iamatinyowl · 30 days
Man it really tickles me how many years women were banned from fighting in the military and now men are turning around and blaming the fact that only men have to register for the draft on feminists
Like??? Buddy…
You’re never gonna believe who set that system up
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iamatinyowl · 2 months
I can’t believe there are people out there who just like…… don’t care about the welfare of others. Completely unaffected by the knowledge that people are out there suffering. Don’t give a shit that there are children who will be hungry and starved because of their choices. Unbothered that there are people who won’t be able to afford medicine because of their choices. People will die and people will suffer horribly. How can they just not care?????? Or even support those choices?????? I cannot wrap my mind around how it is even possible.
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iamatinyowl · 3 months
there is no magic "the new generation will be more progressive as the old one dies" btw history has only had things get better because of people who didn't act like it was inevitable and acted like things needed to get better here and now and that will always be true
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iamatinyowl · 3 months
“if you’re worried that you’re a bad person, don’t be! bad people don’t worry that they’re bad” <- seeing this a lot lately and i find it so goofy lol. it’s always a waste of time to categorize anyone as an essentially good/bad person but also like. you can be a “good” person who agonizes over their choices and still end up making choices that are careless or cowardly or even deliberately harmful. the act of worrying doesn’t absolve you of shit bro
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iamatinyowl · 4 months
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iamatinyowl · 4 months
"In a bar, the cool blokes wear t-shirts and jeans, perhaps even with a casually unbuttoned shirt or jacket. Women are expected to wear as little as possible.
The skin gap, coined by Allison Josephs of social media non-profit, Jew in the City, is the difference in the amount of skin men and women are expected to show in the same social setting."
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iamatinyowl · 5 months
I think for a lot of white people, when you call them out on their casual racism (microagressions and non-overt things), they see it as a case of hurt feelings from your point of view as opposed to a discussion of harmful practices that aid the vehicle of racism. So in response, they take it as a personal attack, rather than a learning experience, and go on the defensive by bringing up a time that you made them upset as leverage. Or they defend their actions by doubling down on the behavior at hand and dismissing your criticism as over sensitivity and emphasizing their “harmless” intent. And I think that is one of the reasons why it’s so hard to address casual and interpersonal racism with the general white population (and also other poc tbh).
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iamatinyowl · 5 months
This whole obsession with wheelchair users struggling on foot down the aisle at their wedding or across the stage for graduation is 100% powered by ableism.
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iamatinyowl · 5 months
Found in Gaza...
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iamatinyowl · 5 months
The thing people need to realize is that what the author intends is not the same as what the reader interprets.
Fans are absolutely capable of finding meaning and substance to thing the author didn’t add consciously.
Imagine your 10th grad English teacher telling you that the use of the colour blue represents depression. The author didn’t do that consciously, but contextually? It makes fucking sense.
Maybe the author didn’t explicitly say a character wasn’t white, but white readers always assume they are. That doesn’t mean they can’t be coded as, and interpreted as people of Color.
Maybe the author didn’t explicitly say the character was disabled, but context and sustained injuries made them disabled even if the author never conceptualized them in that way.
Maybe a character isn’t specifically said to be mentally ill, but they’re written to have experienced trauma and they’re interpreted by readers as mentally ill.
Authors have no control over the interpretation of their novels, and the argument that it wasn’t consciously and canonically written is ridiculous. Any author will tell you that half the details that emerge are subconscious.
If your subconscious is racist or sexist or transphobic, and in any other way bigoted? It will come out in your writing. And your readers will pick up on it. Which I think is why it’s so important to have marginalized people’s voices involved in editing and publishing.
Just because an author doesn’t mean something to be specifically offensive? Doesn’t mean it isn’t.
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iamatinyowl · 5 months
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Guerrilla Girls posters from 1989, 2005 and 2012.
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iamatinyowl · 6 months
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There is no fat phobia without an underlying hatred of BIPOC, poor people, disabled people, mentally ill people, and/or women!
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iamatinyowl · 6 months
the thing about “well-behaved women rarely make history" is that the author, Laurel Thatcher Ulrich, didn’t write it about women who would be considered “badly-behaved;“ she wrote it in a book about a midwife, about women who had been largely ignored and erased from history because as a result of their “good behaviour.” So it’s not a “BAD GIRLS DO IT WELL" kind of quote; it’s a reminder to respect and pay attention to the women who go about quietly living their lives.
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iamatinyowl · 6 months
ok this is important to me. gaslighting is not a synonym for lying. it’s a type of lying. if someone says to you “the sky is green,” that’s a lie. if you say “the sky is blue” and they respond “no, it’s green, you’re wrong, your eyes are playing tricks on you” THAT’S gaslighting. the crucial requirement is that they try to convince you not only that you are wrong but that you shouldn’t trust your own senses. that you’re imagining something/hallucinating/dreaming. the abuser is trying to make themselves more of an authority on reality than your own mind, often with the goal of making you reliant on them to tell you “truth” from “fiction.”
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iamatinyowl · 7 months
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I saw this on twitter and have been thinking about it constantly since 
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iamatinyowl · 8 months
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iamatinyowl · 8 months
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