iamqueenofkattegat · 2 years
Vbbe are you well? I've not seen you in some time.
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iamqueenofkattegat · 2 years
*Her daughter was too eager. It wasn't going to help her in real battle. Placing her hand on her shoulder* Don't be so eager, daughter. It will cause you to slip up in battle and become careless.
*This wasn't her mother talking. This was Lagertha Lothbrok, the greatest shield maiden ever known.* if you cause any of our warriors to fall because of it, you will never forgive yourself. Everyone is going. We are headed to Wessex.
Starter for @iamqueenofkattegat
Iyla sat on the edge of the docks, staring out over the bay. She wanted to go on a raid with everyone else. Or, at the very least, sail somewhere. She was bored in Kattegat. She knew taking the town had been her adopted mother’s dream, but Iyla felt somewhat excluded. Kattegat didn’t mean as much to her as it did to Lagertha and Bjorn. At least Lagertha had allowed, no encouraged, her to be a shieldmaiden. But she still feared ending up as a farmer’s wife.
She wondered if anyone would miss her if she went back to Hedeby for a little while. Perhaps she would go harass Sigurd Ragnarsson. That was always fun.
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iamqueenofkattegat · 2 years
*She didn't know if her daughter heard a word she'd said other than the raid. But Lagertha meant everything she'd said.*
Get your gear. The boats are coming in as we speak. They will be here by nightfall and we leave in two days time. So get some sleep.
Starter for @iamqueenofkattegat
Iyla sat on the edge of the docks, staring out over the bay. She wanted to go on a raid with everyone else. Or, at the very least, sail somewhere. She was bored in Kattegat. She knew taking the town had been her adopted mother’s dream, but Iyla felt somewhat excluded. Kattegat didn’t mean as much to her as it did to Lagertha and Bjorn. At least Lagertha had allowed, no encouraged, her to be a shieldmaiden. But she still feared ending up as a farmer’s wife.
She wondered if anyone would miss her if she went back to Hedeby for a little while. Perhaps she would go harass Sigurd Ragnarsson. That was always fun.
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iamqueenofkattegat · 2 years
You're surprised they let me get away? I am the Queen of Kattegat. I go where I wish. You are my daughter, a shield maiden of this city and I've held you back. Perhaps because you are my daughter and I can not lose another. *She sat beside her* Gyda's death almost killed me. Yours would. I love you. You are my blood, Lyla. Whether it runs through your veins or not, you are my blood.
We are going on a raid. You are coming with. If you like that is.
Starter for @iamqueenofkattegat
Iyla sat on the edge of the docks, staring out over the bay. She wanted to go on a raid with everyone else. Or, at the very least, sail somewhere. She was bored in Kattegat. She knew taking the town had been her adopted mother’s dream, but Iyla felt somewhat excluded. Kattegat didn’t mean as much to her as it did to Lagertha and Bjorn. At least Lagertha had allowed, no encouraged, her to be a shieldmaiden. But she still feared ending up as a farmer’s wife.
She wondered if anyone would miss her if she went back to Hedeby for a little while. Perhaps she would go harass Sigurd Ragnarsson. That was always fun.
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iamqueenofkattegat · 2 years
*The Queen of Kattegat saw her daughter on the docks. If anyone were to dare question that Lyla were not her own flesh and blood, Lagertha would lay them out on the ground just as soon as she would a Christian. Exiting the Great Hall, she stepped up behind her quietly. Testing her to see if she was distracted and perhaps her shield maiden training was going to waste.*
Starter for @iamqueenofkattegat
Iyla sat on the edge of the docks, staring out over the bay. She wanted to go on a raid with everyone else. Or, at the very least, sail somewhere. She was bored in Kattegat. She knew taking the town had been her adopted mother’s dream, but Iyla felt somewhat excluded. Kattegat didn’t mean as much to her as it did to Lagertha and Bjorn. At least Lagertha had allowed, no encouraged, her to be a shieldmaiden. But she still feared ending up as a farmer’s wife.
She wondered if anyone would miss her if she went back to Hedeby for a little while. Perhaps she would go harass Sigurd Ragnarsson. That was always fun.
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iamqueenofkattegat · 2 years
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iamqueenofkattegat · 2 years
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iamqueenofkattegat · 2 years
Ragnar Lothbrok where is my King?
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iamqueenofkattegat · 2 years
Bjorn was not only untouchable by any blade, he was a brilliant tracker. He'd spent so long in the wild, Lagertha knew her son could find anyone or anything.
Asta was no different. Though knowing her friend would trust no one, Lagertha sent her son with something only Asta would know was from Lagertha Lothbrok. The bracelet she'd sent was her own. The one Asta had given her years before. Not unlike the one Asta wore then.
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Awaiting her arrival, she had prepared a feast. Only in the hopes her son would return with her friend. Awaiting as the doors of Kattegat opened at the sounds of the horn, she smiled as she saw Bjorn enter. It was always good to welcome him home. Even if he did not stay long. @maidenxfthemxuntains
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Welcome home
@maidenxfthemxuntains had been gone too long. She and Lagertha had grown up together. Shield Maiden together. However after she was deemed the “bastard princess’ and left Kattegat to go to the mountains, she sent her only son to look for her. But Bjorn had no luck and was gone for such a long time. 
She’d received noticed Bjorn had found her and her mother. and sent notice to return to Kattegatt to her friends and loved ones. It mattered not what had happened in the past. It was up to her friend to come what Lagertha to come home. 
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iamqueenofkattegat · 2 years
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iamqueenofkattegat · 2 years
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iamqueenofkattegat · 2 years
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iamqueenofkattegat · 2 years
Welcome home
@maidenxfthemxuntains had been gone too long. She and Lagertha had grown up together. Shield Maiden together. However after she was deemed the “bastard princess’ and left Kattegat to go to the mountains, she sent her only son to look for her. But Bjorn had no luck and was gone for such a long time. 
She’d received noticed Bjorn had found her and her mother. and sent notice to return to Kattegatt to her friends and loved ones. It mattered not what had happened in the past. It was up to her friend to come what Lagertha to come home. 
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iamqueenofkattegat · 2 years
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Pre-A Song of Ice and Fire: Visenya & Rhaenys:
“Though none doubted that Aegon Targaryen was the final authority in all matters relating to the governance of the realm, his sisters Visenya and Rhaenys remained his partners in power throughout his reign. Save perhaps for Good Queen Alysanne, the wife of King Jaehaerys I, no other queen in history of the Seven Kingdoms ever excercised as much influence over policy as the Dragon’s sisters.” - Fire And Blood
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iamqueenofkattegat · 2 years
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I’ve come to a large conclusion about Vikings tv show. There is nothing warm,happy or loving about it. It’s only about sex,hate,betrayal,and killing.
I wish they would have added a bit more light hearted parts,as the Vikings we rent all about only those 4 things.
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iamqueenofkattegat · 2 years
*Lagertha Lothbrok, Queen of Lothbrok, stepped through Kattegat as they prepared for war. Soon they would be marching upon the Danish, sailing east to the Rus and many other Baltic states. Some talk about Francia. It was still under discussion.
Her best friend and confident Torvi was with her. Ragnar and Bjorn as well. If they could only get in front of this battle they would be ready.
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iamqueenofkattegat · 2 years
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