iazlove · 4 years
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There are two common reasons cited for attacks. Firstly, sharks mistake swimmers for their usual prey such as seals, especially if they thrash about in water and wear shiny objects that resemble fish skin. Secondly, sharks take an exploratory bite to see if we are suitable food and when they discover we are puny fare, we are spat out. The purpose of the photo is to convey the message of sharks being dangerous, and keep out of that specific area. This photo is deceptive, because it’s message is not always true, sometimes some animals might try to attack only reason being cause their self defensing themselves, just like we humans would do. 
# 2, The content outside the frame would change the meaning. 
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iazlove · 4 years
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The Fall manages to deliver a creepy environment through its good use of environmental design, such as the notes from former employees, the decaying nature of the entire place and also the darkened visuals to make you feel you really are quite below the surface of the planet. I believe the photo manipulation was not meant to noticed, because the dark color in the background and red lighting of the mushroom invoke a dark feeling of something horrible is to happen. The purpose of this photo is to invoke dark spirits make the audience a little jumpy. I feel like the photo is creative, making me think consciously of this image in a new way, instead of horrific thoughts, this photo to me also shows hope. 
# 1, the content inside the frame is arranged/ posed in a way that changes the meaning. 
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iazlove · 4 years
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Billed as "The terrifying motion picture from the terrifying No 1 bestseller," Jaws has shaped the way many of us view sharks. But the creatures don't deserve their vicious reputation, writes Mary Colwell. Many of animals nowadays are viewed as vicious, blood thirsty and dangerous without realizing the true meaning behind their act. I believe the photo manipulation was not meant to be noticed, because the point the photo is portraying is the shark is trying to harm the people on board. The photo is definitely, deceptive, because it’s meant to play with our eyes and mind and build a terrifying, image of sharks being dangerous, and harmful. 
# 1, The content inside the frame is arranged/ posed in a way that changes the meaning. 
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iazlove · 4 years
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The skin features shown in a portrait of Minnie Driver have been manipulated to create the image on the left. Much of the freckles/ spots on the skin have been edited, to make the skin look as if shiny, glowing, and clear. Definitely, when the photo was taken the photo manipulation was not meant to be noticed, because it would ruin the reputation and wouldn’t be good for a public image, knowing the skin was highly edited to make look better. The purpose of the edit was definitely to make the photo look better, also known as Aesthetic, but it also is deceptive for those young girl’s and women who might compare her “naturally glowing freckle free skin”, with their skin, thinking her skin is beautiful naturally. This is a lesson, to never judge a book by it’s cover, cause without reading the book you can never tell what the real meaning is behind it. 
# 4, The photo has been edited after it was taken. 
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iazlove · 4 years
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When Hurricane Sandy struck the East Coast back in October, the photograph above was widely send around by people who believed that it showed the storm bearing down NYC, but this photo is manipulated to make it seem as if a storm was to hit NYC, but it didn’t. The image is actually a composite photograph that combines an ordinary photo of the Statue of Liberty with a well-known image by weather photographer Mike Hollingshead.
The posing and or photo-manipulation was not meant be to be noticed, or easily seen, because if the photo was meant to be noticed easily of false news, people would have realized that this photo has once been 2 photos, but now it’s merged in to one. I believe this photo is deceptive clearly, it was not to make a photo look better, or make you consciously think of something in a new way. The photo was to deceive the eye making many people believe of a storm coming to NYC, and those who didn’t research or find sources to check the information before taking as the truth, believed what the eyes have seen. 
# 3, The photo has been misrepresented as  representing something else. 
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iazlove · 4 years
0P6A3595_PBarilari by Pablo Barilari Via Flickr: Florida Everglades. Alligator Alley - South Florida Wild and Nature Photography, by Pablo Barilari.
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iazlove · 5 years
 The picture was taken at the time of sunset and has a amazing representations of the contrasting and vibrant colors. This pictures shows amazing and natural beauty of mother nature. 
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*:・゚✧*:・゚✧ beautiful but sunset captured near woodbine center. I love the warm, red and vibrant hue contrasted through the photo and the fluffy looking texture of the clouds.  ✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
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iazlove · 5 years
I love the colors they stand out, the reflection is just amazingly green. Love the nature. 
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Check out our landscape blog - https://ift.tt/2sGLyRv Watersprite Lake, BC [OC][2610x4640] via /r/EarthPorn https://ift.tt/2UZV1kW
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iazlove · 5 years
I love the use of vibrant colors and the contrast of each one. Just a breath taking reflection on the water of the mountains, trees and birds.
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Check out our landscape blog - https://ift.tt/2sGLyRv Vermont is on fire right now… Sunrise this past Saturday in the Groton State Forest. [OC][3000x2400] via /r/EarthPorn https://ift.tt/2olarUw
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iazlove · 5 years
# protect nature’s beautiful sites. 
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Check out our landscape blog - https://ift.tt/2sGLyRv Fall in Jasper National Park [OC] [3991x3991] via /r/EarthPorn https://ift.tt/2nWvzAg
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iazlove · 5 years
Beautiful Green grass and a cute little deer. 
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iazlove · 5 years
This is an eye opener and a step ahead for human kind. 
Essay from the climate scientist, Michael Mann, published in Time Magazine:
There is a long history of industry-funded “deflection campaigns” aimed to divert attention from big polluters and place the burden on individuals. Individual action is important and something we should all champion. But appearing to force Americans to give up meat, or travel, or other things central to the lifestyle they’ve chosen to live is politically dangerous: it plays right into the hands of climate-change deniers whose strategy tends to be to portray climate champions as freedom-hating totalitarians.
The bigger issue is that focusing on individual choices around air travel and beef consumption heightens the risk of losing sight of the gorilla in the room: civilization’s reliance on fossil fuels for energy and transport overall, which accounts for roughly two-thirds of global carbon emissions. We need systemic changes that will reduce everyone’s carbon footprint, whether or not they care. The good news is we have tactics to bring environmentally friendly (and non-lifestyle-disrupting) options to fruition­: pricing carbon emissions and creating incentives for renewable energy and reduced consumption. By putting a price on carbon, people can actually make money by reducing emissions, selling their services to corporations that are always looking for ways to cut costs. Never underestimate the resourcefulness of Americans when there’s a dime to be made! But a price on carbon needs to be designed such that marginalized communities most at risk from climate impacts aren’t adversely impacted economically as well.
This is why we really need political change at every level, from local leaders to federal legislators all the way up to the President. We need change not just at the breakfast table, but at the ballot box as well.
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iazlove · 5 years
Beautiful Black dress with matching net slippers. 
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Christian Dior Fall 2019 Couture
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iazlove · 5 years
Love the beautiful sunset view. 
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Tower Bridge, London, England. 🇬🇧
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iazlove · 5 years
Beautiful Black long dress. 
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Christian Dior Fall 2019 Couture
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iazlove · 5 years
Im so proud of that girl way the go!. I’m happy for the man that he got punished for what he did. 
Man stalks middle school classmate for 17 years, is given 26 year sentence
A Seattle-area man was given a 26 ½-year prison term for waging a 17-year campaign of harassment against a former classmate he met in middle school. Prosecutors are calling this the longest sentence for stalking in memory.
Shawn Moul, 31, passively accepted the sentence last week which came about six months after being convicted on two felony counts of stalking and 19 counts of violating anti-harassment orders.
Moul began stalking classmate Tracy Lundeen in 1994, shortly after Lundeen saw him at the school library struggling with his homework and offered to help him. Lundeen said Moul began following her and wrote her more than 100 letters, alternately threatening her and vowing to kill himself. He also contacted Lundeen’s family members, demanding that she contact him.
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iazlove · 5 years
Beautiful dresses in black and Red. Love the design. 
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Zuhair Murad | Fall/Winter 2019
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