iamcypruslgbq · 4 years
Hi everyone! I hope you are all staying safe and healthy (mentally and physically) and know that things will get better soon.
I started this blog as an initiative to help gather resources and support for LGBTQ+ university students who have to live in less-affirming environments after university closures due to the pandemic. This is for you and I hope this blog has helped you. (Thank you to everyone who follows and messages me with support for this blog). This was based on my belief in the importance of community and helping one another. 
I found this website which “is a community-generated mapping project that geo-locates queer moments, memories and histories in relation to physical space.” I thought others would find it interesting and reaffirming that our community is large and wide and we are never alone. 
Our experiences matter and things do get better. Go have a look and maybe add to the map :) 
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iamcypruslgbq · 4 years
STAY HOME - STAY PROUD introduction to the project
During a world pandemic, acts of volunteering cannot be overestimated. Now more than ever we should help each other and support one another. The LGBTQ+ community is especially vulnerable at times like these. 
When I was younger, social media played a vital role in helping me understand and accept myself as a gay person. Now, I study Law at my dream university and I am proud of who I am and glad for all of the amazing people I met on the way. 
I understand though that the current situation, which caused lock-downs and university closures, means that a lot of LGBTQ+ students who were happy and proud to be “out” at liberal university environments may have had to go back to homes, home countries and environments that do not allow them to do so anymore. This blog is for everyone’s use but particularly those students. 
Project STAY HOME - STAY PROUD is an initiative that respects measures taken to prevent the spread of coronavirus and the importance of staying at home but at the same time aims to empower and support youth who have had to unexpectedly go back “in the closet” due to being dependent on homophobic families. This is a community project so it relies on your involvement. The project will include initiatives to ask or submit anonymous and non-anonymous posts or questions regarding your experiences or any advice you may seek or want to give as well as regular posts regarding this issue, aimed to help the wider community in dealing with the aforementioned situation. I am not a professional therapist, I simply want to help as much as I can and without any liability, as well as inspire the community at large to promote supporting each other at times of need. 
Please repost this and get involved. 
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iamcypruslgbq · 6 years
I Am LGBTQ+ AND Cypriot.
If You Are Too, Then You Have Come To The Right Place.
Ask Me Anything/ Message Me/ Follow This Blog For More.
Remember, You Are Not Alone, It Gets Better.
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