderabad | Ahmedabad
Details of the team and store that served me, with patience and comfort:
Barber: Mr. Aslam
Store: Palladium - 462, Senapati Bapat Marg, Lower Parel, Mumbai, Maharashtra 400013
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iam-mr · 7 years
And I'm back here, after a real long time. It had been a crazy yet cherishing journey this past one and half year. Although I missed blogging (I would prefer "writing") in this course of time. But with no complains, I would really want to share with you, quickly, the glimpses of this lost touch. The ride had a lot of destinations yet none where I would settle or root myself. But still as they say, it's all about the journey. So with a quick flashback, where the last blog I wrote was about "I Am Mr. X Shoppers Stop" and after that the life changed dramatically. 
GROWING UP: Losing my men to their damsels
ENTREPRENEURIAL HIT: Quitting the 9-to-5 with one last beautiful design proposal 
TECH- KNOWLEDGMENT: exposed to the not-so-real world of online dating 
HOME-RUN: witnessed what they say "a dream come true" 
PIT-STOP: accepted the fact that everyone has to go through a traditional path to find one's breakthrough 
RECOGNITION: they say that passion makes a long way ahead than the certificates 
ENTOURAGE: the whole truth behind success and growth is gratitude and humbleness, make friends not clients
So, this is a quick brush up to what you might have missed to know or in some case even thought that this website is no more active. The website is very much active and all it's social media platforms are highly engaging.
Having said all this and assuring you that you all are still a part of every little thing this passion-chased business achieves, let me tell you all this, loud and clear: 
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iam-mr · 8 years
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One glam weekend...!! _____________________ #iammr #styleconsultant #stylist #menstyleblogger #personalstylist #personalshopper #wardrobestylist #gentlemansclub #dapper #dior #gqindia #luxurylife #whatiwore #mensgrooming #mensstyle #menwithclass #mensfasion #traveldiaries #travel #rajasthan #udaipur #royal (at The Oberoi Udaivilas)
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iam-mr · 8 years
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YES, for the weekend..!!! ___________________ #iammr #menstyleconsultant #wardrobestylist #personalstylist #personalshopper #menswear #mensstyle #mensfashion #mensweardaily #menwithclass #ootd #mnswr #dapper #dandy #casualstyle #classicstyle #lookoftheday #gqindia #gentlemansclub #shoeporn #whatiwore #capsulewardrobe #mformister
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iam-mr · 8 years
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Weekday meets and coffee...!! __________________ #iammr #mr #menstyleconsultant #styleconsultant #styleblogger #wardrobestylist #stylist #mensstyle #mensweardaily #menwithclass #mensfashion #mnswr #casualstyle #capsulewardrobe #classicstyle #gentlemansclub #gqindia #lookoftheday #ootdmen #manstuff #fashionstylist #dapper #ig_style #navypants #brogues #thetiehub (at Zen Cafe, TDW)
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iam-mr · 8 years
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The one-stop destination @shoppers_stop now launches the app for us mobile-addict dapper men to make our shopping easy. Check their latest collection or click the link in bio to know more. _____________________ #startsomethingnew #springsummer #newcollection #Brandsofshoppersstop #iammr #menstyleblogger #styleconsultant #menswear #mensfashionpost #wardrobestylist #stylist #fashionformen #fashionstylist #menwithclass #dapper #dandy ##mnswr #shoppersstop #mumbai #newyork #indiafashion
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iam-mr · 8 years
I am Mr. x Shoppers Stop
Honestly, except for the few heavy events in life, I prefer the idea of one-stop solutions for my wardrobe. Often for my casuals and footwear’s it becomes way to easy for me to go to one place, look at various brands, try different fits and come out well-shopped with ease and relax mind. Being a style and wardrobe consultant myself, I like to take my clients to one such destination where they not only get various brands to choose from but an elite service from the staff making our shopping session of 3-5 hours comfortable. Yes, one such heaven for the shopping spree is Shoppers Stop.
With the rise in temperature where in some cities the sun flaunts itself at 50 degrees it is better not to move places and shop your spring-summer collection at one stop. Before I make you read this post further, I have a few questions that I would want you to ask yourself. And if for each question, your answer is a YES, then get on your app store or play store and search: Shoppers Stop and hit download. And if apps are not your thing you can walk-in to the nearest store or just log-in to the website for at-your door delivery.
Do you prefer a budgeted shopping?
Are you someone who prefers to have a look at lot many options before finalizing on anything?
Are you someone who hates shopping just becomes it consumes too much energy to hop from shop to shop?
Are you someone who hates pushy salesman?
Do you like to shop as professionally as your work-life?
Are you someone who gets excited to see surprise discounts while shopping?
If your answers to the above questions have been a YES, then go follow what I said and trust my words to have the best experience with range of brands for your spring-summer wardrobe makeover.
And if my words have still not impressed you enough then scroll down to have a look at the collection Shoppers Stop offers to us men, which often makes our better halves envy us.
So let’s give your social media apps a rest and instead click, tap and select the best from these collections to bring out the dapper in you this summer!
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iam-mr · 8 years
I am Mr. x Shoppers Stop
Honestly, except for the few heavy events in life, I prefer the idea of one-stop solutions for my wardrobe. Often for my casuals and footwear’s it becomes way to easy for me to go to one place, look at various brands, try different fits and come out well-shopped with ease and relax mind. Being a style and wardrobe consultant myself, I like to take my clients to one such destination where they not only get various brands to choose from but an elite service from the staff making our shopping session of 3-5 hours comfortable. Yes, one such heaven for the shopping spree is Shoppers Stop.
With the rise in temperature where in some cities the sun flaunts itself at 50 degrees it is better not to move places and shop your spring-summer collection at one stop. Before I make you read this post further, I have a few questions that I would want you to ask yourself. And if for each question, your answer is a YES, then get on your app store or play store and search: Shoppers Stop and hit download. And if apps are not your thing you can walk-in to the nearest store or just log-in to the website for at-your door delivery.
Do you prefer a budgeted shopping?
Are you someone who prefers to have a look at lot many options before finalizing on anything?
Are you someone who hates shopping just becomes it consumes too much energy to hop from shop to shop?
Are you someone who hates pushy salesman?
Do you like to shop as professionally as your work-life?
Are you someone who gets excited to see surprise discounts while shopping?
If your answers to the above questions have been a YES, then go follow what I said and trust my words to have the best experience with range of brands for your spring-summer wardrobe makeover.
And if my words have still not impressed you enough then scroll down to have a look at the collection Shoppers Stop offers to us men, which often makes our better halves envy us.
So let’s give your social media apps a rest and instead click, tap and select the best from these collections to bring out the dapper in you this summer!
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iam-mr · 8 years
I am Mr. X SublimeFactory: Happy Father's Day
Nine Timeless Cologne’s that Every Father and Son should Share at some point.
Memories, sometime a fragrance is all it takes to evoke strong memories!
As early as I can remember, I was fascinated to watch my dad shave, put on an after-shave or cologne and head out to work or an evening out with my mom. It was almost a routine at some point to check out the latest cologne bottle on the shelf, sniff it, see it being splashed on my dad’s cheeks and with a little dab on mine too. The creative bottles, the masculine scents and the lingering whiff in the room after my dad left the room stays with me till today.
Twenty years later and there are a few fragrances that I can strongly associate with my dad. A car shaped bottle was my favourite although it was sparingly used. What is remarkable is that a number of the colognes that were part of my growing up years are timeless classics today and available at every duty free or retail or online site across the world.
A legacy of a fragrance and the love for fragrances passed on from my dad to me, and I would recommend these nine timeless classics to gift to every father, maybe as soon as this father’s day.
Davidoff Cool Water
Probably the most popular cologne that every father and his millennial son would have as part of his wardrobe at some point, this one is fresh, fresh and fresh – even almost thirty years after it first launched. True to its name, Cool Water is like an ocean in a bottle.  A lovely blue bottle with top notes of mint, sea water and rosemary, there is no other cologne with so much freshness bottled up together.
The legacy of the brand lies in the fact that there are over twenty limited editions and variations launched subsequently since the original first launched in 1988 by perfumer Pierre Bourdon.
Part of the global giant, Coty Prestige, the brand entered the fragrance hall of fame in 2009. With lavender, jasmine and naroli as part of the heart notes and oakmoss, musk and sandalwood as base notes, this one is a winner all the way and will be for many years to come.
A personal favourite, it was a part of my dad’s collection from the 1990s and continues to be a part of mine at all times till today.
Paco Rabanne Pour Homme
The famous green bottle, this classic was first launched in 1973 and quickly went on to win the FIFI in 1975.
With top notes ranging from rosemary, clary sage and Brazilian rosewood (we have a winner!) to middles notes of tonka bean, lavender and geranium and base notes of honey, amber, musk and oakmoss, this fragrance is as masculine as it gets without trying too hard. 
Created by Jean Martel, this fragrance is bound to bring a smile to any father’s face.
Givenchy Gentleman
Nothing feels more old school than Givenchy Gentleman. Right from its packaging to its name to its strong woody aromatic fragrance, Givenchy Gentleman is strong and powerful.
It makes you feel you entered a men’s club from the 60s or 70s where men wore hats, smoked cigars and were surrounded by heavily wooden paneled walls.
Created by Paul Leger in 1974, the complex myriad of fragrances gives it longevity like no other. Some men swear that the fragrance can last as long as eighteen hours.
With a strong leathery and cinnamon feel to it, the fragrance is dominated by honey, bergamot, cinnamon, rose, lemon and tarragon top notes followed by patchouli, jasmine, cedar and orris root middle notes and finally closed out with leather, amber, musk oakmoss, vetiver, vanilla and civet base notes. Phew!!!
Drakkar Noir
Another personal favourite and currently back by popular demand on my shelf (popular demand being my own choice), Drakkar Noir is one of the most successful fragrances from the 80s.
Created in 1982 by the award winning perfumer Pierre Wargnye (who went on to create other best sellers like Contradiction for men for Calvin Klein and multiple brands for Givenchy and YSL, amongst others).
This perfume by Guy Laroche with its matt black bottle and bold white font and distinctive red line as part of the artwork, is as masculine as it gets.
With strong bergamot, rosemary and lavender top notes and cardamom and geranium middle notes, followed by vetiver, cedar and fir balsam base notes (these are the real winners), this fragrance is dark, sensual and masculine – just what every woman wantsin a man.
Jazz by YSL
Probably one of the most underrated and least visible fragrance from the old boys club, this classic was introduced in 1988 and quickly won the FIFI in 1989
The creative black and white packaging was designed to resemble piano keys and a tribute to jazz music. It was like sweet music in a fragrance.
With a strong emphasis on sandalwood and with floral notes from jasmine, lily of the valley and rose, this bottle is a one to look out for and add to your collection.  
A historic perfume and arguably the most successful one to come out of Germany, Tabac was launched in 1955 and is still going strong today, from the House of Maurer and Wirtz.
The clean white bottle with a brown cap is a non nonsense – very German in its approach packaging.
Top notes include bergamot, neroli, lemon and pepper (always a good idea) while middle notes include lavender, chamomile, geranium and oak tree and base notes of carnation, sandalwood, vetiver, musk and hot amber make this one a timeless classic with a wider mass appeal.
Back in the day, with its plastic bottle, one didn’t know what to make of Aramis, but this one has stood the test of time. Created in 1966 and a part of history with its recognition at the Fragrance hall of fame 1995, this woody fragrance from Estee Lauder is extremely popular in markets leading with United States.
The brown packaging brings out the woody strength and the sharp woody notes make it extremely masculine. Not to forget the intensive leather note that is easily recognizable.
Top notes include artemisia, bergamot, cinnamon, gardenia, Middle notes of pelargonium, patchouli, vetiver, sandalwood and Base notes: leather, oakmoss, amber.
The nose behind this fragrance is Bernard Chant.
The brand Azaarro was created by Sicilian, Loris Azarro and the designer extended its brand to fragrances in the 70s. The men’s flagship fragrance, Azarro Pour Homme was launched in 1978 and still stands tall amongst retail shelf spaces across the world. Not surprisingly the Azarro brand has over 65 perfumes in its portfolio. Gerard Anthony, Martin Heiddenreich and Richard Wirtz came together to create this legendary fragrance with top notes of iris, caraway, clary sage, basil, anise, bergamot and lemon. The middle notes of sandalwood, juniper berries, vetiver, cedar and cardamom and base notes of leather, tonka bean, amber, musk and oakmoss gives it a superior masculine strength.
Polo Ralph Lauren
The big pony started off with a distinctive little pony in a green bottle and a stand out gold cap. Created in 1978 (seems like a golden era) by Carlos Benaim, Polo does not contain floral notes except for chamomile, which is more of a grassy scent. The opening of the composition is green and fresh, made of green notes of artemisia, basil and thyme, with spicy notes of cumin, coriander and cloves. The heart is masculine with conifer woods, and a dash of of patchouli, oakmoss and vetiver. The base notes leaves a trail of leather, thyme and tobacco.
" So go out there, bring back a bottle for your dad and create your own memory and fragrance legacy, which one day you could be passing on to your son. "
Author: Deep Lalvani is co-founder of sublimefactory.com, a new start up focused on bringing the best of personal care and cosmetics the world has to offer to India. Apart from that, Deep travels the world creating memories and associating fragrances and music to those memories.
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iam-mr · 8 years
I am Mr. X SublimeFactory: Happy Father's Day
Nine Timeless Cologne’s that Every Father and Son should Share at some point.
Memories, sometime a fragrance is all it takes to evoke strong memories!
As early as I can remember, I was fascinated to watch my dad shave, put on an after-shave or cologne and head out to work or an evening out with my mom. It was almost a routine at some point to check out the latest cologne bottle on the shelf, sniff it, see it being splashed on my dad’s cheeks and with a little dab on mine too. The creative bottles, the masculine scents and the lingering whiff in the room after my dad left the room stays with me till today.
Twenty years later and there are a few fragrances that I can strongly associate with my dad. A car shaped bottle was my favourite although it was sparingly used. What is remarkable is that a number of the colognes that were part of my growing up years are timeless classics today and available at every duty free or retail or online site across the world.
A legacy of a fragrance and the love for fragrances passed on from my dad to me, and I would recommend these nine timeless classics to gift to every father, maybe as soon as this father’s day.
Davidoff Cool Water
Probably the most popular cologne that every father and his millennial son would have as part of his wardrobe at some point, this one is fresh, fresh and fresh – even almost thirty years after it first launched. True to its name, Cool Water is like an ocean in a bottle.  A lovely blue bottle with top notes of mint, sea water and rosemary, there is no other cologne with so much freshness bottled up together.
The legacy of the brand lies in the fact that there are over twenty limited editions and variations launched subsequently since the original first launched in 1988 by perfumer Pierre Bourdon.
Part of the global giant, Coty Prestige, the brand entered the fragrance hall of fame in 2009. With lavender, jasmine and naroli as part of the heart notes and oakmoss, musk and sandalwood as base notes, this one is a winner all the way and will be for many years to come.
A personal favourite, it was a part of my dad’s collection from the 1990s and continues to be a part of mine at all times till today.
Paco Rabanne Pour Homme
The famous green bottle, this classic was first launched in 1973 and quickly went on to win the FIFI in 1975.
With top notes ranging from rosemary, clary sage and Brazilian rosewood (we have a winner!) to middles notes of tonka bean, lavender and geranium and base notes of honey, amber, musk and oakmoss, this fragrance is as masculine as it gets without trying too hard. 
Created by Jean Martel, this fragrance is bound to bring a smile to any father’s face.
Givenchy Gentleman
Nothing feels more old school than Givenchy Gentleman. Right from its packaging to its name to its strong woody aromatic fragrance, Givenchy Gentleman is strong and powerful.
It makes you feel you entered a men’s club from the 60s or 70s where men wore hats, smoked cigars and were surrounded by heavily wooden paneled walls.
Created by Paul Leger in 1974, the complex myriad of fragrances gives it longevity like no other. Some men swear that the fragrance can last as long as eighteen hours.
With a strong leathery and cinnamon feel to it, the fragrance is dominated by honey, bergamot, cinnamon, rose, lemon and tarragon top notes followed by patchouli, jasmine, cedar and orris root middle notes and finally closed out with leather, amber, musk oakmoss, vetiver, vanilla and civet base notes. Phew!!!
Drakkar Noir
Another personal favourite and currently back by popular demand on my shelf (popular demand being my own choice), Drakkar Noir is one of the most successful fragrances from the 80s.
Created in 1982 by the award winning perfumer Pierre Wargnye (who went on to create other best sellers like Contradiction for men for Calvin Klein and multiple brands for Givenchy and YSL, amongst others).
This perfume by Guy Laroche with its matt black bottle and bold white font and distinctive red line as part of the artwork, is as masculine as it gets.
With strong bergamot, rosemary and lavender top notes and cardamom and geranium middle notes, followed by vetiver, cedar and fir balsam base notes (these are the real winners), this fragrance is dark, sensual and masculine – just what every woman wantsin a man.
Jazz by YSL
Probably one of the most underrated and least visible fragrance from the old boys club, this classic was introduced in 1988 and quickly won the FIFI in 1989
The creative black and white packaging was designed to resemble piano keys and a tribute to jazz music. It was like sweet music in a fragrance.
With a strong emphasis on sandalwood and with floral notes from jasmine, lily of the valley and rose, this bottle is a one to look out for and add to your collection.  
A historic perfume and arguably the most successful one to come out of Germany, Tabac was launched in 1955 and is still going strong today, from the House of Maurer and Wirtz.
The clean white bottle with a brown cap is a non nonsense – very German in its approach packaging.
Top notes include bergamot, neroli, lemon and pepper (always a good idea) while middle notes include lavender, chamomile, geranium and oak tree and base notes of carnation, sandalwood, vetiver, musk and hot amber make this one a timeless classic with a wider mass appeal.
Back in the day, with its plastic bottle, one didn’t know what to make of Aramis, but this one has stood the test of time. Created in 1966 and a part of history with its recognition at the Fragrance hall of fame 1995, this woody fragrance from Estee Lauder is extremely popular in markets leading with United States.
The brown packaging brings out the woody strength and the sharp woody notes make it extremely masculine. Not to forget the intensive leather note that is easily recognizable.
Top notes include artemisia, bergamot, cinnamon, gardenia, Middle notes of pelargonium, patchouli, vetiver, sandalwood and Base notes: leather, oakmoss, amber.
The nose behind this fragrance is Bernard Chant.
The brand Azaarro was created by Sicilian, Loris Azarro and the designer extended its brand to fragrances in the 70s. The men’s flagship fragrance, Azarro Pour Homme was launched in 1978 and still stands tall amongst retail shelf spaces across the world. Not surprisingly the Azarro brand has over 65 perfumes in its portfolio. Gerard Anthony, Martin Heiddenreich and Richard Wirtz came together to create this legendary fragrance with top notes of iris, caraway, clary sage, basil, anise, bergamot and lemon. The middle notes of sandalwood, juniper berries, vetiver, cedar and cardamom and base notes of leather, tonka bean, amber, musk and oakmoss gives it a superior masculine strength.
Polo Ralph Lauren
The big pony started off with a distinctive little pony in a green bottle and a stand out gold cap. Created in 1978 (seems like a golden era) by Carlos Benaim, Polo does not contain floral notes except for chamomile, which is more of a grassy scent. The opening of the composition is green and fresh, made of green notes of artemisia, basil and thyme, with spicy notes of cumin, coriander and cloves. The heart is masculine with conifer woods, and a dash of of patchouli, oakmoss and vetiver. The base notes leaves a trail of leather, thyme and tobacco.
" So go out there, bring back a bottle for your dad and create your own memory and fragrance legacy, which one day you could be passing on to your son. "
Author: Deep Lalvani is co-founder of sublimefactory.com, a new start up focused on bringing the best of personal care and cosmetics the world has to offer to India. Apart from that, Deep travels the world creating memories and associating fragrances and music to those memories.
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iam-mr · 8 years
I am Mr. X SublimeFactory: Happy Father's Day
Nine Timeless Cologne’s that Every Father and Son should Share at some point.
Memories, sometime a fragrance is all it takes to evoke strong memories!
As early as I can remember, I was fascinated to watch my dad shave, put on an after-shave or cologne and head out to work or an evening out with my mom. It was almost a routine at some point to check out the latest cologne bottle on the shelf, sniff it, see it being splashed on my dad’s cheeks and with a little dab on mine too. The creative bottles, the masculine scents and the lingering whiff in the room after my dad left the room stays with me till today.
Twenty years later and there are a few fragrances that I can strongly associate with my dad. A car shaped bottle was my favourite although it was sparingly used. What is remarkable is that a number of the colognes that were part of my growing up years are timeless classics today and available at every duty free or retail or online site across the world.
A legacy of a fragrance and the love for fragrances passed on from my dad to me, and I would recommend these nine timeless classics to gift to every father, maybe as soon as this father’s day.
Davidoff Cool Water
Probably the most popular cologne that every father and his millennial son would have as part of his wardrobe at some point, this one is fresh, fresh and fresh – even almost thirty years after it first launched. True to its name, Cool Water is like an ocean in a bottle.  A lovely blue bottle with top notes of mint, sea water and rosemary, there is no other cologne with so much freshness bottled up together.
The legacy of the brand lies in the fact that there are over twenty limited editions and variations launched subsequently since the original first launched in 1988 by perfumer Pierre Bourdon.
Part of the global giant, Coty Prestige, the brand entered the fragrance hall of fame in 2009. With lavender, jasmine and naroli as part of the heart notes and oakmoss, musk and sandalwood as base notes, this one is a winner all the way and will be for many years to come.
A personal favourite, it was a part of my dad’s collection from the 1990s and continues to be a part of mine at all times till today.
Paco Rabanne Pour Homme
The famous green bottle, this classic was first launched in 1973 and quickly went on to win the FIFI in 1975.
With top notes ranging from rosemary, clary sage and Brazilian rosewood (we have a winner!) to middles notes of tonka bean, lavender and geranium and base notes of honey, amber, musk and oakmoss, this fragrance is as masculine as it gets without trying too hard. 
Created by Jean Martel, this fragrance is bound to bring a smile to any father’s face.
Givenchy Gentleman
Nothing feels more old school than Givenchy Gentleman. Right from its packaging to its name to its strong woody aromatic fragrance, Givenchy Gentleman is strong and powerful.
It makes you feel you entered a men’s club from the 60s or 70s where men wore hats, smoked cigars and were surrounded by heavily wooden paneled walls.
Created by Paul Leger in 1974, the complex myriad of fragrances gives it longevity like no other. Some men swear that the fragrance can last as long as eighteen hours.
With a strong leathery and cinnamon feel to it, the fragrance is dominated by honey, bergamot, cinnamon, rose, lemon and tarragon top notes followed by patchouli, jasmine, cedar and orris root middle notes and finally closed out with leather, amber, musk oakmoss, vetiver, vanilla and civet base notes. Phew!!!
Drakkar Noir
Another personal favourite and currently back by popular demand on my shelf (popular demand being my own choice), Drakkar Noir is one of the most successful fragrances from the 80s.
Created in 1982 by the award winning perfumer Pierre Wargnye (who went on to create other best sellers like Contradiction for men for Calvin Klein and multiple brands for Givenchy and YSL, amongst others).
This perfume by Guy Laroche with its matt black bottle and bold white font and distinctive red line as part of the artwork, is as masculine as it gets.
With strong bergamot, rosemary and lavender top notes and cardamom and geranium middle notes, followed by vetiver, cedar and fir balsam base notes (these are the real winners), this fragrance is dark, sensual and masculine – just what every woman wantsin a man.
Jazz by YSL
Probably one of the most underrated and least visible fragrance from the old boys club, this classic was introduced in 1988 and quickly won the FIFI in 1989
The creative black and white packaging was designed to resemble piano keys and a tribute to jazz music. It was like sweet music in a fragrance.
With a strong emphasis on sandalwood and with floral notes from jasmine, lily of the valley and rose, this bottle is a one to look out for and add to your collection.  
A historic perfume and arguably the most successful one to come out of Germany, Tabac was launched in 1955 and is still going strong today, from the House of Maurer and Wirtz.
The clean white bottle with a brown cap is a non nonsense – very German in its approach packaging.
Top notes include bergamot, neroli, lemon and pepper (always a good idea) while middle notes include lavender, chamomile, geranium and oak tree and base notes of carnation, sandalwood, vetiver, musk and hot amber make this one a timeless classic with a wider mass appeal.
Back in the day, with its plastic bottle, one didn’t know what to make of Aramis, but this one has stood the test of time. Created in 1966 and a part of history with its recognition at the Fragrance hall of fame 1995, this woody fragrance from Estee Lauder is extremely popular in markets leading with United States.
The brown packaging brings out the woody strength and the sharp woody notes make it extremely masculine. Not to forget the intensive leather note that is easily recognizable.
Top notes include artemisia, bergamot, cinnamon, gardenia, Middle notes of pelargonium, patchouli, vetiver, sandalwood and Base notes: leather, oakmoss, amber.
The nose behind this fragrance is Bernard Chant.
The brand Azaarro was created by Sicilian, Loris Azarro and the designer extended its brand to fragrances in the 70s. The men’s flagship fragrance, Azarro Pour Homme was launched in 1978 and still stands tall amongst retail shelf spaces across the world. Not surprisingly the Azarro brand has over 65 perfumes in its portfolio. Gerard Anthony, Martin Heiddenreich and Richard Wirtz came together to create this legendary fragrance with top notes of iris, caraway, clary sage, basil, anise, bergamot and lemon. The middle notes of sandalwood, juniper berries, vetiver, cedar and cardamom and base notes of leather, tonka bean, amber, musk and oakmoss gives it a superior masculine strength.
Polo Ralph Lauren
The big pony started off with a distinctive little pony in a green bottle and a stand out gold cap. Created in 1978 (seems like a golden era) by Carlos Benaim, Polo does not contain floral notes except for chamomile, which is more of a grassy scent. The opening of the composition is green and fresh, made of green notes of artemisia, basil and thyme, with spicy notes of cumin, coriander and cloves. The heart is masculine with conifer woods, and a dash of of patchouli, oakmoss and vetiver. The base notes leaves a trail of leather, thyme and tobacco.
" So go out there, bring back a bottle for your dad and create your own memory and fragrance legacy, which one day you could be passing on to your son. "
Author: Deep Lalvani is co-founder of sublimefactory.com, a new start up focused on bringing the best of personal care and cosmetics the world has to offer to India. Apart from that, Deep travels the world creating memories and associating fragrances and music to those memories.
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iam-mr · 8 years
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Launching your own label @mformister would never have been this classy with out this visual merchandising by @aishwaryapandya _____________________ #iammr #mr #mformister #bespoke #handcrafted #tailoring #suits #bandhgala #sherwani #manstuff #mnswr #mensstyle #fashionformen #weddingdress #dapper #dandy #gentlemensclub #stylist ##fashionstylist #entrepreneur #wardrobestylist (at Urban Flea)
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iam-mr · 8 years
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Behind The Scenes. _______________________ #iammr #styleconsultant #styleblogger #fashionstylist #stylist #manstuff #mensweardaily #mensstyle #mensfashion #fashionformen #fashioncampaign #photoshoot #luxurylife #bespoke #menswear #sundayfunday #dandy #ootdmen #classicstyle #capsulewardrobe #personalstylist #india #ig_style #mnswr #gqindia #gentlemansclub #behindthescenes (at Mumbai, India)
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