iaminthevoid111 · 2 years
Hey boo, success story!
I literally went into the void after taking 3 deep breaths and affirming "I'm in the void". I felt like I was floating and just affirmed that "I have everything I want & I am everything I want to be" over and over. And when I woke up, everything was different.
I got my desired room, it was in pretty pastels - white, cream/ beige & pink with blue starry ceiling plus different coloured lights. A walk-in closet connected to my bathroom which is just amazing. ❤️❤️ I had everything I ever wanted in a beautifully organized way. Gosh, it felt like a dream. Even the balcony connected to my room, with the swing and house plants. It was like fantasy land. 🥰 Even the whole damn house changed to my liking - like we got a pool and indoor gym and all plus it's in a better area. When I came across a mirror, it took me a while to realise it was me there - I got my desired appearance too, I literally pampered myself. Nice, long clean bubble bath, a total spa day & dressing up and dolling up as if I was my own personal Barbie after that, lmaoo. And then my phone rang, an iphone 13, and it was my bestie & we talked a lot. It was fun. Plus we planned to meet up and stuff. I had do some work stuff so I got my 16 inch MacBook and everything's going smoothly as I'd planned. Best day ever! As if that wasn't enough, my crush wanted to meet me. Like he's shy and so am I but - we are in the same social circle and he texted me asking if I was coming to this party & that he wanted to meet me before I go to Spain. We barely had one conversation and met like thrice but I knew he liked me like I liked him. Like him texting me is kinda risking a lot, it's kinda hard to explain. Anyways, I got my hair curled and wore a pretty red dress that I probably would have been insecure to wear before & dolled up for the party. And we ended up dancing. I mean, well, it was kinda like everyone had to dance with everyone but it was fun for the two of us. One dude who has a serious crush on me was getting a little handsy and my crush was like "may i have this dance?" lmao. He checked up on me so sweetly and we ended up talking and getting to know eachother and it was so fun. He dropped me off at my home and kissed my cheek. Damn, I'm blushing still, thinking about it.
Anyways, I just wanted to say thank you because I discovered the law first through you. I was into astro before this, followed ur yenshu blog & was so confused about manifestation and law of attraction until you spoke about law of assumption. You made me aware and you made me make my dreams come true so ilysm. Ily, shu. You're the best.
Oh my god. this is amazing !! i’m so so proud of you, my love. you have no idea. go enjoy your dream life to the fullest. you deserve everything 🥰
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iaminthevoid111 · 2 years
Cleo just came here to let you know that your ROE challenge is awesome. I entered the void super easily after the challenge on the 3rd day.
So I was scared to wakeup in the void. That's just me others who want to wakeup then that's great. I affirmed that. ROE I enter the void state instantly after affirming once that "I am in the void state"
Revision: I enter the void state last night like usual
I kept looping this 2 affirmations for 3 days along with
I manifest in seconds
My affirmations gives me instant manifestation
People who keep doubting void and saying they are unhappy with others results can try manifesting big things for themselves and prove the law.
you did it so easily 👏🏽💗 great job!!
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iaminthevoid111 · 2 years
so I discovered the void state ig at the end of December and badly wanted to get into it but kept failing, in April i saw many people sharing their success stories everywhere and i was like if they can do that why can't I? And all these void posts on Tumblr motivated me sm and decided to get my shits together and in May and June everyday whenever I randomly saw anything related to void or if it just randomly came up in my mind i would just say, "getting into the void state is super duper easy", "it only takes me 2 minutes to get into it" and last night I felt so motivated after watching "Thewizardliz" 's videos and decided to try it and guess what? I did it, when i got into the void i almost felt like crying because i realized how easy it is & now i have manifested my ideal life down to every detail and I'm definitely living ✨ THAT LIFE ✨ rn
whenever I randomly saw anything related to void or if it just randomly came up in my mind i would just say, "getting into the void state is super duper easy", "it only takes me 2 minutes to get into it"
what you did was so smart! especially since looking at success stories always motivate you so it’s like you have the pure motivation while you’re affirming. omg🫶🏽 congratulations my love, you deserve to have your dream life and i’m so happy you finally got it <33
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iaminthevoid111 · 2 years
So I started this Saturday at 10 a.m and my goal was to wake up in the void because I had done it a few times before without realizing it, and I chose a single affirmation (along with 3 days or less) to achieve it, so I went to sleep and I woke up in the fucking void and I didn't realize it bc it was the most peaceful experience I've ever had, so much so that I didn't even think about my wishes, I was just relaxing, I was there for a while and then my mother woke me up- 💀. So yesterday at 10 a.m I added an aff so I can know when I'm in the void state, I went to sleep and woke up in the void FUCKING AGAIN AAAAA, and this time I knew it was there almost immediately bc I didn't I felt the world around me, it was as if everything that existed was me, but I got so excited that I opened my eyes abruptly *cries*. After waking up I had a slight headache and felt drained of energy so I decided I was just going to sleep and hit the void again tonight, but I had a lucid dream, just like on Saturday and I've been having lucid dreams ever since I focused on waking up in the void lol.
Well, I can easily recognize the void and I wake up there without any effort, (Even if I don't affirm before sleeping I always wake up there, and I encouraged myself to go on a mental diet and change all the limiting thoughts and the game became fucking easy for me. Guys, CONTROL YOUR THOUGHTS AND CHANGE THEM IF THEY DON'T BENEFIT YOU CUZ YOU CAN'T AFFIRM ONE THING AND THINK THE OPPOSITE lmao), so literally all the work is done and now I can manifest my desires whenever I sleep bc I no longer worry about "will it work?".
I couldn't bear to write everything because I'm so happy and the main goal that was to always wake up in the void is literally fulfilled (I can even say that I have finished the challenge bc I already have my desired results), tysm Cleo, I'll be back with another success story. 💋
PD: Can I be your 🦇 anon?
yayyy i’m so happy for you and ofc you can be that anon💗💗💗
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iaminthevoid111 · 2 years
𝐇𝐎𝐖 𝐓𝐎 𝐁𝐄 𝐈𝐍 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐕𝐎𝐈𝐃 𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐓𝐄 - 𝐚 𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐲 𝐬𝐢𝐦𝐩𝐥𝐢𝐟𝐢𝐞𝐝 𝐞𝐱𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐢𝐧𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐨𝐟 𝐛𝐞𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐢𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐈 𝐀𝐌 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐭𝐞
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I felt like making this post because the void has been complicated way too much and it's starting to feel very toxic, seeing the same information in different language and use of grammar basically the same gates every where and hence why I feel beginners are too lost and can't seem to achieve being in that state. So here I will try to make the method that I have written as much different and simple as possible. This might come out as something useless for others but from my past experience when I too was lost and kept hearing the same thing wondering what the hell is not right? There came a point where I felt the life that I have created belongs to me and I have imagined myself living it so I'm putting a stop to the old stories and finally getting what is mine, I completely flushed out every other information that I have ever known about the void and just focused on the part where I knew the void is me, It's not a state to be achieved. Its a feeling. A feeling of space, a feeling of being relaxed. A feeling of positiveness. This could be a bare minimum but anyways here we are.
-•- What is the void state ?
{ from now this is all you know about the void state and what it is }
-•- How to be in that state ?
From what you read till now these are the basic steps of meditation right? And what do you know about the void? That it's a meditative state. Such a plain and basic information. Way too easy right?
Practice this for atleast 2-3 days in the morning and you will catch a habit of it
This was what helped me successfully enter the state, and I realised because of all the same information i consumed over and over again which imbalanced my thoughts about the void I needed to simply just clean up all the unnecessary information and know the basic of basic, when things are not overcomplicated it's way easier, and yes this is all what the void state is. It's not something that you have been keeping on the pedestal or something very powerful that you cried and begged to enter for months or so in the past, when I told you the void is as easy as breathing THIS is what I meant. I genuinely hope that this post helps as effectively to all the people struggling out there as much as it did to me I hope it changes your perspective of seeing the void from now that it's not something you need to get and work supposedly hard for the void is absolutely nothingness and it is also nothing in general at all okay? YOU are the key to that state and its built because of YOU
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iaminthevoid111 · 2 years
Rem’s Void Challenge
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idk about you but i think the void state is so fucking cool and i’d love to enter it at least once in my life, but in an effort to not become obsessed with it i eventually just stopped attempting it cuz i dont feel the need to. so hopefully this challenge can provide a happy medium!
The Challenge:
Step 1: Create a method of getting into the void
Make sure this method is pretty simple. An example would be put on alpha waves, count backwards from 100 to 0, repeat “i am in the void” five times, and then boom, you’re in the void.
Step 2: Do your method
Step 3: Enter the void
The second you have completed your method, you are in the void. Point blank. As you lay (or sit) there, you are in the void. Visualize that you are in the void. Think as if you are in the void. Do not acknowledge the fact that you are not in the void. You can even list your desires if you want in order to make it feel real. 
One of two things will happen here. You will either enter the void, or you won’t. Either is fine. If you enter the void, congratulations! If so, this is your last step. If not, do not acknowledge it. You can either fall asleep now (if you did this at bedtime) or just get up and go on with your day. Do not start your method over.
Step 4: Mental Diet
 For the rest of the night/day, whenever you think of it, do not acknowledge your “failure.” Affirm that you got into the void. You’re going to start a mental diet. Whenever you think of the void, you’re going to think about how awesome your new method is and how it got you into the void on your first try and how excited you are to go again tonight because you had such an awesome experience!
Step 5: Repeat steps 2-4
Do not edit your method at all. Do the exact same method every time. In order to not obsess over it, I would only do it once a day. Keep your mental diet up. No complaining that it didn’t work, no questioning if tonight will be the night you succeed or not. If you want, you can even pretend that you manifested that you get into the void every time you do your method while you were in the void.
Do this until you enter the void state. If you want to skip a day or two of attempts that’s fine, but keep on your mental diet.
The idea behind this challenge is that by creating a simple void method and maintaining a mental diet, it will help you to create an assumption that getting into the void is easy and simple. By stopping after you do your method, it creates a belief that you fully expect that method to work every time. Also, as you aren’t spending a long time trying each day/night, it helps you not become obsessed with the void.
I hope you guys like this idea and if you try it please update me!! And if you have any questions please feel free to ask!! 🤍
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iaminthevoid111 · 2 years
Every night I just lay down, super tired. I stay still, and then affirm. My attention span is terrible so my mind wanders off. And then when I get my attention back to affirming, I feel anxious idk why. When I think about affirmations, my heart starts racing. And then I give up and fall asleep :/
I know I can make it to the void, but I just don't know why I'm unable to get in
It's alright if your mind wanders off...who cares ...just fall asleep! The lullaby thing is to affirm until you fall asleep, do we remember what we were thinking about just before we fall asleep? Noooo right.....you aren't doing anything wrong! If you believe that you are doing anything wrong, it will manifest. This is the law of assumption.
Raise yourself to a pedestal. Believe that you are the creator. Nothing is above you. The void exists because you exist. There is nothing to be scared of. Because everything is your creation. The 3D has no power over you. Recognise this. Affirm this.
No you aren't unable to! You enter it every day. Revise your day daily.
"I entered the void state last night like I always do"
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iaminthevoid111 · 2 years
So... After all this .... I just want to wake up in the void. That's it.
You always wake up in the void honey.... do your forget the breath? No right. Flip your assumptions. Do a mental diet...every time you think of the void....think of it as something really easy....before sleeping.....just think of the void as something which you enter every night in sleep, so oviously its very easy🤷😪
Some affirmations -
Regardless of everything, I always enter the void every time I fall asleep
I enter the void state everyday when I fall asleep.
Falling asleep takes me straight to the void.
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iaminthevoid111 · 2 years
it’s honestly so annoying how I always enter the void so fast,it only takes me affirming for even less than 5 mins and I’m in,no matter where am i, seriously,I am jealous of myself,I get there so fast,Flash could never.
why would I even worry about not getting in the void state if the only who’s got the power is ME?the god,the universe itself.I don’t even know why would I even worry,cus void is not higher than me and it will never be,cus it holds absolutely zero power,literally.
time doesn’t exist,besides,I was in the void all these times before,I just didn’t use it to manifest,cus pretty girl like me needs deep relaxation too.
it’s not ❝ I couldn’t enter the void state :,(❞,it’s ❝ I didn’t want to enter the void state ;)❞
and now,since i want to enter the void state,I fully assume and intend to enter the void within 5 minutes or less.
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iaminthevoid111 · 2 years
🐚 My perspective on the void 🐚
As someone who has successfully entered the void state and manifested through it, I want to share my views about void state which could hopefully help some of you guys.
Void is always within you - A lot of people subconsciously view entering the void as going to a place “beyond” or “elsewhere”, but void state is simply a dimension within you that is directly connected to your subconscious - the 4D. When entering the void state, you are not trying to reach anywhere other than yourself, because you are the void. Don’t put the void above or separate from yourself, because it’s a part of you and no one can can take it away. Thinking like this helped me to take the void off the pedestal :))
It is natural - It’s important to know that we all possess the ability to enter the void state since the very beginning, and just like sleeping/blinking/walking, it’s natural for us. In truth, you don’t have to “learn” how to enter the void because it has always been part of you. Have you heard of someone “practising falling asleep” or “learning to sleep”? Strange isn’t it? Falling asleep sounds so easy and relaxing and it feels natural. Void state is the same. There is literally nothing to it and it is very very easy. What really helped me was assuming I already went into the void state before and it was just usual business for myself lol. That worked wonders for me and I went into void state easily and effortlessly with simply commanding my subconscious.
Lastly, I just want to say that YOU are what makes the void so powerful 🌷 YOU are the shot caller and YOU decide when and how you enter the void state.
~ venus
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iaminthevoid111 · 2 years
Have you gone to the void before? AND (a key question people forget to ask) are you able to go whenever you want to?
Yesss I have.
Yes it's very easy.
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iaminthevoid111 · 2 years
Idk whether you will answer this or not, but still I want to type my heart out. I have been trying to enter the void for 6 months now. I have tried all the possible methods from meditation to affirming and waking up in the void ( I do this one every night with full confidence) but nothing is happening. My life is so miserable rn. It's so frustrating for me. It's so difficult to ignore the 3d. Ik that we don't need void concept for this and clearing the mind is enough but staying still for that long is frustrating because I get distracted easily. Also, i really want to enter the void!!! I always feel the symptoms but i am unable to stay still for long as it takes a lot of patience. Pls help me out. And pls reply to this. ☺️
1) trying to? How can you try to do something....when you are GOD! It's impossible for your desire to not exist the moment you desire it💫🌙 how? Because you are God. You make all the rules. You decide how things happen in your reality. So no you haven't been trying from 6 months, you have been entering the void every day since 6 months!
2) methods? Why would God need any method? Why are you raising the methods to a pedestal? Why do you think you need to do something in order to enter the void. When the void is you. The void is fundamentally you. The void is pure consciousness. How can you, being God raise some stupid methods to such a pedestal? You are above everything, you are above every method. You don't need anything to help you manifest. Your existence itself grants all the manifestations. you are the root of everything. Feel it. Feel the I AM-ness. Just hold on to it and you will enter the void.
3) ignoring the 3D? Why ignore the 3D when it doesn't have any effect over you. The 3D is dead. Its your old story. your old assumptions and thought patterns. Every moment is a new moment. Only the NOW exists. Past and future don't exist, time isn't linear. So focus on the now. Your old story is dead. You are entering the void everyday, no matter what! How can you not, when you are God, the master manifestor?
4) ITS LAW OF ASSUMPTION! Everything works out in your favour alright, so why do you think you get distracted, get frustrated. Why do you assume the worst? Apply the law of assumption!
No your life is absolutely perfect right now. You always have been living your dream life. You don't need any method to enter the void. You can enter the void by just thinking about it. You never get distracted. You can stay still for long amounts of time. You are patient and calm all the time. you are never desperate to enter the void, because entering the void is literally the easiest thing for you!
Sorry for replying late I was kind of busy so I wasn't checking my inbox for a while. I hope you understand what I'm tryna say. I wish you the best.
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iaminthevoid111 · 2 years
I am God
the creator and the ruler of the universe and the source of all moral authority, the supreme being. I am so powerful. I am the operant creator, the ultimate source of energy, the source of all life, I am the one who started everything and can end anything whenever I want. I am the one who created the world. who controls everything and everyone in the world, I rule the whole universe, i am WORSHIPPED by everyone, i have magical powers that make everything go as it pleases. I am all powerful, I am the best manifestor, the most powerful being because I AM God. The Grand Omnipotent Divinity. I am the God and the creator of the ENTIRE multiverse. I AM the law of being and beside ME there is no law. I AM that I AM. I have no beginning or no end. I AM.
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iaminthevoid111 · 2 years
This was my first time and I did it!! I'll make a detailed post later but basically what I did was
I made sure I didn't sleep, so I slept in the noon, which would mean I will stay up late at night. Also I sat upright this time. Previously I tried alpha waves but that gave me a headache so this time I tried a guided meditation. I kept affirming "i will wake up in void" continuously. I stopped affirming at some point and realised I had entered void.
So after realising I was in void I started affirming all my desires and then I slept back. I woke up with all of them!! I will make a detailed post later (I'm busy rn). I just wanted to tell this real quick so that people can motivate themselves
literally so happy for you baby!! and hear them out everyone, the void is extremely easy to get into! do what makes you feel comfortable, don’t limit yourself and just relax; you’ll get there no matter what! can’t wait for you to share what you manifested love 🎀 ���⁺˳✧༚
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iaminthevoid111 · 2 years
Hey Halo! I went into void state last night 💗
I’m honestly so excited for the things I’m going to do with void! I stayed in the void for a few seconds but it was exactly like how it was described, I was just pure nothingness in a black space lol if that makes sense.
All I did was command my subconscious. I said: “Subconscious, I demand that I’m in the void state” a few times and I got into the void within 1-2 minutes. That was literally it. Yup, I didn’t do any meditations or listen to any audios. I feel like there is really nothing much to it lol. A tip that I feel like really helped me was assuming that I’ve gone to the void before and it was all natural and easy peasy. You’re already a pro so there is nothing to worry about.
I just want to say thank you to Halo for all the love, positivity and helpful posts u put out there. Girl u really are changing lives!! U are so sweet and such a lovely soul🌷🌷
So yeah now that I’ve done it I’m gonna go into void state again tonight to manifest everything :)
babe oh my god thank you so much for sharing this with me! it’s literally ridiculous how easy it is for all of us to enter the void, it’s so simple. congrats congrats and congrats again, can’t wait for you to share with me the things that you manifested <3 love u and i’m so proud of you
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iaminthevoid111 · 2 years
cleo oh my fucking god. i've been repeating the affirmation "regardless of everything, i always enter the void state as soon as i fall asleep" for a day now (doing the 3dolc + roe) and last night i had a lucid dream so i started affirming. everything went pitch black and i started to feel like i was being pulled up so i got a bit scared cause that never happened to me, then i just went straight into another dream. adding "regardless of everything, void "symptoms" don't make me nervous or scared" to the list
So closeee❕❕❕you’ll be in void in no time💗
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iaminthevoid111 · 2 years
I’m gonna tell you guys how i made it to the void state - it was so fucking easy
First Here is the list of pick a card reading i watched that helped me get closer to my angels and the universe
- I just close my eyes think about the title of the video and then open my eyes and it’s the one my eyes fall on first or is drawn too
1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 , 9, - The first 5 are kinda of a must in my opinion but watch anything by avalon intuitive and esotarot that catches your eye.. they are always accurate and they are the only channels i watch at the moment.. The ones about Manifesting and your path and your angels and your soul or messages are the best videos
Here are three videos i watched that change my perspective on manifesting.. 1 and 2 - i feel like watching these videos are a must because you won’t have to look at other ones or read any books lol i’m lazy :)
Now here’s how i got there…
I’ve been trying for about 2-3 months and didn’t get any symptoms or anything like that so i kinda gave up but then i watched those video and it basically told me to ask my guides for help…
yesterday, So when i was laying down, I talked to my guides/myself lol. in my head and basically talked about the reasons i wanted to change certain things about myself and things that happened to me that caused trauma… I also said at the end that i’m ready to give that past up and move on and i asked for their help and thanked them for giving everything i needed so far then i went to bed.. towards the end of my dream i said this is weird.. like this dream can’t be real next thing you know i’m in my room but it weird because it’s like i walked past my tv but i physically can’t in real life because my tv is too close to my bed… so i thought i am still dream so i said, i am in the void state take me there but then things started to slow down and i woke up [ the date today is June 22,2022 ]
then i laid there on my stomach and thought, hmm what if i try to get to the void state… now i’m not gonna do y’all like how these other pages do.. i think their advice is nice but they talk about how they got to the void state, they build up the story and then just say that they just did it, Or just do it
I will not do that to y’all… this is what happened… when i started saying my affirmations, i said wait let me get relaxed first… At first my brain went off track and thought of other things/ Saying i can’t make it to the void state but then i said subconscious thank you for trying to protected me and help me but now i need to move on from that past I am not the nini that was afraid of manifesting and the void state.. So then i closed my eyes and started saying, i am over and over again and then this old 2000s song came in my head but instead of pulling away from it or trying to make it go away… i let it play in my head and kept saying i am and then i felt the middle of my torso move away from my bed but the rest of my body didn’t and then it stopped but then i told myself I am ready let’s go and started saying i am again then my whole body started lifting up and up and as soon as it got to the second part of the chorus, it went silent… I couldn’t hear my fan and i couldn’t hear my brother who was watching tv loud in the living room… i got so excited that i didn’t ground myself there so i got pulled out but i will try again tonight …
I wouldn’t lie to y’all i’ve cried because of not getting to the void state because i’m currently poor with only 3 dollars in my bank account so i need to manifest… but i hope that helps
You can do it and you can send me any questions .. you have
[ manifest: but i’m not poor, i’m actually rich asf lol ]
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