ianmoonestuff · 8 years
AQOURS 1ST LOVE LIVE ~Step! ZERO to ONE~ Live Viewing Coverage in Malaysia
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I really don’t know how to start this article with. It was a hell of a concert. Full of ups and downs kind of feelings. The memories that AQOURS had given us was quite priceless. As usual my article will be very long and VERY thorough. 
So please, in order for you to fully enjoy reading my article, it is recommended for you to really spare some time, brew a cup of coffee(or tea, whichever you prefer) and sit back, take a deep breath and enjoy.
I’ll divide the coverage into Day 1, Day 2, personal opinions, the REAL things that happened during the Live Viewing in Malaysia and BONUS as I’ll explain one of the greatest history and memories in Love Live concerts.
Update: -Added video highlight from official sources. I also want to share the unofficial one but I lost it..sorry
(25th Feb)
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GSC Movies stated that the official merchandises will be available to purchase starting 12.00pm until the concert began. I rushed there by train(as usual) in the morning. Some of my friends are already there as early as 6am or so I heard.
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They only provided a very LIMITED item such as pamphlet, sub-unit rubber strap keychains and KingBlade.
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And surprisingly everything went sold out fast for the FIRST hour!
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Also we were featured on the big screen. The video was during the recent Final Love Live and the record breaking for the largest audience and 1st Live Viewing in Malaysia.
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It’s time. People taking their seats.
Now some of the highlights from the concert. I won’t provide any pics because...it’s a rule duuh and I won’t gonna risk my country from getting ban. Also I won’t specify it much since you guys can read it more from many sources out there.
So they start with Aozora Jumping Heart followed by Koi ni Naritai AQUARIUM and introductions. Everything went so well until...rainstorm came.
Yeah the live viewing got interrupted. I heard that Singapore were affected too. If it does then I’m not that surprise since it’s raining season now here in Southeast Asia. It happened to be during a raining season so can’t help much. We tried to warn people to keep switching off their phones. The least thing that we could do was do not disturb the signal. We missed Yume de Yozora wo Terashitai and Genki Zankai DAY! DAY! DAY! but quickly recovered until CYaRon’s mc part.
The funny thing was if you guys remember the 2nd or 3rd episode when Chika, You and Riko about to perform their first debut and everything doesn’t went well because of the thunderstorm? Yeah, it was the same thing that happened us. All of us were screaming “KISEKI!!!”. Some of us even sang some idol songs to calm us down(curse the guy who sang BokuHikari XD). The funny thing was they even sang some random songs from other idol anime like Macross Delta and iM@s.
My favourite part was when Guilty Kiss make their appearance with Strawberry Trapper song. KYAAAAAAAA!!!! It was a legit rock song sang by some cute girls and I LOVE IT. Their performance was FREAKING AWESOME!!! I CAN’T DESCRIBE MUCH HOW AWESOME THEY DID. EVERYONE CHEERS MAKE IT MORE PUMPED UP AND I CAN’T STOP TYPING IN CAPS!!! MY OSHI HAVE TO BE MARI AND AINYA, HER SEIYUU AND SOMEHOW I PICKED THE RIGHT GIRLLL!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH. LOCKK ON!!!!! MY KOKORO!!!!
Not to mentioned AZALEA!! Especially Arisha. Given that she’s also a gravure idol, man I can’t help but being amazed of how was she look with that dress. GOSH!!!
The live ended with Step! ZERO to ONE as one of the encore.
We actually did the largest AQOURS-SUNSHINE cheers but I forgot to take the picture because I was busy queuing in the arcade(my bad sorry )  
(26th Feb)
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Well the weather back then was pretty cloudy. I can expect many things can be happened during 2nd...which it was indeed happened.
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I started a few bit late and the hall will be open on 2.30pm.
2nd day setlist was pretty much the same as first but they replaced AQOURS Heroes with humming Bird. 
Somehow I did a good deed as a fellow Love Liver. Apparently a girl sitting beside me didn’t have any KB and judging by the way she act, she was a shy girl. Once the concert was about to start everyone were standing up except for her. So in order for not letting her felt left out, I offered let her borrowed one FLL KB(I actually brought three different kind of KBs during that time haha how convenience). She said she was kind of nervous(aww how cute) but I kept telling her that just enjoy the show, scream all you want and dance the hell all you want, we don’t judge here as we’re all Love Liver here. So I did showed her how to use the KB and yeah she missed some of the chants, cheers, calls but meh she was still learning.
Everything went so well and again like I said before since it was a raining season here...yes, we got another interruption and this time it was kinda frustrated for me. This because we still have a few more songs left to go and *boom* it happened. I heard people praying to God so it won’t happen that long, some of them even left the hall for awhile for a breather and yeah I did pray a lot too so we won’t missed much. 
Then suddenly some guy screaming from outside the hall. He told us that they finally announced the 2nd season of AQOURS and 2nd Live Tour! We screamed with overjoyed but we still want to watch the broadcast.
Then the broadcast turned back into normal and it showed the last mc where Aikyan was crying about the announcement. I straight away grabbed my KBs and support her along with other cast.  Thus, the 1st Live ended with a breeze...well...not ‘that’ breeze as I’ll talk about it later. Enjoyed some dinner with other Love Liver then went home with head full of memories and tiredness of supporting your favourite girls(I slept while standing in a train...no kidding)
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Forgot to mention that we actually did made a flowerstand. We have representatives there who handle the flower for us.
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 Thanks to all who contributed for our project. Surprisingly we have one Indonesian contributor there who also joined our project. Incase people wondering, KEI is my nickname there.
Below are some shenanigans that we Malaysia’s Love Liver did haha
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(Noticed that various idol series?)
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The thing that he hold was actually AQOURS callbook.
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...courtesy of Malaysia’s Love Liver.
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Oh and if you decided to come here in Mid Valley, please visit Komugi bakery. I really love their meronpan. Wish you were here @emitsunosaurus-rex
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And that’s all for AQOURS 1st Love Live ~Step ZERO to ONE~ coverage from me. Thanks for reading...you can go now...unless...
Rikako’s Breakdown
Yeah...it was one of those biggest moment in histories of Love Live live concerts. It literally hit me hard...VERY hard seeing RKK’s(Rikako) struggle for the sake of the concert, for the sake of other members and for the sake of her fans. We didn’t stop discussing about it after the concert was done. Even while we’re having a dinner. I had to ban myself from listening any AQOuRS songs after the incident in order to let the feeling cool down a bit...(but knowing internet’s natural being, I kept being hit by feelings everytime I checked my phone.)
It was a 2nd day live viewing. The seiyuu were already took their spot for Omoi yo Hitotsu ni Nare song. The piano was already there as usual. The idea of the performance was to imitate back episode 11 where we already know the story behind it was that Riko had a problem of playing piano and won’t play before this but then decided to join the competition...but since this is LIVE concert, it was a real business.
When Chika(Anchan) started to sing everything went well...until when the music was cut off. I actually did noticed a ‘wrong’ note being pressed resulting the music sounds a bit off. The rest of the seiyuu just continue on dancing and keep acting professional as they might be thinking it was just a technical problem and soon be over. The instrumental version was played a bit to cover RKK mistake but just for a few seconds as they realized that RKK...REALLY DO NEED HELP NOW! 
A faint voice saying ”ごめんね”(gomenne) was heard and Anchan rushed to RKK and embraced her, hugged tightly and calmed her down followed by Ainya(Mari) and Suwawa(Kanan). The word ”大丈夫”(daijoubu) being repeated countless time in order to make sure RKK really calmed down. Anchan reached and gave her a water bottle and a towel. They hold her hands very tightly and keep on calming her down. Knowing Ainya’s personality, I already expected that she will rushed to RKK too(YOU GO GIRL!!).
Yes RKK had a panic attack. This might be because of the pressure she had to face when it comes to Omoi yo Hitotsu ni Nare song where she volunteered herself(if I’m not mistaken) to perform the piano part. I’ve to admit everything went very well on the 1st day and it was really great watching RKK performed. Having no background of any music theory, she practiced playing piano for the past 3 months...for her fans. 
The crowds including me broke into tears. The incident really...really...really hit me VERY hard! At first I thought it was a gimmick to imitate back the scene where Riko can’t play piano...but it was a mistake and I’m really sorry for thinking it that way. I really am. 
The crowd then switched their KB into sakura pink and keep chanting “RIKAKO!” countless time. I did the same and screamed my lungs out hoping my voice to reach out despite broadcasting in Malaysia. All of the crowd turned into a sea of sakura pink as a sign of supporting RKK. Tear-mark left on our face during that time.
Anchan, Suwawa and Ainya, they hugged each other for a very quite some time. Then they continued on taking their spot leaving RKK alone again and hoping everything will be fine. I still can’t forget RKK’s face and shaky hands from the camera view that mounted beside the piano as soon she about to start playing it.
They performed Omoi yo Hitotsu ni Nare as usual and this time without any mistake and no flaw. RKK’s performance on piano was flawless. Ending the song with a view of RKK pressing the last note...with her shaky hands trying to get that perfect sound...she pressed it. The last note was a bit off but I DON’T CARE!! RKK have done well for us. The audience still keeping their sakura pink KB and keep on chanting RKK’s name endlessly. The performance ended with You greeted ”ただいま”(tadaima) followed by ”おかえり” by RKK...with a smile.
Again...it was one of the greatest, heart warming moment in the history of Love Live concerts. Rikako eventhough you’re not my oshi, you’ve earned a special place in my heart because of your act of braveness facing your hardship, never give up and keep on smiling in the end...
There you have it, my coverage for the past 2 days. I was listening to Omoi yo Hitotsu ni Nare while finishing this article and yeah nonstop tears streaming out. Sorry for taking it too long as I was busy and calming myself up after that ‘incident’.
With 2nd season coming up and Next Step Project, I hope they realized that they are actually competing with their own senpai in this idol-anime world. Not to be rude but I’m looking forward for AQOURS to beat their senpai sometime haha
As always, feel free to contact me if there are any errors here and there. I won’t bite.
Pictures Credits: https://www.facebook.com/gscmovies/ https://www.facebook.com/scania.hokokonn https://www.facebook.com/sixthseal https://www.facebook.com/blesxjiarong https://www.facebook.com/aio015 https://www.facebook.com/thompson.enthusiast https://www.facebook.com/houjoufamily https://www.facebook.com/Chiu.K.Liang https://animatetimes.com My pictures My monochrome-themed instagram account
~If there’s a colour for courage, it would be sakura pink~
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ianmoonestuff · 8 years
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GUIDE BOOK...CHECK! Credit: https://onibe.moe/callguide
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SO FREAKING HYPE RIGHT NOW!!! P/S: I hope I can sleep well tonight
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ianmoonestuff · 8 years
This might be late like...REALLY late as Aqours 1st Live is tomorrow but better late than never right....right?
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They don’t sell shirts and towels though which is quite disappointing a bit but they tried though so thanks again GSC(regardless of previous stupid incident). They didn’t announce the price too so I’ve to get there early in the morning to find out(expect the line to be マジやばくね)
And as usual I’ll make the coverage for 2 days straight for my friend, @emitsunosaurus-rex 
yeah...that’s it...
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ianmoonestuff · 8 years
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Above is a group photo of us during Live Viewing of Final Love Live in Malaysia. It was the first Live Viewing and hold the most number of participants in Malaysia which was recorded in Malaysia’s Book of Records.
We wish that we can repeat the same achivement for AQOURS 1st Love Live :3
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ianmoonestuff · 8 years
Just wanna share this pic that I got from my friend back during the Final Love Live Live Viewing in Malaysia
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“Don’t even try to compare”
If I’m not mistaken this thing was recorded in Malaysia’s Book of Records as the longest tickets that have been bought during that time(I think)
Credit: fb@Max Wong
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ianmoonestuff · 8 years
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Since GSC already announced it way back few days ago I decided that I’m gonna make a coverage for both days. 
But it will probably a short one since you can expect the same thing to happen for both days. I might gonna elaborate it more like my journey starting from waiting a train like I did for my last post or show some stuff around or guides for my non-Malaysian friends out there.
So yeah お楽しみに~
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P/S: I have a funny story regarding this meme here actually which REALLY happened :3
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ianmoonestuff · 8 years
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I PROMISED TO MYSELF THAT I’M GONNA POST IT AFTER I GOT BACK!!!! But my browser crashed, I didn’t save it and my body was already taking their toll so..yeah. This post will be extremely long and blogging style. So take your time to read and brew a coffee or something.
UPDATE: -Q&A Corner videos -Removed the video(it was copyrighted and we managed to take it down eventually, sorry for late edit)
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It was not a great start. I woke up at 8am(blame the hype!!) but still managed to get a cab at 9am. And as you can see I had to take a train first then changed to LRT to get there. Also as you can see, since this was not in Japan, it is typical for the train to arrive a bit wee late.
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Then off to LRT.
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Got to stop at Sentul Station since it was the only station located quite near to the HGH Convention Hall.
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Haha now there was something nice to look at for this sore eyes. This banner was made by us the Malaysia’s Love Liver.
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Redeemed my ticket there.(FRONT ROW FTW!!!)
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If you ask me was it packed? I would say ma~ ma~ or so-so since it was still early in the morning and the first session was Meet and Greet so not a lot of people shows up actually. I’ll talk about it later at the end of the post.
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Thanks for all the contributors for making our project a success! Notice my name there, I goes as KEI in real life.
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Also the Callbook! Sponsored by Love Liver Malaysia.
Before I proceed to the Meet and Greet session. Please do understand that I didn’t took any pictures since I had to respect her agency/organizer’s wishes and SO DO YOU.
The session started off with a Q&A Corner and from there I learned a lot about her. Like..A LOT!
-She ate chinese dish called daikonmochi here in Malaysia(hmm...) -When she’s tired, she love to play with her dog and watch some movies(fun fact: she bought a leek so that she can pretend to use it as a lightsaber www) -She hate wearing contact lenses.(?) -Her favourite colour is Pink despite her room is Blue. -She interested to do a collaborative work with other singers/bands but she thought that she got a lot of things to improve so she hold that for awhile(aww a Kouhai admiring her Senpai) -This one making me really interested. She describe some people here in Malaysia quite...’Mysterious’. Haha I really indeed understand this and I really do. You guys probably know that the main religion here in Malaysia is Islam and majority of the people are muslims. So she was probably having like a ‘culture-shock’ or something when she saw the women here wore scarf(or tudung we called it here) covering their head. Haha you learned a lot now PILE-chan.
Next was a Game Session. Contain 3 games: Batsu Maru(simply X and O), Green or Red and Janken(Rock-Paper-Scissor). Noticed that all the games are basically gamble type :D
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So Batsu Maru was consist of PILE’s trivial question that test your knowledge about her. I’m not a big fan of PILE so I already expected to lose here. If you got it correct you need to stand up and for those who lost need to sit down. It goes on until we get 2/3 of the people. Did I win?
Next would be Green or Red. Simply use your card like above and guess what was the colour of the ball that PILE draws. As usual it keeps on going until a few people left. Did I win?
NO but have been volunteering for 3 years in ACG event and I knew the tricked behind that draw box. *wink**wink*
Last would be Janken against PILE herself. Unfortunately for any game session like this with guest star, there is no such thing as draw. So you will consider as lose eventhough you are ‘draw’. Did I win?
BUT! Thanks to PILE-chan’s generosity, we still have a chance at Lucky Draw!! I believe in GOD that my luck was beside me. So did I win?
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The other will received the same Polaroid picture with PILE-chan herself. (OMG HER FASHION SENSE!! MMMMMMMMGGGGHHHH)
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Other than that was PILE-chan’s New Year postcard.
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This part was during Concert Session. As I said before I won’t post anything that violate the organizer/agency wishes. They even said it there on the screen. CAN YOU EVEN READ?!? I wish they did this on other live concerts though.
Here are my summaries during the concert; -The concert was a BANG!! -BURNING!(https://www.instagram.com/p/BPiLLqKgY-C/) Like literally because I was at VIP seat and those fire effect was like infront of me. But that was nothing for PILE as she was more closer during that time. -PILE DANCING INFRONT OF ME!!! KYAAAA!! -HANABI SONG IS THE BEST!! Especially the calls(PILE CHAN!!) -She impressed that we understood her Japanese well. -There was this funny moment where when she said that it would be the last song, all of us were like “EEEEEHHH?” She shocked that every single of us respond it that way which is kinda funny to her. She still insisted of saying it and again we respond with “EEEEHHH?” that lead to her saying “いやいや序段じゃなくて…” www -Bringing us back our Love Live moment by singing それは僕たちの軌跡, . Showing us that µ's is still in our heart...forever. -Kudos to PILE’s guitarist. He’s awesome with his guitar performance. Almost got a chance to shake his hand though T_T
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The rest of the post would be some pictures I took and from other sources and my point of view.
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PILE did some prayers hoping for the concert to go smoothly and same goes for her guitarist~ (Awwww~)
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I had to buy another KB just for her event.(D.E.D.I.C.A.T.I.O.N)
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But still I forgot about this lightstick. My hands were full of KB! What do you expect?
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And that was it. Hoping to attend more concerts after this(...and expecting my wallet-kun to burn)
So here are my opinions, do note this is my PERSONAL opinions. So do take it with a grain of salt;
-The venue is kinda in-the-middle-of-nowhere. Sure extra mark goes for the hall and the facilities(those washroom was like being inside a michelin-rated kinda washroom...literally) but it was surrounded with housing areas and school beside the venue?(not just a normal school though, PM me if you wanna know) But overall was amazing and so far no unnecessary incident happen.
-Number of people. I dunno how should I describe it. Kinda disappointed actually. There were still empty seats left. But I pretty much understand it why. Not all of people know who PILE is. You cannot expect a large fanbase to turn up if you did a concert on a secluded areas. You wont get the right answer if you ask some random aunts in Malaysia whether they know who is PILE. Good thing her japanese fanbase were here too though but still not enough. Somehow, I thought something not great inside PILE’s mind during her appearance last night based on her face. It really troubles me for awhile but the least I could did just giving my best in cheering her up. I hope that she didn’t cry or disappointed because of us. We have done our greatest to spread the word but...*sigh*  
-The dark thing about marketing field Personally I prefer for PILE to sing her song ONLY. I want to watch PILE as...PILE. I’m kinda sad to hear some people just came hoping for Love Live songs. This happened to other artist and other countries as I received a rumor of certain LLiver sent email to certain organizer stating that he/she was quite disappointed because of lack of LL songs. I wish I can hit you somehow. I understand that Maki helped PILE in her music industry. She was the one who helped her to raise back up after falling for quite some time. But again like I said I want to see PILE as PILE. But in the end, it all depends on the marketing strategy, fans and PILE herself. I still enjoyed the LL songs like usual though. You guys don’t want to see me in LLiver mode though...kinda scary. She sang Darling(not Daring), それは僕たちの軌跡、愛してるばんざい(updated) and Snow Halation and yeah we did the usual light stick switching from white to orange.
-PILE’s fashion sense and her dancing skill I...I don’t know what to say but dang PILE really has A very good fashion sense. Also those dancing skill...you just made my heart skipped a bit YOU KNOW THAT?!?!? And when she dance infront of me...*fainted* www
And that’s all for the coverage. This post was especially made for @emitsunosaurus-rex but anyone can come to read but remember to take it with a grain of salt. Now back to weather...
EXTRA: I asked PILE to make a kiraboshi pose(my polaroid pic there) but...she didn’t know. It makes me sad T_T Google up for the anime Star Driver if you millennials don’t know too.
P/S: I’m very sorry. This is my first time making a coverage that involved big stuff like this. Please don’t kill me. I’m very sorry though...like really. But I like it because it shows some of my weakness here. I’LL DO MY BEST ON THE NEXT ONE!! Again I’m sorry, truce? If there’re something that makes you uneasy, just let me know okay.
Credits/sources; Que Innosenzo Poh Huai Bin Welcom Music iME Asia Animax Asia emitsunosaurus-rex me
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ianmoonestuff · 8 years
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OMG This is might be really-really too late. Pic above is the merchandise that will be sell tomorrow(Saturday Malaysia time) during Pile’s concert.
Actually I’m gonna make a coverage during the whole day of Pile’s event from Meet and Greet session until the end of the concert.
Do note that I wont be taking pictures of her performance much since it’s prohibited to do so and to respect the organizer/her agency wishes.
Also please DO NOT follow my tumblr as I wont active that much. I created this account just for the sole of fun. But you can try follow me on facebook and twitter though. Pm me and I'll give you a link.
Shoutout to @emitsunosaurus-rex I promise to you didn’t I? Oh and we also made a flowerstand for Pile too!! Can’t wait to share!!
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ianmoonestuff · 8 years
Comic Fiesta 2016
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Finally managed to get one(3 to be exact)! 
Kinda tired and almost lost my legs volunteering but overall,it was a best experience ever. Been volunteering for 2 years now AND I WON’T STOP!!
Best thing is that I managed to meet one of my favourite creators at the doujin area. Shoutout to @supershrimpcakes ! 
How do you feel the first time you met your mysterious anon? haha I wish we can be friends though
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Oh and also skye...your business card doesn’t fit my wallet.
Maybe you should tweak it or I dunno...your call
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ianmoonestuff · 8 years
Like I said...I’m one of the crew...I know everything about you my dear exhibitors and doujin people...well...except your private life obviously hehe
See you in CF!! Hint: I'm one of the crew~
(but please drop by ;v;)
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ianmoonestuff · 8 years
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ianmoonestuff · 8 years
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i’ve recently gotten a new tablet but because my current tablet is perfectly fine and currently unusable, i’ve decided to GIVE IT AWAY!! back to school and all that! yeah!
you will receive one (1) wacom bamboo fun tablet! which is actually a discontinued brand of tablet (i’ve had it a really long time guys) BUT the wacom software can be downloaded onto any computer (it works with my current windows 10!) and works with any wacom tablet!
you don’t need to follow me but hey, i’m cool and maybe you’ll get somethin extra who knows!
try to keep it fair, but you can reblog and like as many times as you like!
you need to be alright with sending me your address
i’m happy to send it anywhere in the world, but if it’s ridiculously expensive, i might need a bit of help sending it to you!
the end of this giveaway will be 31st OCTOBER! cus i love halloween!
ALRIGHT! have fun, good luck, and send any questions if you have them!
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ianmoonestuff · 8 years
Which lead to Ucchi’s statement,”No wonder their school about to close. They almost went bankrupt ”
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568 notes · View notes
ianmoonestuff · 8 years
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i’ve recently gotten a new tablet but because my current tablet is perfectly fine and currently unusable, i’ve decided to GIVE IT AWAY!! back to school and all that! yeah!
you will receive one (1) wacom bamboo fun tablet! which is actually a discontinued brand of tablet (i’ve had it a really long time guys) BUT the wacom software can be downloaded onto any computer (it works with my current windows 10!) and works with any wacom tablet!
you don’t need to follow me but hey, i’m cool and maybe you’ll get somethin extra who knows!
try to keep it fair, but you can reblog and like as many times as you like!
you need to be alright with sending me your address
i’m happy to send it anywhere in the world, but if it’s ridiculously expensive, i might need a bit of help sending it to you!
the end of this giveaway will be 31st OCTOBER! cus i love halloween!
ALRIGHT! have fun, good luck, and send any questions if you have them!
15K notes · View notes
ianmoonestuff · 8 years
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i’ve recently gotten a new tablet but because my current tablet is perfectly fine and currently unusable, i’ve decided to GIVE IT AWAY!! back to school and all that! yeah!
you will receive one (1) wacom bamboo fun tablet! which is actually a discontinued brand of tablet (i’ve had it a really long time guys) BUT the wacom software can be downloaded onto any computer (it works with my current windows 10!) and works with any wacom tablet!
you don’t need to follow me but hey, i’m cool and maybe you’ll get somethin extra who knows!
try to keep it fair, but you can reblog and like as many times as you like!
you need to be alright with sending me your address
i’m happy to send it anywhere in the world, but if it’s ridiculously expensive, i might need a bit of help sending it to you!
the end of this giveaway will be 31st OCTOBER! cus i love halloween!
ALRIGHT! have fun, good luck, and send any questions if you have them!
15K notes · View notes
ianmoonestuff · 8 years
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i’ve recently gotten a new tablet but because my current tablet is perfectly fine and currently unusable, i’ve decided to GIVE IT AWAY!! back to school and all that! yeah!
you will receive one (1) wacom bamboo fun tablet! which is actually a discontinued brand of tablet (i’ve had it a really long time guys) BUT the wacom software can be downloaded onto any computer (it works with my current windows 10!) and works with any wacom tablet!
you don’t need to follow me but hey, i’m cool and maybe you’ll get somethin extra who knows!
try to keep it fair, but you can reblog and like as many times as you like!
you need to be alright with sending me your address
i’m happy to send it anywhere in the world, but if it’s ridiculously expensive, i might need a bit of help sending it to you!
the end of this giveaway will be 31st OCTOBER! cus i love halloween!
ALRIGHT! have fun, good luck, and send any questions if you have them!
15K notes · View notes
ianmoonestuff · 8 years
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i’ve recently gotten a new tablet but because my current tablet is perfectly fine and currently unusable, i’ve decided to GIVE IT AWAY!! back to school and all that! yeah!
you will receive one (1) wacom bamboo fun tablet! which is actually a discontinued brand of tablet (i’ve had it a really long time guys) BUT the wacom software can be downloaded onto any computer (it works with my current windows 10!) and works with any wacom tablet!
you don’t need to follow me but hey, i’m cool and maybe you’ll get somethin extra who knows!
try to keep it fair, but you can reblog and like as many times as you like!
you need to be alright with sending me your address
i’m happy to send it anywhere in the world, but if it’s ridiculously expensive, i might need a bit of help sending it to you!
the end of this giveaway will be 31st OCTOBER! cus i love halloween!
ALRIGHT! have fun, good luck, and send any questions if you have them!
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