iamjulikakyelle · 5 years
Before we get all goofy and shit I will break it down to you. 
Take your time and enjoy the vibes.
Creating a blog and actually working on it on a daily baiss has been a longtime wish of mine which I never actually aimed for in the end. Why tho?
Until now.
I started with creating and growing a supportive and loving, loyal, respectful and understanding community on my social media platform on Instagram - love ya´ll!
However, as the time went by and I kept on growing and living I felt that even with all the feedback and replies and love I am receiving for being me and putting myself out there, some areas in my life didn´t have the proper channel to express them fully in all their forms and colors.
This blog is personal. For me. For you. I will be going into more details than just my daily snippets of thoughts that you can see and read through on my profile.Most importantly is the fact that I do it for me, like I said. It is not selfish to want to invest in thyself and improve certain areas in your life. In the end this food for thought is for you, too.I´m like your wifey and mother at once that is picking up the ingredients and herbs wisely and select all the unnecessary bullshit out to make sure your mind/body and soul is properly nurtured and taking excellent care of. Cause I just want the best for you.I gotchu. I want to see you all win! Like honestly. Go for the bag sis - bruh, you deserve living your best life!
I also perceive this as a test for myself, by stretching my comfort zone to the extend and putting myself out here in various ways.
I said goodbye today to my longtime be(a)stie frenemy called - THE PROCRASTINATOR. What a sneaky little bastard he is. 
Now is the time. When it feels most uncomfortable to do something new.That is where and when you grow. By taking on new habits.If you want a new life you have to move differently.At least that is how I deeply feel about it. If it doesn´t scare you even just a bit just know that you are too cozed up (ain´t a correct word but I also love creating new ones, who said I couldn´t, right? ) sitting on the sofa with your redbull in your left hand while the right hand is holding a cigarette, filling the entire room with a heavy scent of "I FEEL STUCK AND MY SOUL IS TIRED BUT MY DEAREST FRIEND PROGGY KNOWS BEST WHAT IS GOOD FOR ME AND WHAT ISN´T, RIGHT?!?!?".
You hear netflix playing twentyfive hours eight days in the week in the back but you don´t actually watch. You don´t even listen anymore. You doze off. Complety lost. You just want to comfort your loneliness with the sound of other people talking, it gives you the sweet feeling of not being actually all on your own in this shitty shit hole that you dived deep inside. But also not having to participate to any real conversation.Now get the fuck up and leave the corner of your comfort zone. More like killing zone.You won´t find your happiness in there. Nor success. Whatever that means to you.What you do not change - you chose. Easy right?!
I chose me, over and over again. It is a process and you only get further by holding yourself accountable for everything that you put out into this very world.Confront your ego and let it shatter to the ground for once.Then pick up the pieces and reconstruct it in your own way. You are the chief, designer, regisseur, manager of your life.I as well have had days where I stood in my own way and resisted my true self to prosper.Just yesterday was such a day. What I am trying to tell you is that I ain´t perfect either. I am as well learning each day.. What do you chose? What habits do you pick up day after day while hearing your intuition trying to get to your head, screaming for justice and mercy to finally release whatever you continue to harm yourself with. You have to be on your own team, fam! To keep on telling you these white lies and acting like a snitch that doesn´t want to see someone win, well  here is a plot twist; you are the exact same person. So either way you feed your mind with belief and faith or continue to fail and mostly don´t even start a new thing cause you believe your doubts more than your heart.What a pity. What a shame. Ever thought about the heritage of your doubts? What you feel pulsing inside of your chest whenever you do what you where put on this earth to do, is with no doubt your mission. All the projections, negative comments from other people, family members and frenemies do not have ANYTHING and I mean that, to do with your purpose.Doesn´t matter if you believe in such thing as a purpose or not. That doesn´t minimize the fact. It is what it is. Facts.Start doing what you solely are passionate about. To only give you a little spicy taste of my traintrack of thoughts. This the vibe we on now. 
I will be speaking openly about sexual traumas, sexuality in general, that includes sexual desires, how to tap into your sexual energy, what is a sexual energy, how to use it for creating more than just a baby, lack of confidence, how to ask for help, easy steps to love your own self, drug abuse, veganism and what this"trend" is actually about, conspiracy threaths, knowledge of the self - the highest, conversations I have with my higher self -  she a queen, what I eat, what I don´t eat, why I eat what I eat, subliminals and binaural beats, how to transform your dna with theta waves, how I manifest, what techniques do I practice, witchcraft, christianity and satanism, why I love and admire fashion and how/why my style improved over the last years, breakups and lessons, trust and loyalty. why honest real talk is significant for humankind, how to spot toxic friendships/relationships and more and deeper tings.
Take a seat. if you hear the call. Picc it up babe, it is for you. Your time is now. You deserve all that you desire late at night before you rise up to other and higher realms.I am guiding you through it, with patience, dedication, commitment, grace, honesty, shapeshifting into your highest version. I help you get you YOU.
I am here to inspire, to wake you up, to be a freak, with you. To embrace our soft parts and wildest dreams. To help each other grow and support one another. By giving constructive feedback cause all we want to do is build one another up cause we love seeing someone glow and reach their goals! Yea, face it, we may all have similar dreams, goals, things we want to achieve in our lives but isn´t that in particular what makes it even better? Knowing that we all need help and can help cause we´ve either way already been there - done that or have to go there and do it.Wisdom, knowledge is there to be shared. To be received.I appreciate every single one of you and I am thrilled for this new adventure.
You can always hit up my mailbox with anything that burdens your heart and lies heavy on your shoulders. I will take my time to listen to you and answer you. I am all in. I am with you. For you.-Feel the love. You are blessed.
Yours truly,
Julika Kyelle
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