iasbacklinks-blog · 5 years
ISO ohsms Internal Auditor Training in Jakarta
ISO ohsms Internal Auditor Training in Jakarta
Sistem Manajemen Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja (OHSMS) menentukan proses untuk terus meningkatkan kinerja Anda dan pada saat yang sama, mematuhi undang-undang. Pelatihan Auditor Internal ISO 45001 menyediakan kerangka kerja untuk mengintegrasikan sistem manajemen OHSMS dengan mulus dengan rencana bisnis Anda secara keseluruhan. Kursus Pelatihan Auditor Internal ISO 45001 adalah spesifikasi sistem manajemen kesehatan dan keselamatan kerja internasional yang memberdayakan organisasi untuk mengendalikan risiko dan meningkatkan kinerjanya.
Durasi: 2 hari Metode: Sesi kelas dengan latihan.
Siapa yang dapat mengikuti Pelatihan Audito Internal ISO 45001?
Orang-orang yang terlibat dalam implementasi atau pemeliharaan ISO Individu yang mencari posisi yang lebih baik di perusahaan bersertifikat ISO. Kualifikasi atau Usia bukanlah kriteria. Pemilik proses dalam suatu organisasi.
Manfaat ISO 45001:2018 Trianing Auditor Internal
Dapat menjadi Pelatih Auditor Internal ISO 45001 yang memenuhi syarat dalam organisasi. Pemahaman yang lebih baik tentang sistem OHSMS Ini dapat memberikan nilai tambah pada sistem. Kiriman Pertunjukan slide, materi kursus, Latihan, dll harus disediakan. Juga, periksa Pertanyaan yang sering diajukan
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iasbacklinks-blog · 5 years
Training iso 9001 jakarta
Siapa Auditor Utama ISO 9001:2015?
training iso 9001 jakarta adalah orang yang berkualifikasi dengan menjalani program pelatihan 5 hari, yang memiliki wawasan mendalam tentang standar ISO 9001:2015 dan metode audit ISO pihak ketiga sesuai dengan pedoman untuk sistem manajemen audit ISO 19011:2018.
Mengapa bergabung dengan kursus Lead Auditor?
Kursus adalah satu-satunya cara untuk memenuhi syarat sebagai Auditor Utama. Jejak menjadi auditor memimpin yang sukses sangat tergantung pada teknik studi yang diikuti seseorang. Kursus yang dibuat khusus dapat sesuai dengan kebutuhan harapan Anda dan memenuhi kriteria untuk auditor Pimpinan yang berkualitas.
Struktur perkuliahan
IAS melalui organisasi kelompoknya EAS memberikan kursus auditor utama IRCA yang menggabungkan teknik pembelajaran yang dipercepat selama kursus 5 hari (40 jam). Auditor utama ISO 9001:2015 ini dirancang untuk memenuhi persyaratan IRCA.
Kursus kami meliputi:
Perspektif Audit pihak ketiga tentang persyaratan ISO 9001
Pengetahuan tentang Fundamental audit
Mengembangkan keterampilan dalam Perencanaan Audit Pihak Ketiga (Termasuk merencanakan dan menyiapkan dokumen audit)
Mengembangkan keterampilan tentang Melakukan Audit Pihak Ketiga (Audit Tahap 1 & Tahap 2), melalui audit tiruan.
Mengembangkan keterampilan menulis Ketidaksesuaian dan Memverifikasi tindakan korektif
Pengetahuan tentang penulisan laporan Audit.
Menyelesaikan sampel pra-ujian
Ujian IRCA
Ini dibantu oleh pembelajaran partisipatif karena terbukti lebih efisien dalam hal kedalaman pemahaman, retensi jangka panjang dari pengetahuan baru. Beberapa tugas dan kegiatan praktis membantu siswa memahami konsep dan gagasan baru.
Apa manfaatnya bagi saya
Memenuhi syarat sebagai Auditor pihak ketiga.
Anda dapat memandu organisasi dalam menerapkan dan memelihara sistem ISO yang efektif di organisasi Anda.
Anda dapat menangani Audit pihak ketiga (Audit oleh Agen eksternal) secara efektif, jika dipekerjakan di perusahaan.
Arahkan auditor internal dan Auditee untuk merencanakan, melakukan Audit Internal, dan memberikan tindakan korektif yang tepat.
Bantu organisasi dalam pemotongan biaya dan Bantu organisasi untuk fokus pada pemikiran berbasis risiko
Berkontribusi pada peningkatan berkelanjutan organisasi
Merampingkan proses operasional organisasi
Meningkatkan efisiensi manajemen rantai pasokan.
Biaya dan Cakupan:
IAS menjadi mitra pelatihan langsung memberikan biaya yang efektif untuk kursus. Biaya meliputi:
Materi Pelatihan yang mencakup spesimen kertas pertanyaan IRCA.
Biaya akreditasi IRCA dan biaya ujian.
Sertifikat Resmi IRCA
Makan Siang & Minuman
Siapa yang harus hadir
Eksekutif / Manajer Kualitas
Perwakilan manajemen
Auditor internal QMS yang ada
konsultan SMM
Orang yang ingin berkarier di audit SMM
Untuk berpartisipasi dalam program ini, delegasi harus memiliki pemahaman yang cukup baik tentang SMM & konsep dan memahami persyaratan proses audit ISO 9001:2015 & SMM. Penjelasan dasar standar tidak akan banyak ditangani dalam program ini. Jika delegasi merasa bahwa mereka perlu meningkatkan pengetahuan mereka sebelumnya dalam audit ISO sebelum mengikuti kursus ini, mereka dapat mengikuti pelatihan Auditor Internal online kami atau pelatihan Yayasan / Kesadaran Online.
Untuk mitra Pelatihan
Diakui secara global
Kursus terakreditasi
Pelatih yang berkualitas
Penyedia pelatihan berpengalaman
Program pelatihan in-house:
IAS memberikan program yang sama di organisasi Anda sendiri jika ada cukup banyak kandidat untuk menjalankan batch. Pelatihan semacam itu dapat eksklusif untuk karyawan organisasi, pada tanggal yang mereka pilih (dapat dibagi hari yang meliputi 40 jam). Untuk mengetahui lebih lanjut tentang pelatihan tersebut, silakan perbarui pertanyaan dan kirimkan kepada kami. Koordinator pelatihan kami akan menghubungi Anda untuk membahas secara rinci.
Jadwal latihan:
IAS memberikan serangkaian program semacam itu di Indonesia. Periksa jadwal mendatang yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan Anda. Dengan sekelompok calon, kumpulan eksklusif dapat diatur. Untuk mengetahui lebih lanjut tentang kumpulan eksklusif, silakan perbarui pertanyaan dan kirimkan kepada kami.
Tentang Tutor:
Sesuai Kebijakan IRCA dan IAS, semua tutor IAS memenuhi kriteria pengalaman Auditing dan Pelatihan dan mampu berkomunikasi secara efektif dengan calon yang baru. Tutor adalah salah satu kekuatan IAS. Mintalah profil guru untuk jadwal pelatihan yang Anda pilih.
Mengapa IAS?
IAS adalah lembaga sertifikasi ISO Auditing pihak ketiga. Jadi semua pelatih dan tutor adalah auditor waktu nyata yang berkualifikasi.
IAS memiliki lebih dari 20 tahun pengalaman dalam menangani audit dan pelatihan.
Tingkat keberhasilan IAS adalah 90% dalam menjalankan program tersebut.
Materi kursus yang disederhanakan mudah dipahami dan disampaikan untuk semua sektor.
Tentang IRCA
Belajar dari yang terbaik “IRCA – CQI” adalah badan global untuk profesional berkualitas dengan jaringan 20,000 anggota di seluruh dunia. CQI mencakup seluruh komunitas berkualitas, termasuk profesional manajemen kualitas dan auditor sistem manajemen, melalui divisi khususnya register internasional dari auditor bersertifikat (IRCA), badan profesional terbesar di dunia dari jenisnya. Kursus bersertifikasi IRCA secara teratur ditinjau oleh spesialis pembelajaran independen untuk mempertahankan standar pelatihan.
Pelatihan apa pun hanya akan efektif jika dibuat menarik. Kualifikasi dasar pelatih kami adalah menjadi auditor, yang memfasilitasi untuk memberikan pelatihan yang efektif. Pelatih kami adalah para profesional yang memenuhi syarat dan berpengalaman dalam melakukan pelatihan.
Siapa kita
Didirikan pada tahun 2013 EAS adalah badan sertifikasi yang diakreditasi oleh JAS-ANZ (sistem akreditasi gabungan Australia dan Selandia Baru) dengan akarnya tumbuh di India dan bercabang sebagai pusat Pelatihan Resmi IRCA di Indonesia. Ini adalah organisasi pelatihan yang disetujui IRCA dengan akreditasi untuk kursus pelatihan Lead Auditor di Indonesia. EAS memberikan pelatihan tentang berbagai skema sistem manajemen dan merupakan mitra pelatihan yang disetujui (6031531) dari CQI (Charted Quality Institute) & IRCA (Internal register Auditor Bersertifikat).
EAS saat ini menawarkan kursus pelatihan Auditor / Lead auditor bersertifikat ISO 9001:2015 CQI / IRCA (A18175), ISMS (A18230) dan FSMS (A18235) Kursus pelatihan Auditor / Lead Auditor di kota-kota besar Indonesia yang mencakup Jakarta, medan dll.,
Untuk mengetahui lebih lanjut tentang Pelatihan Auditor Utama, periksa Pertanyaan yang Sering Diajukan.
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iasbacklinks-blog · 5 years
sertifikat ISO 9001
sertifikat ISO 9001
Standar Internasional menetapkan beberapa persyaratan untuk Sistem Manajemen Mutu, Memenuhi persyaratan perundang-undangan dan peraturan yang berlaku. Sistem ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kepuasan pelanggan, memungkinkan perbaikan yang berkelanjutan. Standar atau sertifikasi ISO 9001:2015 (QMS) adalah standar generik dan dapat diterapkan diseluruh organisasi.
Sistem Manajemen Mutu bekerja pada delapan prinsip manajemen dan Siklus PDCA (Perencanaan, Pergerjaan, Pemeriksaan, Tindakan). Fungsi ini berdasarkan pada pendekatan didalam proses. Standar atau Sertifikasi ISO 9001:2015 dibagi menjadi 8 klausul. Klausul 1 sampai 3 merupakan klausul umum yang terkait dengan ruang lingkup, peraturan, dan definisi.
Klausul 4 sampai dengan 8 merupakan klausul pekerjaan yang membahas persyaratan Dokumentasi, Tanggung Jawab Manajemen, Manajemen Sumber Daya, Realisasi Produk dan Pemantauan serta masing-masing Pengukuran.
Sistem fokus pada perbaikan yang berkelanjutan. Hal ini dapat dilakukan dengan Rapat Tinjauan Manajemen, Audit Internal, Tindakan Koreksi dan Pencegahan, Pemantauan dari Tujuan Mutu dan Analisa Data.
Organisasi mana yang bisa masuk ke dalam Sertifikasi ISO 9001
Bersedia membangun/ mengimplementasikan Sistem Manajemen Mutu
Mencari peningkatan efektivitas kinerja dari Sistem manajemen mutu dalam organisasi.
Peningkatan kepuasan pelanggan.
Mencari pengakuan Internasional
Manfaat Sertifikasi ISO 9001
Organisasi yang telah mendapat sertifikasi dapat dengan mudah dibedakan dari organisasi lain dengan kualitas tinggi dari produk mereka, layanan dan proses.
Sistem Manajemen Mutu dari organisasi dan kinerjanya dapat dipantau dan dioptimalkan dengan cara dari Sistem Manajemen Mutu .
ISO 9001 adalah Standar yang diakui secara internasional dan berbicara diseluruh dunia, standar yang paling sering digunakan.
ISO 9001 dapat membantu organisasi apapun untuk meningkatkan kepuasan pelanggan, memotivasi karyawan dan mempromosikan budaya perbaikan yang berkelanjutan.
ISO 9001 berdasarkan delapan prinsip manajemen mutu yang terkait dan Pendekatan proses.
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iasbacklinks-blog · 5 years
ISO 50001 Certification in Madurai
Integrated Assessment Services provides ISO 50001 Certification in Madurai at an extensive rate which indicates necessities for building up, actualizing, keeping up and enhancing an energy saving working environment.
The fundamental intention is to empower an organization to pursue a methodical to decrease the energy consumption. The following methodology in accomplishing constant enhancement of the following
Energy execution
Energy proficiency
Energy utilization
Energy utilization.
Thus on how to get ISO 50001 certification in Madurai would be the immediate question that comes to your mind. You can freely approach IAS PVT for the same to get it done. ISO 50001:2011 has been intended to be utilized freely; however it very well may be adjusted or incorporated with other administration frameworks to:-
•Reduced expenses
•Improved business execution
•Reduced discharges
•Greater security of energy supply
•Improved consistence with enactment
• Well characterized energy saving approach and destinations
•Fine tune with existing administration frameworks
•Greater Safety and Security of energy supply
•More development
ISO 50001 is the International standard for Energy Management. ISO 50001 Certification Process in Madurai with IAS PVt Ltd  determines the necessities for building up, actualizing, keeping up and enhancing a energy administration framework, whose design is to empower an organization to pursue an efficient methodology in accomplishing consistent enhancement of energy execution, including energy proficiency, energy security, energy utilize and utilization. The standard plans to help organizations persistently diminish their energy utilize, and along these lines their energy costs and their ozone depleting substance discharges.
An ISO 50001 accreditation for your business, would mean better investment funds and furthermore show better duty towards the earth. Better investment funds would originate from execution of energy administration framework, lessening wastage inside your organization. It will likewise guarantee that honest to goodness endeavors are appropriately taken to secure nature.
You can also send us an email and well get in touch shortly. or You Can Call to our Number +91 9962590571 / 9600051938 Mail:[email protected]
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iasbacklinks-blog · 5 years
ISO 20000 Certification
ISO 20000 Certification
ISO/IEC 20000 is the first international standard for IT service management. IT Service Management with an integrated set of management processes for effective delivery of services to customers.ISO 20000:1-2005 is based on the ITIL (Information Technology Infrastructure Library) framework. ISO 20000 certification prescribes that the organization has adequate controls and procedures in place to consistently deliver a cost effective and quality IT service.
ISO/IEC 20000 consists of two parts:
ISO/IEC 20000-1:2005
ISO/IEC 20000 designed to help organizations develop integrated processes necessary to deliver effective managed IT services to customer.The scope includes:
Requirements for a management system
Planning and implementing IT service management
Service delivery process
Relationship processes
Resolution processes
Control processes
ISO/IEC 20000-2:2005
ISO/IEC 20000-2 has commit with the development and implementation of best practices that are needed to attain ISO/IEC 20000 objectives.
Key Features of ISO 20000 standards
ISO 20000-1:2005 is the First version of IT Service Management System standard which is applicable to all Information technology service providers and organisation depending on information technology relate to their business activities.
ISO 20000-2 is a Code of Practice that describes the best practices for Service Management processes within the scope of ISO 20000-1 The standards is particularly used for organisations preparing for an audit against ISO 20000-1 or planning of IT service improvements.
Benefits of adopting ISO/IEC 20000
By certifying your business to ITSM system against ISO/IEC 20000-1 can bring the following benefits to your organization.
ISO 20000 certification standards have demonstrate the requirements of organization which upholding a reliable IT service and infrastructure.
It provide more opportunities to improve the efficiency, reliability and consistency of IT services impacting costs and service.
Better alignment between business objectives and IT, reducing risks and improving communication between business areas.
Continual Improvement built into the processes which increase the efficiency and productivity.
Suppliers and partners will become more integrated and service focused
Its create competitive edge to business .
It create loyalty image to business in providing quality IT service to customers.
Check the Audit Procedure
Contact us
For more Information about ISO 20000 Certification and training course please contact our ISO professional team on today through Mail :[email protected] Ph: +91 9962590571 / 9600051938
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iasbacklinks-blog · 5 years
cGMP Certification
cGMP Certification
IAS adalah salah satu Lembaga Sertifikasi ISO yang dominan di Indonesia. Sertifikasi ISO 9001: 2015 di Indonesia sangat direkomendasikan untuk semua jenis organisasi, terlepas dari ukuran atau kategorinya. Untuk sertifikasi ISO 9001 perusahaan harus mengikuti spesifikasi hambatan dalam Standar ISO 9001. Sertifikasi membantu organisasi untuk meningkatkan dalam berbagai tingkatan termasuk meningkatkan kepemimpinan dalam organisasi dan fokus pada spesifikasi pelanggan dan peningkatan berkelanjutan dll. Terlepas dari ukuran organisasi, Sistem Manajemen Mutu (SMM) membantu organisasi untuk mencapai tujuan dan sasaran dengan mencatat metode, strategi, dan wewenang untuk mencapai kebijakan yang berkualitas. QMS yang berorientasi pada proses memberikan pengaruh kepada organisasi untuk mengidentifikasi, mengevaluasi, mengelola, dan meningkatkan berbagai strategi bisnis inti yang pada akhirnya akan mengarah pada kinerja bisnis yang semakin intensif. Sertifikasi membantu membuka bisnis Anda ke pasar luar negeri dan juga pasti membantu mengesankan klien luar negeri dengan kualitas bisnis dan produk serta layanannya. Sertifikasi ISO 9001 di Indonesia oleh IAS memastikan bahwa strategi organisasi Anda saat ini memenuhi persyaratan minimum standar internasional, juga memastikan bahwa ia mampu secara efektif meningkatkan produktivitas bisnis yang konstan. Organisasi bersertifikat ISO 9001 dianggap sebagai yang paling terkenal di industri global. Merek dan citra organisasi akan ditingkatkan dengan mencapai sertifikasi QMS.ISO 9001 untuk bisnis adalah alat yang ampuh untuk meningkatkan kredibilitas organisasi dengan menunjukkan bahwa produk atau layanan Anda memenuhi harapan pelanggan Anda.
Mengapa IAS
Pengalaman dan kehadiran global IAS telah menciptakan sejarah pelaksanaan proyek-proyek internasional berskala besar yang kompleks dan sukses. Orang-orang kami memahami budaya dan sifat pasar lokal dan tampil secara internasional dengan cara yang efektif dan andal. Sertifikasi ISO 9001: 2015 adalah representasi dari stabilitas dan kontinuitas kinerja organisasi Anda untuk mencapai dan melampaui harapan pelanggan. Saat ini pembeli tidak siap untuk mengambil risiko, untuk mengurangi risiko pembelian produk berkualitas rendah, mereka selalu mencari produk dan layanan bersertifikasi ISO kualitas terbaik.
ISO 9001 bukan standar untuk suatu produk atau layanan untuk menentukan kualitasnya. Standar ISO 9001 adalah standar berbasis proses yang dapat Anda gunakan untuk mengelola proses Anda untuk menghadirkan kualitas yang diinginkan pada produk akhir. Sertifikasi ISO 9001 membantu organisasi untuk menumbuhkan dan meningkatkan kinerja, serta menunjukkan kualitas layanan tingkat tinggi ketika mengajukan penawaran untuk kontrak. Retensi karyawan, peningkatan produktivitas dan kinerja organisasi, ruang lingkup untuk perbaikan berkelanjutan, membantu mempertahankan kepemimpinan yang kuat adalah beberapa manfaat lain dari sertifikasi ISO 9001. Organisasi dapat dengan mudah meningkatkan kualitas bisnis dan dengan demikian mencapai kepuasan pelanggan dengan mendapatkan sertifikasi ISO 9001.
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iasbacklinks-blog · 5 years
ISO Certification for Medical Equipments in Chennai
ISO 13485 Certification in Chennai
Integrated Assessment Services Provides ISO 13485 Certification in Chennai for medical devices manufactures. ISO 13485 Certification determines prerequisites for a quality management framework where an organisation needs to show its capacity to give restorative equipments and related managements that reliably meet client and material management necessities.
ISO 13485 Certification is a Management Systems Standard particularly produced for the make of Medical Devices. How to Get ISO 13485 Certification in Chennai in a professional way would be the biggest question in your thoughts. We always remain the right solution for the same. ISO 13485 Certification Process in Chennai with IAS will set an administrative prerequisites or, when determined, client necessities for an management framework for medicinal equipment or managements. The essential target of ISO 13485 is to orchestrate restorative gadget administrative necessities for quality management frameworks. The standard is particular to organisations giving medicinal equipments or managements, paying little respect to the sort or size of the organisation. In view of the ISO 9001 process way to deal with quality management, ISO 13485 spotlights on what producers must do to give protected and viable medicinal gadget.
ISO 13485 is a Management Systems Standard particularly produced for the fabricate of Medical Devices. ISO 13485 Certification in Chennai with IAS maintains an essential goal is to encourage fit therapeutic device as per administrative necessities. ISO 13485:2003 is the most recent adaptation of ISO 13485, distributed in July 2003. This standard depends on the ISO 9001:2000 processes demonstrate approach. Quality Management System for Medical Devices or ISO 13485 Certification requires an organisation to show the capacity of restorative hardware and related managements.
ISO 13485 Certification in Chennai with IAS will help organisation work towards ISO 13485:2012 Certification which incorporates
• Writing ISO 13485 Manual
• Writing 13485 Procedures
• Designing Forms required by the ISO 13485 Standard
• ISO 13485 Internal review
• ISO 13485 Certification.
You can also send us an email and well get in touch shortly. or You Can Call to our Number +91 9962590571 / 9600051938 Mail:[email protected]
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iasbacklinks-blog · 5 years
Sertifikasi ISO 9001
IAS adalah salah satu Lembaga Sertifikasi ISO yang dominan di Indonesia. Sertifikasi ISO 9001 di Indonesia sangat direkomendasikan untuk semua jenis organisasi, terlepas dari ukuran atau kategorinya. Untuk sertifikasi ISO 9001 perusahaan harus mengikuti spesifikasi hambatan dalam Standar ISO 9001. Sertifikasi membantu organisasi untuk meningkatkan dalam berbagai tingkatan termasuk meningkatkan kepemimpinan dalam organisasi dan fokus pada spesifikasi pelanggan dan peningkatan berkelanjutan dll. Terlepas dari ukuran organisasi, Sistem Manajemen Mutu (SMM) membantu organisasi untuk mencapai tujuan dan sasaran dengan mencatat metode, strategi, dan wewenang untuk mencapai kebijakan yang berkualitas. QMS yang berorientasi pada proses memberikan pengaruh kepada organisasi untuk mengidentifikasi, mengevaluasi, mengelola, dan meningkatkan berbagai strategi bisnis inti yang pada akhirnya akan mengarah pada kinerja bisnis yang semakin intensif. Sertifikasi membantu membuka bisnis Anda ke pasar luar negeri dan juga pasti membantu mengesankan klien luar negeri dengan kualitas bisnis dan produk serta layanannya. Sertifikasi ISO 9001 di Indonesia oleh IAS memastikan bahwa strategi organisasi Anda saat ini memenuhi persyaratan minimum standar internasional, juga memastikan bahwa ia mampu secara efektif meningkatkan produktivitas bisnis yang konstan. Organisasi bersertifikat ISO 9001 dianggap sebagai yang paling terkenal di industri global. Merek dan citra organisasi akan ditingkatkan dengan mencapai sertifikasi QMS.ISO 9001 untuk bisnis adalah alat yang ampuh untuk meningkatkan kredibilitas organisasi dengan menunjukkan bahwa produk atau layanan Anda memenuhi harapan pelanggan Anda.
Mengapa IAS
Pengalaman dan kehadiran global IAS telah menciptakan sejarah pelaksanaan proyek-proyek internasional berskala besar yang kompleks dan sukses. Orang-orang kami memahami budaya dan sifat pasar lokal dan tampil secara internasional dengan cara yang efektif dan andal. Sertifikasi ISO 9001: 2015 adalah representasi dari stabilitas dan kontinuitas kinerja organisasi Anda untuk mencapai dan melampaui harapan pelanggan. Saat ini pembeli tidak siap untuk mengambil risiko, untuk mengurangi risiko pembelian produk berkualitas rendah, mereka selalu mencari produk dan layanan bersertifikasi ISO kualitas terbaik.
ISO 9001 bukan standar untuk suatu produk atau layanan untuk menentukan kualitasnya. Standar ISO 9001 adalah standar berbasis proses yang dapat Anda gunakan untuk mengelola proses Anda untuk menghadirkan kualitas yang diinginkan pada produk akhir. Sertifikasi ISO 9001 membantu organisasi untuk menumbuhkan dan meningkatkan kinerja, serta menunjukkan kualitas layanan tingkat tinggi ketika mengajukan penawaran untuk kontrak. Retensi karyawan, peningkatan produktivitas dan kinerja organisasi, ruang lingkup untuk perbaikan berkelanjutan, membantu mempertahankan kepemimpinan yang kuat adalah beberapa manfaat lain dari sertifikasi ISO 9001. Organisasi dapat dengan mudah meningkatkan kualitas bisnis dan dengan demikian mencapai kepuasan pelanggan dengan mendapatkan sertifikasi ISO 9001.
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iasbacklinks-blog · 5 years
Training iso jakarta
Training iso jakarta
Layanan Penilaian PT.Integrated adalah organisasi terdaftar di Indonesia dan grup perusahaan dari M / s. Layanan Penilaian Terintegrasi Pvt. Ltd. (IAS-INDIA). IAS memiliki kehadiran langsung di 6 negara dan rekanannya di 14 negara lainnya untuk memberikan sertifikasi ISO, kegiatan pelatihan ISO kepada pelanggannya.
Sejak awal 2007, telah tumbuh dalam banyak cara dalam bisnis sertifikasi. Para direkturnya memiliki keyakinan yang kuat dalam memberikan layanan berkualitas kepada pelanggannya secara transparan dan efisien.
Layanan Penilaian Terpadu akan mengelola operasinya di Indonesia di bawah pengawasan dan bimbingan IAS-INDIA. Kami mengaudit dan mengeluarkan sertifikasi berdasarkan standar populer berikut seperti ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 22000, ISO 45001, ISO 50001, ISO 27001, ISO 20000-1, ISO 13485, TS 16949, ISO 15189 dll., Dan standar ISO lainnya sesuai kebutuhan pelanggan.
Memiliki kehadiran yang kuat dalam Sertifikasi telah melengkapi IAS dalam memberikan program pelatihan tentang Auditor Utama ISO, pelatihan Auditor Internal dan Pelatihan Kesadaran dll.,
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iasbacklinks-blog · 5 years
ISO 13485 Certification provider in Mumbai
Integrated Assessment Services is a ISO 13485 Certification provider in Mumbai for medical devices manufactures. ISO 13485 Certification determines prerequisites for a quality management framework where an organisation needs to show its capacity to give restorative equipments and related managements that reliably meet client and material management necessities.
ISO 13485 Certification is a Management Systems Standard particularly produced for the make of Medical Devices. How to Get ISO 13485 Certification in Mumbai in a professional way would be the biggest question in your thoughts. We always remain the right solution for the same. ISO 13485 Certification Process in Mumbai with IAS will set an administrative prerequisites or, when determined, client necessities for an management framework for medicinal equipment or managements. The essential target of ISO 13485 is to orchestrate restorative gadget administrative necessities for quality management frameworks. The standard is particular to organisations giving medicinal equipments or managements, paying little respect to the sort or size of the organisation. In view of the ISO 9001 process way to deal with quality management, ISO 13485 spotlights on what producers must do to give protected and viable medicinal gadget.
ISO 13485 is a Management Systems Standard particularly produced for the fabricate of Medical Devices. ISO 13485 Certification in Mumbai with IAS maintains an essential goal is to encourage fit therapeutic device as per administrative necessities. ISO 13485:2003 is the most recent adaptation of ISO 13485, distributed in July 2003. This standard depends on the ISO 9001:2000 processes demonstrate approach. Quality Management System for Medical Devices or ISO 13485 Certification requires an organisation to show the capacity of restorative hardware and related managements.
ISO 13485 Certification in Mumbai with IAS will help organisation work towards ISO 13485:2012 Certification which incorporates
• Writing ISO 13485 Manual
• Writing 13485 Procedures
• Designing Forms required by the ISO 13485 Standard
• ISO 13485 Internal review
• ISO 13485 Certification.
Advantages of ISO 13485 Certification in Jodhpur with IAS :-
• Demonstration of responsibility to meet legitimate and control necessities
• Guarantee of consistency of a creation procedure and in this way of a steady and high calibre of managements rendered and items provided to clients
• Demonstration of appropriateness, proficiency and adequacy of the actualised quality management framework by a third autonomous gathering
• Increase in nature of the management framework, enhancement of the organisation’s hierarchical structure
• Improvement of request and an expansion in viability in the whole organisation
• Optimisation of expenses – decrease in working costs, diminish in expenses of non-acclimating items, investment funds in crude materials, vitality and different assets
• Increase in certainty of open and state control bodies in producer of restorative equipment
ISO 13485 contains necessities that are fundamental for any organisation working at any level in the medicinal gadget and pharmaceutical inventory network. ISO 13485 Certification in Mumbai with IAS would be a right option for the developments of your organisation and to reach the next level.
You can also send us an email and well get in touch shortly or You Can Call to our Number +91 9962590571 / 9600051938 Mail:[email protected]
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iasbacklinks-blog · 5 years
ISO 13485 Certification Provider in Delhi
Integrated Assessment Services is a ISO 13485 Certification Provider in Delhi for medical devices manufactures. ISO 13485 Certification determines prerequisites for a quality management framework where an organisation needs to show its capacity to give restorative equipments and related managements that reliably meet client and material management necessities.
ISO 13485 Certification is a Management Systems Standard particularly produced for the make of Medical Devices.How to Get ISO 13485 Certification in Delhi in a professional way would be the biggest question in your thoughts. We always remain the right solution for the same. ISO 13485 Certification Process in Delhi with IAS will set an administrative prerequisites or, when determined, client necessities for an management framework for medicinal equipments or managements. The essential target of ISO 13485 is to orchestrate restorative gadget administrative necessities for quality management frameworks. The standard is particular to organisations giving medicinal equipments or managements, paying little respect to the sort or size of the organisation. In view of the ISO 9001 process way to deal with quality management, ISO 13485 spotlights on what producers must do to give protected and viable medicinal gadget
ISO 13485 is a Management Systems Standard particularly produced for the fabricate of Medical Devices. ISO 13485 Certification in Delhi with IAS maintains an essential goal is to encourage fit therapeutic device as per administrative necessities. ISO 13485:2003 is the most recent adaptation of ISO 13485, distributed in July 2003. This standard depends on the ISO 9001:2000 processes demonstrate approach. Quality Management System for Medical Devices or ISO 13485 Certification requires an organisation to show the capacity of restorative hardware and related managements.
ISO 13485 Certification in Delhi with IAS will help organisation work towards ISO 13485:2012 Certification which incorporates
• Writing ISO 13485 Manual
• Writing 13485 Procedures
• Designing Forms required by the ISO 13485 Standard
• ISO 13485 Internal review
• ISO 13485 Certification.
Advantages of ISO 13485 Certification in Delhi with IAS  :-
• Demonstration of responsibility to meet legitimate and control necessities
• Guarantee of consistency of a creation procedure and in this way of a steady and high calibre of managements rendered and items provided to clients
• Demonstration of appropriateness, proficiency and adequacy of the actualised quality management framework by a third autonomous gathering
• Increase in nature of the management framework, enhancement of the organisation’s hierarchical structure
• Improvement of request and an expansion in viability in the whole organisation
• Optimization of expenses – decrease in working costs, diminish in expenses of non-acclimating items, investment funds in crude materials, vitality and different assets
• Increase in certainty of open and state control bodies in producer of restorative equipments
ISO 13485 contains necessities that are fundamental for any organisation working at any level in the medicinal gadget and pharmaceutical inventory network. ISO 13485 Certification in Delhi with IAS  would be a right option for the developments of your organisation and to reach the next level.
You can also send us an email and well get in touch shortly. or You Can Call to our Number +91 9962590571 / 9600051938 Mail:[email protected]
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iasbacklinks-blog · 5 years
ISO Certification for Medical Equipments in Hyderabad
Integrated Assessment Services Pvt Ltd does ISO Certification for Medical Equipments in Hyderabad for a long tenure. HACCP is a nourishment wellbeing framework intended to distinguish and control risks that may happen in the sustenance creation process. The HACCP  Certification  Process in Hyderabad  with IAS Pvt Ltd approaches counteracting potential issues that are basic to nourishment security known as ‘Critical control point’ (CCP) through checking and controlling each progression of the procedure. HACCP applies science-based controls from crude materials to completed items.
Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP) is a procedure control framework intended for any organisation for individuals who are managing Manufacturing, exchanging, supply, retailing, pressing, transportation, cultivating and so forth of nourishment item to distinguish and counteract microbial and different risks in natural pecking order. .How to Get HACCP Certification in Hyderabad shouldn’t be a difficult question as IAS Pvt Ltd would be there to guide your organisation in same. HACCP Certification Process in Hyderabad with IAS helps to incorporate steps intended to forestall issues before they happen and to redress deviations through an orderly path when they are identified.
HACCP Certification Process in Hyderabad with our company is the deliberate precaution way to deal with sustenance security. It tends to physical, concoction, and organic hazards as a methods for counteractive action as opposed to completed item review. This methodology has huge advantages to organisations working inside the sustenance store network as it empowers them to decide key powers over procedures and focus assets on exercises that are basic to guaranteeing safe nourishment.
Retailers, the nourishment business and Government specifically are worried about guaranteeing that sustenance is created securely and that the customer believes in the item. HACCP  Certification  services in Hyderabad  along with IAS Pvt Ltd has prompted an expansion in enactment after some time that has focussed after guaranteeing safe frameworks of sustenance creation. In the UK the 1995 Food Safety Amendment Regulations, out of the blue required producers and suppliers to receive HACCP to guarantee sustenance wellbeing.
The Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points or HACCP Certification is the hazard investigation and basic essential issue nourishment wellbeing administration framework is a procedure control framework that is intended for recognizing and anticipating microbial and different dangers in sustenance creation and whole evolved way of life. HACCP incorporates an extensive variety of measures that are intended to avert issues before they happen and for revising deviations through a methodical way quickly and when they are identified
Advantages of HACCP Certification services in Hyderabad  in association with IAS are:-
•Development of a deterrent methodology towards sustenance wellbeing.
•Helping in distinguishing process upgrades utilizing HACCP
•Reducing the requirement for, and the expense of finished result testing.
•Complementary to quality administration frameworks, for example, ISO 9000.
•Assists in giving proof of due tirelessness.
•Reduces the odds of item review and antagonistic exposure.
•Further improves consumer loyalty.
•Facilitates better and finish comprehension of nourishment bundling wellbeing issues all through the organisation.
•Brings enhancements in staff’s execution through Improves staff resolve and inspiration through a cleaner and more advantageous workplace.
ISO 13485 contains necessities that are fundamental for any organisation working at any level in the medicinal gadget and pharmaceutical inventory network. ISO 13485 Certification in Hyderabad with IAS  would be a right option for the developments of your organisation and to reach the next level.
You can also send us an email and well get in touch shortly. or You Can Call to our Number +91 9962590571 / 9600051938 Mail:[email protected]
Contact Now
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iasbacklinks-blog · 5 years
ISO 50001 Certification Service in Ahmedabad
Integrated Assessment Services provides ISO 50001 Certification services in Ahmedabad at an extensive rate which indicates necessities for building up, actualizing, keeping up and enhancing an energy saving working environment.
The fundamental intention is to empower an organization to pursue a methodical to decrease the energy consumption. The following methodology in accomplishing constant enhancement of the following
Energy execution
Energy proficiency
Energy utilization
Energy utilization.
Thus on how to get ISO 50001 certification in Ahmedabad would be the immediate question that comes to your mind. You can freely approach IAS PVT for the same to get it done. ISO 50001:2011 has been intended to be utilized freely; however it very well may be adjusted or incorporated with other administration frameworks to:-
• Reduced expenses
• Improved business execution
• Reduced discharges
• Greater security of energy supply
• Improved consistence with enactment
• Well characterized energy saving approach and destinations
• Fine tune with existing administration frameworks
• Greater Safety and Security of energy supply
• More development
ISO 50001 is the International standard for Energy Management. ISO 50001 Certification Process in Ahmedabad with IAS PVt Ltd  determines the necessities for building up, actualizing, keeping up and enhancing a energy administration framework, whose design is to empower an organization to pursue an efficient methodology in accomplishing consistent enhancement of energy execution, including energy proficiency, energy security, energy utilize and utilization. The standard plans to help organizations persistently diminish their energy utilize, and along these lines their energy costs and their ozone depleting substance discharges.
An ISO 50001 accreditation for your business, would mean better investment funds and furthermore show better duty towards the earth. Better investment funds would originate from execution of energy administration framework, lessening wastage inside your organization. It will likewise guarantee that honest to goodness endeavors are appropriately taken to secure nature.
The proficient group of examiners at IAS Pvt Ltd give end to end help guaranteeing a consistent and simple progress through the affirmation procedure. An in-depth review of existing frameworks inside the organization will cast the plan for winning the accreditation. If the review uncovers that all prerequisites of ISO 50001 are set up, the group will evaluate the usage and continue with the energy administration framework quality affirmation.
Accreditation according to ISO 50001 Certification Process in Ahmedabad with IAS  would imply that your business is overseeing energy proficiently. It would imply that your ozone harming substance discharges are impressively lessened and that EnMS is helping reach towards meeting ecological targets. Such an accreditation would demonstrate, to the point that your business is a dependable one and keeps energy administration as its most essential target.
• A noteworthy enhancement of the energy execution level from an underlying energy gauge.
• Supports the advancement of a energy arrangement and adds to the structure of a energy intend to accomplish set targets.
• Uses information to all the more likely comprehend and settle on choices concerning energy utilize and utilization
• Reviews the adequacy of the energy arrangement
• Continually enhances energy administration
• Facilitates commitment (duty and understanding) of administration and has a positive commitment towards the energy targets.
• Creates mindfulness and a dedication about energy (i.e. utilization, utilize, effectiveness, sustainable sources) inside the organization.
• Improves the capacity of organizations to oversee energy dangers concerning conceivable effects in a proficient and viable way.
• Strengthens the intensity of organizations and lessens their defencelessness as for energy value variance and accessibility of energy.
• Allows organizations to increase dependable outer perceivability of energy sparing activities.
• Provides a superior comprehension between unsurprising energy request and supply.
• Reduces energy costs and enhances benefit
Successful energy administration won’t just help shield our future for ages to come however ISO 50001 Certification Process in Ahmedabad in association with IAS can be the way to build gainfulness and supportability for each organization. It is intended for organizations trying to take control of their energy utilize. Thus Implement ISO 50001 Certification Process in Ahmedabad with IAS Pvt Ltd would be a nice decision for the benefit of your organisation.
You can also send us an email and well get in touch shortly. or You Can Call to our Number +91 9962590571 / 9600051938 Mail:[email protected]
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iasbacklinks-blog · 5 years
ISO 18001 Internal Auditor Course
ISO 18001 Internal Auditor Course
Any Occupational Health and Safety (OH&S) Management system specifies processes to continuously improve your OH&S performance and at the same time, comply with legislation. It provides the framework to seamlessly integrate the OH&S management system with your overall business plan. OHSAS 18001:2007 is an international occupational health and safety management system specification that empowers an organization to control its OH&S risks and improve its performance.
Duration: 2 days
Method: Class room session with exercises.
People involved in the implementation or maintenance of ISO
Individuals looking for better position in ISO certified companies.
Qualification or Age is not a criterion.
Process owners in an organization.
Can be qualified internal auditor in the organization.
Better understanding of QMS systems
Can provide value addition to the system.
Slide shows, course materials, Exercises etc shall be provided.
Also check frequently asked Questions
For detail discussion over phone or in-person, kindly contact our executives through Mail: [email protected] Mobile:+91 9962590571 / 8220666148
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iasbacklinks-blog · 5 years
Green certification
IAS offers Green certification is international standard which is an initiative of United Academy of Business (UAB) UK and recognizes green efforts of society at large. Green Certification Standard demonstrates the requirements of organization’s ability to deliver products & services that has no significant adverse impact on the environment & society. Requirements of Green Standard are assessed following International Standards to account, monitor and report Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR).
Key Features of Green Certification:
Deliver Green Product
Maintain a Green Process to deliver Product or Service provision
Provide a Green System towards a Sustainable Business
Be a Potentially Carbon Neutral Organization.
The Main focuses of green certification are to make green environment and an attribution to safe work-place and work-practices.
Carbon Neutrality
Green Product
Green Process
Green System
Resource Optimization
IAS professional team has expertise in implementing green certification standard in your organization for long sustainability among competitors. We are contributing with you friendly for employ green certification in your organization and show that you are very serious about environment and society.
Check the Audit Procedure
Contact us
For more Information about Green certification and training course please contact our ISO professional team on today through Mail:[email protected] and Ph:+91 9962590571 / 9600051938
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iasbacklinks-blog · 5 years
Tujuan utama pembelajaran Kursus sertifikasi ISO 9001 di Indonesia adalah untuk memberikan pemahaman yang lebih baik tentang definisi, konsep, dan pedoman manajemen mutu. Kursus ini akan membantu Anda mengidentifikasi tujuan, manfaat, dan persyaratan audit ISO 9001: 2015
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iasbacklinks-blog · 5 years
ISO 22000 Internal Auditor Training
Imparts food safety management. The internal auditors ensure the safety and purity of the food products. The course in this regard provides food industry auditing professionals the knowledge and the technicality to assess the organization’s food safety management system, identify risks and provide valuable information and evaluate whether any action has to be taken and mitigate its risks. Our ISO 22000 Internal Auditor Training programs involve extensive coverage on food safety and enable the employees to be aware of food safety management.
Duration: 2 days
Method: Class room session with exercises.
People involved in the implementation or maintenance of ISO Individuals looking for better position in ISO certified companies. Qualification or Age is not a criterion. Process owners in an organization.
Can be qualified internal auditor in the organization. Better understanding of QMS systems Can provide value addition to the system.
Slide shows, course materials, Exercises etc shall be provided.
Also check frequently asked Questions
For detail discussion over phone or in-person, kindly contact our executives through Mail: [email protected] Mobile:+91 9962590571 / 8220666148
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