iamdrakovi · 9 months
I'm in control of my destiny.
#iamDrakovi #DrakoviBloodrose
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iamdrakovi · 9 months
"Macro Marijuana" #macrophotography
Macro photography of Marijuana
by Drakovi Bloodrose #iamDrakovi
Check out more here!
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iamdrakovi · 9 months
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#iamDrakovi #cameo
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iamdrakovi · 9 months
Let the wisps of smoke carry away negativity, making room for positive energy to embrace your space. #iamDrakovi #DrakoviBloodrose
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iamdrakovi · 10 months
Between 5:59 and the approaching 6:00, imagine a dance of time. Picture the past, present, and future weaving together like threads in a story. While the past can't be erased, this moment is a chance for something new. Learn to infuse kindness into each day's fleeting moments, like a gentle reminder. Just as the past can't be changed, the sunrise promises a fresh start. As 5:59 transitions, embrace the idea of being kind each day – a simple yet profound philosophy in the rhythm of time. #iamDrakovi #DrakoviBloodrose #philosophy #WithinTheEchoes
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iamdrakovi · 10 months
Embark on a historical voyage through Tucson with me and my loyal companion, Lillie. Explore the essence of a city close to my heart, as we seamlessly intertwine its rich history with the present. If you share a love for Tucson, your read is sincerely welcomed!
Journal Entry (Part I) - August 20, 2023
As the sun dipped below the Arizona horizon on Founder's Day, I found myself caught in a temporal current, my senses tingling with the unmistakable energy of a time portal. With Lillie, my loyal blue-nose companion, by my side, we stepped into the unknown, leaving the familiar hum of 2023 behind.
The transition was swift, the world around me morphing from urban sprawl to the rugged terrain of 1775. The scent of dust and distant fires filled the air as I stood within the nascent Presidio of San Agustín del Tucson. Lt. Colonel Don Hugo O'Connor and Lt. Juan De Carmona moved purposefully nearby, discussing the layout of this northernmost outpost of Spain.
Lillie, ever alert, sensed the shift, her ears perked as she surveyed the unfamiliar surroundings. The landscape held an untamed beauty, the echo of Native American contributions still resonating through the uncharted streets. The clash of cultures was palpable, a dance between tradition and the encroaching wave of colonization.
I marveled at the simplicity of life in 1775, the absence of skyscrapers replaced by adobe structures, and the distant sounds of Spanish commands. The Tucson of yesteryears was a canvas waiting to be painted with the strokes of time.
Wandering through the Presidio, I marinated in the authenticity of history. The clash of cultures played out before my eyes—the intricate tapestry of Native American wisdom blending with the imposing shadow of European influence. The air buzzed with the promise of a city yet to emerge.
Lillie and I traversed the streets marked by Church Ave., Washington St., Main Ave., and Pennington St., witnessing the birth of Tucson beneath the canvas of a desert sky. The taste of the past lingered on my tongue—a mixture of dusty air and the distant hope that history would remember the voices that shaped it.
In the quiet moments, I pondered the committee's debate over the ethnocentric choice of Founder's Day. The complexities of identity, like shadows on the adobe walls, played out in real-time. It wasn't just a journey through time; it was an immersion into the struggles and triumphs of a community finding its voice.
As the temporal currents pulled me back to 2023, I couldn't shake the profound connection between the two eras. Founder's Day had become more than a celebration; it was a bridge connecting past and present. The challenge now lay in carrying the wisdom of history into the future, embracing our roots, and nurturing a world where the echoes of both timelines harmonized in the dance of progress.
Journal Entry (Part II) - August 20, 2023
The temporal currents seized hold once more, whisking Lillie and me away from the Spanish-infused air of 1775 Tucson, propelling us further into the depths of history. The landscape transformed again, revealing a Tucson untouched by European influence, a canvas painted solely by the hands of the Hohokam people.
As we materialized in the year 800 AD, the contrast was stark—a Tucson in its infancy, a vibrant village nestled in the embrace of the desert. The air was thick with the scent of juniper and mesquite, and the ground beneath my feet bore the imprints of a people connected intimately with the land.
Lillie's curiosity matched my own as we wandered through the Hohokam village. Adobe structures, humble yet resilient, stood in harmony with the natural contours of the landscape. The air resonated with the hum of communal life, a tapestry woven by the hands of those who understood the delicate dance between earth and existence.
The Hohokam people moved with purpose, their daily lives intertwined with agricultural rhythms and celestial observations. I watched in awe as they cultivated the land, utilizing advanced irrigation systems that hinted at a profound understanding of nature's cycles. The vibrant hues of their pottery told stories of artistry passed down through generations.
In the heart of the village, a communal gathering unfolded. The elders shared wisdom with the younger generation, a sacred exchange that echoed through time. The air buzzed with the sounds of conversation, laughter, and the shared heartbeat of a people grounded in their traditions.
As I observed this ancient Tucson, the weight of responsibility pressed upon me. The Hohokams had found a delicate balance with the earth, a harmony that spoke of sustainability and respect for the interconnected web of life. In their simplicity, I found a profound wisdom, a lesson echoing through the ages to our modern, bustling world.
Lillie, ever attuned to the energies surrounding us, seemed to sense the significance of this encounter. Her presence among the Hohokams felt like a bridge connecting canine companionship across the epochs. We were not just witnesses; we were participants in a dialogue between two eras.
As the temporal currents once again tugged us back to 2023, I carried with me the vivid images of an ancient Tucson, the legacy of the Hohokam people etched in the fabric of time. The challenge ahead was clear—to honor the lessons of the past, to intertwine the wisdom of the Hohokams with the complexities of the present, and to shape a future where the roots of understanding and respect ran deep.
Chronicles of Tucson: A Dance Through Time on Founder's Day by Drakovi Bloodrose
These two journal entries is my heartfelt exploration of Tucson, a city I hold dear to my soul. Fueled by an artist's passion, an herbalist's connection to nature, and a writer's desire to weave tales, I embarked on time-traveling journeys with my loyal companion, Lillie.
My love for Tucson and its vibrant community is the driving force behind these narratives. Founder's Day, a celebration that resonates with the beating heart of the city, inspired me to delve into the depths of its history. In traversing the timelines of 1775 and 800 AD, I sought to uncover the layers that compose Tucson's identity, to understand how the past continues to shape its present.
Every word penned in these entries reflects my admiration for the complexities of Tucson's identity. The clash of Spanish influence in the Presidio era and the harmonious coexistence with the Hohokam people in 800 AD are not just historical snapshots but vibrant scenes etched in my love for this community.
Through the lens of a time traveler, I aimed to capture not only the visuals but the essence of each era—the scents, tastes, and sensations that make Tucson a living, breathing entity. This isn't just a recounting of the past; it's a call to action, urging us to honor our roots, appreciate the contributions of diverse communities, and collectively shape a future where Tucson's beauty lies in deep connections.
If you enjoyed this read, please check out more at my blog "Simply Drakovi" below!
As I share these narratives, I hope to inspire a collective appreciation for the unique spirit that defines Tucson. May these words serve as a reminder to cherish and preserve the timeless essence that makes this city truly remarkable.
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iamdrakovi · 11 months
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Every day feels like a fresh page in my personal book, a stroke on the canvas of my journey. I'm one of the unconventional souls who seek the extraordinary in the everyday, finding purpose in the simplest of moments.
As a quirky individual captivated by the enigmatic and the mystical, life unfurls like an ever-growing garden of experiences. I dive deep into the ocean of my consciousness, searching for meaning amidst the everyday chaos, and reaching out to the hidden strings that shape our world.
Through my daily customs and habits, I beckon the invisible, nurturing the intricate tapestry of existence and tending to my inner sanctuary. I acknowledge the Earth's living spirit, aligning myself with the grand cosmic symphony in my quest for enlightenment.
Why do I persist in my daily existence? Because life is an endless journey, a dance of existence with unexplored steps. With each dawn, I unravel new layers of my essence, weaving the threads of my personal tale, and rejoicing in the captivating riddle that envelops me.
Exploring the Mosaic of Existence
by: Drakovi Bloodrose
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iamdrakovi · 11 months
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Phase Details For - October 22
Phase: First Quarter
Illumination: 54%
Moon Age: 7.76 days
Moon Angle: 0.54
Moon Distance: 365,512.57 km
Sun Angle: 0.54
Sun Distance: 148,860,702.70 km
#iamDrakovi #DrakoviBloodrose
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iamdrakovi · 11 months
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iamdrakovi · 1 year
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When I think about a long and challenging journey, like traveling through a desert, I'm reminded that even in the toughest times, there's a chance for something positive at the end. It's like seeing an oasis on the horizon, a symbol of hope and rejuvenation. Life often throws us difficult paths, but this perspective encourages me to keep pushing forward with determination. It reminds me that if I stay persistent and maintain a positive outlook, I can find unexpected moments of beauty, relief, or success along the way. The journey itself can lead to rewarding outcomes.
"Infinite Desert Mirage: Scarlet Pathway"
by: Drakovi Bloodrose
"Even the longest road through the desert holds the promise of an oasis on the horizon, a reminder that perseverance leads to unexpected beauty." -Drakovi Bloodrose #iamDrakovi #DrakoviBloodrose #life
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iamdrakovi · 1 year
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Currently 99.93% visibility @10:42pm on Thursday Sept 28, 2023. ♡♡ #moon
#iamDrakovi #DrakoviBloodrose
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iamdrakovi · 1 year
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May this Harvest Moon Abundance Spell serve as a reminder that our connection with nature's cycles can bring abundance and prosperity into our lives. Remember to approach it with faith in your intentions and respect for the mystical energies that surround us. Embrace the power of the moon and the harvest, and may your desires manifest with the changing seasons.
-Blessed Be ⛧ Drakovi Bloodrose
Harvest Moon Abundance Spell
This ritual is designed to harness the energy of the Harvest Full Moon to attract abundance, prosperity, and positive energy into your life.
-small pumpkin or gourd
-handful of dried herbs such as sage, cinnamon, and bay leaves
-silver coin or charm representing wealth
white candle
-piece of paper and a pen
-fireproof dish or cauldron
-quiet outdoor or well-ventilated indoor space
Begin your ritual as the sun sets and the moon rises. Place the white candle in the center of your chosen space and light it.
Sit quietly for a few moments, grounding yourself and connecting with the energy of the moon.
Take the piece of paper and the pen, and write down your intentions for abundance. Be specific about your goals and desires. Fold the paper and place it in the fireproof dish.
Hold the pumpkin or gourd in your hands and visualize it as a symbol of the harvest and abundance. Imagine it filling with golden energy.
Sprinkle the dried herbs over the pumpkin or gourd while saying, "As the moon grows full and bright, bring abundance with this sacred rite. May the harvest's blessings flow, as abundance in my life shall grow."
Place the silver coin or charm inside the pumpkin or gourd, symbolizing the wealth you wish to attract.
Light the piece of paper in the fireproof dish from the white candle's flame. As it burns, visualize your intentions being sent out into the universe.
Once the paper has turned to ash, carefully pour the ashes into the pumpkin or gourd, sealing your intentions.
Close your eyes and hold the pumpkin or gourd to your heart. Visualize the moon's energy infusing your desires with power and positivity.
Thank the moon for its energy and guidance. Choke out the white candle.
Keep the pumpkin or gourd in a place of honor in your home until the next Full Moon, at which point you can release the energy by burying it in the earth.
This Harvest Moon Abundance Spell ritual can be a powerful way to connect with the energy of the season and manifest your desires for abundance and prosperity. Remember to perform it with a focused and positive mindset, and always respect the energies and elements involved. #iamDrakovi #DrakoviBloodrose #fullmoon #harvestmoon #moonmagick
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iamdrakovi · 1 year
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iamdrakovi · 1 year
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Returning to social media now feels more invigorating than ever. My deliberate breaks from technology have allowed me to reconnect with my passions. I've devoted countless hours to writing, honing my skills, and exploring new areas of knowledge. This rejuvenating experience has not only enriched my life but also instilled a profound sense of fulfillment in every aspect. #iamDrakovi #DrakoviBloodrose
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iamdrakovi · 1 year
In memory of Officer Jessica Ebbighausen
Beyond the Blue: A Tribute to Jessica
By Drakovi Bloodrose
In a hazy time, she was set to begin,
Training at the academy, her dreams within.
A future officer, strong and brave,
Her passion for service, she couldn't waive.
The Rutland Chief, with heavy heart,
Asked for support, as they fell apart.
Ebbighausen's smile, always bright,
A family member, now taken from sight.
Since she was nine, the dream took root,
An internship paved the way to pursuit.
But fate had other plans in store,
Leaving behind those who adore.
The department changed its rules, they say,
To curb pursuits in a safer way.
Yet, details remained hidden and sealed,
While mourning a loss that's hard to shield.
The state police launched an inquiry,
To find the truth and clarify.
Reviewing all that did transpire,
Hoping someday, answers acquire.
Before her, 28 officers fell,
In Vermont's line of duty, they dwell.
Two in pursuits, tragically lost,
And she, the youngest, at a great cost.
In memory of her, we stand,
A tribute to her service so grand.
With heavy hearts, we'll honor her name,
A hero's legacy, forever aflame.
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iamdrakovi · 1 year
I wrote the following story and poem to help shed light on the often overlooked lives of homeless dogs and animals struggling to survive on the unforgiving streets of Tucson, Arizona. I urge everyone to recognize the shared vulnerability and emotions that all living beings experience.
"Forgotten Paws of Tucson"
by Drakovi Bloodrose
As the scorching Arizona sun beat down on the dusty streets of Tucson, I, a trembling and emaciated puppy, wandered aimlessly, my paws burning against the scalding asphalt. My tail, once bushy and full of life, now hung low between my legs, a sad testament to the sorrow I carried in my heart.
My journey began as a carefree puppy, frolicking with my littermates in a warm and loving home. But one fateful day, a human hand callously abandoned us by the roadside, leaving us to fend for ourselves. The world suddenly turned cold and harsh, and I was thrust into a life of uncertainty and fear.
Each day was a struggle to find food and water, my stomach constantly aching from hunger. I scavenged through trash cans, hoping to find some morsels of discarded food, but more often than not, my efforts were in vain. The humans who passed by on the streets barely spared me a glance, let alone a kind word or a gentle pat. I was invisible to them, a mere nuisance in their busy lives.
Nightfall was the worst. The once comforting darkness now brought terror, as I cowered in hidden corners, shivering from both the cold and the haunting sounds of the city. The howling wind echoed the loneliness in my heart, and I longed for the warmth of a loving touch, a safe place to rest my weary head.
But the cruelty of humans knew no bounds. Some would yell and throw stones at me, forcing me to run with my tail between my legs, heart pounding with terror. I couldn't comprehend why they hated me so. Had I done something wrong? Was I unworthy of love and care?
One day, as I searched desperately for water, I stumbled upon a small, run-down park. Under a withered tree, a young girl sat alone, her tear-streaked face buried in her hands. My heart ached for her, and despite my fear, I approached her cautiously. As I nudged her gently, she looked up with surprise in her eyes. For a moment, we gazed into each other's souls, both of us yearning for love and comfort.
But just as quickly as the connection formed, it shattered. A harsh voice called out from behind the girl, and she flinched in fear. "Get away from that filthy mutt!" her father barked, yanking her away from me. "They're all diseased and dangerous!"
I watched with a heavy heart as the girl cast one last glance at me, her eyes filled with sadness and longing. In that moment, I understood that not all humans were cruel, but the kindness of the few was overshadowed by the indifference and hatred of the many.
So I continued my lonely existence, always on guard, never letting my guard down. But deep inside, I held onto a tiny flicker of hope that one day, someone kind and gentle would see me for who I truly was—a scared and abandoned soul, longing for love and a place to call home. Until then, I remained the forgotten, homeless dog of Tucson, Arizona, braving each horrifying day with a heavy heart and tearful eyes.
"A Homeless Heart's Plea"
by Drakovi Bloodrose
In Tucson's scorching blaze, I roam,
A homeless pup, with heart of stone,
Abandoned, lost, I'm all alone,
My tail betrays the fear I've known.
Once nestled in a loving den,
Now shadows haunt each step I tread,
In human hearts, no love to lend,
A world unkind, where hope has bled.
With hunger's ache, I seek for scraps,
In trash bins' depths, my spirit saps,
A beggar's life, a sorrowful lapse,
Ignored by all, I'm but a trap.
The darkness falls, a daunting shroud,
In hidden corners, I'm avowed,
To escape the stones that pierce so loud,
To flee the wrath of hostile crowd.
A park I find, a glimmer gleams,
A child's tears, like distant streams,
I nudge her gently, hope redeems,
But love's denied, as nightmare teems.
Her father's wrath, a cruel decree,
In her eyes, a longing plea,
I'm torn apart, yet still, I see,
Not all are blind, to empathy.
Through trials hard, I carry on,
In solitude, my spirit's drawn,
Yet buried deep, hope's ember's spawned,
For love awaits, with rosy dawn.
O, Tucson's streets, unkind and cold,
A tale untold, my heart unfolds,
In every beat, a story old,
Of yearning love, in life's threshold.
So let this verse be a plea,
For eyes that see, beyond debris,
A chance for love, to set me free,
From fear and pain, to destiny.
In Tucson's scorching blaze, I stand,
A homeless pup, with heart in hand,
I dream of arms, a promised land,
A place to heal, to understand.
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iamdrakovi · 1 year
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