iamaghostsworld · 3 years
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iamaghostsworld · 3 years
(Jojo's Bizzare Adventure)
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Part I (Covers the part of their teen years)
There will be some more parts and this series will continue up till Jonathan dies. Every part has elements of one episode each. The characters may be a bit out of character in some portions, but I will try my best. I am a rookie writer so I hope you won't criticise my work. Part 2 will be up by next sunday or earlier depending on how fast I type it in. The obsession will slowly develop and I won't rush with the oneshot so it will take around 9 parts I guess. I hope you enjoy reading this thanks <3.
"An obsessed person will never claim to be obsessed"
Warnings:Unedited,Stepcest, rape, manipulation, adult content, smut, 18+
A girl with indigo coloured hair, fair skin and deep blue eyes, sat on the fountain in front of the huge mansion. Her hair was in a ponytail, she wore a dress as white as snow and on her lap was a book titled "The lady of the hills".
A sweet, delicate smile was on her crimson-coloured lips as she flipped through the pages.
"Nee-san" called out the voice of a boy with similar hair and the same shade of blue eyes. The young girl perked up at this and turned her head towards her younger brother, "Jojo!Where did you run off to ?" As he opened his mouth to reply, suddenly the rattling of a carraige was heard.
The siblings watched the carraige with confusion and amazement as it stopped, suddenly the door slammed opened and a bag was chucked out of the carraige, then a boy with blond hair and amber eyes jumped out. Unlike the siblings, his expression was hard and his stare was malicious and cold.
'Who is he ?' Both the siblings questioned mentally.He landed on his feet and folded his hands. Then suddenly realisation struck them.
"You're Dio Brando,right ?" Asked Jojo, "And you must be Jonathan Joestar" said the blonde haired boy named Dio.
"Everyone calls me Jojo. Nice to meet you." Said Jojo in a friendly manner
Dio then turned his head and felt his heart come to a stop as his gaze fell on the young girl with indigo hair, the girl gave him a sweet smile that caught Dio off-guard," A pleasure meeting you Brando, I am (Y/n) Joestar" Dio quickly fixed his composure, he then gave her a sharp glare, as he was about to utter some words the sound of a bark was heard
"Danny!" And a great dane with a white coat with black spots came running towards the trio, the dog then ran in circles, "See him ? Thats Danny. He is my dog.!" Explained Jojo, "Don't worry he dosen't bite" he assured
Dio glared at the dog "Hmph" and then proceeded to kick Danny, (Y/n) gave out a cry of panic and rushed to check on Danny
"WHAT WAS THAT FOR ?! YOU'LL PAY FOR IT" yelled Jojo furiously, he then got into a fighting stance and so did Dio
'So this is the Joestar heir , he looks like a pampered brat, we'll see who has it all after I get through with him' Dio thought internally
"STOP!!" a sweet voice yelled and in between the two teenage boys stood (Y/n) with her hands spread to prevent them from fighting, with her back towards Dio and her front towards Jojo, "Jojo! Don't get into a fight right now! Danny is hurt check on him!" she scolded Jojo, "But nee-san he kicked Danny!I need to get justice for him !" (Y/n) hushed him "A gentleman you are ! Jojo he must have panicked because Danny came rushing at him, don't fight with him and check on Danny" Dio smirked at the dejected look on Jojo's face but then he suddenly caught a whiff of fragrance and realised it came from (Y/n), he sniffed her hair unbeknownst to the pair of siblings.
"What's the matter here ?" Inquired the father of (Y/n) and Jojo, George Joestar. The trio's attention was drawn towards him, stopping Dio's actions, he began walking towards them "What's going on here ?" He asked.
Dio flipped over a new card and faced towards George Joestar, he bowed, "I'm sorry. The dog jumped at me. It was a reflex" a fearful expression came over his features that no one could see .
Inside the mansion, at the foot of the enormous staircase stood Dio, George, (Y/n), Jojo and a bunch of servants "Welcome Dio" said George, "You're a part of out family now"
He then turned towards the servants, "Everyone, I owe my life to this man's father. Treat him as you would treat Jojo and (Y/n)" he ordered, "Yes sir" replied the servants bowing to him.
"Dio, this is your home now. Live like Jojo and (Y/n) do" George said to Dio.
Dio bowed "Thank you for your hospitality, Sir Joestar"
George placed his right hand on Jojo's shoulder and his left on (Y/n), "You three have lost your mothers, and you and Jojo are the same age, (Y/n) is a bit older but you should get along well with each other" (Y/n) smiled "Yes Father, we will get along well!" George smiled back at his daughter, he then faced Jojo, "Jojo forget about Danny alright ?" Jojo agreed, "Yes dad, I'm sure I'd be surprised if a strange dog jumped at me, so I understand", however he thought internally 'I do wish he'd apologize'
"This way Dio. I'll show you your room" George said, "Papa I am coming with you!" Said (Y/n) as she followed him,
"Yes sir" said Dio as he followed George, his eyes then caught sight of the strange white mask hung on the walls beside the staircase then suddenly he turned behind and saw Jojo reaching out for the suitcase, Dio grabbed Jojo's wrist, "Hands off" he said, "No one touches my bags, Keep your dirty paws to yourself, Got it ?!"
"I was trying to help you!" Jojo defended himself yet Dio twisted Jojo's hand and slammed Jojo into a wall using his elbow, "No thanks!" Said Dio, he let go of Jojo and fixing his coat said "I will have a servant carry them", he then bent to Jojo's level and pulled on Jojo's earlobe, "Listen closely, Jojo I might be your guest but I won't take any lip from you, I always come first ! I am number 1 no one looks down their nose on me" Jojo said, "But I just want to be friends!" Heeding no attention to Jojo's words, Dio said "Another thing, I hate dogs, they don't scare me I just hate their bootlicking so keep that dumb mutt Danny away from me"
"What's keeping you two ?" George said from upstairs, followed by (Y/n) saying, "Hurry up!"
"Yes sir" said Dio climbing up the stairs, leaving behind Jojo on the carpet.
With Dio's arrival Jojo's happy life spiralled into misery
"That's another mistake Jojo!" Declared George as he hit him, "Look at Dio! 20 out of 20 correct"
During dinner, Jojo ate messily causing the glass to tip over and spill it's contents, this awakened the wrath of George, he slammed a fist on the table "Jojo, you call yourself a gentleman?! Where are your manners?!" He got up and clicked his finger, "Clear Jojo's place" he ordered the butler, "No dinner for you" he told Jojo, "Looking at Dio, I see I've spoiled you. I've been a shameful father, Dio's manners are impeccable", Jojo feeling angry and sad ran out of the room "JOJO!" Yelled (Y/n) as she ran after her younger brother, Dio looked in distaste as he saw Jojo running out, "What an oaf" and when he saw (Y/n) running after him, he felt a wave of jealousy wash over him.
It was no fun for (Y/n) too, she had noticed how Dio would stare at her for too long, his lingering touches, his lustful gazes, it didn't take long for her to realise that Dio liked her, more than a normal person would. She also realised how malicious Dio could be and that him kicking Danny was no coincidence.
The boxing incident, him bullying Jojo and spreading rumours about Jojo, him kissing Erina and making her turn away from Jojo were not mere coincidences. (Y/n) knew it was all Dio's fault that lead Jojo to attack him. It was the last straw when Danny was burned, Both (Y/n) and Jojo knew who was at fault --- Dio.
"I HAVE HAD ENOUGH OF THIS NONSENSE" (Y/n) yelled as she barged into Dio's room, altering Dio, "WHAT HAS MY BROTHER DONE TO YOU?! WHAT HAS DANNY DONE TO YOU?!?!WHAT HAVE WE DONE TO YOU ? WHY ARE YOU MAKING OUR LIVES A LIVING HELL" she breathed heavily, "Because of you I have lost Danny and because of you I have lost my cheerful brother" she then slapped Dio, Dio being the unstable person he is got angry yet kept quiet, (Y/n) grabbed him by the collar "WHAT WILL YOU DO TO STOP IT ?ANSWER ME YOU FREAK YOU ARE A SLIMY BASTA-" but she was soon cut off by a soft pair of lips connecting with her plump ones, her eyes widened in shock, she tried to break the kiss yet Dio grabbed her waist and pulled her closer, he also grabbed her luscious locks and deepened the kiss.
(Y/n) gasped as Dio let go, he gazed at her with a love sick gaze, it revolted her and made her want to vomit. She broke away from his grasp and ran out of the room towards her own.
(Y/n) stripped her clothes off and entered the bathroom. She locked the door and stood in front of the mirror and touched her swollen lips, a wave of disgust hit her and she began furiously scrubbing her lips.
The sound of a lock opening alerted (Y/n) and she turned around to see Dio entering the room, in shock she forgot she was naked.
Dio locked the door and advanced towards her, he then began circling her,
"You wanted to know what would stop me from bullying your brother right ?" He asked as she took a deep breath of her scent, (Y/n) nodded,
"Well, as long as you agree to become my plaything, I will agree to your demands" he growled into her ear, causing shivers to run down her spine.
Hands wrapped around (Y/n)'s waist and that was when she realised she was bare, without any clothes. She attempted to push Dio away yet he held her even tighter, "LET ME GO DIO ! I WILL SCREAM FOR FATHER IF YOU DON'T LET ME GO"
Dio suddenly burst into laughter, "Oh my poor sweet rose, what will you do if you call them now? Tell you daddy that Dio stole your chastity ? How will you explain it to them ?"
He cooed mockingly, wiping away the tears that began forming in (Y/n)'s eyes
"Aww, now now my rose don't shed tears"
He smirked devilishly and slowly his hands made their way to (Y/n)'s lower regions, he slowly carrased the folds of her flower while she sobbed,
"Let me show you pleasure" he growled as he plunged two fingers into her untouched hole causing her to let out a choked moan. He fingered her ruthlessly, (Y/n) unable to do anything went with the flow while shedding tears. She leaned on the tub as he ruthlessly abused her hole.
He grabbed her right nipple and twisted the erect buds using his fingers. As she was about to reach her climax, he stopped fingering her, (Y/n) whined at the loss of contact causing Dio to smirk and whisper huskily "Enjoying now are we?" This caused (Y/n) to blush furiously, however her blushing session was cut short by something being pushed into her vagina, it was rough, it hurt and it took her breath away. Dio chuckled at her pain, he wiped her tears off and whispered "It hurts right ?" He slowly took out his enormous dick from her warm vagina, "I enjoy you in pain" and with that he plunged into her once again, ruthlessly pounding her. Blood dripped down
(Y/n)'s thighs as she was pounded into. It hurt a lot, tears flowed down her face as Dio fucked her.
Soon enough the pain turned into pleasure and (Y/n) forgot the fact she was being violated, pleasure clouded her conciousness and she began moaning softly. Dio smirked and pounded harder into her. Soon enough, Dio's pounding slowed down and he came into her, he pinched her clit causing her to reach her climax together with him. As his sticky seed was released into her, she had been claimed as his and he had made it very clear to her.
(Y/n) panted while leaning on the tub when Dio grabbed her chin, "This day forth you belong to me, your chastity was stolen by me, your first kiss was stolen by me. You have been filled with my seed and you have been marked as mine from now on" he then spat on her, got dressed and left the bathroom.
The pleasure faded away and (Y/n) realised what had happened. She began sobbing, how will she explain this to her father?, how will she ever get married ?, what will happen to her reputation if word got out ?. She cried harder, she climbed into the tub and began scrubbing her body till she began bleeding.
Little did she know that things will be worse in the future...
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iamaghostsworld · 3 years
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Please do your research! There is so much misinformation out there and a lot of lies.
Everyone should know the truth so please try to know as much as you can so you can spread awareness and help!
Free Palestine🇵🇸✌️
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