Anyone know how to start worshiping Hecate I’m new to Hellenism. And is there any substitute for candles because my parents won’t let me get candles. 
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Hail Hydra
Hydra!Steve x reader
Warnings : Non-con, smut , dark as hell story
Read at your own risk!
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Chapter One
"You are mine, little doll. Don't you get it?"
Every night you woke up from your nightmare with the same, sickening sentence in your head.
To say you were scared is just an underestimation. It was freaking you out! Every time you saw Steve Rogers in your dreams… But that was not possible right?
Captain America was a hero. He fought against them in WWll and he was an Avenger. He would never… Captain America couldn't be with Hydra right? 
Would he?
Frustrated, you got up and went into the bathroom. You stood before the mirror and washed your face, trying to forget his dark, seducing voice from you head. 
When you opened your eyes, a loud scream nearly burst out your mouth when a hand pressed down and blocked it from coming out. 
"Hello my little Doll. Did you miss me?" Steve Rogers stood behind you, his handsome face a sinister smirk as he pressed his muscular body against you. You felt his hardening bulge nestle to your ass while you attempted to break free from his grip. 
"It is useless Doll. You're mine now. My little doll..."
"Y/N! Hey Y/N! Wake up!" Sarah's voice calling to you broke you from you nightmare. With a deep breath, you sat up and clutched your heart. 
"Again with the nightmare?" Sarah, your best friend, worrily asked you. You nodded and 
She took you into a tight embrace. "Everything's alright. It's just a nightmare... He can't hurt you--he's not real." 
Oh, you hoped so. 
After Thanos' defeat, you heard that Captain America aged and retired. If that was true, then who was the man in your dreams? He looked exactly like Steve Rogers but the one in your dream was wearing... Hydra's emblem on his chest.
You got goosebumps just thinking about it.
'It is just a dream,' you repeated to yourself while you went to shower and put your clothes on. Sarah already made breakfast when you came into the kitchen. 
"Feeling better?" She asked smiling warmly at you.
"Yeah it was just a dream... Nothing more," you said as you sat on the table.
"Well, if it makes your mood any better, I have great news. I'm getting promoted!" 
"Whaaat?! Really? Congratulations!! I'm so happy for you!" You hugged your best friend and laughed with her. Sarah really worked hard and deserved her promotion. You were so glad for her.
"I wish we could celebrate this Y/N, but you know what I promised my parents."
"Yeah, I know. It's okay, we can celebrate after you come back." 
Sarah was planning to visit her parents who lived in L.A., so you would be alone for the weekend. Her flight was today. 
Unfortunately, you couldn't go with her. Your boss wouldn't give you the time off, so you had to go to the bookshop. 
It wasn't the best paid job in New York, but you loved books and it was just the corner around your apartment. Your boss sucked sometimes, but you could handle it. 
After you gave Sarah a goodbye, you made your way to the bookstore.
It was evening when your boss told you to stay longer, because of a new delivery. You could not say no so you endured the tedious task of unloading all the books from their packages. It was about 10 p.m when you finally unpacked all new books and supplied them. 
Footsteps echoed behind you all of a sudden, just as you closed the warehouse door.
"He-hello?" You called out scared and with trembling hands. When you heard a deep chuckle, you ran as fast as you could to the exit. 
Before you could even touch the door, a strong pair of arms wrapped around your waist and pulled you back.
"Hello my dear. "
That voice… No that couldn't be… 
"Wh-who are you?" You asked timidly. 
"Ohh you know who I am, right babydoll?" You were suddenly turned around coming face to face with the smirking Steve Rogers.
"Ca-Captain America?" You were shocked. His sinister smile grew bigger as he leaned down to your ears.
"No my dear... It's Captain Hydra to you."
A little prick into your neck was the last thing you felt before you fell into darkness...
If you want to be tagged, just comment or send me a message
@imdarkinme @the-soulofdevil @searchforanotherway
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Namor the Sub-Mariner: Marvel’s First Biracial POC
Warnings for: Long post, racism in comics, Anti-Asian racism, racist caricatures, and war propaganda. I do not condone racism in any form. (I have asked my friend who is Japanese to read over this before posting. I do not wish to speak about such subject matters in a way that is disrespectful. Thank you for taking time to read this.)
Namor the Sub-Mariner is Marvel’s first and oldest character. I believe that Namor is also the first biracial character and the first poc coded superhero in comics. This post is my own opinion of the character and his history.
White washing characters is done very often, but that doesn’t make it right. I feel that Namor’s character is often forgotten as being biracial and a poc by many and when I see fan casts of white actors for a character who is very clearly not white I thought that I should collect my thoughts here.
How is he the first biracial character? Namor’s mother is Princess Fen of Atlantis, and his father is Captain Leonard McKenzie, a human. Namor is biracial because he was born of two races, Atlanteans and humans. True, Atlanteans are of course fictional but then comics have always had metaphors for the real world. Namor has endured many forms of racism and slurs due to him being born a ‘half breed’ and he was never fully accepted among his Atlantean people because he wasn’t ‘pure’ Atlantean. Neither was he accepted among the humans because he was only half human and so both sides mistrusted him.
Rise of the Black Panther (2018) #2:
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I’ve had people ask me “Namor is white/has always looked white, how is he a poc character?” Namor is not white, has never been white and has always been coded as a poc character. Just because many artists and writers do not know Namor’s full history and do not draw him or write him as such doesn’t mean it isn’t there.
I will be pulling panels directly from his comics to prove this. In his early comics Namor’s own creator, Bill Everett, chose to write ‘he set out to war against the white man’ not humans, not surfacers, he could have used those phrases but chose that one, which in fact states that Namor does not consider himself to be white. The phrase of Namor fighting against the white race is not used only once but many times throughout the comics:
Marvel Mystery Comics (1939) #1
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Later in the same comic:
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Marvel Mystery Comics # 2
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Marvel Mystery Comics #3
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Marvel Mystery Comics #4
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Also throughout the later comics Namor has been often called ‘exotic’ and there is a strong emphasis on the description of his eyes that is commonly used by people who want to describe someone who is of east-asian descent. (I feel this kind of writing is very wrong to use since it is a form of racism)
Namor being called ‘squinty’ by Hank Pym in reference to his eyes in Avengers (1963) #71:
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Namor’s eyes are described as slanted in The Defenders (1972) #1
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Atlanteans are not white, they do not default to a white race when out of the water and their skin changes from blue Atlantean skin to human skin color (which ranges from every different race and not just Caucasian) in order to survive out of the water with their science and magic:
Wolverine (2003) #44:
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Atlanteans have been coded as an indigenous people from their first appearance where they make a point to state that they fight against the white race who has harmed their people. Also Namor speaks of his tribe several times:
Marvel Mystery Comics #3:
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In later comics a group of people lead by Walter Newell (Stingray) attempt to make a colony underwater, invading Namor’s homeland by setting up their undersea dome without permission and promising them things in return for their aid. Namor will not allow them to colonize the sea and drive his people off their lands in the sea so that surface people could take over:
Tales to Astonish #95:
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I do not ever think racism should ever be tolerated, and I know that comic characters were used for war propaganda during WWll but that doesn’t make it ok. In the early sub-mariner comics Namor is drafted into fighting the war.  People who were of east-asian descent were also drafted or volunteered to be soldiers in WWll and Namor, like the American-Japanese soldiers, was also a fighter and translator.
Sub-Mariner Comics #8
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Why I bring this up is to show how a comic character that started out as not a racist caricature later became one and was used to spread racism, then even later the fact that Namor is East-Asian coded, and is a biracial character has been ignored and forgotten by Marvel. I do not seek to blame writers and people who do not know the history of Sub-Mariner comics but I do want people to be aware that after enduring 80 years of comics the first biracial character poc character is still being white washed. 
The people who say that should Namor ever be cast into a movie then he should be played by an Asian actor are right. Namor is not white and only a poc actor should play him. Him being half-atlantean and half-human is important to his character and so is Namor being a biracial poc character.
There are far too many instances of racism in the WWll Sub-mariner Comics but here is one example:
The early Sub-mariner comics that were written during WWll are full of racism and racist caricatures of the East-Asian people and even here the racism is directed both towards and from Namor. There is so much Anti-Asian propaganda in comics and we all know that during that time in WWll there were Japanese Interment camps and people who were of Japanese ancestry were sent there. There are several panels of this, and one example shows Namor donning uniforms of Japanese soldiers and being able to walk among them without being stopped. As the comics go on Namor’s features are more and more exaggerated and the cover of Sub-Mariner #6 shows even more racist drawings of Japanese soldiers. 
Sub-Mariner Comics #5 has Namor dressing as a Japanese solider:
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مصور يستخدم خلفيته الخاصة لإخفاء آثار الحرب العالمية الثانية في بولندا أثناء  التقاط صورة شخصية لامرأة. (وارسو ، بولندا 1946) A photographer uses his own backdrop to mask Poland’s World War II ruins while shooting a portrait in Warsaw, Poland, 1946
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I just had a dream that I was in an alternate time line and that the nazis had won and America had lost yadada. The thing that was really pissing me off was that I had to wear a traditional corset from like the 1700’s.
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I want this so bad sfsffsffsjqiss why can’t I have it
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women loving women in dark academia. that’s it.
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sokka, drunk: i don't trust turtleducks. fucking hollow bones. suspicious. what are they hiding in there? whats under their shells???
zuko, also drunk and slightly teary eyed: love
sokka, weeping softly: fuck. shit. you're right
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Fu*k I’m currently rewatching avatar and I resaw shirtless zuko help me
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Zukka for the soul
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I just want to uncover a secret society at my university because I fell in love with the mysterious boy in my classical literature class. I want my favourite professor to teach us the dark, romantic musings of dead poets, and play us old jazz records in his study until dawn. We’ll break into closed museums and get drunk on red wine, debate metaphysical theories, and have our first kiss in the shelves of a quiet bookstore as our friends bicker around us.
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Zuko & Sokka | requested by @shibuyafrost
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I just want to uncover a secret society at my university because I fell in love with the mysterious boy in my classical literature class. I want my favourite professor to teach us the dark, romantic musings of dead poets, and play us old jazz records in his study until dawn. We’ll break into closed museums and get drunk on red wine, debate metaphysical theories, and have our first kiss in the shelves of a quiet bookstore as our friends bicker around us.
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Say hello to my new man ✨ I’m a simp for him
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Alright, so imagine a Zukka soulmate au, but it’s the one where you feel any pain that your soulmate feels.
So, Sokka learns to hate the fire nation even more than he already did, because they killed his mom, and then they tried to kill his soulmate. (he’s friggin pissed)
And Zuko gets concerned for his soulmate, because, contrary to popular belief, soulmates can feel each other’s emotional pain too. So he feels the deep anguish at the world, and he can feel the dull ache of sobs rattling through his chest late at night, but he also feels the bumps on the head from boomerang, and the cuts along his upper arms from off-balance hunting spears, and he wishes that he could do something for his soulmate, lessen his own pain so that they didn’t have to feel both their own and his.
When they first meet, and Sokka hits Zuko in the back of the head with boomerang, he feels a dull ache in the back of his own head for days after, but thinks nothing of it.
Sokka meets Yue, and falls in love with her before he can stop himself, but he watches as she collapses with pain when Zhao kills the moon spirit, and knows that they’re not meant to be.
He meets Suki and sees her wince in pain when another warrior across the room get’s knocked off her feet, and he knows that they’re not soulmates, but he still likes her a lot, so he decides to go for it anyways.
Sokka watches in Ba Sing Se as Katara nearly collapses with pain when Aang is struck by Azula’s lightning, and he understands that his sister has found her match. He only wishes that he had his own.
But then. Then, he sees Zuko at the air temple, and he feels the seer dissapointment when he gets rejected, but pushes it off as nothing. Then, when they do invite Zuko to stay, he can feel a sense of rest, reassurance, like something within has settled. 
He doesn’t read too much into it.
But then. Boiling Rock. He’s just put Zuko into the freezer when he starts to feel a chill settle in his bones, and even once he makes it out to the warm prizon yard, the chill doesn’t dissapate. He tries to shake it out, tries to warm himself up, but nothing works until he takes Zuko out of the cell. 
And that’s when he realizes.
For Zuko, it’s when they’re sparring. He’s got Sokka pinned in between a tree and his blades, and he can sense a gentlely increasing pressure on his throat, that doesn’t go away until Sokka yeilds.
And oh shit.
(part 1/?)
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[Edits of azula without makeup]
She was 14 man
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